Gazing out at the plain rocks in boredom, Nea released a yawn. His eyes threatening to close as sleep tried to overcome his senses. At first, he wanted to spend his free time by doing something productive, such as singing perhaps, but quickly overruled that thought.

His voice only brings destruction.

Just as he decided to leave and go back to his dearest brother, his oversensitive ears picked out something. Or rather a voice.

It was melodious and the song it was singing was heavenly. The next minute he found himself swimming towards the source of it. Rules be dammed.

Nea was captivated, the creature- No, the human that was singing it was beautiful. With an equally beautiful voice.

His mouth opened, wondering if he should join it and turned it into a duet. . .

The singing stopped abruptly, accompanied by a gasp.

The human that was singing so passionately before was starring at him, eyes wide from shock and terror. He turned his heals, ready to bail when the young siren put both of his hands up.

"Wait!" The voice was hypnotising, the human find himself stopping. Looking back at the siren with curiosity.

"Ahh." Nea said, rubbing the back of his head nervously. Regretting every moment when he called the land creature.

"You have a nice voice?"It sounded more like a question rather than a statement, the last piece of pride he had left was destroyed into tiny pieces.

"Umm. . .thanks?"