This is the final chapter courtesy of sakurablossomhime and myself, hope you enjoyed our little romp. Hope you're enjoying your day off America and shall review!

Roll 'em...

Sephiroth found that he was actually excited secretly about this foray for Tifa. He could say that he wasn't worried as well since Yuffie had said that she didn't do surprises, but he felt the need to celebrate her date of birth in the more grandiose way. How often did one find solace in one's ex-enemy?

Tifa was just perfect.

She was a small powerhouse that was all sass and intelligence. He knew that if Zachary or Angeal lived, they would have truly approved. Genesis would have stopped at her figure alone…ass. Speaking of Zachary…he'd saw him in the Lifestream and it was like old times, if one's death was shared with their second in command and truest friend. Angeal, he had found had moved on and Aerith stated that he had been at peace and she even believed he'd went on to be reborn. Sephiroth had been sad that he didn't get to see his friend while sane, but he was also happy because he knew that if anyone deserved to be reborn and have a chance to be honorable again, it was Angeal. He had no idea why Genesis was not there…He'd missed his hot headed friend and constant combatant to be the 'hero' of his convoluted poem "Loveless".

Sephiroth shook his head to clear his mind of all the thoughts that had been weighing him down. Now was all about Tifa. Since they'd been sneaking kisses and gentle caresses, he had not dreaded being touched quite so much at all anymore. In fact, if it was any skin on skin from Tifa, he was vibrating with excitement at the feelings it would produce as her fingers would trace along his nude chest, after he had revealed he knew she lurked while he was doing his katas. Oh she was smug and bold as well. She didn't so much as flinch, figuring exactly what everyone else knew, there wasn't much if anything that Sephiroth was not aware of, as that was his nature and he definitely would have made for a "terrible General otherwise," Tifa had giggled out before he had captured her arrogant mouth in another soul stealing kiss.

Tifa had went on an "female's day" or some such with Yuffie and he was used to it. He had gotten her flustered on purpose with careful kisses and fondles, that she left her PHS behind. Point for Sephiroth. Now via her phone, he had access to contacts for her other friends. After calls to all of them, some met with awe and surprise he'd want to do something so sweet for her, he had the whole of the group cooperating, even Vincent who never answered his phone for fear that it was Yuffie, though the caller id read the name. He was so old, Sephiroth's youth supplied him in his mind, making him laugh. Just like his parent not to get it…Yes he knew that Vincent was his true father, though the bat didn't, though he saw the question in his eyes every time he saw Vincent truly look at him. He knew he saw himself and Lucrecia. Yes, he also knew she was his real mother as well. He had taken it quite well, especially since he had been insane from a entity that had been forced on his mother and himself in her womb.

"I look like an idiot" he complained in the Wutai store.

"What do you ladies think?" The intrepid Yuffie asked of every very married woman in the exclusive and very conservative store they were in, as each woman almost sighed out loud at the sight of him in his silver phoenixes against black silk kimono with a dark grey obi. Of course they all looked flustered to be caught obviously checking out the tall, extremely pale man.

"Yuffie, I do not appreciate being placed in the audience's obvious attention" he groused, well unless it was exclusively Tifa.

"Yeah, yeah Seph-Seph I know you don't like attention drawn to yourself. Gotcha. I just needed a read on how you look to others. I will admit that Tifa has good taste. Anywho, excuse me while I find two more men's kimonos for the festivities for Vinny and Tseng, so they will be presentable. I got to have my men looking decent. You look like a wet dream and every girl in here would agree, if they were all not bogged down by tradition" she practically screamed.

"Shouldn't you have a little respect for your own culture, Princess?" He asked her a little confused about the 'other' men she spoke about and why specifically them.

"I do, but I also know, it is so backwards that women don't hardly know which way is up. You see those chauffeurs? What do you notice about them?" She asked him.

"They seem a... burly lot" he agreed.

"Ex-military, body guards that take a pill every morning that renders them impotent while on the job, to guard the upper echelon ladies of Wutai" she explained.

"But you're royalty where is your...?" he asked.

"I can protect myself" she said."But I gotta know Seph-Seph, what is your deal?" She demanded.

"Deal?" He asked her.

"Tifa's not getting lovings from you. Do you like men?" She asked him.

"Ah that, I thought she would be more candid. She has not stated that she wants that of me and I am respecting that; or is that lost on you as well? I assure you that it has nothing to do with her at all; other than waiting for her permission" Sephiroth suddenly spouted off, surprised that he would say so much to the girl.

"Well that makes sense. What if I told you she was waiting for you to make the first move? Gawd but your children would be insanely beautiful. You know she longs to have children, don't you? Maybe one will have your silver hair and her eyes" Yuffie mused.

Children? he hadn't even considered them. Yet his he found his own imagination forming the looks of those children and found himself smiling at the idea. With what he had already faced in his life; really what was diaper changing and some sleepless nights?

"Yuffie, why are we talking about Tifa and mine's sexual escapades? Are you two always this free with our comings and goings?" Sephiroth shut down the conversation as a defense mechanism, but taking that tidbit of information to heart.

"Geez you're just like him even in personality; bitchy much? I get it, you're embarrassed because I broke the cardinal sin of talking about SEX, I am just truly trying to help, Seph-Seph. Trust me, she wants you in that way" Yuffie overcame his snappishness and purchased the kimonos for all three men. Sephiroth went to stop her, but she only laughed and handed him his own. They left the store and she stopped once more for the finishing touches, she stated. Then he went to Yuffie's favourite kimono store for women as they carried conservative kimonos and other versions of them, the type meant for the bedroom only. He chose for Tifa, the much more conservative version of the kimono she had displayed herself in to him and then with a blush, had them add the racy version of it as well for after the party. Then they stopped at a jewelry store where they squabbled over the type of engagement ring to buy Tifa, he hadn't gotten to give her one in the first place and wanted to correct that. He wanted something more compact that wouldn't get caught on things, whereas Yuffie seemed to be of the opinion that a diamond that wasn't the size of a quail egg, was nothing short of an insult. Finally one was decided on and purchased.

Sephiroth looked at the girl for a time and eventually had to just come clean, since it wasn't anyone's fault that this was the case, it just was. "I apologize for being short. The second reason I have not moved forward is because well…well, I am a virgin and I am not certain that I can meet with her standards, especially if she's had a lover before me, which I am loath to think of. Surely with Cloud…" Sephiroth said flustered and looked away, letting the conversation die as they had purchased the clothing and ring and were now in the nearby park, sitting and conversing.

"oh. Oh. OHH. I am so sorry Seph-Seph. With you looking the way you do, I just assumed that you, you well…" Yuffie fidgeted and felt flustered tears prick her eyes. She was embarrassed because she had been prodding at a very sensitive subject that didn't need outsider's opinions and she had all but trampled all over it.

Sephiroth looked as the girl next to him squirmed. He knew she hadn't meant to, but turnabout was fair play and he felt like zinging her back. "So I look like a whore?" Sephiroth said with his stone face in place, though he was just teasing her. She couldn't have known that that he was a virgin. By rights, he shouldn't have been, but since his life had been taken over so early on by Jenova…How does one fit sex into being insane?

Yuffie all but squeaked out in denial and more tears fell. Wait that was not what he wanted. "Leviathan, they are going to kill me for my mouth one day. Total foot in mouth syndrome. I am sorry Sephiroth, I meant no offense, honestly. Tifa is my friend and I just want her to be happy. Being in love and also sharing that aspect of yourselves is just another beautiful piece you both deserve. I know you didn't have the happiest of lives, but I want to see you happy as well, truly happy. The one thing you have in common is the one thing you fear...and that is her virginity. There has never been another. We all rooted for Cloud for the longest time, but it just didn't work out. Cloud is just…Cloud. I am not trying to be a downer, I swear. I just don't think he could have moved forward on either of his loves" Yuffie stated solemnly and wiping at her tears, Sephiroth knowing exactly what she spoke of. He tried not to hurt when he heard things that were from her past. He believed Tifa always said "Dilly dally, Shilly shally" when he would brood on something.

His heart was lighter to hear that Tifa was in the same boat and he would honestly try his best to make this the most special birthday ever. He noticed that the girl was still sadden from his behavior.

"Yuffie, it is fine. I honestly was…was planning for Tifa's birthday to be very special indeed, if you understand my intentions. It is why I wanted to chance the surprise party, dress in Wutaian wear, have everything as perfect as possible because, I… I wanted it to be our first time together, that way. I was just unsure she truly felt that way for me. Yes, we shared intimate moments but this is definitely on a grander scale, don't you agree?" Sephiroth concluded.

Yuffie looked up with a pleased smile as the tears had finally stopped and placed her small hand on the back of his in a sign of support, while smiling at him as they both rose from their bench and headed to his place start the full preparations.

Sephiroth looked around the ballroom, finding it hard to believe it was the same room, it had been transformed into a Wutaian garden, complete with pagodas and benches for people to sit on, when they weren't seated and eating or dancing. It was the first party that he had ever arranged, well with much help from Yuffie, but he felt that it was going to be one that everyone would continue to bring up in the future. He felt it would be his first triumph as a husband to give this gift to his wife. She hadn't been what he wanted at first as he hadn't yet realized she was exactly what he'd needed. He had made every effort to drive her away, but she had stuck to him like a barnacle, refusing to give up on him, no matter how surly and cantankerous he had been with her, until she wormed her way into his stubborn heart.

This day was all about Tifa and that made him happy...and then the night would be all about them. He had everything ready for that, scented candles, champagne and more flowers. Okay perhaps he was being a tad girly about their first time, but in his defense, Yuffie had told him what to buy. His ears seemed to burn a bit at the tips and he could have sworn he heard Zack's guffaws coming from somewhere and then brushed it off. Why should he be embarrassed that he was married to a beautiful and wonderful woman who he inspired him to be a better person and wanted to do nice things for?

He shook his head to clear it and went into Tifa's room to place her kimono in her bed with a rose on top of it and a note urging her to put it on and join him in the ballroom. He was grateful Barret and Marlene had taken her out for a birthday brunch to help get her out of the house. He really was starting to like her friends and wondered when he had improved socially; yet another thing to thank Tifa for.

Exiting her room, he went to check on the preparations again. The food was to be buffet style at food stations, rendering waitresses unless, except for the ones who would serve drinks and circulate with champagne and bus tables, who would be arriving a little later. Of course, once everyone was gone...he blushed slightly over this thought, feeling excited at the idea. He felt like such a teenager!

Tifa had had a lovely day with her two friends and got home fairly late in the afternoon, blushing in anticipation of what her handsome husband had planned for the evening. Surely when she had said she wanted to celebrate her birthday with him and him alone; he knew she had meant in the biblical sense? Since touching was now allowed, she had been dying to make love with him, but he kept saying they should wait, which was agonizing. His kisses excited her beyond reason and him touches seemed to send sparks dancing along her skin and electrifying her. He truly was sex on two legs and had promised it was going to happen.

However, what was he waiting for? If it was marriage; hello, they were married! There was nothing to hold them back as far as Tifa was concerned. She was a healthy young woman who had had shots to counteract the Mako in his system and he was the most beautiful male she had ever encountered...and she loved him She also was wondering about his sexual history, that he never seemed to want to speak of and had just assumed that he wasn't a kiss and tell sort of person. But now she was forced to consider he might be embarrassed by the sheer number of his conquests, while she had never even had one. Were the other women prettier than her with tons of experience that made him melt under their expert touches? How would she compete against that! Had he slept with Scarlet? She remembered hearing a rumour that she had a thing for him. Tifa suddenly felt sad and paused at the door to her room, why would someone like him, who had been with so many beautiful women, be content with some boring wife like her? she questioned herself. But cheered up at what she found on her bed. She hugged the kimono, glad that he had remembered what she had worn for him on their ill fated date night. She smelled the rose and read his note, smiling at how she had added x's and o's under his signature. Smiling in a way that could only be described as sly, she took off everything she had on her body, including her bra and panties.

She shivered slightly at feeling of the cool silk against her body and tightly cinched the obi around her waist and didn't even bother with shoes as she padded to the ballroom. Her mind forming a scene soft lighting and a cozy table for two while Sephiroth was also wearing "easy access" clothing. However she stopped dead to see their formally empty ballroom set up for what appeared to be an important party...for lots of people and Sephiroth's rose fell from her nerveless hand as she realized what he must have done. As in, disobeyed her orders. Her eyes did widen in appreciation of him wearing a kimono in his signature colours of silver and black...before her rage exploded."What the hell is all of this?" she demanded.

"I know you wanted a small affair, consisting of just the two of us, but I wanted to make your birthday more special. Don't worry, Yuffie helped me with the guest list and we just invited two hundred of your closest friends" he assured her with a smile.

"Have you lost your mind? I wanted, just you and I" she cried out at him.

"Yuffie assured me you would like everything" he said with a frown.

"Yuffie loves any excuse to throw a party. I'm leaving" she said and he grabbed the side of her kimono to stop her and both froze in shock when it tore along the shoulders and bared her breasts. She looked up at him as he stared at her exposure, having only seen her like this once before and going on instinct, hurriedly lowered his head and began suckling her already erect nipples. She gasped out loud at this and made a sound as her obi was yanked free and a hand cupped her bottom to lift her free of her kimono and lay her on top of it. Her own hands ripped at his own kimono and obi, not caring if they got shredded in her need to have him.

Sephiroth's mind could barely function as he helped her undress himself, in the realization that their first sex as a married couple was going to happen right there and then when their guests could arrive at any minute, both were too far gone to care as she drew him into searing kisses to rob his mind of all rational thoughts. He gasped as she boldly stroked her hand along his thickening length, it was the most erotic feeling he had ever felt, as his own fingers explored the virginal depths of his wife, even with his inexperience, he was able to tell how wet she was as he ravished her lips with his own. He went to kiss down her body. "No" she cried. "Please, I need you right now" she practically begged him, gently tugging him forward with her hand until he was pressed against her entrance. He was poised over her, his hands holding his body over hers so they weren't quite touching.

"Tifa, there is something you should know before we take this final step together" he said, his voice thick with passion.

"Please do it. Don't you want me?" she ask him, bucking impatiently against him.

"Tifa, I love you and am glad your first time is with me, but know this; I'm a virgin too" he said and then with a quick lunge, was buried inside her and paused with a gasp. Tight, she was so tight and soaking wet.

Tifa's hymen had been so tattered from her active lifestyle, that little pain was involved, "I love you too" she cried out as she wrapped her legs around his waist and took his face in her hands for another searing kiss and he began to move in her in long, slow strokes that soon had both ex-virgin breathing heavy at the stimuli.

Sephiroth hadn't count on how good sex would actually feel and vowed to do this lots and lots in the future as he experienced a side effect he had never expected, it was as if his emotions had run away from him as all the love he had been wanting to admit to Tifa, seemed to crash over them until it was like their hearts and souls were joined along with their bodies. It was like he was drunk on emotions and they kept on rising to the surface as he tried to suppress them, bent on bringing her to climax before he spent himself.

The way that she gripped him and clenched on his didn't help and her cries were music to his ears as she moaned out his name like it was a personal prayer to her. He noticed how she seemed to be jogging her hips into his own and trembling, he stopped holding back and pounded himself within her as hard as he could and a sharp cry from her announced she had had her first glorious orgasm. He couldn't hold himself back at how violently her walls trembled around him and he literally threw his head back and howled as his first bodily orgasm ripped from him and his wings materialized at his heightened emotional state.

"Did I hurt you?" he asked her frantically.

"You hurt me so good" she returned with a beatific smile, looking languid now that they had finally made love. "Seriously you were a virgin?" she asked him and he smirked back at her. He bent to kiss her and then someone cleared their throat and both people looked over to where Yuffie stood there flanked by Vincent the Tseng...and Barret, who actually wore a blue kimono and had his hands clapped over Marlene's eyes, who wore a pink one...and they were not the only ones there. Everyone looked at the beautiful naked couple...and shifted uncomfortably.

Sephiroth and Tifa blushed, but at the same time they both sported ear to ear grins, he picked up their ruined clothes and they tried to cover themselves up as best as possible. "Sorry folks, I was giving my wife my virginity" he called cheerfully, no longer feeling embarrassed about his virginal status, or ex-status and didn't care who knew.

"Sephiroth, I have nothing against young love, but I have to object to having to looking at your pasty white body with a crow wing, in front of Marlene when you invited us to your party and told us what time to be here" Barret complained.

"Sorry it wasn't planned," Tifa said with a laugh.

Vincent stepped forward. "It seems like the show is over, come with me Sephiroth; we'll go find you something to wear while Yuffie does the same for Tifa" he suggested. "Tseng, please find the servers and asked them to start mixing drinks for these folks. Tifa and Sephiroth shared a bemused expression while they were separated and led away.

Sephiroth felt much better as he donned a tuxedo, glad to be back in pants. He had noticed the Vincent wore black dragon print kimono on a red background and black obi and had noticed that Tseng wore the opposite of red dragons on a black background with red obi. As for Yuffi, she wore silver dragons on white background with silver obi. He wondered about the themes of their kimonos, but thought it not his business to ask.

"That was your first time?" Vincent suddenly asked him.

"Yes" he replied.

"Why did you wait so long?" he asked him.

"With my upbringing, touching to me meant pain, so I don't much care to be touched and then there was the whole mental breakdown thing. It just never happened. A wise man once said that, if I were able to trust the person and they were patient with me, it would happen and it looks like he was right" Sephiroth explained.

"You really are having quite the life" he commented.

"Let's see, I was a lab experiment for my early life, a general for the other half...then the whole insane journeys, to and from the lifestream; finally better. Getting married in a bar hopped up on tequila and not remembering it and now losing my virginity on our ballroom floor into front of half the party guests I invited. I guess that sums it up. I would say that I am" Sephiroth agreed.

"I'm glad you're better, son. Yes I do know. You're far too good looking to be related to Hojo, he was an ugly fuck. Good looks run in our family" Vincent said.

"Does this mean I have to call you Dad?" Sephiroth asked, narrowing his eyes at him.

"Vincent is fine with me" Vincent said.

"Okay, Vincent. What is it with you and Yuffie and Tseng?" he asked him.

"We're Yuffie's consorts" he said, not beating around the bush.

"Wait you're saying that you and Tseng and Yuffie; you're all?" he asked him, trying not blush.

"We're all Wutaian so Yuffie as our Princess, is allowed to take consorts until she decides which one of us she wants to marry" Vincent explained.

"So all three of you?" Sephiroth asked him.

"Sometimes her and I, or her and him and sometimes, he and I while she watches" Vincent explained.

"You and Tseng? " Sephiroth said in a faint sounding voice.

"Why not? He's a beautiful man with lovely skin" Vincent looked amused at how Sephiroth was blushing. "You look so like you're mother when you blush. Don't worry, I'll warn you way in advance if I marry Yuffie and you have another brother or sister on the way" he teased him. "Welcome to the family" he said giving his son a hug that he awkwardly returned.

The party after that, was a hit and certainly was to be remembered, but quite in the way Sephiroth had hoped. Sephiroth and Tifa barely left each other's side as they mingled and claimed many dances together, just happy to be in each other's presence. When the final guest departed, they ran up the stairs to continue where they left off and he proved his inhuman stamina by making love to Tifa long into the night, in what was now their room.

Sephiroth was awakened when he sensed something was off and looked towards the greenhouse, which glowed the green colour of lifestream. He stole out of Tifa's arms and gently covered her up, donning his cargo pants and boots, he snuck up beside the greenhouse and relaxed at the sight of the familiar pink ribbon and long brown ponytail. "Aerith?" he said pushing over the door.

"You do such beautiful work, you are a credit to me. Are you happy with your new life?" she asked him.

"Very happy, I thank you, but am concerned that with alien DNA, I might not be able to give Tifa what she really wants" he explained his worst fear to her.

"You already have; as is it was destined in lifestream. Your children are already forming in her from earlier this evening. Because of how long you waited, you mark was true on your first try. They shall be mainly human and cause no threat to Tifa when she gives birth" she assured him.

"Children, as in more than one? Twins?" he guessed.

"Quadruplets, two girls and two boys, twice as fun as twins! Now I have to go, give Tifa a hug for me" she said, giving him a hug goodbye and fading from view.

"Wait, you can't be serious? Tifa will kill me" he protested and then found himself chuckling. His life was so strange, why not add four children born all at once into the mix? After all, he was married to his ex-enemy, who he had literally tried to kill...a woman who had fallen in love with him, despite all his so-called "hang ups and quirks," before they had sex. He had just found out his real father was bisexual...who might be marrying his wife's best friend...and having children, who would be his own brothers and sisters...and would probably play with his own children. He realized right then and there, that his life would never be normal, but it would be spent with the woman who took a chance on him and made him her own and...he wouldn't change that for the world. If anyone knew crazy, it was him and his marriage was just his sort of crazy.

He was smiling as he crawled back in bed with his wife, who clung octopus-like to him in her sleep. She of course. turned so her head rested pillow-like on his chest and her naked body was cuddled against his and he happily feel asleep that way.