Im alive! As is this story! That's right folks, I'm not done with it yet. The fire as been relit and I shall actually carry on this story. So, for now, here is a preview of the chapter I'm working on.

Thank you all for making this story one of the most favorites and I hope it can only climb from here.

"...Wake up, Gremory."

"...Chh, what a worthless investment. She went against my orders and couldn't even kill the boy."

"...It'll take a lot more work..."


"...So you're awake?"

"W-where am I? Ophis?"

"Rias Gremory, you've failed me," the dragon said. It was monotone but the heiress could still hear her disappointment.

"I'm not...dead?"

"...No, be grateful. If I hadn't found you, Great Red might have. And he would have been sure to finish the job."

Road looked down in shame. She was lucky to have survived. But she wanted to be dead. Dead with Issei. At least then she'd have some happiness. Knowing that her and her love would be together in the end.

Wait... If she's alive then what of her destined lover?

"Wait Ophis. What of Issei?" She asked, looking up to the god.

The lolita hesitated to answer. For once she held her tongue in a moment of uncertainty. Rias was confused from the moment of silence, not sure if her silence meant he was dead, or alive. It was eating at her as she craved for the answer, good or bad, the more time passed.

"...Issei Hyoudou is alive."

As if a wave washed over, Rias felt every fiber of her being relax. She breathed a sigh of relief and rested a hand over her chest. She could feel a warm feeling inside as she learned her lover survived as well. It meant she failed again but this time she was more than happy to. She didn't want to live if it meant she was without Issei. But now, knowing he wasn't dead, she had another opportunity.
But, would it be to kill him. Or would it be to make amends. If only the answer was so simple.

Issei hated her. She knew that. But that didn't stop her from loving him. For wanting to be with him. And it didn't stop her from trying to move on to the afterlife with him. So what was she to do?

Rias knew that she'd be the last person he'd want to see. In fact, she wouldn't be surprised if he attempted to kill her again. There had to be something. Some way for her to be with him once more. But what was she to do when she knew he'd have no remorse for taking her life?

"Ophis, exactly how did I survive? I pierced my heart, I shouldn't be alive."

The Ouroboros dragon floated next to her, with her usual blank expression. Another moment of silence passed before she spoke.

"...I gave you a new heart. A piece of myself that reconstructed your entire body to perfect health."
Rias' eyes widened in shock. "Does this mean I' you?"

"No. You can still die and you're not as strong as I. But you are much harder to kill."

"I see. Is there anything else?"

The dragon nodded her head. "Yes, you are able to morph as I can. As well as summon snakes."
Rias was once again taken by surprise. She could change her appearance to whatever she wished? As well as summon snakes similar to her god? This opened many doors for her, many doors.
But first, she had to harness these powers. If she went as she was, Issei would kill her instantly. If not him, then that bitch fallen angel with him.

The heiress would need to train. She would have to become much stronger to defeat anyone who stood between her and her king. Even that pesky True Red.

With her mind set, she turned to the dragon, a bright fire in her eyes. "Ophis, I must become stronger. Strong enough to kill even Great Red."

The god expected her claim but not towards the dragon of dreams. For the first time she smiled. One as vicious as Rias' the moment she drove the claw through Issei's chest. One that didn't match her face at all and only made it look more sinister.

And just as fast as it came she soon returned to her emotionless expression. Only making her seem just as crazed as her vanguard.

"...Yes. Let's begin immediately. For this shall take many years."

Rias was unwavering. "However many it takes."

And there it is. And, as an added bonus, drop ideas for a child for Issei and Penemue. I look forward to seeing if it'll be a boy or a girl I choose.

