Asami Ryuichi smiled as he held his newborn baby boy in his arms. His smile broadened as he watched his tiny bundle of joy yawn sleepily. His little blond haired, blue eyed treasure knew nothing of the world around him as he rested in his father's strong arms. He knew not that it was a miracle just for him to be alive let alone be born. All this little bundle of happiness and joy knew was the tiny world that was his father's face.

Once Asami had his little boy all cleaned of the birthing fluids, he returned to Anna's side. Who also was now cleaned of the birth that had taken place inside the tiny cabin in the woods. Kei propped Anna's arms up on pillows so that she could hold her newborn child. Asami pressed a kiss to her blond hair. "He's beautiful Anna. Perfect."

Anna looked up at him with tears in her eyes. "Ryu, he didn't cry."

Asami smiled down at the new mother. "He's just a quiet one Anna."

"He's so tiny. Are you sure that he's really okay. He's so early."

"Only by two months."

"Two months makes a lot of difference Ryu." Anna began to sob and Asami pulled her into his arms and held her tight. He bit back tears of his own. He knew that Anna was right and he too, feared for their little newborn son. Slowly, Anna's sobs fell away and the room became quiet.

"Ryu, I think that he's hungry." Asami looked down and sure enough, the tiny boy was snuggling up to her breast in search of food. Asami chuckled as he helped his son find his way to his meal. He latched on as if there was nothing more important in the world than food. As the baby's feeding slowed he let go and Asami scooped him up into his arms. He placed the newborn over his shoulder and began to pat his back gently. It didn't take long for a little burp to leave the tiny body and Asami chuckled at the cutest sound that he had ever heard.

He placed the small bundle at Anna's other breast and that was when he began to scream his tiny underdeveloped lungs out. "Ryu, what's wrong?!"

"I don't know!"

Asami swept the baby back up into his arms and the tiny bundle stopped screaming. Asami looked his son over but he found nothing wrong with the tiny boy. He settled the baby back down only to pick him right back up, as he began to scream bloody murder. Still, Asami could find nothing wrong with his son. By now Kazumi and Kei had come running in, worry written all over their faces. Asami handed the little baby over to them and his screams increased. Neither Kei nor Kazumi could find a cause for the baby's cries. They gave the boy back to his father and his screams once again stopped.

That's when Anna began to laugh. Asami frowned down at her. He found nothing funny in this situation. His frown only seamed to make her laugh even harder. She patted a spot next to her on the opposite side of which he dad been on earlier. Still frowning, Asami did as she suggested. He handed her the babe and watched as the hungry little thing latched onto her breast with no complaints. Asami frowned up at Anna who just chuckled more.

"He couldn't see you when you set him at this one. Just born and already he is daddy's little boy." She laughed as she caressed their son's blond head.

When both mother and child were asleep, Kazumi and Kei helped the new mother find a more comfortable sleeping position without waking her. Asami place his little newborn in his crib and crawled into his own sleeping bag. Kei followed his lead while Kazumi took up guard duty.

*Asami Ryuichi*

Asami woke to the cries of his newborn son. "Shit!" He raced to the crib and picked his little treasure up. Kei was already helping Anna sit up and get settled so that she could feed the babe. As the babe began to eat, Asami sat down with a sigh. He hadn't meant to sleep for so long. It seamed that he was failing at everything lately. "I'm so sorry Anna. So sorry for everything."

Anna patted his hand. "Don't be Ryu. None of this is your fault. If anyone is to blame than it is them." She took a hold of his hand and squeezed it. "There are many in this world who wouldn't have done half the things that you have done, let alone go as far as you have. You are so young, only sixteen and yet you are more of a man then those who older than you."

Asami smiled sadly. "I'm not your average teen, I guess."

Another squeeze of his hand. "No Ryu, you are not. And for that, I am grateful."

Asami pressed a kiss to her head. "I care about you Anna and I care about our son."

*Takaba Akihito*

One year ago…

Fifteen year old Asami Ryuichi smirked as he took in his new high school. It hadn't taken much of an effort to get in, the entrance exam had been a breeze for the young teen. Asami looked over to where his two best friends / bodyguards stood. Not that he, the great Asami Ryuichi, needed bodyguards. He was a master at many different types of martial arts after all.

Kei, the idiot, had forgone taking the entrance exam and instead hacked the school's computer system. A feat that had taken no longer than an hour but was still thirty minutes longer than it would have taken him do the damn test. The idiot just wanted to show off his hacking skills.

Kazumi on the other hand had obtained a scholarship for his athleticism. Not many knew much about Kazumi other than his athletic abilities. Most thought him to be a giant, dumb meathead and that was just how the big blond wanted it. Only Kei and Asami knew of the brain that ticked away inside his head. Laughing at something that Kei said, Kazumi made his way over to Asami and dropped one arm over Asami's shoulders. His other arm, wrapped around Kei's waist possessively.

*Kirishima Kei*

Her name was Kitagawa Anna. She was a twenty five year old beauty. She was his homeroom teacher and she was his enemy.

The Asami and Kitagawa clans had been feuding for the last hundred years. No one knew why or how the feud had started yet they had never let it go. Asami stared at his blond haired, blue eyed teacher from beneath lowered lashes. She had a nice plump ass. He wanted to know what it would do when he gave it a firm, hard smack. He wanted to sink his teeth into those lush ass cheeks.

It was late, school already dismissed for the day, when he approached her. "Kitagawa-sensei?"

She jumped for she had not heard him approaching. Just as Asami had intended. "Asami-kun, what can I do for you?"

He reached up and brushed a stray curl from her face. She flinched away and he sighed, knowing that it was because he was an Asami. "I am not one who holds onto a grudge just because it has been around for a hundred years. I only hold a grudge against those who have done me wrong and you have not done so. Are you one who holds onto worthless grudges Kitagawa-sensei?"

"No I am not."

Asami smiled. "Good. Then maybe you and I can become good friends." He bent down and placed a gentle kiss on her soft lips. "Until next time, Anna."

It took them less then a month to become friends. A few weeks after that, they were lovers. She was a happy go lucky woman who had the same dislike for sweets as him. Except for dark chocolate. Anna just loved that stuff.

It was just four months after Asami turned sixteen that Anna learned that she was with child. She tried to hide it at first but Asami was not one to be fooled easily. Anna had worried about ruining Asami's life but the sixteen year old just brushed away all of her concerns.

Between his part time job and underground deals, he had more money then he knew what to do with. As he was not one to turn his back on his responsibilities, Asami soon had a nice three bedroom house for him, Anna, their baby, Kei and Kazumi. It was small and cute, Anna fell in love with it on sight. Anna took a maternity leave at Asami's insistance and spent all her time making their new house into a home. Sadly their happiness didn't last long.

Anna's mother decided that she wanted to visit her daughter for the first time in three years. She spent an hour waiting and knocking on the door of her daughter's apartment before she was informed by an annoyed neighbour that Anna no longer lived there.

Shocked and angry that her daughter would do something like moving without permission, the woman next went to the school where Anna worked, to see her daughter. When she learned of Anna's maternity leave, the woman had a screaming fit. She went to her husband and told him all that she knew.

The Kitagawa clan head sent his men out in search of his wayward daughter. Anna was dragged from their home, kicking and screaming. Kei was beaten so badly that they had thought him dead and Kazumi had been shot three times. The only reason Asami had been spared, was he because he had not been home at the time. He had been out getting Anna a present for her twenty sixth birthday. It would be a long time before he would forgive himself for not being there, not until he would realize that if he had been there, then his child would have died, would Asami finally be able to forgive himself.

When Asami returned home, he had found it ablaze with Kei and Kazumi still inside. He had thankfully been able to save both of his friends but they had not been able to save their beloved home. While Kei and Kazumi recovered, Asami set about gathering all of his allies, some through his dealings, others had been a part of the Asami clan but held no loyalty to the clan head. Only to Asami Ryuichi were they loyal.

When he was positive that his two best friends would live, Asami launched a full scale assault on the head of the Kitagawa clan's home. The place was huge but very old, so it hadn't taken them very long to infiltrate the place. They killed all in their path except the women and untrained children. The Kitagawa clan believed in keeping their women weak and unable to fight. This saved their lives but Asami thought it was rather degrading to the women. Women should receive the same training as men so that they could defend themselves and their children. Being a women didn't make you any less than a man.

It took no time at all to have the home completely under his control and the clan head was brought to kneel before him. Asami took great pleasure in cutting the older man's flesh from his body. The man had slowly bleed to death, hanging from his arms that were chained to the gate while the house burned behind him. After that, the four of them: Anna, Kei, Kazumi and him went on the run with the rest of the Kitagawa clan and the Asami clan after them. Sometime along the way, Asami's father had learned of his relationship with Anna and had ordered him brought back and for Anna and their unborn child to be killed. Asami would never allow that to happen.

They had made it safely to this well hidden cabin that Asami had built the summer before and all those who had helped him went into hiding until they were called for again. Sadly, just when they thought that they were safe, Anna developed a high fever. It was a long, gruelling five days before it broke.

They had all sighed in relief, thinking that she would be fine but the night that the fever broke was the night that she went into labour. She had bled and bled and they all knew that it wasn't a good sign. Postpartum Hemorrhage* was a very dangerous thing.

Asami sent Kei out for a doctor but all that he found were either loyal to the Asami clan or the Kitagawa clan. Kei had successfully abducted one and brought him back to the cabin. The doctor had done as he was told when Asami put a gun to his head. In the end however, the man had tried to kill Anna despite the gun still being held to his head. Not wanting to kill the man in front of Anna, Asami had Kazumi drag the doctor off deep into the woods where Asami put a bullet through his brain. Asami had left the disposal of the body to Kazumi and returned to Anna's side.

It had been him that had delivered their little boy. Grateful for all the research that he had done when he had learned that he was going to be a father.

*Suoh Kazumi*

Present time...

Asami looked down at Anna, who now lay asleep in the cabin's sole bed. He brushed her soft blond hair back from her face, concern in his young golden eyes. Even now she was still bleeding from the birth. Yet they could not chance bringing in another doctor. Tears fell from his sad golden eyes. Just a few minutes ago, Kei had delivered the news that Anna's uncle had taken over the Kitagawa clan. The man had always hated Anna and her mother and had ordered for both their immediate executions. Kitagawa's new leader was going to prove to be a problem. He had already rallied the clan and had them recovering from the devastation that Asami had laid down on them.


"What is it, Anna?"

"We haven't named him yet."

Asami smiled and sat sown next to her. He thought for a moment then with a huge grin, he said: "Well how about Goro?"

Anna made a face and shook her head. "He's not a fifth son."

"Then how about Hachiro?"

"He's not a second son either, Ryu."


"Oh please just stop Ryu. If we leave this up to you, our poor baby boy will forever be stuck with an atrocity of a name."

"Then what do you suggest?"

"Akihito with the kanji aki for bright and the kanji hito for virtuous and benevolence?"

"It's lovely." Asami pressed a kiss to his son's blond head.

"Our little Asami Akihito." Anna smiled gently as he stoked Akihito's soft cheek.

*Asami Akihito*

It had taken them all night to build it. It was nothing fancy but it was better than some simple pine box. At the head of the grave was a large boulder that Asami had found. He had painstakingly carved a simple engraving into it.

Kitagawa Anna
born: 7th April 1974, deceased: 10th May 2000
Beloved friend, teacher, daughter and mother.

Asami ran a hand over the words that he had carved. In the end, they had not been able to stop the bleeding and Anna had died from the Postpartum Hemorrhage*.

"Do not worry Anna. I will take care of our son. I will not let Akihito suffer like you have."

AN: Postpartum Hemorrhage* the loss of more than 500 ml or 1,000 ml of blood within the first 24 hours following childbirth. Can lead to death with in the first two hours after birth. Anna survived for five days before dying from the blood loss. It's just for the story.