Her head snaps up when she hears a knock on her door. She's the only one at the station, or so she thought. Wynonna. Of Course. Officer Nicole Haught doesn't exactly dislike the girl, but she does dislike the attitude Wynonna doesn't bother to hide around the station. It's almost condescending, as if she thinks she's better equipped to handle the law enforcement issues facing this town than a trained officer. It's infuriating.

She's not stupid. Nicole knows there's something weird going on in this town. She's worked in other small towns before, and things can be a little crazy anywhere. But this town? The level of crazy is extraordinary. Wynonna is obviously a part of it. She may not be causing the craziness, but she definitely knows what's going on. The fact that she won't let Nicole or the other officers in on it is, yet again, infuriating.

Still.. Wynonna, as infuriating as she may be, is Waverly's sister. Waverly. Beautiful, caring Waverly. If things with Waverly go the way she wishes, she'll need to get along with Wynonna. She eyes the whiskey bottle in Wynonna's hand and thinks a drunken bonding session may be the way to go.

With half the bottle gone, she finds herself sitting on the floor next to a laughing Wynonna Earp. Her laugh reminds Nicole of the first time she met Waverly, and she can't help but smile. It's not like this was anything special; Nicole's thoughts usually find a way back to Waverly.

"Dude. You're like a walking bumper sticker.. who's armed." Nicole chuckles at Wynonna's drunken description of her thoughts on Waverly. She doesn't need to know just how often Nicole thinks about Waverly or how that dedication has allowed her to refine her understanding of Waverly's actions. "Waverly should be hanging out with you." And there it is. Wynonna has just voiced the thing Nicole yearns for more than almost anything. A wave of relief momentarily passes through her body. She doesn't get too excited, however; she knows Wynonna isn't thinking about the same type of relationship she's thinking of. It does lighten her heart a little, though, to know Wynonna—who disapproves so fiercely of Waverly's relationship with Champ—would spontaneously suggest that Nicole would be good company for her sister.

Maybe she'll use that to her advantage when she next decides to ask Waverly on a date… Because yes. She will be asking her out again.

"Your sister okay?" Nicole tries not to sound overly concerned as she asked about Waverly Earp. She exhales in relief at Wynonna's short affirmation; she must not be so obvious about her feelings after all.

Waverly Earp. It just had to be Waverly Earp. Nicole had a lot of crushes in life, but never had one been so dangerous. Waverly herself wasn't a dangerous person. No, Waverly was a kind, generous, extraordinary person. The danger comes in the circumstances surrounding them. Not only do Waverly and her loved ones seem to attract dangerous situations, but Waverly evokes emotions in Nicole that, although have the potential for amazingness, have the potential to completely destroy Nicole if things turned sour.

Shaking herself out of her thoughts, Nicole agrees to grab breakfast with Wynona. Hopefully, this breakfast would help her finally learn what the hell has been going on around here. As she turns to get back into her squad car, she tries to resist looking toward Waverly, but her eyes are drawn to the girl. She catches Waverly's eye in the distance. Waverly waves at her, and she wants nothing more than to go check for herself just how Waverly is coping with the night's events. Instead, she gives a wave and worried smile back. The look Waverly shoots back is nothing she was prepared for. At first, Waverly looks shy, but she quickly locks eyes with Nicole, throwing her a smirk that makes Waverly look almost naughty. Nicole's breath instantly catches in her throat, and she has to remember where she is and what she is doing. Blushing, she quickly turns to enter the driver's seat and escape before she does something inappropriate.

Waverly Earp will be the death of me.

Officer Hot, indeed. Waverly should feel guilty about eyeing up the redhead while her friend was so clearly upset about the evening's events. Maybe she should even be more upset about stabbing a pair of scissors through a strippers head; or from losing a friend; or from almost dying herself. After all, it's not every day you commit homicide (however justifiable) or face off with zombies and witchesl. She doesn't feel guilty or upset though. Instead, she feels alive. It's the kind of alive that's almost too much, so much you want to share it with someone. Not just someone, she thinks. With that one.

She observes Nicole for a few minutes, wondering why she never called to get her that coffee. I'll have to remedy that, she thinks. Upon catching Nicole's eye, Waverly can't help but throw her hand up in a greeting. The look that crosses Nicole's face makes Waverly's breath catch in her throat. Nicole looks so relieved and yet still so worried. She looks as though she was scared she almost lost her world, that Waverly is her world and she couldn't stand if anything happened to her. Waverly's face softens in response.

She had only just broken up with Champ. Ugh. Champ, the beautiful idiot who seemed like the best she could get. She never expected to meet anyone like this woman. She's so caring and beautiful and smart. Waverly could definitely get attached to someone with whom she could have actual conversations. And that smile… It always teases Waverly with something deeper. The sparkle that always accompanies that smile tells her how important these interactions are to Nicole. She isn't alone in her intrigue, and that is perhaps the best part. There's a mutual interest that isn't just physical—although she wouldn't deny that physical interest existed too.

At that thought, Waverly's thoughts turn to the possibilities a physical relationship with the police officer could entail. The mental image she conjures up causes a warmth to travel through Waverly's body despite the scant clothing she has to protect her from the chill in the air. Waverly blushes and looks down briefly before deciding to throw Nicole a small hint about her inner struggle. Smirking like she knows exactly how things will play out, she reconnects eyes with Nicole, trapping her in a stare and rooting her to her spot for a second.

The intrigue and awe she sees returned through Nicole's gaze excites her. She's not scared and she knows she's got to act. She almost died last night, and it wasn't the first time. With the way things have been going recently, she knows she could be in danger of dying again sooner than she'd like. She would hate to go without knowing how great this thing, whatever it is between them, could be.

As Nicole enters her squad car, blushing from the intense eye contact, Waverly smiles to herself and resolves to set things in motion. Later, Officer.