Pharaess Cleopatra: Time again for another chapter! Hope you guys will like this one because there's gonna be three songs in this, but we'll cross that road when we get there. Until then though, let's go!

Chapter 10: Take Me As I Am

"Yugi, where are you taking me?" Yami asked as he was forced to walk forward blindly since his young lover had covered his eyes.

The young man gave a cute giggle. "You'll see. We're almost there. Just hold on, okay?"

Yami gave a sigh, but smiled either way. "Might I ask why you felt the need to blind me while we walk?"

"I can't have you peeking!" Yugi said. "Okay, we're here!" He smiled as he stopped walking, having Yami stop as well.

He chuckled. "May I have my sight back now?"

"Yup!!" He drew his hands back, Yami's eyes opening to see he was at the bar him and Yugi first met at. "Do you like it?"

"Might I ask why you brought me here?"

"I invited some friends to join us to celebrate your birthday, and they all agreed to come. Since it's also a karaoke bar, I thought we could have a little fun here. So...what do you think? We don't have to stay if you want, I just thought we could do something fun, that's all..."

Yami smiled as he turned to Yugi, pulling him into a tight embrace. "It's wonderful that you care so much to do something like this for me, Yugi... Thank you."

The younger male smiled, returning the embrace. "So you'll stay then?"

"Of course. as long as I am with you, nothing would make me happier." He said as he drew back, giving Yugi a light kiss on his forehead, in which the male giggled.

"Great! Come on, I'm sure everyone is already inside waiting for us." He said excitedly as he pulled Yami along into the line to get in.

"I have to assume then you will not tell me who all you have invited?"

"Sorry, that's a surprise too, but I'll give you a hint. It's people you and I now both know."

Yami raised an eyebrow, Yugi giggling. "I'm sorry?"

"You'll understand when we get in."

The two showed their ID's before the man at the door stepped aside, allowing them in. Bright, colorful lights flashed, loud music boomed, and many people were either dancing on the floor or at a table or bar drinking. As they made their way through the crowd, hand in hand, Yugi suddenly saw everyone he had called to meet them at the bar as he waved, most of everyone waving back. Yugi's best friends, Tea, Joey, Tristan, and Duke were there, and to Yami's surprise, Marik Ishtar, Ryou Bakura, and his cousin of all people, Seto was there seated next to Joey. Yugi pulled his boyfriend along as they sat down, Yugi sitting next to Tea with Yami next to him in the large booth they sat at.

"Glad you guys could make it!" Yugi said happily.

"So this is who you were talkin' about, Yug?" Joey asked.

He nodded. "Yup! He really a great guy." He said as he leaned into his lover, Yami blushing slightly – he wasn't used to this kind of thing.

"So then it was true, cousin? You just didn't want to say anything, is that it?" Seto then asked.

"It did not start this way, I assure you. I suppose it just sort of...happened." He rubbed the back of his neck nervously before a thought occurred to him. "Which reminds me, why are you here, Seto? You don't enjoy doing this type of thing, or was I wrong?" He cracked a sly smirk before the brunette pointed to Joey.

"He made me." He answered. "The little pup just wouldn't shut his trap if I didn't go."

"Ah, quit ya complainin'. Ya know ya love me, Kaiba."

"Call me, Seto, Joey, and that may be true, but don't push it."

"And Marik, Bakura, I am surprised you both are here as well." Said Yami.

"Yugi called us from your phone and asked if we could come since it was your birthday." Bakura answered.

"Did Ishizu not wish to accompany you, Marik?" Yami asked.

"My sister wanted to stay home, but she wanted Bakura with me when I go, so here we are."

"I see. Well, I hope she is—"

"Oh dear, it seems I am the last to arrive." A feminine voice rang, everyone turning their gaze to see Hikari Atem with a gentle smile on her face.

"Sister?" Yami questioned.

"What, are you surprised little Yugi invited me as well?" She gazed at Yugi. "Forgive me for being late, but I had to convince my husband to go on his "Guy's Night Out" so he would not worry about me. May I sit?"

Yami gestured for her to sit next to him as she wrapped her arms around him. "Happy birthday, brother."

"Thank you, sister." He said as they drew back.

"Anyway, how about we get some drinks?" Yugi then spoke up, everyone agreeing.

After introducing themselves while having their drink, Tristan spoke up. "So, Yugi, any particular reason you wanted us to meet here?"

"It's a karaoke bar, remember, so what do you think, Tristan?" He smirked, everyone catching on.

"Does this mean I finally get to see my cousin get on the stage again after so long?" Seto cracked a smirk.

"Oh, Heaven's no! I would prefer it if I didn't go on stage." Yami said a bit sheepishly.

Hikari then chuckled. "Oh, come now, brother, no need to be so shy. We are all friends here, ir is it that you do not wish to sing in front of a special someone?" She gave a wink, nudging his arm.

"I would just prefer it if I did not sing..."

"Come, on, Yami. It'll be great!" Yugi encouraged.

"Are you just shy because you have a bad voice or something?" Tea asked. "We won't care because it's just for fun."

"Tea's right." Duke chimed in. "This is all just to have a good time."

Yami gave a sigh. "Maybe I would go up if Seto would..."

"Just give me a few drinks." Seto said. "If it gets you on that stage, I'll get hammered if I have to, which means..." He slid out of his seat. "...I'm going to get us all more drinks."

Several drinks later, Yami was beginning to feet tipsy, Yugi feeling it too, but in his hazy, giggly state, Tea then spoke up. "Hey, Yugi!" She called.

"Hmm? Yeah, Tea?"

"Why don't you go up next?" She suggested.

He smiled. "Sure! Be back!" He then slid out of his seat and headed for the stage, not really paying attention to the song he had picked. When everything was ready, Yugi got up on the stage as he waved, everyone around cheering and clapping, along with a few whistles. He reached up and grasped the mic in his hand, moving the stand out of the way. Yugi them gave a signal, saying he was ready as the man nodded and started the song. Yugi immediately started singing due to the song he had chosen, and even in his tipsy state, it sounded like an angel to Yami's ears.

Lyrics by Nickelback "Never Gonna Be Alone"

Time, is going by, so much faster than I

And I'm starting to regret not spending all of it with you

Now I'm, wondering why, I've kept this bottled inside

So I'm starting to regret not telling all of this to you

So if I haven't yet, I've gotta let you know...

You're never gonna be alone

From this moment on, if you ever feel like letting go

I won't let you fall...

You're never gonna be alone

I'll hold you 'til the hurt is gone

Yami listened intently to the song, Hikari leaning her head on her brother's shoulder. "He has such a lovely voice..." She said, almost dream-like for the alcohol was beginning to get to her as well.

"Yes... Yes he does..." Yami simply agreed.

And now, as long as I can, I'm holding on with both hands

'Cause forever I believe there's nothing I could need but you

So if I haven't yet, I've gotta let you know...

You're never gonna be alone

From this moment on, if you ever feel like letting go

I won't let you fall...

When all hope is gone, I know that you can carry on

We're gonna see the world out

I'll hold you 'til the hurt is gone

Yugi's eyes fluttered open, a smile gracing his beautiful face as he pushed a few stray bangs to the side. He looked like he was having the time of his life, singing the lyrics with such passion and love, giving that save look to Yami each time he would open his violet eyes. Yami could see it too. Both were aware of the lyrics and knew what they meant, how they impacted them so much. Yugi wanted to cry, his lover as well, but they didn't, wanting to hold back those shining tears as the young man continued to sing.


You've gotta live every single day

Like it's the only one

What if tomorrow never comes?

Don't let it slip away

Could be our only one you know it's only just begun

Every single day

Maybe our only one

What if tomorrow never comes?

Tomorrow never comes...

The young male took a pause, drawing in a breath before a he smiled. His violet eyes fluttered open once again, shining brightly in the spotlight as he continued, Yami gazing up at his young lover with love and admiration.

Time, is going by, so much faster than I

And I'm starting to regret not telling all of this to you...

You're never gonna be alone!

From this moment on, if you ever feel like letting go

I won't let you fall...

When all hope is gone, I know that you can carry on

We're gonna see the world out

I'll hold you 'til the hurt is gone

I'm gonna be there always

I won't be missing one more day

I'm gonna be there always

I won't be missing one more day...

Applause rang throughout the bar, Yugi smiling as he put the mic back on the stand before taking a bow. He then happily got off the stage, running up to hug Yami tightly. "You were wonderful, Yugi." Yami said as he held his young boyfriend in his arms, cuddling him.

"Thank you, Yami. It was fun, but I really liked the song I chose too..."

"It was a very good choice."

"You have such a wonderful voice, Yugi." Hikari commented.

"Your's is way better though, Hikari!" Yugi smiled.

"I don't usually sing much, but thank you." She smiled, having another drink.

"So, who's next?" Tea spoke up.

"I believe it is Yami's turn now." Seto smirked after taking a swig from his beer.

"Yeah!" Yugi agreed before looking up at his boyfriend. "Please, Yami? Everyone says you can sing really well. Would you please go up and sing? At least do it for me?" He bat his big adorable eyes and Yami just couldn't resist, though it might be the alcohol as well since he did have quite a lot.

"Very well, Yugi."

Everyone cheered as he slid out of his seat, heading up to the stage to absentmindedly pick a song, but little did he know what that song would mean once it was out in the open. He stepped up on the stage and removed the mic from the stand, getting ready to sing. Yami glanced over to the DJ and gave a nod, who returned it as the music began. The male somehow felt he knew the song as he started to sing when his cue came.

Lyrics by Nickelback "Gotta Be Somebody"

This time, I wonder what it feels like

To find the one in this life, the one we all dream of

But dreams just aren't enough

So I'll be waiting for the real thing, I'll know it by the feeling

The moment when we're meeting, will play out like a scene

Straight off the silver screen

So I'll be holding my breath, right up 'til the end

Until that moment when, I find the one I'll spend forever with

'Cause nobody wants to be the last one there

'Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares

Someone to love with my life in their hands

There's gotta be somebody for me like that

'Cause nobody want to do it on their own

And everyone wants to know they're not alone

There's somebody else that feel the same somewhere

There's gotta be somebody for me out there

Yugi stared up at his lover in wonder, watching and listening to him closely. He clung to every word that Yami sang, watching as his foot began to tap to the beat, which made him smile knowing he was starting to get the feel of it. Everyone stared though, watching as the man stood on that stage, his voice so clear and velvety, deep and sensual. It gave Yugi chills thinking about that wonderful voice of his. He just couldn't get past how amazing it was, how it made him feel, and he listened closely to those words, deciphering their meaning. Yugi knew it well, heard what those words meant, and it touched his heart, wanting to get closer to his lover who continued to sing such a meaningful song.

Tonight, out on the street, out in the moonlight

And dammit this feels to right, it's just like deja vu

Me standing here with you

So I'll be holding my breath, could this be the end?

Is this that moment when, I find the one I'll spend forever with?

'Cause nobody want to be the last one there

'Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares

Someone to love with my life in their hands

There's gotta be somebody for me like that

'Cause nobody wants to do it on their own

And everyone wants to know they're not alone

There's somebody else that feels the same somewhere

There's gotta be someone for me out there

It was in that moment that Yami felt free. As he waited to sing again, he let go, letting the music take him away. He was finally able to let those demons that haunt him free and live in this moment, live for right now. He didn't let anything stop him as he started move his body more while waiting. His body moved with the music now, losing all control and letting his instincts take hold. Yugi stared up at him with awe and wonder, eyes glimmering in the flashing lights with his lips parted slightly to gasp softly. He was amazed, stunned, and happy all at once. The younger male just watched closely and listened intently as his love continued.


You can't give up

(When you're looking for)

A diamond in the rough

('Cause you never know)

When it shows up

(Make sure you're holding on)

'Cause it could be the one, you're waiting on

'Cause nobody wants to be the last one there

And everyone wants to feel like someone cares

Someone to love with my life in their hands

There's gotta be somebody for me


Nobody wants to go in on their own

And everyone wants to know they're not alone

There's somebody else that feels the same somewhere

There's gotta be somebody for me out there

Nobody wants to be the last one there

'Cause everyone want to feel like someone cares

There's somebody else that feels the same somewhere

There's gotta be somebody for me out there

Applause filled the air as Yami gave a low sigh before a small bow. He placed the mic back on the stand and walked off the stage, heading back to the booth when he was glompted in a big hug by his small companion. Yami smiled when Yugi drew back, looking like an excited child. "Yami, that was great!" He cheered. "Why didn't you tell me you could sing like that?"

"I did not believe it was much to talk about."

"Brother, you really were wonderful." Hikari spoke up. "You have a fantastic voice, for a male, at least."

"And I don't think I've seen you let loose like that before." Seto spoke up. "Have too much to drink, did we?"

"Oh, it is not like you will remember it, cousin." Yami smirked as the brunette rolled his eyes.

The gang had a few more drinks, someone getting up to dance while others sat and talked, though it was a bit difficult to have a decent conversation after having one too many drinks. However, Yugi wanted to get up and dance with his wonderful boyfriend, trying to coax him into going on the dance floor with him. It wasn't exactly the easiest thing in the world since Yami was so stubborn...

"Yami, let's go dance!" Yugi said.

"No, no, you go ahead, Yugi. I will have another drink."

"Oh, come on! Pretty please?" He poked his bottom lip out and bat his large eyes, trying to pout so Yami would give in, but he merely chuckled.

"You have fun, Yugi. I will keep an eye on you from right there." He pointed to the bar.

Yugi then smirked. "Is that so? What, don't you trust me?"

"No, I do."

Yugi laughed. "I'm only teasing, though I think I'll let my dancing do that for me instead."

"Oh?" Yami seemed interested, which was exactly what Yugi wanted.

"But if you insist, I'll go have fun with the others while you have another drink." He sent Yami a sly wink before heading to the dance floor, swinging his hips as he did, which made Yami stare a bit, until he turned to get another beer.

The bottle top was popped and the beverage handed to the male as he took a big gulp, leaning against the counter with his back and the beer in his hand while the other draped lazily. Yami stared at the dance floor, watching Yugi as he moved to the song, though he kept sending sly glances whenever he got the chance, trying to entice Yami into joining him, and damn was it working. With each passing second, seductive glance, and sexy dance moves, Yami felt more and more tempted to snatch that sinful man up in his arms. God, did he know how to play Yami. He smirked when Yugi sent him a flirtatious wink, taking a swig from his drink again. Yami saw his lover bit his bottom lip, a sexy glint in his eyes; he was trying to tempt Yami now, trying to lure him into his grasp. The elder male just watched, a smirk playing on his lips. How he wanted to ravage the young man, but also didn't want to give him the satisfaction of victory, though it was becoming very difficult. Finally, Yami gave in and, while Yugi wasn't looking, set the bottle down and walked over towards his teasing boyfriend. Before he could turn around, the elder male snatched Yugi by the waist and pulled him back into his chest, surprising the young man as he gasped softly before peeking back. Yugi gave a smirk when he saw Yami, who returned that sly grin with one of his own.

"You know, I don't believe it is fair to tease, Yugi." Yami purred into his ear.

"Is that right?" He played along, turning to face his lover. "Then what makes it fair for only you to do it?"

He chuckled. "Well played."

"Have you decided to finally join me, love?" Yugi asked, though that smirk never leaving his lips that Yami desperately wanted to cover with his own.

"I cannot have you tempting me all night long with a body like that, now can I?"

"No, I suppose not, but what are you gonna do about it, huh?"

"Take it for my own, of course." He teased.

Yugi rolled his eyes. "Oh, shut up and kiss me, Yami."

He chuckled again. "As you wish."

There two pressed their lips against one another's in a passionate, yet hungry kiss. Yami would never get enough of this man. He was too good to ever get tired of. When they parted, a new song came on, Yami pulling his lover close as they began to dance along to the music. It was another Nickelback song, that much was for sure. It still had that rock feel, but with the accompany of piano and it was more soft rather than fast-paced.

Lyrics by Nickelback "Satellite"

I know it's late, but something's on my mind

It couldn't wait, there's never any time

'Cause life slips by without a warning

And I'm tired of ignoring all the space that's between you and I

Let's lock the door behind us

They won't us

Make the whole world wait

While we...

Dance around this bedroom

Like we've only got tonight

Not about to let you

Go until the morning light

You can be my whole world

If I can be your satellite

Let's dance around this bedroom

Light tonight's our only night

Dance around this room

I'll be your satellite

Dance around this room

I'll be your satellite

Yugi laid his head on Yam's shoulder as they danced to the beautiful song. It had such a soft feel to it, one you just wanted to keep listening to, and it made them want to hold one another closer. They danced to the music, letting the beat guide their movements and not a care in the world. All that seemed to matter in that moment was them, only them...

Do you recall how long it must've been

Since any room help only you and me?

And every song that sings about it

Says that we can't live without it

Now I know just what that really means

Let's lock the door behind us

They won't find us

Make the whole world wait

While we...

Dance around this bedroom

Like we've only got tonight

Not about to let you

Go until the morning light

You can be my whole world

If I can be your satellite

Let's dance around this bedroom

Like tonight's our only night

Dance around this room

I'll be your satellite

Dance around this room

I'll be your satellite

Dance with me around the moon

You and I every night

Dance around this room

I'll be your satellite

The song continued as the two gazed up into each other's eyes, trying not to get lost in them. They kissed again, holding the other as close as possible. Yugi tangled his fingers in Yami's hair while Yami slid his hands all around his lover's sides and back. The younger male gave a pleased moan through the kiss when he drew back, gazing up at Yami with darkened irises. Yami knew that look, one he had always craved to see at least once.

"Yami..." Yugi said in a low, husky tone.

"Yes, my love?" He asked, leaning closer to the young man.

"How about we continue this somewhere more...private?"

"I could not agree more."

"I would rather let us share that instead of everyone else, so how about we finish this at home?"

"As you wish, my sweet." Yami smirked as he took Yugi's hand and whisked him away, the two waving their goodbye's to everyone as they made their leave to continue what they started in a more private area, where they wouldn't be bothered.