A/N: Takes place after defeat of Zelena, but in this one the trip to the past never took place with Emma and Hook and pretty much him and Robin are non-factors.

Regina led the way down into her mausoleum, Emma trailing behind her.

She considered warning her once more (as she always did) that she was not to touch anything down there, but she held her tongue. She told herself it was because she was in a hurry to get the spellbook she was looking for and not because she was beginning to trust the blonde woman.

They had been outside for the past hour practicing magic – and Regina had to admit that Emma was getting better. But explaining to her that she needed to rely less on the power of her magic and begin to actually understand the nuances of magic was not going as well.

The fight with Zelena had finally convinced Emma that she needed to learn to control her magic. Regina had agreed to tutor her since Emma said there was no way in hell she was going to let Mr. Gold do it. This had begun a once a week lesson on Sundays.

Once they were at the bottom Regina examined two of the bigger trunks stored down there, trying to remember which one had the book she wanted. She ended up going to the one on the right.

Emma stood off to the side, her hands clasped behind her back – a way to stop curiosity at the things down here getting the better of her. She had been trying hard at this magic stuff so the next time a Big Bad rolled into town she would be better equipped.

Spending more time with Regina had been a bonus. She really felt like they had finally turned the corner on the animosity that had defined their relationship in the beginning. Henry also got to see that his two mothers could get along for more than five minutes at a time. Emma had even managed to score a couple of homemade meals at the Mills' household.

Yep, she thought the last few months had been peaceful and enjoyable from her outlook.

She was about to ask Regina if she needed some help when Regina moved from one trunk to the next but when Regina bent over the second one Emma found she was unable to speak. Regina's backside was on full display and Emma couldn't keep her eyes off of it.

This wasn't the first time she had been caught off guard by the pure beauty that was Regina. Sometimes all it took was Regina flipping her hair or getting lost in concentration for Emma's mind to go in directions she knew she shouldn't let it.

There were times she wished Regina and her had met under other, more normal circumstances. Maybe if they had … no, her mind said, that was another track she shouldn't take.

Even though they appeared to be getting along now there were way too many obstacles in the path of having that type of relationship with Regina. The number one being her parents. They were still not 100 percent behind Emma learning magic with Regina, but as she pointed out to them, it was either Regina or Gold and they did both agree Regina was the better choice.

Not that she was considering taking a step toward maybe asking Regina out, but even if she was, she saw her mother being the bigger problem there then her father. There was just too much of a history there between Regina and Snow. The two women seemed to have gotten into a measure of cordiality while around each other, but Emma figured it wouldn't take much to get that truce to break down.

If only those two could get beyond their shared past.

Emma finally turned from the sight when Regina knelt down in front of the chest. A different kind of kneel down had popped into her mind and she hoped turning away would be enough to slow down her heart rate and her libido.

Deciding she needed a distraction from the distraction that was Regina's tight ass, she turned her attention to the rows of bottles that were on a shelf near to her. Odd, she thought, these weren't here the last time she had been here. There was one bottle in particular that seemed to be shifting colors. It was pretty Emma thought as she reached out and picked it up. She was still staring at the swirling of colors so she didn't hear someone calling out her name.

"Oh there you are," she heard her mother say and as she looked up to see her parents walk into the mausoleum the bottle dropped from her hand. The colors in it were still shifting as if fell to the concrete floor and shattered. The colors continued as the liquid inside turned into smoke and began to rise from the floor. Emma took a step back and the four adults in the room watched as the smoke rose to the ceiling and began to swirl up there like the beginning of a tornado.

"Regina?" Emma said. "What is that?"

Regina had come to her side and bent down to examine the shattered bottle. "I'm not …"

Before she finished the smoke stopped swirling and sped suddenly toward Snow before Charming could reach her. It began swirling around Snow, keeping any of the others from reaching her.

"Do something," Charming yelled at Regina, but Regina seemed at a loss as to what to do.

And then just as quickly as it started, it was gone.

But standing in Snow's place was a girl. Her expression was one of terror and confusion as she looked around the room and at the adults.

"Regina," she cried out and she ran to Regina, wrapping her arms around her and burying her head into her.

Regina's eyes were wide and she made no move to hug the girl back or comfort her. Instead she looked up at Charming whose expression almost mirrored her own.

"Regina, where is this place? I want to go home," the girl said.

Emma had no idea what was going on but she could tell the girl was scared and she knelt down beside Regina and looked at the girl.

"Who are you?" she asked, even though her mind was telling her there was something familiar about her.

The girl sniffed back her tears and looked at Emma. "My name is Snow. Snow White."