Rose was heartbroken. She was too late. He was gone. There was nothing left to do but leave. Tears filled up her eyes as she turned to go when she noticed the math problems on the chalk board. Relief filled her, she almost wanted to laugh. She was in the wrong room!

Then she heard familiar guitar music coming from the room down the hall. It was David! She still had a chance.

She hurried out the room and went to Peter's classroom.

David was sitting on the desk slowly strumming a guitar and missing Rose.

Suddenly the door burst opened nearly startling him. His head shot up.

"Hello?" David said.

"David…" Rose panted.

"Rose," He frowned putting down the guitar. He noticed she was out of breath. "Are you alright, have you been running?"

"Yes." She said catching her breath.

"What for?" David asked puzzled.

Rose's breathing starting calming down and she slowly came closer, caressing the side of his face.

"For you." She said lovingly.

She carefully removed his sunglasses before pressing her lips against his, kissing him as tenderly as she could, running her fingers gently through his hair. David gave a squeak of surprise but quickly wrapped his arms around her and kissed her back.

After the kiss she rested her forehead against his. "I'm sorry," She said sincerely. "I'm sorry I didn't understand, I'm sorry about those things I said. Just please…."

She stopped realizing something was off. If he was leaving why would he be playing guitar, she thought.

Rose slowly pulled back. His cane was folded, there were no bags and he really didn't seem to be in a hurry.

It was starting to make sense. "You're not leaving, are you?" She said now slightly feeling silly.

"No," He replied. "Well, not until later tonight." David said.

"And Matt's not packing a car." She noted.

"No, he's in class, right now." David replied.

That was when it hit Rose. Clara had tricked her.

Rose should've been mad but for some reason she was grateful. "She tricked me." She muttered with a smirk.

"Who tricked you?" David asked.

Rose sighed. "Clara, she told me you were leaving and I ran across campus to talk to you," She lowered her head tapping her fingers gingerly on the desk. "I couldn't let you leave without making things right, without telling you I still love you."

"She told you." He said.

She nodded glancing up at him. "I should've known better," Rose scoffed. "I guess I let my past insecurities get the best of me."

"Well, I should've told you what I was doing from the start but I had to make sure I could first." He explained. "I didn't want to get your hopes up."

She shook her head. "Still my fault. I assumed and now I've probably lost you, the best thing that's ever happened to me." Rose lowered her gaze and sniffed.

David stood unfolding his cane and gently turned her towards him and touched her face feeling an escaped tear. He smiled reassuringly. "You never lose me," David said. "You'll always have my heart, Rose Tyler."

He felt a slow curve of a smile. "Yeah?" She said hopeful.

"Yeah," He smiled. "In fact you can still come with me…if you want."

Rose grinned. "Traveling anywhere with you, I love it!"

He smiled.

Rose tugged the front of his shirt. "I think this is the part where we kiss." She said in a flirty tone.

David grinned. "Oh, of course." He leaned closer kissing her, their lips gently tugging making the kiss more intense. Rose thought she melt in his arms.

After the kiss he reached into his pocket. "By the way since you are coming with me I do have one request."

"What?" She asked.

He pulled out a blue velvet ring box. "If you'll come as my fiancé."

Her mouth dropped. This had to be a dream. He was asking her to marry him? Rose's hand's trembled as she opened the small box revealing a sparkling pink diamond ring. It was stunning.

She looked at him. "You want to marry me?"

He lowered his head, shyly. He lowered his head, shyly. "I never had the courage to remove my sunglasses before I met you much less have the courage for anything else being blind and all but you've shown me so much love and strength. You are my light and heart and I love you," David held her hand and knelt using his cane to help him. "Will you marry me?"

Rose didn't hesitate. She grinned. "Yes, definitely!" She bent over and hugged his neck nearly knocking him backwards.

She helped him up and stared down at the beautiful ring.

"Do you like it?" He asked.

"I love it." She smiled kissing his cheek.

He breathed a sigh of relief. "Good cause your mum helped me pick it out."

"Mum?" She said surprised.

He casually shrugged placing his sunglasses back on. "What? I always said she warm up to me."

Rose playfully scoffed and tapped his chest.

He smirked and gave her a gentle kiss.

"Come along, Mrs. Smith?" He smiled taking her hand.

Rose grinned and took his hand. She rested her head on his arm as they walked gazing at her ring. She wasn't sure what the future would bring but whatever it was it would always be with him.