Her name is on your lips when you wake up. Your dreams are full of the usual flashing images of forest green eyes and soft curls. You mouth her name over and over again, your blue eyes staring up at the off shade of white that covers the ceiling. She's a mystery to you, a girl you see in your dreams but you swear you've never met. Sometimes you hear her voice, it's soft and gentle, everything her appearance seems to suggest. She whispers words to you in a language you don't know, but somehow understand. Her fingertips run over your skin and you awake with a shiver.

Her name is on your lips.

It always is.

You never believed in anything to do with past lives or soul mates but then she came into your life and it's the only explanation you can think of now. That she was someone who was special to you in another life. Hell maybe even another universe, and for some reason she won't leave your mind. Like your souls are entwined together, or some crap like that.

You don't really give any sort of thought to her as you go about your day to day life. After all life is hard and you need to actually have a clear head for working. She's absent from your mind until you see a girl with brown curls in the street and have to do a double take. It's not her, of course it isn't but this part of you somehow always manages to pick out details of people and try match them to hers.

Whoever Lexa is, you're sure she doesn't even exist at this point. She's a fragment of your imagination that you just can't let go.

Except, she really isn't and you know it.

It's a Thursday night and you don't think you've ever been so cold in your entire life. The air around you feels like it's biting at your skin and you just want to get somewhere warm. You can see your breath when you breathe out and you almost expect it to start snowing as if you're in some sort of cheesy movie. You sure do look the part for it anyway. The blue eyed girl in a woollen hat and dark jacket stopping to breathe on her hands and rub them together to try get the feeling back in them. You curse yourself for not bringing gloves. Although really, you know you left in such a hurry for work this morning you didn't even have a chance to find a pair, if you own any at all.

It's only after you open your eyes after letting out a quick sigh that you realise you've stropped in front of a small flower shop with colourful candles burning in the window. For some reason, you're drawn to it. You think it's probably because your brain is telling you it's your mum's birthday and you should really get her some sort of present before meeting her for dinner later. Or maybe it's the thought of the warmth awaiting you if you go in. Either way, you decide having a look around can't hurt.

You almost cringe as you walk in and a little bell above the door rings. The place is empty and the first thing you notice is the heavenly smell of scented candles. You'd never admit it but you really do like it when your mum brings you scented candles and lights them to air out your small damp apartment. It makes you feel safe, secure even, and you're not quite sure exactly why the simple smell of a vanilla candle does that to you. The warmth of the room makes you smile, another sigh escaping your lips as you breathe in the warmth and scent that makes you feel as if you're well and truly home.

The flowers in the room seem to shine brightly at you, although you know that's impossible. A particular bouquet of white flowers grab your attention and before you can stop yourself you're walking over to them. The click of your boots on the white tiled floor sounds impossibly loud and the warm atmosphere seems to shift entirely as you now stand next to the flowers, looking at them with a strange feeling in your chest. it's like you've seen these before, like they're somehow important.

My people use them as a sign of surrender, to show we'll surrender everything for love.

You shake your head, not quite believe what you've just heard. It's her voice, you knows it is. It's a distant dream trying to pull you in, but you won't let it. Of course your head would make up some poetic bullshit about flowers to make you feel less lonely and tired. They're just flowers after all. Some nice white flowers that you know Abby will love and that's all there is to them. Your life isn't special, it isn't some dramatic movie. You just have weird dreams that you seem to remember way too well.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't hear you come in" A voice says.

You stiffen, your body frozen as your heart races. There's no mistaking it, it's her voice. She isn't real. She isn't real and you know it. It's your mind playing tricks on you, making you think you actually hear her voice, but it's still all in your head.

Footsteps make their way across the floor towards you and you finally shift your gaze to the girl as she stops in front of you. You forget how to breathe for a moment and all you feel is panic rising in your chest. Her green eyes bore into yours as a small smile tugs at her lips.

She's real and standing right in front of you.

"Lexa…" you manage to breathe out eventually with a staggered breath,

She looks at you, something flashing across her eyes before she looks down at the name tag pinned to her shirt. "I'm glad the font isn't too small to read. It's rare that customers actually bother to address me by my name" she says with a quirky smile and you feel yourself falling back into that comfortable atmosphere yet again. She's just as stunning as she is in your dreams and god, you feel absolutely captivated by her intense gaze.

You realise you've been standing there idly for way too long and she's now looking at you strangely. She probably thinks you're some sort of freak, would think you're mute if you hadn't just said her name so softly.

"I'm Clarke" you say slowly, reaching out your hand to her. She happily takes it, the smile retuning to her face and she squeezes your hand it a firm handshake. Her hands are a little bit rough, but not unpleasantly so. She lets go of your hand, turning towards the flowers you were admiring and her smile seems to spread even wider.

"You have a good eye for flowers, these are my favourite" she states simply, delicately reaching out to run a finger across a silky white petal. "Do you know the meaning behind these flowers, Clarke?"

The way she says your name makes you gulp down the lump that's been forming in your throat ever since you set eyes on her. The way she clicks the 'k' seems so familiar and you have to take a quick breath to remind yourself this is just some girl you've never met before. She's someone who just happens to resemble the girl who appears in your dreams. Nothing should be familiar about her, but it is. It is and it's making your head start to throb.

You were born for this Clarke, the same as me

"These flowers are said to be hundreds of years old. It's said that people used to use them as a sign of surrender, to show-"

"They'll surrender everything for love" you finish, your heart nearly stopping as you see's Lexa's eyes widen. For a moment, you think you see recognition cross the other girls face, but if there was anything it's gone as soon as it appears.

"I'm impressed you know that" she says softly, her expression different from before. Somehow much softer, understanding even.

"Someone once told me. Someone…special" is all you manage to say in something barely above a whisper. You didn't even need to think. Your mind had the answers for you, although you're not quite sure what the words mean. She nods, her eyes meeting yours and your breath hitches. This seems all too familiar, like a hazy memory.

This is goodbye then, for now

"Clarke?" she asks, concern evident in her voice. It might just be your imagination but you swear her eyes dip down to your lips. That's when reality hits you and realise you're pushing your weird feelings for someone you're sure doesn't exist onto this poor innocent girl just because she looks like her.

You clear your throat, tearing your eyes away from hers and placing some distance between you. "I'm fine"

She seems to sense the shift in you and looks towards the flowers again, a smile on her lips once again but it doesn't reach her eyes. "Who are you buying for?"

"My mom" you answer quickly, nerves still on edge "It's her birthday, and I'm meeting her for dinner later so I thought I better get her something"

Lexa nods, her eyes flickering to you for just a moment before they're back on the flowers "That's a lovely thought, Clarke. I'm sure she'll really appreciate them"

You smile back at her and just as her smile didn't reach her eyes, you know yours doesn't either. You're being polite, trying to not look like a complete idiot in front of her. If she see's the fakeness in your smile she doesn't say anything, she simply nods towards the flowers.

"There are others if you'd like to see them"

You glance around the shop at the other colourful bouquets but they somehow seem out of place. They're too colourful, too vibrant and loud. The blues and reds are harsh and blinding against the soft whites. An unfamiliar feeling makes itself known in the pit of your stomach and it takes a moment for you to realise it's dread. The colours remind you of something, something you've tried to push away. You've seen it in your dreams before, the royal blue and red. Red makes you feel weary and so does that shade of blue. All the flowers seem to merge to those colours and you feel the lump in your throat back again. You try to swallow it down but you cant and suddenly your flooded with memories of blue and red. Blue and red, blue and-

Heda and Wanheda

"Do you know what these are called?" Lexa's voice snaps you out of your thoughts and as you quickly turn to look into her eyes you feel that panic gripping your chest tightly. You do know the name, it comes into your head straight away. But you shouldn't know it. You shouldn't know it because you've never seen these flowers before in your life.

"Priamthus" you say, it coming out more as a gasp that anything else. You feel as though the once warm atmosphere has turned cold and terror ripples through you. The air is too thin and before you even realise it you're staring at her, begging her to help you with your eyes wide and your breathing laboured. Her eyes widen like they did before but she looks more shocked this time. Her expression giving away her true feelings for the first time since you've walked in here and it makes the tightness in your chest only increase.

You hear a gunshot, see black covering your hands and for the first time what once was a distant nightmare becomes all too clear and you can't escape. You see her being shot, that look of shock spreading across her face as she drops to the floor and all you want to do is scream.

Everything is distorted, nothing making sense and you don't realise Lexa is saying your name until she grips both your shoulders roughly and shakes you slightly. The fuzziness leaves your sight and you become a little less disorientated as you concentrate on her eyes pouring into yours with enough concern to make your stomach flip.

"Clarke" she says again, firmer this time and your attention snaps fully to her. You still can't breath, your knees becoming weak from the lack of oxygen and you're pretty sure if Lexa wasn't holding you so tightly you would have fallen long ago. Her eyes are fierce and she stares right into your soul as she speaks "Breathe, Clarke." she commands, taking a deep breath in and then out, trying to get you to match her breathing. And you do, your hands now gripping her forearms for support as you both breathe deeply together. She whispers small encouraging words to you but you don't really hear them. You here her voice but you know it isn't what she's saying out loud to you, it's in your head. It's in your head and you want it to stop. You want her to stop. You feel numb and the ends of your fingers tingle as you ball your hands into fists.

Don't be afraid

You close your eyes and somehow that stops everything going through your head. There's a silence that you appreciate more than anything else right now and after awhile you realise the only sound you can actually hear is the sound of Lexa's soft breaths close to your ear and your own still slightly uneven ones still trying to copy her.

When you open your eyes she pulls away from you slightly, the hand she's placed on your cheek to calm you lingering for only a moment before she pulls that away too. You feel empty for a moment, as if her touch was the greatest gift and it's been taken away. It stirs another feeling of dread in your stomach so you quickly force the thought away, concentrating on the fact she's alive and in front of you staring at you with those beautiful green eyes you've become so accustomed too in your dreams.

"Are you okay?" she asks wearily, her voice soft and cautious as if she's scared to set you off again. You feel silly for getting so worked up over something in your head. A nightmare that should have only stayed a nightmare. Locked away reserved only for when you sleep.

"Yeah, sorry" you reply back, licking your suddenly way too dry lips. You feel better now, if anything you feel better than you have in weeks. The shadows that loom over you have subsided for a moment and you're not sure exactly what's caused it.

"My nephew is prone to panic attacks" Lexa suddenly says, her eyes looking away almost as if she's embarrassed at her sudden out burst "I know how to handle them because of him"

You don't know what to say back to that so you just smile. You feel like you should tell her you've never had a panic attack before in your life, but you don't. instead you offer your thanks and smile at her. She looks flustered, a blush covering her cheeks and although it's totally inappropriate you can't help but think about how you suddenly want to kiss that blush away. Your hands are firmly at your side before you can even think about moving towards her.

"Let me get these ready for you" she says eventually breaking the silence that's fallen upon you both, and you're for once glad to not be stuck in complete silence. You watch her carefully as she takes the flowers over to a bench, brown curls tossed over her shoulders and bouncing lightly as she strides across the room. You're captivated by her and you're starting to wonder if this has all been one incredibly realistic and torturous dream. But when Lexa moves form the bench to the small counter with the flowers wrapped beautifully in an arrangement of pink and purple paper, you can't help but notice that this is very real. She's actually real.

You slowly make your way over to the counter, your legs still a little shaky from before but you get there, and when you do Lexa smiles up at you sweetly before going back to the book she's writing something into.

Your eyes drift from her to the counter and for the first time you notice a display of candles sitting there. On closer inspection you see a symbol you vaguely recognise on the sign of the display at it makes your heart beat just a little bit faster. It's her head piece, the one you've seen her wear in your dreams when her eyes are dark and her face covered in war paint.

"I can't shake the feeling I know you, Clarke"

She says suddenly, successfully grabbing your attention once again. You just stare at her, not sure what to say. You glance from the candles then back to her before you say the first thing that comes into your head.

"Maybe we knew each other in another life"

She smiles, her grip on the flowers tightening slightly you notice "That's a nice thought, isn't it?"

You nod, not trusting yourself to speak in case you say anything else strange. She seems to notice your want not to talk and quickly rings up your order, smiling politely as you hand over the crumbled up note that's been through the washing machine at least twice now.

You're about to leave, flowers in hand when you hear her voice.

"Goodbye, Clarke"

Your stomach flips, your eyes meeting hers for the last time before you nod and take your leave.

When you arrive at the restaurant Abby seems delighted you've actually bought her a gift. She takes the flowers excitedly looking them over before she sets them down on the table and hugs you to her tightly. You pat her back, wanting to roll your eyes at how dramatic she's making this. She's always been that sort of mum.

When she releases you she picks up the flowers again, only for something to fall out of the bouquet. You bend down to the ground to get it, only realising once it's in your hand that it's a candle. The same symbol from the display in Lexa's shop is printed on the label. 'Heda's candles' it reads and for some reason that sound familiar to you. When you turn it over that's when you see the small scrap of paper attached to it.

You just stares at it, slowly reading what it says 'For if you need help' and then a phone number scribbled underneath. Clarke isn't quite sure if she should count this as the weirdest way she's ever got a girls number before or not, either way it will be one hell of a story to tell Octavia and Raven.

She's about to place the candle in her bag when she see's something written under the phone number. Her breath catches in her throat as the words stir a strange feeling within her.

'May we meet again'