Hey everyone thank you for the reviews last chapter. This will probably be the last chapter. I'm glad you guys have enjoyed this fanfic. Thank you for all the love and support. I wouldn't have been able to finish it without you guys. I hope you like this chapter.

Chapter 20

Hinata sighed and rested her head on Sasuke's naked chest. She was so happy that he was finally back to normal. She really missed him. "Sasuke"

Sasuke rubbed Hinata's back. "What is it Hinata?"

"What are we going to tell my father? If you want to marry me you better ask for his permission and he doesn't know that I'm pregnant."

Sasuke froze "He doesn't know you're pregnant?"

Hinata shook her head no.

Sasuke sighed "Your father is going to kill me."

Hiashi sighed and took a sip of his wine. He glared at the Uchiha across from him. Last time he saw him he was still a boy. That boy was now replaced with a grown man. He still couldn't believe his daughter was able to convince him to let the Uchiha have dinner with them.

Hanabi looked around and noticed the room was quite tense. Her father and the Uchiha were just sitting there glaring daggers at each other while her older sweet sister was just sitting there being awkward. She didn't know what was going on, but whatever it was had to be bad.

"Um father." Hinata spoke for the first time during dinner.

"What is it Hinata?" Hiashi asked

"Well Sasuke and I were wondering if we could speak with you in private after dinner?"

Hiashi sighed "Fine"

Hinata smiled and took a sip of her water.

Sasuke and Hinata sighed and took a seat on the love seat waiting for Hinata's father to show up.

Sasuke stared at Hinata and noticed she was shaking. He gently grabbed her hand and held it. "It's okay. I'm here for you."

Hinata bit her lip and nodded.

Hiashi walked into the room and noticed that his daughter and the Uchiha were holding hands. "So what did you want to speak with me about?"

Sasuke sighed and gave Hinata's hand a gentle squeeze. "Mr. Hyuga I came here for a certain reason. These past few months with Hinata have been the best days of my life. Hiashi I love your daughter and I want to marry her."

Hiashi sighed and took a seat on the opposite side of the room. "Hinata do you feel the sameway?"

Hinata blushed "Yes father"

Hiashi stared at Sasuke. "Tell me Sasuke how did you fall in love my daughter?"

"Well when I turned into a child. I thought Hinata was my Kaa-san because she looked so much like her. Even those she didn't have to she loved and cared for me like a mother would. Soon I started to fall in love with her. She was so kind and gentle. I couldn't help, but fall in love."

"I see. II just have one more question Sasuke? Have you touched my daughter in anyway?"

Sasuke turned pale. "Um yes ."

Hiashi glared at Sasuke. "Did you get her pregnant?"

Sasuke's face became almost as white as a ghost. "Yes Sir"

Hiashi stood up and out of nowhere punched the wall. He turned around to face Hinata and Sasuke. "Hinata why did you have sex with him! You know it's against our families law not to have sex before marriage!"

Hinata frowned "The first time was an accident."

Hiashi gritted his teeth. "Sasuke you dishonored my daughter. Why should I give you permission to marry her? You probably only want to marry her because she's pregnant."

Sasuke stood up "That's not true. I love your daughter with my whole heart! I would die for her." Sasuke froze when he felt Hinata grab his hand. "Hinata"

"Sasuke please let me handle this."

Sasuke sighed and sat back down.

Hinata took a deep breath and stood up. "Father I know you're angry at Sasuke, but it's just as much as my fault as his. I wanted to have sex with him. I knew it was wrong,but I didn't care because I love Sasuke. If you won't bless our marriage we will get married without your permission . I'm 18 years old father I can make my own decisions."

Hiashi sighed "I won't bless this marriage, but I won't stop you from getting married ether."

Hiashi froze when Hinata hugged him.

"Thank you father."

Hiashi pushed her away. "You know the rules when you break the Hyuga laws."

Hinata frowned and noded

"You're no longer part of this family."

Hinata bit her lip as tears streamed down her cheeks. "I know."

Hiashi gritted his teeth. "Please go."

Hinata nodded and grabbed Sasuke's hand. "I love you father."

Hinata walked out of the estate with Sasuke.

Sasuke sighed and wiped her tears. "Isn't he being a little too cruel."

Hinata shook her head. "No. What he did was out of kindness. Are family have laws if a woman gets pregnant out of wedlock the girl's father must put her to death."

Sasuke's eyes widened "I didn't know that. If I knew I would of never had…"

Hinata forced a smile. "It's okay Sasuke you didn't know. Part of it was my fault I should've pushed away before we had sex in the shower. I didn't think I would become pregnant since I was under birth control."

Sasuke pulled Hinata into a hug. "I know this is selfish of me, but I'm glad you didn't push me away and I'm glad you're pregnant with our baby."

Hinata hugged him back "Me too"

Hiashi fell to his knees as tears streamed down his face. He had no choice. He either had to kill his daughter or kick her out of the family. It was so unfair. People didn't realize this, but even those he was the head of the Hyuga's he had no power over this.

A few weeks later
Sasuke smiled and watched as Hinata walked down the aisle. She wore a long white dress with a lace turtleneck and laced sleeves. Sasuke smirked she looked so beautiful. He still couldn't believe he was getting married. Specially to the most beautiful woman in Konoha.

A few years later
Hinata gasped when the front door opened and a small boy ran to hug her.



The boy froze and stared at his mom like she was crazy. "Sasuke? Mom why did you call me Daddy's name? I'm not Sasuke I'm Itachi."

Hinata gasped "I'm so sorry Itachi I was just having some dejavu."

"Dejavu? What's that?"

"A feeling when something like this has already happened to you."

"Okay, but guess what today is Kaa-san!"

Hinata couldn't help, but giggle. Watching her son getting all excited was just so cute. "Hmm let's see what is today. Is it Christmas?"

"No it isn't. It's April Kaa-san not December."

"Is it Easter then?"

The small boy pouted. "Kaa-san stop tasing me."

Hinata giggled and pulled the small boy into a hug. "Sorry I could help it. You were just too cute."

"So do you know what today is?" Itachi asked

Hinata smiled "Of course I do. Today is your birthday."

Itachi's face lit up. "You remembered!"

Hinata kissed his forehead. "Of course I remembered. You and your sister are both special to me. That reminds me where's your sister?"

"I'm not sure some boy at the academy asked her if he could talk to her."

Itachi and Hinata both froze when the front door opened and slammed. There stood a very pissed off Mikoto.

"Mikoto sweetie is everything okay?"

Mikoto gritted her teeth. "Boys are idiots."

Hinata stood there dumbfounded staring at her five year old. "What happened?"

"Some boy called me ugly and a tomboy so I beated him up. I bet he wishes he didn't. He came home with a bloody nose, but what I don't get is why I got in trouble. He was the one who started it. Thanks to him I'm now suspended for a week!"

Hinata's eyes widened. "Wait you're suspended? Why didn't the school call me?"

"Because they called me."

Hinata gasped when Sasuke walked into the house. "Sasuke"

Sasuke smirked and pulled Hinata into a demanding kiss.

Hinata stood there dumbfounded. "I thought you were on a mission?"

"I was. I just got back. Just in time for Itachi's birthday."

Itachi smiled and hugged his Tou-san. "I missed you Tou-san."

Sasuke smiled and ruffled his son's hair. He then stared at his still confused wife. "Are we going to have a party or not?"

Hinata gasped "Oh right"" She ran into the kitchen and grabbed a cake with 8 candles. She was about to light it when there was a knock on the door. Hinata placed the cake down on the table and answered the door. Hinata gasped "Father?"

Hiashi smiled and stared at his shocked daughter. "Hello Hinata."

Hinata finally snapped out of it. "Father what are you doing here?"

Hiashi sighed "I came here to see my grandchildren." Hiashi handed a present to Itachi. "Happy birthday Itachi."

Itachi stared at the present in his hands and then at the old man that gave it to him. Who was this guy?

"Um Itachi this is your grandfather." Hinata said.

Itachi nodded and slowly opened it and gasped. It was one of those remote control cars that he wanted for so long.

Hiashi gasped when the little boy hugged him.

"Thank you grandpa!"

Hiashi couldn't help, but smile. The boy sure looked a lot like Sasuke, but he definitely acted more like Hinata.

"Where's my present!" Mikoto yelled

Hiashi's eyes widened and stared at the little girl that was the spitting image of Hinata, but had Sasuke's cold and rude personality.

"Mikoto it's your brothers birthday not yours. Grandpa only brought a present for Itachi." Hinata said.

Mikoto groaned "No fair."

Sasuke's eye twitched as he watched the scene. "Aren't you forgetting something Hiashi."

Hiashi stared at Sasuke "Nope"

Sasuke gritted his teeth. 'That bastard.' "Why the hell are you here Hiashi. You told Hinata she was no longer part of this family. Why are you here after nine years of no contact."

Hiashi sighed "It took me years, but I finally was able to change the law. We can be a family again."

Hinata face lit up. "Father."

"Get out."

Hinata froze and stared at her husband. "Sasuke"

"I said get out! Leave my wife and children alone! Don't ever come back here!" Sasuke pushed Hiashi out the door and slammed the door.

"Sasuke why?"

Sasuke stared at his tearing up wife. He walked out of the room and went into their bedroom.

"Mikoto Itachi mommy will be right back. You two play nice while mommy talks to daddy."

Hinata opened the bedroom door and stared at her frustrated husband sitting on their bed. Hinata sighed and took a seat next to him.

"He's a bastard. After all this time he finally decides to be a father."

"Sasuke it wasn't his choice."

"I know that, but even so he could of at least called you or come by once in awhile to say hi. What he did hurt you Hinata and I can't forgive that."

Hinata cupped his cheeks. "I know you can't, but please let him be part of this family. Not for me, but for our children. They need their grandfather."

Sasuke sighed "Fine"

Sasuke opened the door and glared at Hiashi. "Come on in."

Hiashi nodded and walked in.

Meanwhile in the Uzumaki household.
Sakura gasped and ran to her son who was covered in bruises "Minato! What happened? Why are you covered in bruises?"

Naruto sighed "Go on Minato. Tell mommy what happened."

Minato pouted "I got in a fight with that stupid Uchiha girl."

Sakura's eyes widened "You got in a fight with Mikoto?"

"It was her fault! Why does she have to be so strong? A girl shouldn't be that strong. Girls are supposed to be girly and sweet not mean and a tomboy."

Sakura couldn't help, but smile. "Minato go your room I'll call for you when it's dinner time and you're not getting dessert after what you did. When Mikoto comes to school you better apologize."

Minato stomped off.

Naruto stared at Sakura with confusion. "What with that smile?"

Sakura giggled "Isn't it obvious. He as a crush on Mikoto."

Naruto laughed "Yeah right! There's no way my son likes her."

Sakura rolled her eyes.

A week later
Minato groaned as he walked to school with a flower in his hand. His mother made him buy a flower with his allowance to give to Mikoto to say sorry. He froze when he noticed she was waiting by the academy gates. He walked over to her a light pink blush on his cheeks.

Mikoto glared at Minato. "What do you want loser." Mikoto froze her face turning red when he handed her a flower.

Minato grumbled "Sorry"

Mikoto face was completely red. "Baka! Why are you giving me a flower! Boys only give flowers to pretty girls not tomboy's like me."

Minato sighed "I'm sorry for calling you a tomboy and ugly yesterday."

Mikoto sighed "All is forgiven. Come on let's get inside before sensei gets mad at us."

Minato nodded and ran along with Mikoto.

Sakura and Hinata both giggled watching the whole scene.

"They totally like each other." Sakura said

"They do. Are boys are not going to be happy about this."

Sakura smiled "I can see it now Naruto and Sasuke fighting and trying to kill each other."

Hinata nodded "Yep"

Meanwhile somewhere in town.
Sasuke punched Naruto right in the face. "It's your son fault! He called her ugly and a tomboy."

"Well it's not my fault your daughter is ugly."

"What did you say!" Sasuke growled

I hope you guys liked this extra long chapter. I hope you liked this story. Please review.