Nico didn't really think Will would be anything more than a crush. After all, he'd spent years pining over Percy, and then realized that he didn't really like him. So, he hadn't expected Will to be different.

He didn't even know the guy, really. Just seen him around camp a few times. That is, when Nico actually came to camp. But each little interaction took him further away from Percy, and closer to Will.

Will Solace. A sweet kid. A bit annoying at that; well, more than a bit. But kind. Sort of like Percy, and maybe that was why Nico chose to avoid him for as long as he could.

Then came the battle of Camp Half-Blood, and Will took his hand, and Nico knew he had gotten himself in trouble.

Nico had always tried to avoid getting too close to anyone, ever since Bianca's death. Jason was helping stop that bad habit, but that didn't mean it was gone. Plus, Nico wasn't really good with people. Ever.

He knew the reasonable thing was to talk to Will, but who could honestly have a calm discussion about feelings? Ridiculous.

Those three days in the infirmary were the worst part of it. Always being around Will, when he felt so strongly about him, was torture.

One day, Nico was kind of just...well, zoning out, really. And Will was talking about something, but Nico couldn't pay attention at all.

Will was staring at him. "Nico," he said, for what was probably the fifth time now.

Nico looked up, "Sorry, what?"

Will sighed, shaking his head, "I said, it's been three days. You can leave now. But I mean," Why did Will look nervous? He never looked nervous, "You can always stay and help out. Or, we could just...spend time together at some point?"


Will met his gaze, "Yeah?"

"You're bright red. Are you okay?"

Will turned a shade of red that was almost purple, "I..."

Nico took his hand, just out of an old habit. At least, that's what he told himself. He immediately pulled away, looking down again, flushed, "Sorry."

Will smiled, putting his hand on top of Nico's, "It's alright." Gods. Will's palm was really soft. And now he was moving closer. Nico tried to relax, but ended up freezing.

Will stopped, "Are you okay?"

Nico did his best to let his words be calm, "I..I don't think this is a good time. I don't really know you, no offense."

Will looked hurt, and suddenly Nico felt really bad, "I like you, Will. I really do. But I want to get to know you better, okay?"

And Will Solace smiled his perfect faded smile, and stood up, letting his hand move from Nico's, "Will you stay and help? Or at least come by sometimes?"

Nico nodded, "Of course."