Authors note: warning warning, bad times, sad times ahead! In later chapters there will be very violent scenes! This is a fic i've really wanted to write. Inspired by the something new comic by rahafwabas .tumblr .com and a remix that I will be sharing shortly when things hit the fan.

It started out great. Frisk went through the underground, broke the barrier, and saved monsterkind. Toriel and Sans had started dating and Frisk was becoming comfortable calling him dad by this point. However eventually things settled out, and the now near adult Frisk wanted to recapture the adventure she had in the underground. What she didn't plan on was Chara. The intention was to just go through once, just to recapture the wonder all over again, however Chara took hold as soon as Frisk reset "I was wondering when you would finally do it….my new partner." Chara took hold of Frisk's body, and proceeded to toy with the timeline, killing some, sparing others, until all that was left was genocide. Sans remembered every single one of these resets, and did everything he could to make the kid see reason.

He knew something was off, Frisk had brown eyes and a soft warm smile, but often now the smile would be wide and cruel, and her eyes glowing a hateful read. Frisk begged and pleaded as Chara went through the genocide rout, only to fall silent when Sans inevitably fell. Chara found out Sans knew about the resets, and used them to torment him. Hundreds of timelines, no matter what he did, the brat always destroyed the underground. He wasn't even sure Frisk was even still in there anymore. At first he'd see the eyes flash brown, Frisk fighting as hard as she could, but eventually after enough resets, it became infrequent, and then almost non existent. After yet another reset, Sans comes to a decision, and this is where the story begins.

Sans woke up in his bed once again. He began to cry, there was nothing he could do, nothing he did made a damn difference "nothing….matters…..haha….hahahahahahaha!" Sans began to laugh. He calmed down and held his skull between his hands "i have a few hours before the kid makes it to the door….a few hours of peace….no." Sans began to pace, shaking his head, he had an idea, but….it was horrible. He….would be giving up everything, his morals, his friends….his brother "but….what does it matter? If that plan fails, the kid will just reset, and i'm back in this hell. if i don't though…..that kid would be in for a real bad time." Sans came to a conclusion.

If they were all going to die anyway, if nobody had any hope of surviving, then why not just….kill everyone himself and deny the demon the chance to gain more LV? May as well, starting with that flower, and then the normal monsters roaming the Ruins. That would mean he would have to kill Toriel though. "But why should i care if the thing is going to kill her anyway, and more painfully at that." Sans steadied himself, Papyrus would soon come to ask him to come downstairs for breakfast. Sans put on his hoodie, pulled the hood up over his skull, and took a shortcut to where Flowey would be located.

He had tried many plans with Flowey, only for all of them to fail. Sans appeared in front of Flowey "What do you want smiley? If you want to team up again forget it! It never works, don't you see? We are all just toys now." Sans let out a dark chuckle "tibia honest weed, i really don't care anymore." Sans let his eye turn a glowing blue, and lifted Flowey from the ground "Hey! What the heck are you doing? S-Sans?" Flowey started to quiver as a gaster blaster appeared in front of him "W-Wait we can work something out!" Sans yet again let out another laugh "there's nothin to work out. I have a new plan, and you would just be .way." Sans's eyes went dark and fired his blaster, Flowey's pleading cries fading into the wind.

YOU WON! You're LV has increased. Sans could feel it. His bones felt stronger, he felt more capable. He started to feel free. Yes, it was time for a change, it was time…..for something new.

Authors note: Get ready guys, this ride is going to get all kinds of sad and fucked up. I have decided on writing chapters in pieces of varying size, some will be long chapters, others will feel very short, especially the Ruins.