Naruto Son of the Doctor and River Song

Normal through

Tardis through

Daleks speaks

Cybermen speaks

Bad Wolf thoughts

"Can you believe River, it's been so long since the universe has been trouble" said the Doctor to his heavily pregnancy wife Melanie Pond aka River Song. "Yes sweetie your right it has been to quiet" says a tired River as she lays in bed with her hands on her overly sized stomach. As the Doctor moved over to his wife, he put a hand on her stomach. Then he felt it, a small kick and then another small kick. He smiled, the biggest smile a soon-to-be-father can do. "Those are some kick from you little guy" said the Doctor. River smiles at her husband as she thinks about the future with her, her husband and her baby.

One Year Later

One year has passed on our happy little time lord family. River give birth to a healthy baby boy which they named Naruto Song. We see our two heroes at home with their son.

"Ma, ma, ma, ma, ma, and da", gulped Naruto as he was trying to eat his toes. Naruto then looks at his mother and smiles a toothless smile. "Aren't we a happy boy, yes we oh yes we are", replied River as she picks him up. The Doctor then walked on the two and smiles as he walks over to them. "How are my most precious people doing", exclaim the Doctor starts to tickle Naruto's stomach and Naruto start to laugh at this. The Doctor then turns to his wife and says. "River there's trouble brewing in the universe", as the doctor said sadly, because he know they were going to leave there son for a while. This shocks River to the very core because she knows that if they do this then they will have to leave their precious little boy and he isn't even a year old yet.

"Why, why does this have to happen to us now", asked River as she tries to find the right words. River then looks down to son, as he is starts trying to pull her hair. She looks into his big sky blue eyes, they were as innocence to the world around him. River puts Naruto in his play-pen and then goes with the Doctor to talk to him about what they're going to with Naruto. "Who's going to take care of our child Doctor, because if we are leaving then we need to watch after him", exclaim River as she paces their bedroom. "I don't know yet River but I will find someone to watch over our little boy this I promise u" said the Doctor with determination in his eyes.

And they did, a newlywed couple who were looking too adopted. They names were Kushina Uzumaki and Minato Namikaze the fourth hokage of the village hidden in the leaf. Before The Doctor and River Song left, they give some last words. "Grow up healthy and happy my little maelstrom, also to your mother and don't be too much like your father "says River as she tried not to cry but some tears were starting to form. Then the Doctor spoke "Son I know I wouldn't be there to see you grow up to be a better man then your father but I know you will do great thing even if you're not time traveler like your old man, also know that me and your mother love you so much and this hurts more than anything in the whole universe to leave you for God knows how long, but know this we are always with you." After all was say and done, the Doctor and his wife got border the Tardis and waved to goodbye to their son and to his new adopted parents. Then the Tardis started to fade from their reality and then it was gone. The little blue box was gone and never to be seen again for a very long time.

After the Tardis left, Minato and Kushina left too with Naruto who was fast asleep in Kushina arms. "Minato I'm so happy that we have a child now, Minato now what do you say we go home and eat with our new son" asked a very excited Kushina. Minato just nodded his head and they walk home with their new child in hand. Not knowing what was going to happen in the future and this wasn't going to last long.

Five Years Later

In the last five years some weird, sad, and some very terrible thing have happen. First is that Minato and Kushina are dead and that's because of a masked man that kidnapped and ripped a monster of terrible power out of her. Then Minato rescued her but he need to re-seal the beast known as the Kyubi or the nine-tailed fox. And the only this can only be done with someone that has still devolving chakra or no chakra what so ever in their body. And the only child for the job was their two year adopted son Naruto. Now I know what your think right, why would he do this to his only son. Well because Naruto is a time lord which are an alien race of time and space travelers. They also have in their body and energy known as Time Vortex which is very powerful in its own right. After the sealing was compete Minato and Kushina were found by the retied but soon to be re-instated third hokage Sarutobi and as he found them he saw smiles on their faces as if they were glad to die to protect their son.

Soon after Sarutobi was re-instated as Hokage until another could be found. He told the village the sad news of their Fourth's passing and that the Kyubi was defeated and was seal in to this child. He held up Naruto to show the villagers but the reaction he wasn't prepare for. "KILL THE DEMON", shout unnamed villagers then soon all of the villagers were shouting the same thing. Sarutobi soon send out this personal guards to control the masses. So after that was all said and done Sarutobi passing a law that prevent anyone from telling the next generation about what Naruto was keeping held back. To give him a chance to have a childhood, but that did not happen.

So for the next three years, Naruto had to suffer through hell to live in the village with no one to lean on or a shoulder to cry. Plus he live on his own since his adopted parents died but that didn't stop him. But even after all this Naruto still was a happy go lucky kid and armed with a never give up attitude. He was a little fighter in every way just like his father expect he doesn't runway from his problems. Naruto stands at 5'4 which is small for a five year. He has bright blond hair and sky blue eyes with three whisker marks on both cheeks.

We find Naruto walking home from his favorite ramen shop Ichiraku's Ramen. As Naruto gets closer to home, he hears a strange noise like a buzzing noise, also he starts to see a strange light coming from the alley way near his house. "What was that" Naruto said quietly to himself as he started to walk to the strange light. As Naruto gets closer to the light, he sees a strange blue box with the Police Box written on it. Naruto walks closer to the police box and as he was almost up to the door to open it, the door open up themselves like it know he was there. Then a golden light shinned and start to form a woman, who wore an old Victorian era cloths. She begin to speak, "Hello young master and welcome to the Tardis".

Naruto looked at her strangely as she had a second head, but was not the case. No it was that this woman if I can even call her that, just formed out of some type of golden dust or light and just called him master, how does that work out. "I'm not your master" replied Naruto as he was really confused as to why she would say this. Then the Tardis answer "Because you are the Doctor's son". Now Naruto was really confuses, who is the Doctor and how is Naruto his son. "Before I ask, what your name is," asks Naruto who was trying to figure out what was going on. "I am the Tardis or what your father likes to call Sexy replied the Tardis as she tries to help Naruto along. Then Naruto askes "Okay Tardis, who is the Doctor and how I am his son when I'm an orphan since birth". Now to Naruto finding out who your parents are is a dream come true, so if this Tardis knows then he's going to find out.

"The Doctor is a Time Lord from the Planet Gallifrey, he travels the universe helping people in need", replied the Tardis as she remembers the doctor's travels fondly. This shocked Naruto this guy who is called the doctor is a time-traveling alien, would that make him the same, Naruto though. "So how is my father and what about my mother" Naruto asked with confusion in his eyes. "Because you are a time-lord and for the other half your question your mother is River Song and your real name is Naruto Song ", replied the Tardis with glee in its eyes.

"What was she like, my mother I mean", asked Naruto in a quiet voice as if he was afraid to ask. The Tardis respond with "She was the most unpredictable woman, you could ever met." Naruto looks down at the floor and smiles with some tears forming in his eyes. Now knowing who his parents are but the one question he needs to know is did his parents love and why did they leave him alone. "Tardis did my parents love me" Naruto asked with a questionable look in his eyes. "Yes they loved you so much, that it killed them to leave you like that but before they left they had this couple adopt you and their names are Minato and Kushina", said The Tardis with so much love in its voice. Then the Tardis looked over at Naruto and see him crying, and so the Tardis hover over to Naruto and processed to hug him.

Naruto cling to the Tardis for support, now he knows for sure that his parents love him and that they didn't abandon him. This made him feel so happy knowing that he is loved. "But wait what happen to my parents" ask Naruto. And this the Tardis did not know how to answer, as she did not what happen to the Doctor and River Song. The Tardis just stared and not saying anything as she walked back in to the spaceship. Naruto followed her in as the doors close behind him. He walks through the strange control console and runs his hand along this strange thing.

Then all of sudden the Tardis sprung and started moving. Naruto is flung all cross the main control room. The Tardis started to slow down and start to make that buzzing. Then everything stop moving in the spaceship. Naruto started to move thoughts the door and as he open the door, he looks outside the Tardis and sees a whole new world but there was a war going on. "What in the world" exclaim Naruto as he was too excited to stay and listen to Tardis as she explain where they were.

"We are in London, England in the year 1941" explain the Tardis she then turn to see Naruto was gone, she started to panic as she remember that in this point of time that London was in war with Nazi Germany. So she began a scan for Naruto's time lord and as she was doing the, we find Naruto walking into London's secret cabinet. "Wow we don't have in the village, Oji-san is going to be surprise when I tell him this" Naruto thought to himself as he continues to walk the secret base. Then Naruto stops as he hears people but that's not why he stop. He stop because someone said something about his father-The Doctor.

"Were is the Doctor when you need" asked Churchill as he was on the phone trying to reach the doctor but the line kept going dropping. Then Churchill heard a noise over by the carbine, so Churchill walks over to the carbine and finds a small child between the ages 4 or 5 but the strangest thing about this is that he looks like the Doctor as a child and Ms. River Song. That's when it hit like a rock, this must be the son of the doctor and River Song thought Churchill. Naruto on the other hand was a little afraid of the giant man in front of him. Naruto start to crawl back and try to get way from this strange man. Winston saw this and try to calm the child and show him that he means no harm. "Child, I mean you no harm" said Churchill as softly so not to fright the child. Naruto looked to the man's eyes to see if he was lying but Naruto didn't see any lies in his eyes, so Naruto start to crawl back from the corner and towards the man. "So who are you old man "asked Naruto as the man start to laughed as no one's ever called him an old man. " My name is Winston Churchill commander of the Allied Forces" answer Winston as Naruto nodded to Winston answer.

"So what is your name child" asked Winston as he a name to go with the face. "My name is Naruto Song, nice to meet you" smiled Naruto as he answer back to Winston. Now it was confirmed that Naruto was the son of The Doctor and River Song. Maybe he was brought here for a purpose and maybe that's why he can't the doctor. "So Naruto where are your parents" ask Winston sincerely as he was curious as to what happen to the Doctor and his wife.

"They're gone old man, they're just gone" replied Naruto as he looked down at the floor in sadness. Winston went over to Naruto and hug the boy as he tried to comfort him as any person would do. Naruto hug back as he cries on Winston's shoulder then Naruto looked up at Winston with his sky blue eyes and asked "Did you know my parent old man" as Naruto slowly stop crying. "Well I know do your father but your mother, I never met her" replied Winston who was hold Naruto up to eye level.

Winston starts walking to his desk and as he sits down, he carefully placed Naruto in his lap. "So young Naruto, what are you doing out here, so far from your timeline" ask Winston as Naruto looks up to him. Then Naruto reply "Well the Tardis found me as I was walking home and she said that she knows who my parents are, so I followed her and then it started to move then we ended up here". Winston nodded as if he knew what was going on but he didn't, so moving on. "Mr. Churchill we found the Tardis sir, what should we do sir" asked an unnamed solider, then Churchill replied "Nothing, the doctor is gone but we have someone else that can help though"

The solider hold confusion in his eyes as he looks around the room, trying to find this person that Mr. Churchill speaks of. But he just found a small child standing next to Mr. Churchill, this confusion the solider even more. So many question filled the soldier's head as to why there is a child here. Unless the child is the Doctor?

"Sir, who is this child", asked the soldier as he continue to stare at Naruto. Feeling as someone was staring at him, Naruto quickly duck behind Winston's legs. "This is Naruto and he is the Doctor's son" replied Churchill as he sits down. "It's okay Naruto, his a friend of your father" said Winston as he turn to Naruto as he slowly come out from behind Churchill's legs. The soldier stand at about 5'9 with short brown hair and light brown eyes, he also looked to be in his early 30's. He was wearing a white long sleeve shirt with light brown pants. He also had on a long black trach coat. "Hello there son, my name is Jack-Captain Jack Harkness" replied Captain Jack.

Naruto continue to stare at Captain Jack trying to see if he was lying but he only found truth to his words. So Naruto started to open up to a little bit. "So you knew my father-Mr. Harkness" asked Naruto with wonder in his eyes at finding more about this parents. "Call me Jack or Uncle Jack since me and your father we're old friends" Jack replied with smile on his face at knowing he found some link to the doctor.

"Well now that's over with, what do you have for me Captain" asked Churchill in a stead voice