A/N Thank you all for reviewing and for being patient with me!

Karina huffed triumphantly to herself as she pranced into her bedroom, a skip in her step and a smug smile on her face. She fanned out the green bills between her hands, ranging from five dollars to a hundred, jumping up and down on the spot with a pleased smile. Her smile remained as she observed the money in her hands, arranging them in order of the worth.

With a smile on her face, the tribrid happily hummed to herself, pausing every few seconds to blow loose strands of her hair that would fall in front of her face as she counted.

As Karina slumped down onto her bed, the money spreading out loosely in front of her, a vibration from beside the tribrid made her look away. A new message flashed on her phone and, as Josh's name popped up with far too many emojis beside it.

We really need to do that again. I won't ever forget the look of horror on your dad's face.

- Josh

Scoffing fondly with a smile, Karina quickly typed a quick response and placed aside her phone, focus returning to her money. She crossed her legs and fanned out the bills once more, resumingcounting up how much she had.

"There she is!"A sudden voice spoke, trailing off to draw in a sharp breath as if horrified and tut made the tribrid roll her eyes before the new presence quietly."Are we able to converse freely?"

"Privacy spell. Been my favourite one since I was old enough to talk on the phone with Josh about boys."Karina nodded, waving at the room with her hand before she glanced up at him."And since you feel bold enough to come and go as you please, the spell is in place for the foreseeable future."

Lucien raised his eyebrows with a mischievous smile, hand reaching out and fingers brushing Karina's cheek, his voice no longer a whisper as he confirmed that he was able to speak freely.

"I'll keep that in mind for when I miss your company at night."

He smiled at the tribrid when she bit down on her lip while fighting her own smile, his eyes shifting to the money on the bed."Counting your winnings, are you?"

"I believe this was yours!"Karina drawled, picking up a hundred dollar bill before gasping and presenting a few others."And these!"

The vampire was unable to hold back a small smile at her glee and shook his head as Karina continued to happily present her winnings.

"I suppose you feel no guilt for swindling your uncle, your father, and I."The vampire shook his head with a tut, straightening his cuffs which were still hanging loosely due to his missing cufflinks but he seemed to refuse to acknowledge that. As well as his bare wrist which was usually home to his gold watch."Back in my day, deception like that got their heads torn off, placed on a spike and paraded around the streets."

"Yes, well, back in your day women had no choice but to marry blokes like that."Karina swiftly retorted as she placed another few bills on the hundred pile before she tilted her head up to meet the vampire's eyes, speaking quietly with an affronted tone."Lucien, are you accusing me of something?"

"Darling, I was around when the game was devised. As was your father and uncle."Lucien gave an indignant sigh, his tone mirroring Elijah's scolding one whenever Karina was going to be lectured."I cannot think of any other reason you would win."

"Why would I cheat for money? Compulsion is the only currency I need."

"I will applaud you for your performance. It was very cogent."Lucien continued, pausing to lean to the side and glance at himself in Karina's mirror, straightening his jacket before he huffed out a laugh when he noticed a framed picture of Klaus, Grace and Karina."I suppose I shouldn't be surprised considering who your father is."

He paused for a moment, finger tips grazing the gold frame, eyes focused on the picture. Klaus and Grace stood while Karina sat on a chair, her parents at either side of her and the three were smiling proudly. Each parent had a hand on their daughter's shoulders and Karina's own rested atop of theirs.

"You both have crafty minds."

"Thank you."Karina softly, genuinely taking his comment to heart with a warm grin before she added."But, as crafty as I am, I did not cheat."

Karina scoffed at the thought, lip curling up into an almost insulted sneer.

"I'm a tribrid, Lucien, i'm part wolf which means I know when people are lying to me, just like I can sense whenever someone is near me. My father should've known but he seemed more focused on trying to unnerve you all."

Lucien didn't seem convinced, repeating."So you cheated?"

"Nope, I was simply myself."Karina grinned, looking up at him once more after counting another hundred, brow furrowing at his bemused look before she suddenly looked heartbroken, her head bowing and her eyes voice lowering to an upset whisper."Aren't you at the least bit proud of me?"

The vampire simply stared back at the tribrid before he exhaled a long breath. Karina tilted her head up as Lucien leaned down, large hand gently taking hold of her cheek. The tribrid smiled small as he leaned closer, thumb fondly brushing along her jawline.

"Your father may fall for that trick, you crafty girl, but I know you better than that."Lucien murmured against her, laughing when Karina huffed before he straightened, lingering for a short moment to let his lips touch her forehead."Poor show."

Karina shrugged, watching the vampire as he turned from her."I could say the same thing for you."

"I was under the impression we were playing fairly. I now understand my defeat was because you and your little friend weren't abiding the rules."Lucien clicked his tongue, snatching a hundred dollar bill from Karina's fingers as he moseyed further into her bedroom, stopping occasionally to linger at a photo frame or a knick-knack."Your friend certainly did not win. His racing heartbeat was a giveaway."

"You underestimate Josh."Karina replied, glowering a little as Lucien huffed out an amused laugh, the thought of an infant vampire besting him on his own somehow hilarious."He is not just some vampire. He's been around my family forever."

"I do not believe it."

"Believe what?"Karina feigned innocence, cocking her head with a winsome smile, it broadening as Lucien's jaw clenched. She pretended to ponder before snapping her fingers."Oh, you're referring to when Josh and I kicked your ass fair and square tonight?"

"I-"Lucien's mouth opened and shut more than a few times as he seemed utterly dumbfounded by Karina's frankness before he let out a laugh, shaking his head."You cheated because you distracted me and, while the distraction is welcomed and enjoyed, I cannot be distracted when I am up against your father and uncle."

"I distracted you, and it made you lose?"Karina said with an almost remorseful and sentimental tone, waiting for Lucien to nod before she gave another eye roll and waved the money with a flourish."You poor thing. Should I buy you some flowers as an apology?"

Lucien only narrowed his eyes in response, shaking his head as Karina giggled.

"What about this? This is what you've always got on display, isn't it? Very pretentious."Karina's smug smile grew as she reached into her pocket and pulled out a solid gold watch."Quite silly to bet it."

Lucien's eyes zeroed in on his watch, and he stared at it almost longingly.

"It's got your initials inscribed inside, like your cufflinks but i'm sure I can scratch that out."It was Karina's turn to smirk as she keenly nodded, tone a little too cheerful but her eyes as she turned the watch over, thumb grazing the initials before she pressed down with her nail."A little tribrid strength and it's done. I'll just-"

"No!"Lucien cut in, tone laced with alarm and panic as he held a hand out, shaking his head. The vampire forced a smile as he stepped closer to the bed."That watch was custom made and even the tiniest of scratches would be extremely noticeable to the acute eye."


"And I admit that your success in beating me may have dented my pride."Lucien responded with a casual wave of his hand, beckoning her with his fingers."So, if you would please..."

Pausing, Lucien tilted his head with a charming smile, hand reaching out and taking hold of Karina's before, with a firm tug, he pulled the tribrid to her feet. Karina keenly allowed him to pull her close, free hand settling on his shoulder and the other tightening around the watch.

"...please hand it over, my love."Lucien gave a pleased sigh as he pulled Karina up against him, eyes flickering over her face before an almost suggestive grin, adding."And i'll forgive the bruise to my ego."

Cheeks flushed, Karina's eyes flashed amber, and she opened her mouth to retort only to be stopped when Lucien held up a hand, well aware that she could stand and verbally battle him for hours. Defiance was clearly something else she'd inherited from her father.

"I won it."Karina shook her head, emphasizing her words as she met Lucien's eyes with her own."Fair and square."

"What a silly little squabble we're having. Very couple-eqsue."Lucien playfully drawled, smile growing when he noticed Karina's eyelashes flutter when he brushed the hair away from in front of her eyes."This must mean we're, uh...what's the expression? Ah, yes. Dating."

"Don't flatter yourself."Despite leaning into his touch, Karina rolled her eyes, eyes now dark with something unreadable, glancing out of the corner of her eye now and then as Lucien's fingers brushed her cheek."You are lucky that my affection for you surpasses my longing to duck tape your mouth shut whenever you say something stupid. Which, FYI, is most of the time. Like now, when you lie to keep your rep-"

Karina cut herself off, sucking in a sharp breath when Lucien's hands roughly took hold of her hips, and he pulled her closer. The gasp that followed when his lips brushed hers made the vampire smirk, hazel eyes darkening lasciviously in response to Karina's gasps before he boldly leaned down and claimed Karina's lips with his own. The Mikaelson keenly responded, arm winding around Lucien's neck as she pressed as close as she could to him and mewling unhappily when it wasn't close enough.

Lucien seemed to notice this and made a sound of approval, grip tightening on her hips before one of his hands let go and reached up, cupping her cheek. His other hand slowly drifted up the side of her body, the brushing of his fingers making Karina hum before his hand took hold of her own. He squeezed her hand fondly, thumb brushing back and forth her skin.

But, the moment Lucien's fingers grazed the gold of the watch in her grasp and his grip tightened, Karina suddenly bit down on his bottom lip, teeth sinking into the flesh and drawing far too much blood.

The bite wasn't her usual playful nip and, at the aggression of it, Lucien winced in discomfort and pulled back. As he pulled back, he heard Karina snarl angrily just before he was suddenly pushed back against the wall, Karina's forearm pressing roughly against his throat.

Lucien huffed out a choked laugh, hissing as Karina pressed her forearm against him harder.

"I have a feeling you're a bit annoyed."

"And you call me the trickster."Karina glared at the vampire, tongue skimming across her swollen lips and breathing labored, eyes returning blue as the lust left them."Hypocritical, don't you think?"

"I wasn't trying to trick you, love, I have been desiring to do that all day."Lucien firmly replied, eyes flickering to Karina's lips for a short moment, his tongue lapping up his blood from his lip before he raised his head."But, I do admit, I did have an ulterior motive."

"It must be important if you were willing to risk your head."

"There is no need for that kind of talk."The vampire tutted, laughing once more when Karina growled at him."I simply want back what belongs to me. You may have the money and, while I quite enjoy them, the cufflinks."

Lucien paused to take a breath before he glanced down to her hand."I just want my watch."

"You've lost much more than a watch to my uncle."

"Which is why you see that, unlike a car or a very old bottle of wine, my watch is worthmore than it costs."

Karina stared at him for a moment, reading his expression before she slowly removed her forearm from his throat and took a step away from him.

"Why does it mean so much to you?"Karina quietly asked, glancing down at the watch and trying to figure out why it was so meaningful to Lucien."You're a vampire. You could have a hundred of these custom made."

"I could but, in case you haven't noticed; i'm quite petulant."Lucien drawled with his charming, winning smile, pulling away from the wall."It's not about how much I could have; it is the principle."

"You're lying to me, Lucien."Karina sing songed, fingers curling around the watch and hand falling at her side."Why?"

Karina watched him for a moment, it drawing out when Lucien remained silent.

"Fine."Karina ground out, grip tightening on the watch and she took a step away from him, shrugging."Don't tell me, see if I care."

Karina turned to resume counting her winnings, gesturing to the exit as she did. But, just before she took a step Lucien's hand shot out and he grabbed her wrist. His frown mirrored hers as he forced the tribrid to turn and face him, holding her carefully as she staggered due to the strength of the grip. Glancing at his hand on her arm, Karina growled at the vampire, eyes flashing warningly and lip curled up.

"Now, now, you have no right to be chagrined, darling, I did offer up a reason."

"Yes, the reason being that you're a sore loser. Not a good enough reason for me to hand over my winnings. I'm petulant that way."Karina retorted, wrenching her arm from Lucien's grip as her double fangs extracted, eyes turning amber and her veins appearing underneath her eyes."And, just so you know, you do not put your hands on me unless I want you to."

Lucien narrowed his eyes at the tribrid before he laughed, holding up his hands.

"We have established that, while you give up an impressive fight, I am more than a match for you."Lucien blinked, and his vampire features came forward. His hazel eyes turned blood red, spider veins producing underneath his own eyes and his own fangs appearing."I could just take it from you."

"You could but you won't."Karina shook her head with a knowing smile, looking down at the watch once more."Whether you fear me biting you and being too petulant to heal you, my father entering and him biting you himself or you wanting me to hand it over, i'm not sure."

"And there is the lionhearted spirit I am both fond of and, at this moment, quite annoyed with."Lucien crossed his arms over his chest and smiled, studying the tribrid before he slowly nodding, giving a tight smile, his fangs showing."But I suppose you do fairly win this round."

The pair met eyes for a moment and, at the same time, allowed their human features to come forward once more.

"I will tell you my reason, but this is the only time I will speak of my life before it improved once I died."Lucien's thumb pressed down on her bottom lip, hazel eyes vacant of any emotion."Is that clear?"

Karina opened her mouth, ready to remind Lucien how she despised being ordered around but, after remembering the times her father despised speaking about his human life as did the rest of her family, the tribrid silently nodded.

When he continued to look at her, Karina spoke aloud."Crystal."

Lucien nodded, thumb brushing along her bottom lip fondly before he stepped back, body language defensive and his expression detached. He turned around as he began, leaving Karina stood in the middle of her room watching him carefully.

"As you know my family was anything but wealthy. My father was tormented by the Count because he did not pay his debt in time. Because he was a sadistic bastard, the Count eventually killed him in front of me..."The vampire showed no sign of sadness or pensiveness over his father when he turned to face her, but Karina saw a flash of anger as Lucien rubbed his hands together to compose himself before he carried on.

"Shortly after I was enforced to work off his debt and continue as a servant to save my own life. What he did not know was that my father had left me some gold coins. He did not wish for me to live in fear, he wanted me to live a life that he hadn't. He did not want me to become him."

Lucien let out a far too forced laugh, pausing to glance at himself in Karina's mirror, smiling at his reflection.

"A pathetic beggar whose life ended up cut short when a sadistic aristocrat tormented you then beheaded you in front of your son."

Lucien spoke as if his father's death were something he'd read in the paper about a stranger, showing that, while he was still indignant over it, the grieving of his father was so faint that Lucien probably mistook anger for grief. Heightened emotions were tricky, a vampire felt all emotions at once and, if one was trying to repress them, anger was the most prominent of emotions to seek through because many could use it to soldier on.

Grief was seen as a weakness, it held someone back, while anger could make one formidable.

And Lucien was a formidable creature.

"So i kept them, they were a keepsake, a reminder of my father's bravery in the face of fear. A reminder that I would one day make something of myself and ensure my father had not died for nothing."Despite the thousand years that had passed Lucien's eyes almost blackened with rage, proving Karina's thoughts. He looked away from Karina, suddenly finding the wall behind her interesting and he cleared his throat before continuing."And the gold coins I carried with me for centuries until I realized that I didn't need to hide them anymore."

The vampire remained rooted in his spot, his solemn frown proving just how difficult he was finding being vulnerable. But he didn't meet Karina's gaze and let his mouth curve up as she kept quiet despite obviously wanting to ask questions. His eyes skimmed over her before they settled on her hand.

Lucien's eyes zeroed in on the watch, the solid gold illuminated by the lights in the room making his smile small."So I got this watch made a while back and, as you said, I rarely take it off."

"And the initials aren't mine, love, they're his."Lucien murmured, turning the watch over on Karina's palm and touching the initials with a vacant expression before he cleared his throat, eyes meeting hers."But, as fond of you as I am, his name is private. Not even your father knows. His name was all he owned, and I respect that."

"Oh, bloody hell."Karina murmured with a sigh, though there was no malice in her tone, her words were barely audible."Here."

The vampire observed as tribrid extended the hand that held the watch, presenting it to him. He eyed her curiously, half expecting her to be tricking him but when Karina's hand remained outstretched, he decided to take the risk.

"It's yours."Karina noticed this and gave an encouraging nod."No games."

The vampire reached out to take the piece of jewelry from his bedfellow, but just as Lucien's fingers grazed the watch, Karina's other hand suddenly grabbed hold of his own. She pulled Lucien in her direction, ignoring his questioning look as she pushed up his shirt sleeve.

"You should've just told me it meant something to you in the first place without all the macho bravado."Karina murmured as she secured the watch onto Lucien's wrist and fastened the clasp, thumb caressing the gold."I'm competitive, Lucien, not callous."

Lucien gave no reply as his attention was solely focused on his watch that was now clasped in its rightful place. Unable to decipher what was going through his mind, Karina cocked her head, watching him with a curious state. But, as soon as she did, he felt Karina's gaze burning into him and eventually raised his head.

"You're welcome."Karina quietly said, reading the somewhat relieved expression on his face, a small smile playing on her lips as she pointed up at him with a warning glare."Just know that if you try to trick me again, I will bite you."

"It is nothing you haven't done to gain the upper-hand."Lucien gave a wolfish smile, quirking an eyebrow, his tone suggestive.

"Why?"Karina imitated his teasing tone, pleased that the tension was gone."Are you going to try and wrest something from me again?"

"Nonsense."Lucien crooned, one hand clasping her cheek and the other her hip as he stepped closer."I have all I desire."

"Smooth."The tribrid gently scoffed all while allowing herself to settle into his embrace, arching her eyebrow."Real smooth."

Leaning closer, Lucien simply hummed in response, thumb brushing her lower lip once again, his intentions clear. As he did, the touch ignited a familiar heat throughout her body that somehow only happened when he touched her. As if he noticed this, his lips quirked up into a smug, crooked smile, gaze fixed on her lips as he guided her closer.

And, gaze lingering on his shameless smile for another moment, Karina tilted her head upwards just in time meet his mouth with her own. As soon as she did Lucien's hand moved the back of her head, fingers tangling in her hair and clenching, keeping Karina as close as he could. The pair fell into a passionate embrace as the kiss quickly deepened.

And, while they became engulfed with each other, they failed to notice the door-handle jiggling before the door opened.

"Karina, your father told me to let you know that he is returning with a treat for your first win. I must say that I am quite impressed-Oh, dear."

A pair of eyes grew uncharacteristically wide as they zeroed in on the couple who were still in their passionate embrace, apparently so engrossed in one another that they'd not heard the intrusion.

"Forgive me, I did not mean to intrude on you and Alex. I had no clue that the pair of you were more than-"The person cut themselves off once more, sounding somewhat sheepish as they made a move to spin on their heels, hurrying away."I will just-"

As they reached out to open the door and leave the person glanced at the pair just as the man—who he'd assumed was Alex—let his hand drift from Karina's hip to her cheek. And, as he did, his unbound cuffs hung loose, revealing a solid gold watch that could only belong to one person.


The sound of objects clanging to the ground made Karina's eyes snap open, and the tribrid took a step back from the vampire in front of her. Karina inhaled sharply, almost tripping over her own feet as she turned to look at the person stood in her doorway.

The ground fell beneath her.

"U-Uncle 'Lijah!"Karina stumbled over her words, tongue skimming over her slightly swollen bottom lip nervously as she ran a hand through her dark hair, hands beginning to shake."I was just...i was-"

Her uncle, who she had never seen speechless, gaped at the pair with confusion. He didn't seem to notice that he had dropped the hot chocolate he'd been making her every night for as long as she could remember.

"It can't be."

Thank you for reading, I hope you liked it!

I'm sorry this is so late, by the way, writer's block has been tormenting me for so long. But I hope you enjoyed this chapter and please tell me if you did by reviewing!