The idea for this fic came from SillehKitteh

Part one: It's the wigglies that counts

Tifa hurriedly fixed her hair in a bun while glancing at the clock simultaneously as if the hand was moving five times every second, she was running late and it was not good for her part time position. She didn't want to disappoint Aerith.

Or rather, a certain Vincent Valentine.

She had been cursing herself for having such thoughts about someone nine years her senior, what would her father think?

Maybe it's time for you to go to a therapist, being infatuated with an old man will lead to massive heartbreaks and you'll be an empty shell of your former self I tell you.

Yep, she knew her father too well that she already constructed what he was going to say. She had learned everything about love from her old man for he was once a hopeless romantic, but Tifa remained oblivious and innocent despite of her father's non-stop babblings about it.

She hurriedly put on her shoes, stumbling in the process before she could go out the door.

I'm so late! She thought, hoping that Aerith wouldn't be mad so she hurriedly went out to get herself a taxi. She stumbled as she made her way forward to open the door in a hurry that her chin collided with the window. She rubbed it before she slid in only to be met by a grinning driver.

"Not a great morning eh?"

"Ummmm. Yeah... Can you take me to Shinra publications please... I'm running kind of late..."

"Sure." The driver said before he started driving away. "You know, you kind of look like my daughter."

"O-Oh yeah...?"

"Yeah, except you're the responsible, good girl version of her, she's nothing but an ungrateful screaming teenage rebel who loves to make my life miserable-" Tifa sighed as she listened to the driver's rants the whole way.

"Well well well, look who's here. It's my precious junk exterminator Tifa." Zack had given the worst possible nickname for that day. Sometimes it was Marble crusher, there was groin destroyer too. But she was glad that she hadn't seen Reno yet. She ignored the handsome but perverted raven haired man and went her way. "Tifa, about those lessons..." But she didn't bother to listen and just continued powerwalking towards Aerith's office.

"Leave the poor girl alone Zack." A male employee said while typing on his computer.

"Relax, I was just teasing."

"Teasing, but you're like a vulture and she's a rotting carcass in the desert. You are wild and predatory with your eyes scary and shit." Reno suddenly appeared with his ever clever comments. Zack gasped with his mouth wide open.

"I do not...!" He paused. "Do I really look like a vulture? All sexy and predatory?"

"Who said anything about sexy? You're a delusional, psycho freak." Reno commented as he took a sip of his daily caffeine. Zack clutched his chest with an exaggerated shock written on his face.

"You hurt my feelings! I thought you were my bestfriend! And I'm not the one who lifts someone's skirt in which I almost lost the chance to spread my beautiful genes-."

"Well, I think he's sexy." A girl with brown curly said with a wink. Zack glanced at her with a smirk.

"Shut it you two!" Another employee yelled from afar. "I can't concentrate on this article I'm writing!"

"Oh yeah? What's it about anyway?" Zack asked as he dipped his forefinger on Reno's coffee, the red head slowly looked up at him, his eyes were in for the kill.

"About the largest hotdog sandwich ever made." Zack started laughing out loud at the employee's response.

"Goodluck with that!" He yelled before he glanced back at the curly haired girl. "Hey Cissnei, if ever you want to see the planet's biggest hotdog..." He suggested with a wink, the girl giggled while Reno stared in shock at the two.

"Hey! Cissnei! Aren't you going to bust his balls?"

Tifa was breathless as she arrived at her boss' office, taking the green eyed beauty by surprise. She clutched her chest before she smiled.

"Oh Tifa, you scared me."

"S-sorry Ms. Gainsburough, I-I'm late-" Tifa stopped stuttering when Aerith waved her hand.

"You were two minutes late, it's fine. But I beed you to take this to Mr. Valentine's office now." She said gently with a smile before she handed an envelope to Tifa, who visibly gulped before she hesitantly held unto it. "Are you okay? You look kind of pale..."

"O-oh? I am? Sorry... N-No... I mean I'm fine..." Tifa said with a sweet smile.

"Are you sure?" Aerith asked again before Tifa nodded. "Alright." The pretty editor said again before Tifa turned around to go to Vincent's office, along the way, she saw Reno talking animately with Zack.

"-and it's the wiggly tits that counts-" Tifa inwardly grimaced and she began powerwalking again. When she finally reached her destination, she sighed then she began to knock.

"It's open." Even his voice was sending shivers down her spine. She gently opened the door then she went in. She saw that the subject of her infatuation was busy signing papers on his desk.

"Ummm... Mr. Valentine..." Vincent lifted his head upon hearing Tifa's timid voice.

"Yes Ms. Lockhart, what do you need?" He noticed how red her face was. "Are you okay? You don't look too good." Tifa was startled to be asked the same question twice already, did she really look sick?

"I-I-I-I'm..." She sighed while Vincent raised an eyebrow. "I'm... Okay... Ms. Gainsburough asked me to give you this." She tried to move forward but she tripped on her own feet causing her to collide with Vincent's desk in an embarassing manner. His desk became an instant mess and she hurriedly straightened herself to grab the pencils. "I'm so sorry! I-" But both of them held a pencil at the same time, Vincent's hand was over hers and they stared at each other, Tifa felt like dying and she could have sworn she felt steam coming out of her ears. She noticed some faint redness from Vincent's cheeks which deeply confused her, thinking if he was the one sick instead. Then they both looked down in panic at the same time causing their heads to collide painfully.

"Ow!" Tifa exclaimed while she clutched her head, Vincent was doing the same with a grimace, she let out a tiny scream of horror before she asked a question in an almost whisper.

"...Am I fired...?" She asked with her eyes wide. Vincent almost laughed.

"No, you're not, it's alright Ms. Lockhart, you can go." Vincent said as he placed the pencils back on its case, Tifa bowed three times while walking backwards before she turned around only to bump on the edge of the door. Vincent's mouth fell open and was about to ask if she was alright but she was gone faster before he could say 'hey'. Vincent looked down at his desk with a sigh before he started fixing the mess again.

Tifa was restless while she stared at her phone when she was finally at home, she knew one person she could consult to when it came to the matters of the heart, so she wasted no time and started dialing. It rang three times.

"Hello sweetie? Are you hurt? Are you being stalked? Are yo-"

"Dad... Please dont freak out, but I have no one to talk to about this and you are the best person I could think of, I think I have crush on my boss who is twenty seven but I ended up humiliating myself in front of him today for being clumsy, what should I do to make things right? Do you think he hates me now? How can I show myself to him after what happened?" When she was done asking, her father didn't speak for what felt like hours, but when he finally did;

"Maybe it's time for you to go to a therapist, being infatuated with an old man will lead to massive heartbreaks and you'll be an empty shell of your former self I tell you."

She was sometimes scared of how her mind works.