Author's Note: Inspired by artwork by Sciamano240 on DeviantArt. I have no association with the artist.

I plan on writing a couple more chapters, with an appearance from Suku and Tusky in the next one. Artemis might seem a little ditsy in this, but she's just stressed. She'll regain her composure soon enough. Also, I may or may not have been watching You Don't Mess with the Zohan before writing Skadi's dialogue, so if her accent seems "Middle-Eastern", blame Adam Sandler.

Chapter 1: Opening Day

To say Artemis was nervous would have been a bit of an understatement. She had spent a rather inordinate amount of time picking her outfit the day before. She had a nice, multi-layered shirt that was also sleeveless to show she was both competent and comfortable outdoors. Her jeans cut above the knee and fit snugly, perhaps a tad too snugly for her liking, around her thighs. She had some mascara and lipstick on but nothing too heavy, as well as studded earrings - she didn't want to look ostentatious. Her manicured nails, which contrasted her otherwise calloused fingertips, drummed over the wooden counter top as she stared at the entrance to her new shop: Artemis's Huntresses Bow and Arrow Range. Okay, so the name wasn't particularly eloquent or very friendly towards people with lisps, but she thought it was clever and straightforward enough to draw people in. And to be fair, she had lined up a decent amount of clients, mostly archery lessons for kids, birthday parties - she had an open range and field behind the store -, and also some fairly serious marksman, both for hunting and competition. Sure she had to explain that she would in fact teach both girls and boys, but it made sense for the name of the shop to be accurate to the mythology. At least, that's what she told herself at the time.

She had booked a good number of arrangements and gathered plenty promises from people to stop by... just not on the first day, or even the first week. Apparently people thought it was rude to do so, or she would need time to set everything up, or that she'd be too busy. Archery was a bit of a growing fad recently, probably due to Catniss What's-her-face or something similar. But seriously, haven't people heard of grand openings? Artemis sighed and dropped her head, her bright red hair shifting over her shoulders and splaying on the counter. People are morons, she thought to herself.

A couple hours passed and Artemis was bored, like extremely bored. A few people had come in to look at the bows and such but mostly just to ogle, not with any real interest or knowledge. So when she heard the front door open once more, she put on the friendliest smile she could muster while simultaneously preparing for further disappointment. Her facade, however, dropped (much like her jaw) when she saw the person who walked in. She could feel her breath hitch and was made painfully aware of her heartbeat as a girl around her age with smooth, light-brown skin, covered in several block-pattern tattoos on her legs, arms, and crawling up her neck, made her way towards her. The newcomer's dark hair was pulled back in stylish dreads and she had a pale-green headband wrapped around her forehead. Her shirt of the same color laid a little loose over her curves and dropped below her collarbone. Jean shorts, cut pretty high up her thigh but not into slutty territory, showed off her...ahem, long legs. Artemis would have "appreciated" those legs longer, if she wasn't sidetracked by the girl's ridiculously pretty face. "Hi! I understand you offer archery lessons?"

Artemis stood dumbfounded for a moment but quickly recovered as she realized she had a potential customer. She brought a fist to her mouth and cleared her throat, "Thank you very much for coming in today." Artemis had rehearsed various responses over the last few days. "Yes, we do indeed offer archery lessons. I take it you're interested in these for your younger sibling, or cousin, or...kid?" Artemis had trouble completing that sentence, or thought for that matter. She internally cringed a bit, both at her wildly inappropriate feelings and in apprehension as she waited for the answer.

"Oh, I actually was hoping to take them myself." Artemis knew she must have been joking, until she got a good look at the other

girls hopeful smile. For reasons she wasn't about to dignify into words, Artemis felt her cheeks heat up at the prospect. "Er, right. No-yes. Yes, of course! Sorry, most of my clients are kids, so I just assumed, but I'd be happy to teach you."

"Great!" Awilix looked thoroughly excited, even a little relieved, "I'm busy today, but maybe we could start tomorrow? I'm free anytime before one."

Artemis checked her schedule for the upcoming weeks and pointed to a slot on the calendar, "Yes, there's open time tomorrow. 10am should work." Maybe we could even have lunch afterwards.

Artemis missed Awilix's slight shift in tone as she made her next proposition, "Um, I do have a little time now. Maybe I could get a tour?"

Artemis hadn't quite stopped thinking about the potential lunch date and distractedly replied, "A tour?"

"Yeah, just to prepare...or whatever." Awilix's smile faltered a bit, "Sorry, you're probably busy. I'll just get going." As she turned, Artemis reached out to stop her. I don't want her to leave yet! "NO!" Too loud. "I mean, of course I can give you a tour. Here, why don't you follow me out the back."

Behind the shop

There wasn't much to show besides the range itself, which was fairly standard with targets and arrow containers, the small wooded area surrounding it, and a small yard with wooden camping tables. After some quick explanations, the tour quickly devolved into mingling around the range and idle chit-chat. "So why did you decide to name your shop after a Greek god?" Awilix asked while turning her gaze towards the sky.

"Well, it is also my name."

Awilix seemed genuinely surprised at that. "Wait what?! Your name is Artemis? That's pretty neat!"

"Yeah… My dad thought it would be funny 'cause he runs Olympus Industries and his nickname is 'Zeus'. Probably due to his massive ego…" Artemis muttered the last part.

"Aw, that's cute!"

"Hmph, cute in the way Kanye names his kids North and South," Artemis retorted, rolling her eyes.

"Well I think it's cool," Awilix said, beaming her insanely white teeth, which were made even brighter against her caramel skin. While caught up in her smile, Artemis's eyes drifted towards the darker girls' lips. They were next to her teeth after all.

That's a pretty color of lipstick, Artemis thought. The mahogany really matches her skin tone and shows off the fullness of her lips. Artemis licked around her mouth. Mm, they look so soft, maybe I could just-

"Artemis?" Awilix waved her hand back and forth with a slightly concerned expression, "You good? You sorta spaced out there."

"Ah," Artemis started, jumping out of her daze, " I was just, uh…thinking... that your lipstick looks good on you." She wasn't lying, that was what she was first anyway.

Awilix smiled back, "Thanks, purple and green are my favorite colors, as you can probably tell by my outfit." She gestured to her headband and shirt with that. "Oh, but I really love your red hair! Combined with your blue eyes, you really are stunning." She sounded endearingly earnest.

Artemis started to play with a handful of hair in front of her face, "Heh, thanks but I'm not all that attractive." She turned her head away in reminiscence, "Actually, in high school I was identified solely by my hair, or my 'blazing mane', as they called it. Don't even get me started on the Little Mermaid jokes." Artemis grumbled into her hair, "I hate that movie…"

When Artemis turned back, she found Awilix's sparkling blue eyes meeting her own of the same color. "What are you, a lunar-tic?" A what-now? Artemis didn't have long to think about it as Awilix continued, "You're gorgeous. Those kids were probably just jealous." Awilix gave a wave of her hand, settling the matter as if what she said was the most obvious thing in the world. Artemis looked up in surprise, mouth slightly agape, only to be met with another dazzling smile.

Artemis quickly turned away and pulled her fiery hair in front of her burning face. What the-, how can she just say that?!...D-Did she really mean it? As her eyes frantically searched the ground in front of her for the answer, a deep and booming, yet somehow still feminine, voice called out from a ways in front of her, "Little Arty, is this new customer you bring?"

"Huh?" Artemis's head popped up to face the disturbance to her thoughts. In front of her stood a rather burly woman, at least compared to Artemis's petite frame, with icy-blue hair, steel-blue eyes, and strong hands on her hips. Of course, the Northern European, maybe Russian, accent let Artemis know who it was before looking up. "Oh, Skadi. Yes, this is Awilix. She's interested in taking archery lessons."

Skadi raised an eyebrow while eyeing Awilix, who shifted a bit under the gaze but managed to keep a small smile. "Well, she look promising. I like patterns on body," Skadi said this while gesturing to her own markings under and above her right eye. "Now! First thing is safety. Remember, pointy end of arrow..."

"Oh, actually I-" Awilix started.

"But it also important to remember that bowstring also can cause lash-whip to arm…"

"Skadi!" Artemis butt in. "Awilix isn't starting till tomorrow. I was just giving her a tour of the place."

"Oh, is my mistake," Skadi apologized, bowing her head slightly.

Awilix smiled in response, "No problem. It's nice to see such enthusiasm."

"Skadi takes her job very seriously as both the safety instructor and head of security," Artemis added. "She also fancies herself as my business liaison."

"Is important jobs, deserving of my full effort," Skadi said with an affirmative nod. "Which reminds me, you must take commemorative photo with first customer! Is good for business and morale."

"Oh no, I don't think that's-" Artemis began.

"Sounds perfect!" Awilix cut her off.

"Excellent," Skadi said while shoving Artemis towards Awilix, "now hurry and look like you are the makings of merry."

Artemis heard Skadi's words, but couldn't move her arms from her sides. Her brow creased in worry as she stood still, doing her best impersonation of a mime impersonating a pole. Taking pictures wasn't that big of a deal, but she had no idea what to do or how to pose with Awilix - a girl she barely knew! "Little Arty, you are looking as stiff as ice on tundra. I think you may need encouraging, yes?"

Artemis jolted from her slump of indecision, "Wait!"

Too late. Skadi let out a short, piercing whistle and yelled, "Kaldr attack!"

"No!" Artemis looked desperate as she turned towards the shop.

Awilix wasn't sure what was happening, but she was starting to get concerned for the little red head. She also felt some apprehension for her own well-being as she followed Artemis's gaze.

Bounding over the grass ran a small blob. As it came closer, she was able to identify it as a dog. But this wasn't any ordinary dog. No, this dog was part wolf. It was also the fluffiest, cutest, and smallest little wolf-pup Awilix had ever seen. Kaldr bounced up to Artemis's feet and started barking. The sound came with the same intensity and elicited the same feelings as poking a jumbo marshmallow, the puppy's attempts at looking menacing making her that much more adorable. Artemis turned towards Awilix, a goofy smile plastered on her face as she tried and failed to both suppress her giggles and act scared, "Awilix save me!"

Awilix matched her laughter with her own confident smile, acting as her savior, "Don't worry, I've got you!" Awilix looped one arm under Artemis's hair and around her neck, the other grasping her upper back in security. As Artemis wrapped her own arms around Awilix, she turned towards Skadi as she yelled out with a grin of her own, "Say cheese!"

Artemis slowly came down off the adrenaline high from almost being mauled by a vicious predator, and abruptly realized that she and Awilix were pretty much embracing each other. She quickly and awkwardly pulled away, hiding behind her hair. She chanced a glance up at Awilix and could have sworn she looked embarrassed as well. Probably just her imagination - or wishful thinking. Awilix broke the silence, "Uh, well I should get going." She scratched the back of her neck with a shy smile, "Thanks for the tour. I guess I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Um, right! Tomorrow. See you then." Awilix gave a small wave as she headed back towards the shop. Artemis watched her retreating figure until she rounded a corner and was out of sight. Without turning around, she said, "Skadi."

"Hmm?" Skadi replied with a knowing look.

Artemis turned her head halfway around, looking deadly serious, "Make me an extremely high-quality copy of that picture."