AN: Howdy, moonies! This is a little something I've been pushing around my brain for a while now… What if Usagi and Mamoru didn't immediately discover their identities, remember their past star-crossed love life, and fall back in love right where they left off? What if they were only aware that they had a past life, but had no details of it? What is Tuxedo Kamen was treated more as a fellow soldier rather than some knight-in-shining-armor love interest? I wanted to do a fic with the crew in their early 20's, having a bit more experience in the Sailor business, but just staring to figure out how to handle life as an adult- finding the purpose in their day-to-day lives, dealing with the losses that inevitably come with growing up, discovering themselves and questioning their futures…

Just to clear a few things up for the timeline:

*Usagi did get the silver crystal (you'll eventually find out how…) and they all found out that they were princes and princesses in their past, but no one has any distinct memories from that era. Only the cut-and-dry story about a battle between the Earth and moon.

*They beat Metalia and Beryl, as well as a slue of other badies over the last 6 years that they have been fighting. You might find out more about others if I find it necessary for the plot.

*The do NOT know anything about Crystal Tokyo, Chibi-Usa, or the future in general. They're living out their lives as if this is the only one they get.

*The Big-Bads that I have chosen as their adversaries will be the Death Busters and Pharoe 90, in salute to new Crystal season, HOWEVER, I am going pretty OC with their evil plot, so don't yell at me if it's WAY different from the manga or anime. That's on purpose. Basically, I just needed a villain that I could twist into the story I want to tell about the Senshi and Usa/Mamo.

*#teamoutersenshi! (They won't be in this at all…sorry!) I love them, but I don't want to juggle too many characters. This is the story of Usagi and Mamoru and the Inner Senshi. Just because the villains are from the third arc doesn't mean that our heroes are the same as they are in the third arc. Everything will be explained as the story unfolds.

FINALLY: This story is rated M for a reason! We'll be dealing with very adult themes: sex, death, day jobs… But don't worry. For the most part, I keep it pretty light hearted. A big inspiration for this story is season six of Buffy. Definitely not the same story, but a lot of the same themes pop up, and I tend to mix up the humor and heartbreak in a similar way in my story telling. I hope you enjoy!

Oh ya... I don't own sailor moon.

Chapter 1:

It was the hottest day that the Juban district had seen in over a month. The only thing that could permeate the heat radiating off the pavement was the reverberating chatter from every person whispering on the streets:


While these particular pedestrians were no strangers to things that go bump in the night, it had been over a year since there had been any attacks that they knew of. The city's protectors, the Sailor Senshi, made sure of that. But now, the general consensus was that the moment of peace was over. Even though the recent attack on the Tokyo public concluded only minutes ago, rumors of the battle were spreading like wild fire between students and spinsters alike,

"…and in those public gardens right by my walking trail in the park! I heard it had big fangs like a snake and a body like a giant bird! I sure hope they can't fly now if they can fly now, I'm moving as fast as I can into…"

"THWOP!' Oh!"

…into another pedestrian preoccupied with monsters…

"Are you all right, ma'am?" a smooth baritone voice offered as he held her shoulders, keeping her from toppling to the ground. After dusting out the wrinkles from her blouse and regaining her bearings, the little ole' lady looked up to thank the man who had kept her from falling on her fanny ,but then stopped. He was a handsome young man, silky black hair and a strong, square jaw. Like her Bobby when they first met. A wheezing strained noise snapped her out of her reverie as she realized he was grimacing in pain. She looked down, and sure enough, she was standing right on his foot!

"I'm so sorry darling! I wasn't even payin' attention…"

"Hm…That's fine. Are you sure you're ok?" The woman nodded and gave a shy smile and matronly blush at his flirtation, then walked on with her friend.

"Doesn't he remind you of my Bobby? Now, what was I saying? Oh, it's not even safe to walk down the street in this city! Now I heard…" Soon, her voice melted into the heat as she scurried out of earshot.

"Well, 'Bobby,' they're right about one thing," a pair of blond buns attached to smirk called out from behind him, "It is not safe to walk down the street if you're on it! Come on, let's get going, Grandpa," she giggled, snapping him on the shoulder. He winced, and then forced a smile, "Lead the way. We can use your tornado- impersonation to clear a path for me." He waved her forward, grinning through his pain, and she took several steps before realizing her friend seemed to be doing his best impersonation of a living statue before scraping his shoes across the pavement to make one painstaking step at a time. As she rushed back to his side, he stopped and held his breath, squinting and twisting his face in anticipation of the next round of unwanted attention he knew he was about to receive.

"Usagi, before you-"

"I KNEW you weren't ok, Mamoru!"

" –panic. Never mind…"

"That lady didn't bump into you that hard! You can barely lift your foot! You got hit head-on by that blast, didn't you? Didn't you?!" She exclaimed, worry written across her face just as clearly as her freckles. Mamoru's eyes widened, darting side to side, making sure no one had overheard her.

"Shh! And, no, not head-on… It was like a side…" He nonchalantly gestured toward his ribs, wincing as she started to gently poke and prod the area.

"That's why you're all hunched! Did you break a rib? I wish you would just tell-"

"Usagi, that tickles. OW!-"

"- me when you're really hurt. Can you even raise your arm, Mamoru?"


"Show me."

"It'll be fine-"


"Ok. STOP." He put his hand in the air.

"Absolutely! We can stop. That's fine. Do you need a break? "

"No, Usagi, stop fussing."

"But all I'm-"

"EH!" he scolded her like a naughty puppy. She rolled her eyes, hating when he did this to her when she was talking.

"Oh, Come-"


"Grow th- "


"-fruckuph!" Her eyes went wide as Mamoru actually covered her mouth with his hand. The audacity! Usagi gargled out a startled and annoyed scream as she glared up from his hand, which was STILL firmly attached to her mouth. Giving in, she let out a sign.

"Usagi-chan, I'm fine. Just sore. Maybe a bruised rib or 2. Twisted ankle. I'll probably be done healing by the time we leave the Crown. You don't have to coddle me. You know I hate that," he held his hand there for another second to insure she was done mothering him, slowly dropping his hand when he was confident she had said her peace, and then continued his struggled march. They walked in silence for a few moments until she softly spoke up beside him,

"I just wish there was something I could do, that's all."

"You could jump when a giant fire ball is coming at you…" Mamoru chuckled snidely, then gulped after an awkward silence, sensing the static in the air between them.

"Excuse me?" She spoke dangerously calm.

"Oh, come on! It's a joke… Lighten up, Odango! "

"Oh! I get it! It's funny because I'm bad at things and people get hurt! Hilarious…"

"Nobody got hur- Damnit!" she poked him in the ribs, disproving him before he could even get the words out. He glared at her as she flipped a pigtail behind her back and crossed her arms.

"Look, baka, if you don't want to get hit by a freaking fireball, don't jump in front of one. No one asked you to do that."

"Well I'm sorry for saving your life…Again. I didn't mean to upset you."

"Pleeaase! Reign in your hero complex! I've been doing this for 6 years now… I don't think a couple of evil houseplants are going to be my undoing…"

"I'm not ganna stand by and watch you kill yourself just because you're up against something more mundane than the queen of an evil dimension! Remember: I've seen you knock yourself unconscious with a jar of pickles," he snorted.

"So it's MY fault that YOU assume I can't take care of myself?! I might have been ready for that blast! That MIGHT have been part of my plan."

"So it was part of your plan to get set on fire?"

"Well, that was obviously YOUR plan!"

"No, my plan was to protect your ass!"

"MY ASS was just fine!"

"NO! Your ASS was about to be…" He stopped, giving embarrassed side glances to curious passers-by, leaning closer and hissing, "You know what? I'm not arguing with you about your ass!"

"I know you're not! You're arguing about my competence! " She said, finally. He paused, seeing more hurt than anger in her eyes, despite the firm scowl locked on her features. He sighed.

"You're right. I'm sorry," he agreed softly, momentarily disarming her, "Believe me, I know how capable you are. I just worry about you. That's all."

She tried to remain indignant, despite the obvious blush spreading across her freckles from his vote of confidence, "Well...don't." He smirked.

"She said, hypocritically."

"Ya know what? If you don't want me to be concerned for you when you're actually injured, then I won't. Hobble your crippled ass to the Crown yourself. My ass, however, will get there before the meeting starts," she huffed, starting to walk ahead of him, "I'll give you all the details when you get there in an hour…" she said over her shoulder.

He chuckled as she stomped away from him indignantly, "Of the meeting or of your ass?" She picked up her pace, fuming, and flipped him off, never turning to look back at him.

"Screw you, Chiba!"

He laughed in spite his current condition, completely entertained at her annoyance as she marched down the block. His eyes wavered for only a moment from her madly bouncing ordangos to take an appreciative glance at her bum swishing back and forth in her knee-length cotton sundress before she whipped around the corner out of his sight. He shook his head, smiling. She had certainly grown into herself over the past six years they had been fighting alongside one another. At 20 years old, she held herself like a woman: confident, capable, and remarkably resilient. Yet, despite all of the battles he saw her face, both as Sailor Moon and Usagi; she remained unjaded, holding onto her child-like charm and kind heart. He was honored to have her as a friend. She kept him on his toes and made him a better person. She made everyone in her presence a better person. Maybe it was because she was some ethereal princess or something in her past life- a little left over magic. He unintentionally started picking up his pace until his injured ankle reminded him why he was going so slowly in the first place. He let out a frustrated sigh, "Stupid youma…"

AN: Eh? I know I haven't gotten to the meat and potatoes of the plot, but what do you think of Usagi and Mamoru's (not love/not hate) relationship so far? Feel free to follow, fave, or shoot me a review! Flames welcome… I got thick skin ;)