Sabo carefully stood in a chair and looked at the top of the kitchen cabinets. He softly huffed when he didn't see it and scratched the top of his head. His poor hat had gone missing and he couldn't find it anywhere. He had searched his entire bedroom, asked everyone he came into contact with, and still nothing! His poor, beloved hat had disappeared!

He slumped and jumped off the chair, landing on his feet. He sat back in the chair and huffed, crossing his arms. Koala wandered in and raised an eyebrow at him. "What's wrong, Sabo? Where's your hat?"

He sighed and crossed his arms on the counter, resting his chin on his arms. "That's the problem, it's gone missing. I've asked Hack, Inazuma, Iva, and even Dragon! No one's seen it."

She sipped her glass of water and patted his shoulder as they slumped. "I'm sure they're looking for it. Have you asked Seraphina yet?"

He glanced up and shook his head. "She's been busy patching up clothes; I didn't want to bother her. I'll ask her when it's time for lunch."

She smiled and pointed at the clock. "It's past noon and even I haven't seen her come out for lunch. How about you fix her a sandwich and take it to her? It'll give you an excuse to ask her if she's seen your hat and she'll eat."

He nodded and hopped up, sliding the chair back into place. He grabbed the items needed and smiled at Koala. "Mind keeping an eye out for it?"

She giggled softly and nodded. "Of course not. I'd hate to see you have to get a different hat."

He ruffled his hair some and mumbled, "Feels weird without it."

She smiled and slipped out, leaving him to fix two sandwiches, one for himself and one for Seraphina. He smiled slightly and set them on a plate, heading to the sewing room. Seraphina, his absolutely wonderful girlfriend, worked in there in her free time to patch clothes and even make new clothing when they needed it or it was requested.

He lightly knocked on the door and bumped it open enough to poke his head in. Seraphina looked up and pulled the needle from between her lips; a pair of pants on the table in front of her. She stretched back against the chair and softly groaned.

He smiled and stepped in, setting the plate on a clear spot near her. "Busy day?"

She nodded and set the needle down, holding up her clipboard. "I'm almost done with all the patchwork, finally. Did I miss lunch?"

He nodded and chuckled softly when her stomach growled. He held out a sandwich. "Yeah, you did. You wouldn't happened to have seen my hat, would you?"

She took a bite and held up a finger, pushing away on her stool to glide over to a table with finished clothes and a neatly wrapped box sat. She grabbed the box and slid back over, her cheeks turning light pink as she held it out. "I wanted to surprise you."

He smiled and took it, kissing her cheek. "Thank you for fixing it. I didn't think it had any holes in it, though."

She shifted slightly and took a big bite out of her sandwich to avoid answering, her cheeks blossoming pink.

He chuckled softly and easily opened the wrapping paper, pulling the top off the box. He lifted the hat up and blinked as he felt the new fabric. He carefully looked over it and noticed the blue ribbon was brighter and the color was slightly off.

He blinked and asked, "Did you make me a new hat?"

She shifted slightly and nodded, finishing off her sandwich. "Yours was ready to fall off and with your devil fruit, I made it with fireproof material. I thought you would like it."

His cheeks darkened and he smiled widely. "I love it! It looks almost identical to my old one. You did wonderful work Sera."

She smiled shyly and tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear, glancing up at him before jumping. "Sabo! Your hat's on fire!"

He looked down at it and quickly fanned it out, grinning sheepishly. She got up quickly and looked over the top of the hat. She sighed in relief and he smiled, mumbling, "Looks like it's perfect."

She smiled slightly and lightly kissed him. "I'm glad you like it. Happy birthday, Sabo."