Ukai's words still rang through Takeda's head as he drove Karasuno the rest of the way back to school. I'm thankful for you sensei, Ukai had told him. Takeda knew he had meant it too. Ukai was grateful for all the practice matches that he had set up for the team with the powerhouse schools from Tokyo. You did an amazing thing. Takeda's grip on the steering wheel tightened as he resisted the urge to look back at Ukai behind him and give him a big smile. Ukai would probably find it extremely dorky, so Takeda held back.

Once back at the gymnasium, Ukai gave the team a speech, one that was centered on the reality that Shiratorizawa was indeed the stronger team. "They are undoubtedly the undefeated champions," Ukai told the team, referring to the fierce power of Shiratorizawa. Takeda admired the coach's words, knowing that he was being honest with the team. "No one actually thinks we're going to win," Ukai continued, and then noticed a fidgeting and grumbling Hinata.

Hinata clearly had something to say. "That doesn't matter!" He stood up with Ukai's permission and reminded the team that no one thought they would beat Aoba Johsai either. Takeda sensei watched the encounter with awe. The teammates never ceased to amaze him. Ukai had led the players to victory today, and Takeda had no doubt that they could defeat Shiratorizawa tomorrow. He believed in Karasuno.

He felt so empowered by Hinata and Ukai's words that he stepped in and added his own piece. "The fallen powerhouse, the flightless crows. There's no one to call you that anymore. Birds with the wind in their wings are flying across the great blue sky right now. And all of you should be able to make it! To the highest limit, now, everyone, the time has come! Let's win tomorrow and make it to nationals!" he said. The volleyball players all stood up during his speech, ready to take on the next challenge in the morning.

After the speeches and words of encouragement from everyone, the boys filed out of the room, promising to get a good night's rest. Takeda packed up his few belongings and swung his bag over his shoulder, feeling thoroughly exhausted from the day.

Ukai clapped a hand on Takeda's shoulder, "Let's walk home together, alright?"

"Sure," Takeda said. They often walked back together, as their homes were not far apart. Takeda secretly enjoyed his walks home with the coach more than he let on. He looked forward to leaving each night, just so he could have some time alone with Ukai. He and Ukai had become close friends over the past few months, and it was a bond that Takeda treasured dearly.

They began their journey home in peaceful silence, both with big smiles on their faces. They were thinking back to the match against Aoba Johsai. It had been close, but Karasuno had ultimately defeated their opponents, securing themselves a spot in the finals. Tomorrow was definitely going to be tough, and Takeda felt a little nervous just thinking about it.

"I want to thank you again," Ukai said suddenly, breaking their comfortable silence.

"For what?" Takeda asked, "I told you earlier you could thank me tomorrow, after we defeat Shiratorizawa."

"I feel more confident in our team, after you talked to them. You always know what to say," Ukai explained, giving Takeda a grateful look.

"Oh, please, I didn't plan it or anything, it just sort of came out. No need to thank me for that," Takeda said, feeling his cheeks grow warm.

"The team always gets pumped when they hear you speak, you have a poetic way with words," Ukai said, making Takeda blush deeper. Takeda was at a loss for words, he wasn't normally complimented this much. Ukai laughed cheerfully and slapped Takeda lightly on the back, "You don't have to be so modest. Lighten up."

"Haha, alright," was all Takeda could manage to say.

They were walking past a dimly lit street, that had a few restaurants and bars scattered around. "Hey, would you like to get a drink?" Ukai said, looking at the rows of bars ahead of them.

Takeda blushed again, and his heart began to race faster in his chest for some reason. Calm down, he told himself, it's just a casual drink, as friends. "Sure," he said as his thoughts were in a tumult in his head. He smiled brightly, feeling happy that Ukai had invited him for a drink.

Ukai picked a place near the end of the street, leading them into a booth near the back. "This place has some great sushi too, do you want any?" Ukai asked. "My treat."

"Oh, um are you sure?" Takeda asked. If Ukai was paying for it…then didn't that make it a date? Takeda shook his head, ridding himself of that absurd notion. They were friends. That's it.

"Yeah, I'm feeling good tonight after our win. I was going to get a drink either way, but I decided it would be more fun with company, so I don't mind taking the bill on this one," Ukai explained as his eyes looked up and down the elaborate menu. Takeda sighed. Of course, he thought, that explains it. How silly of me to think this was more than just two friends hanging out.

"Alright, I'll cover tomorrow's bill then," Takeda said brightly, realizing too late that he just implied that they would be going out again tomorrow. He looked at Ukai cautiously, and was relieved to see a big grin on his face.

"That sounds good. Hopefully, it will be a celebratory dinner," Ukai said. Takeda smiled and looked down at his own menu, trying to decide what type of fish he was in the mood for. The waitress soon came to take their orders. She returned shortly with their sake. Ukai had ordered an entire bottle to share between the two of them, which surprised Takeda.

"I think we both deserve this tonight," Ukai said, pouring a full cup for himself and Takeda. "Cheers!"

"Cheers!" Takeda chimed in, clinking his cup with Ukai's before taking a sip. Ukai downed his cup and poured another.

Ukai smacked his lips, "Ah, that hits the spot. Nothing like some good sake after a great game."

"Yeah, you're right," Takeda agreed, finally finishing his first cup. Ukai wasted no time in filling it back up for him.

"I'm glad you forced me to become the coach for that team. You were right, they are a great team, all those boys can go far with the right level of motivation," Ukai said. Takeda couldn't help but noticed that Ukai had slid closer to him in the booth. Their hands were just a few inches apart.

"Haha, I guess I was pretty persistent with you, wasn't I?" Takeda laughed lightly, recalling how he had come by Ukai's shop every day until Ukai finally gave in.

"Yeah, you were a little pesky," Ukai said. Takeda felt his stomach drop uneasily. "But, all the same, I'm glad. I need someone who is persistent and determined like you to get me motivated."

Takeda's eyes shone brightly at Ukai's words. "I knew all you had to do was see the team just once."

Ukai laughed, then took another sip of sake. He was on his third cup now…or maybe fourth? Takeda couldn't keep track. His own cheeks were beginning to get rosy from the alcohol buzzing in his system. "There you go, being modest again. It's all your doing that I'm the coach."

Takeda's cheeks turned bright red once more. He took a big gulp of his sake to hide his embarrassed blush. Ukai grinned at him, "There you go! Drinking like a champ!" he said.

At that moment, their sushi arrived and Takeda and Ukai both licked their lips hungrily. Somehow, food tasted a little better while under the influence. The smell alone was enough to make Takeda's mouth water. They ate their food fast, not stopping to converse until it was all gone.

"Mmm, thank you, that was delicious," Takeda said, leaning back in his chair. He grabbed his cup of sake and began taking another slow sip.

"Yes, I'm glad we came here. Your girlfriend won't be mad if your home late?" Ukai asked out of the blue. Takeda nearly spat out his sake. He swallowed it hard and coughed. Ukai patted him on the back, "Oh hey, you alright?"

"Y-yeah," Takeda said, feeling his eyes water, "I'm alright." He sat up in his chair, noticing with another heated blush that Ukai's hand was still on his back, rubbing it gently. "What made you ask that? I don't have any girlfriend."

"Oh I see, I was just curious," Ukai said with a devious smile. Or was Takeda imagining that? "So you're single then?"

"Yes. I thought that was obvious…" Takeda said, glancing downwards. "What about you? Do you have a girl waiting at home for you?"

Ukai laughed deeply, "Yeah right," he said. Takeda noticed the pink tint on his cheeks. Ukai was definitely tipsy at this point. "Girls are too much trouble. I prefer a man's company over a woman's." Takeda felt his body freeze and his heart hammered loudly in his chest. What exactly was coach Ukai admitting? Takeda had known he himself was gay since his own days in high school, but he wasn't open about it with everyone. It was hard for Takeda to find dates sometimes, as he never knew what men were straight or gay. Was Ukai admitting that he was gay? Or had Takeda misheard him?

Perhaps it was the liquid courage, but Takeda felt it necessary to prod into the matter further. His curiosity had taken the better of him. "What do you mean by that?" he asked. It was a question that under any other circumstance, he probably would not have asked. But his mind was already tipsy, and alcohol sometimes made Takeda say things that he would normally hold back.

"Oh," Ukai looked a little embarrassed, as though he had let that last part slip out on accident. "Well, I think you know what I meant," Ukai said mysteriously before occupying his lips with another drink of sake.

Takeda scooted closer to Ukai, so that their shoulders were touching. He felt Ukai's muscles tense a little. Their hands were now a mere hair's breadth away. "No, be more specific," Takeda instructed, using his persistent charm again.

Ukai eyed him carefully, as though he was seeing Takeda clearly for the first time. "I'm gay, alright," Ukai finally said. Takeda watched Ukai's face turn a deep crimson.

Takeda felt joy erupt within himself, and it took all his willpower not to shout a 'yes!' and grab Ukai and kiss him. Instead, he slid his hand carefully over to Ukai's. Ukai noticed the touch, flinching his fingers at first. Then Ukai slid his fingers with Takeda's, embracing his hand like a delicate gift. "Mmm," Takeda hummed delightfully. His head was spinning a little bit from the mixture of alcohol and pleasure.

Ukai was looking down at their clasped hands with a mixture of disbelief and happiness. "You…you?" Ukai's unformulated question hung over the air for a few seconds before Takeda indulged him with an answer.

"Yes, I'm gay too," Takeda answered. The wide smile that formed upon Ukai's lips was unlike any other that Takeda had seen.

Ukai raised his other hand up, holding his cup, "I'll drink to that sensei!" he cried. Takeda raised his glass cheerfully too before downing the sake.

"Oh man," Takeda said, "I'll be feeling this in the morning." His head was spinning faster now, the room seemed to have a fuzzy glow to it.

Ukai thrusted a glass of water to Takeda, "here, we can't have you feeling sick tomorrow, we need you!" Ukai said a little forcefully. Takeda drank the water gratefully and then eyed Ukai with bewilderment.

"What are you talking about? The team will be just fine if I'm not there," He said.

Ukai squeezed Takeda's hand and grabbed his cheek with his other hand, turning his face towards him. "I won't be okay if you aren't there. You're my motivation, remember?" he said in all seriousness. It probably would've been a really romantic moment, possibly the perfect moment for a kiss, but Takeda couldn't help but laugh. He felt so happy with Ukai's face so close, and his hand on his cheek. He also felt giddy from drunkenness.

Ukai blinked at Takeda's drunken mirth, and then joined in laughing as well. Takeda's laughter was contagious after all. They both laughed, forgetting soon what they were even laughing about. They continued to hold hands, and Ukai even pulled Takeda in closer.

The waitress came by again, asking in a polite voice if they needed anything else. Takeda looked at his watch, realizing they had been there for quite a while…they had probably overextended their stay. "Oh, no thanks, I think we're good to take the check, right?" He looked over at Ukai, who nodded forcefully.

After paying the bill, they both stumbled out of the restaurant. Ukai wrapped an arm around Takeda's shoulder, although Takeda wasn't sure if this was a romantic gesture so much as a support to help him walk straight. Takeda wasn't even sure if Ukai liked him like that…sure they held hands in the restaurant, but Ukai was clearly drunk. Would he even remember confessing that he was gay to Takeda in the morning? Takeda wondered, feeling a little worried as they drew closer to Ukai's home.

They finally reached Ukai's house, and Ukai extracted his arm from Takeda's shoulder. Takeda sighed, his hopes deflating in his chest like a balloon without air.

"Alright, then, I'll see you tomorrow," Takeda said, ready to make his leave. But Ukai caught his sleeve in his hand, pulling him softly. Takeda turned around, looking at Ukai questioningly.

"Wait," Ukai said. "Thank you."

"Again? Haha, I haven't really do-" Takeda's statement was cut short as Ukai's lips came crashing down against his own. Takeda's eyes widened with surprise as Ukai kissed him. Then Takeda closed his eyes and tilted his head to the side, kissing Ukai back as his heart burst with excitement.

Ukai parted slowly, lifting his eyelids halfway to look at Takeda with admiration. Takeda felt like a school boy again, he was so excited he could barely stand it. His breathing was heavy, and probably smelled strongly of sake. He closed his lips, not wanting Ukai to be turned off.

Ukai smiled widely, his eyes crinkling up as he did so. "You're so cute sensei," he said, swaying a little to the side. Takeda caught Ukai's arm, preventing him from tumbling to the floor. "Whoops, haha," Ukai said, laughing merrily.

"You should probably get inside and get some sleep," Takeda said.

"Yeah, you're right," Ukai agreed. He kissed Takeda's forehead (causing Takeda to scream internally) and then turned around waving vigorously as Takeda finally left.

Hmmm, I wonder if he'll remember this in the morning. I sure hope so. Takeda thought as he stumbled his way back to his apartment.


Karasuno walked up to the gymnasium with fierce determination the next morning. The ride there had been mostly silent, the team was quiet as they mentally prepared for the upcoming match against Shiratorizawa. Takeda had been silent on the wheel, not daring to look Ukai in the eye.

Now that they were here, Takeda realized he wouldn't be able to ignore Ukai for much longer. He sighed, still holding onto the perfect memory of their kiss from last night. He wondered if it would ever happen again. He resolved to ask Ukai about it, to get an answer either way.

He was walking fast, searching the crowd for Ukai. He felt a tap on his shoulder and nearly jumped out of his skin. He turned to see Ukai behind him. The team kept walking on ahead as they stopped.

"I haven't forgotten last night," Ukai said. Takeda felt a knot in his stomach release, part of his worry was diminished. But he still wondered…did Ukai like it? Or was he regretting it now?

"Oh," Takeda responded, not sure what else to say. A blush crawled up to his face.

"Despite the outcome of today's match, I'd like to take you out on a real date tonight. What do you say?" Ukai said, staring into Takeda's eyes with admiration. Ukai's cheeks were also dusted red, but that didn't stop him from staring into Takeda's gorgeous eyes and waiting patiently for an answer.

"Yes!" Takeda squealed, a little too loudly. He quieted his voice down, but his nerves were still heightened, "I would love that."

Ukai smiled, "great. Then it's a date. Now let's go beat Shiratorizawa!" He said as he grabbed Takeda's hand, leading him towards the gym. Takeda smiled brightly, showing his teeth and creating little dimples in his cheeks. They walked hand in hand behind their team, feeling ready to conquer the world.


Author's Note: This ends right at the end of season 2, and I don't know what will happen with Shiratorizawa yet haha so...I want to write more, but I'd like to wait until I can read the manga or watch the the manga even in English yet? Anyways, enough of my rambling, please let me know if you like this and would like me to continue! Thanks for reading! Reviews are welcome!