A Loose Affair

Part one

Summary: The rules say that their relationship stays strictly sexual, but Kakarot Is stupid enough to break the rules.

One of the things Kakarot hates most about being a Saiyan is how the world seems to view his race. There was no denying that they were brutal, bloodthirsty monsters, with a reputation darker than the blood on their hands. And as much as Kakarot hates that reputation, there's no denying that he was one of them, with as much blood on his hands as the rest of his race. And while no one dares to stand up to a Saiyan, no one would pat an eye if something is to happen to them.

So the moment Kakarot's skin became clammy, and he felt like throwing up his insides, he knew he was fucked.

The world spun as the door to the fifth (or at least, he thinks it's the fifth) health center slammed in his face, his guts twisting in such a violent way, he barely stammered a few steps away to bend, hands on knees as another bout of white vomit gushed through his mouth burning his throat and leaving a hideous after taste.

He's been suffering like this since sunset when it's now late into the night, he was throwing up his stomach acid now.

Fuck, he never felt like this before, just was wrong with him? was it sickness? poison? he clutched his stomach, breathing harshly, the state he was in feels worse than receiving one of his father's infamous blows to the gut.

Gods, he's pretty sure he's dying.

If he had… if he had enough strength, if only he had enough strength, he would've threatened those bastards to treat him, but he can barely focus let alone charge enough energy…

The world continues to spin around him, people he pumped into as he walked asking for help pushed him away in disgust and threw insults in his face.

Unsure for how long he had wobbled around, Kakarot finally reaches despair, slumping down in some lonely, foul-smelling ally on earth and just surrenders.

He thinks it's ironic, he gets to die a lowly death like this and not on the battleground as he had always imagined, but instead on the one planet, he liked the most.

A miserable chuckle escapes his ashen, dry lips, suddenly remembering all the people he had killed, and wondering if he was going to have a rematch in hell before he finally rests…

Before he flutters his eyelashes open, a crisp breeze caresses his cheeks, hair, and his chest. There's a faint, nice odor floating around him that brings a sense of familiarity, Kakarot inhales more of it, it calms him down for some reason, but that calmness soon dissipates as his stomach clenches with a furious growl.

Woah, he's hungry… like really hungry.

Like he hadn't eaten for days...

When he finally does open his eyes, brightness almost blind him, he squints, his eyes stinging a bit, a headache throbs in his brain, so he tries to bring his hand to his temple to soothe the pain and feels his limp unexpectedly frail and shaky. His arm falls back in its place and Kakarot tries once again to open his eyes, deeming it too soon to be moving just yet.

This time when he opens his eyes little by little and overcomes the annoyance of the bright light against his retinas, he notices the unmoving fan just above his head… which he'd never seen before.

Confused, he lifts his head to scan his surroundings and finds himself in a well-appointed room with a glass door that is one side open, and fluttering white curtains where the sun rays are piercing through, giving a sneak peek of a beautiful scenery outside, and Kakarot suddenly becomes aware of the chirping birds, and the comfy bed beneath him.

He blinks, the last thing he remembers is him dying in some miserable corner on earth.

Now he finds himself in paradise…

This sure is unexpected, Kakarot thinks. Although he can't remember a single moment, he must've done something good in his life to end up in a place like this.

The corner of his lips curl just a little bit, what was it? The good deed he's done to land him in heaven?

Busy searching his brain, Kakarot fails to hear the small click of the door being opened, but the much louder gasp snaps him out of his thoughts to see a frightened woman in a bizarre black fluffy dress backing up against the door desperately trying to open it again.

Pretty fucking weird, he thinks as soon as the woman flings the door open and runs, so he keeps staring at the open door, trying to get a glimpse of what's outside this room, and wonders if he should call after her to get him some food, but he really doesn't feel like he has enough energy to do that. He releases a gush of air and sinks back into the bed, when suddenly an idea pops up into his head, considering that he's In heaven and all, he could just wish for food, right?

Luckily, before he has any time to be proven wrong on that idea, he hears a flurry of footsteps coming towards the room along with incoherent chatter.

This time, to avoid scaring anyone he closes his eyes and pretends to be still asleep. He keeps a keen ear for the approaching footfalls that stops just by his bed…

"You sure he woke up?" a woman's voice speaks, and he feels like he heard it before.

"Of course, milady! He had his eyes open and he looked at me." Ah, that's definitely the woman who shrieked and left.

A hand gently presses at his forehead, and suddenly that wonderful smell he caught when he first woke up seems to intensify.

Ah! how nice!

Kakarot, unwittingly, grabs the hand, brings it to his nostrils and takes a long whiff and while he's enjoying the delectable aroma, he registers how incredibly soft the hand he's holding is when an eccentric thought bloom in his head. This person smelled good, felt good but did they taste good? And Kakarot thought since he's in heaven he gets to do whatever the hell he wanted, so he doesn't think twice about darting his tongue out and swiping it across her wrist.

Heh, what you'd think, it does taste goo—


Pain, pain, pain! Instantly, he brings his hand to rub against his skull, his head throbbing from the unexpected blow he just received. "What the hell?! Why is there pain in heaven?!"


When he's done soothing his poor head, Kakarot opens his eyes to address his inquisitor and takes a moment, then two and more to stare, awed by the person before him. She was a woman with pale skin, and hair as dark as the deep space he traveled through and he can't stop himself from thinking that she must be a goddess.

He grins, pain is all but forgotten now. "Heaven sure is a great place."

The goddess shoots him an odd look which he doesn't pay much mind to and keeps rambling on, "Hoh, boy! I gotta tell you, I never thought I'd go to heaven, I was pretty sure I was gonna get thrown into the deepest part of hell." He laughs and feels a harshness in the movement of his jaws. "Hey, can you do something about my strength, I don't feel like have much of that, also I would like some food with lots of meat, and make sure to bring alcoholic beverages too." He locks eyes with the goddess and cracks a smirk, "I would also like to have you for dessert, please."

The woman gasps, and the goddess blinks, her eyes wide as she turns to the other women and whispers, "did the doctor say he had a head injury?"

"No, Milady."

Kakarot tilts his head, sort of annoyed by their little interaction. "I'm guessing you two gonna remember all that because you aren't writing anything down."

"How insolent! Do you know who you're talking to?" The dark-clothed woman jumps.


"She's our-" The goddess raises her hand and the other woman is silenced.

"Do you remember what happened to you?"

Kakarot lifts a brow, that's a strange question, they should know how he died, shouldn't they? "Yeah, I died on earth and came here, to heaven."

The stairs they give each other sets the clocks in his brain ticking and he feels compelled to ask, "This is heaven, right?"

"No... you're on earth."

Woah, Woah… what?

"So, this isn't heaven?"

"This is my home, you're sleeping in our guest room."

"But I died… didn't I?"

She shook her head. "We found you in an ally passed out, injured and bleeding."

"So, then… I'm not dead?"

"You're very much alive."

He suddenly remembers his hunger, and his head resumes its painful throbbing as Kakarot felt incredibly stupid.

The sound of furious munching loud even for his ears as his eyes, hands, and mouth focused solely on the delicious food before him in order please his famished stomach which doesn't seem to be about to be full anytime soon.

"Um, maybe you should… uh, slow down a bit? You look like you could choke like this."

At the sound of the woman's voice, Kakarot stops briefly to say with a mouth full of food, gesturing a thumbs up. "It'sh fine."

She gives him a look that he (and probably the majority of his race) are used to. One of disgust. "Uhuh…"

He pushes his now empty bowl forward and smiles. "More?"

The goddess motions at her equally marveled servant, and she takes his tray away. "So… You're a Saiyan, right?"

"Yep, born, fed and bred on good ol' planet Vegeta," he says with a big grin on his face.

"I see…" She seems wary, and he thinks that she probably heard of his race's notorious reputation.

Not good, not good at all.

"Have ya ever met a Saiyan before?"

"No, no, not really, but I've seen them on TV…"

"Oh." Well, that pretty much sums up his suspicion.

"Is this your first time on earth?"

"Aha, but not my first time almost dying, unfortunately." He laughs and remembers what she had told him earlier, that they had found him stabbed and bleeding to death in some ally, which brought forth a sudden rage. "You earthlings are cowards though, stabbing people while down." Taking advantage of his momentary ailment… such cowardice, he wants to get up, find those who tried to put an end to him, and obliterate them from existence. "what's worse; everyone refused to help me," he mutters under his breath.

"Well, you Saiyans aren't known to be very nice, mind you." He looks up and she looks annoyed, her eyes sharp. "besides who says it was an earthling that stabbed you, it could have very well been someone or something that had a grudge against you and wanted revenge."

She brought up some good points, he thinks, that he can't seem to find a proper counter-argument against. "Sorry… I got very sick all of a sudden. I never get sick."

"About that… it seems that you've eaten something that contained a certain element that your body couldn't handle, you know because you're an alien to this planet."

"Oh…" a weird-looking fish pops into his mind, now that he thinks about it, it was after he ate that fish did his body started acting strange. "So I wasn't poisoned, huh?"

She shook her head, her loop earrings swinging around her face and he's momentarily mesmerized.

God, she is a beauty.

He gives a nervous laughter. "Heh, that's somewhat hard to believe, we Saiyans don't usually get sick from food."

The maid returns with the refilled tray and places it in his lap and he's more than delighted to resume eating.

"I'll let you eat, and get going. Enjoy your meal." She turns and is about to leave.

"wait, I never got your name."

She stands still and turns her head, an enigmatic smile is painted upon her lips as she declares, "it's Chichi, empress of the OX kingdom."

His eyes widen. An empress, huh? No wonder she looks so majestic.

He tried his best to behave well in the past few days, he doesn't want to place more scars to his already maimed people's reputation, but the person he wanted to impress the most had not once visited him since.

He should show her great respect, if not for the fact that she had saved his life, then for the truth that She is a woman of power, and although he is unsure if power is bestowed upon a person on earth the same way it is on planet Vegeta when it's usually according to their power level, she has to hold some sort of supremacy he assumed.

"Where is your mistress? How come she hasn't come to see me again?" he holds the maid by the wrist before she drifts off, the tray she was carrying away almost slips from her hand.

Agitated, she rips her hand free from his grip. "My mistress has no time to be wasting on you."

Kakarot frowns, the only one who had ever visited him in the past couple of days was this maid and she only came to bring him food, clean a little and be on her way. You can clearly deduce that she wants nothing to do with him.

"I just wanna thank her, 'is all."

Without a single word said, She flares her nose up, turns and leaves the room.

Kakarot was not known to be relentless.

Every single day during the days that had followed he asked the maid about her empress until finally one day Chichi herself had come to see him, but she wasn't alone.

"This… this is amazing," the earthling physician said as he examined his wound. Kakarot kept his eyes fixed on the dark-haired goddess that stood stoically beside his bed the entire time. His staring was making her uncomfortable if the pink hues that stained her cheeks were not an indicator of that, and yet he kept staring.

"I've heard about Saiyan longevity before, but to witness it first-hand is… fascinating." Awed, the doctor pursues.

"How so, doctor?" The empress inquires with a raised brow as she folds her arms above her chest.

"His wound is almost healed in just one week when it usually takes regular humans like us five to six weeks to show the same results."

"It's actually taking longer than usual," Kakarot interjects, scratching his head.

"I see… must be the food poisoning you suffered along." The old man smiles at him and starts to clean and change his bandages.

"How much longer before he's fully healed?" She looks at Kakarot first and then at the Physician as she awaits his response.

The old man's work is fast and clean, he places a square piece of gauze in place of the excessive bandages that used to wrap around his waist. Kakarot touches the pad, admiring his work with an appreciative nod…

"He should be up and running in a couple of days." The doctor places his tools back in his bag, stands and turns to Chichi. "Well, My work here is done for today. I'll be back in a few more days to remove the stitches."

"Thank you for your services, Doctor."

The doctor then turns to Kakarot with a gentle stretch of his lips, extending his hand towards him. "Farewell, young lad."

Kakarot eyes him and his outstretched hand strangely, what is he supposed to do with it?.

The kind man seemed to have gotten aware of his confusion, he takes his hand in his and shakes, smiling all along, then he leaves, passing his queen on his way out, nodding in her way as she does the same.

Kakarot watches his hand, what was the point of that move exactly.

"It's called a handshake," The empress enlightens him.

"What's it for?"

"Goodbyes and also for greeting… It's sort of a sign of respect."

"Seems strange."

"Why is it strange?"

"It's just… is?"

"I'm sure your planet has equally 'strange' customs, if not worse."

"Whoa, you don't have to be so defensive."

"What? I'm not…" she shakes her head in disbelief, then says, "actually, never mind, I better get going."

"Wait!" Seeing her walk away, Kakarot finds himself jumping out of bed after her, hardly realizing that he wasn't healed enough for such quick action, so he stumbles and falls right into her arms. She is pushed back, holding him beneath the armpits, his face smothered into her breast.

So soft…

and it smells so good...

Before he had any time to enjoy the moment, Kakarot is shoved back onto the bad, quite forcefully.

"What were you trying to do?!"

"I-te-te-te…" he clutches his wound, it wasn't as painful as he expected himself to feel but it still stung. "Nothing, Jeez! I guess I'm not ready for sudden movement just yet, huh?"


He adjusts himself on the bed. The queen looking both suspicious and… flustered?

"can you stay for a while?"

"Why? What do you want?"

"I want to thank you for saving my life… properly."

She raises a brow first then lowers it. "It's fine, I've only done what anyone else in my position would've."

"Not really." He remembers all the doors that slammed in his face. "I couldn't find someone that was willing to help a Saiyan before you came along."

"Well... Your … thank you is accepted."

He titters. "I don't wanna just say it. I want to properly thank you."

"Saying it is enough, now I must go."

She looked hasty to leave but he pesters on, "is there something I can do for you?"

"I doubt it."

"Come on, I'll do anything you want."

"Really, it's fine. You don't have to do anything for me."

"No, no, I insist. I might be a Saiyan, but I have a code and I gotta pay you back."

She blows a breath. "What could you possibly do for me?"

"Ah, I don't know, I'm not exactly a Kame, but if It's within my power, I'll do it. Like I can kill for you, no problem."

Her mouth falls. "I don't want you killing for me!"

"Really? You're a ruler, I thought for sure you have someone you wanted dead."

"I don't handle my affairs that way."

"Heh! Well, there must be something else you want?" he smiles.

The earthling queen stares at him in silence, and he stares back, coxing, "come on, you can tell me."

Her cheeks redden, and she fiddles with her dress for a while before she closes her eyes and exclaims, "I said I don't want anything!" and she runs out of the room.

"Hey, wait-" the door shuts with a bang.

Well, that was strange.

The next few days, Kakarot was able to walk, but he wasn't allowed to go anywhere except the garden where guards would escort and watch him the whole time.

The rest of his sick days had gone by so quickly he spent most of them thinking about the queen's reaction and her refusal to see him again.

The doctor came in to remove his stitches and tell him he was good to go. And as soon as he left the maid came In with his belongings…

"This is all?" he stares at his washed, ripped spandex. "Where's my scouter, my armor and where are my boots?!"

"This is all we found on you," She spits, gathers his dirty bandages and continues, "Milady says, once you've taken your things, please leave."

He glares at her and she practically runs out of the room.

Kakarot sighs. Good thing he knows where he landed his pod, and he had an extra scouter in it.

Too bad, he wasn't planning to leave just yet.

During his unwelcomed stay, all provisions had stopped coming to his room, which was expected and fine, really. There's a vast forest a short fly ahead of this place where all sorts of animals dwelled around. Whenever he was hungry, he'd go hunt and once he'd finish eating he would return to this room.

All his persistent requests to meet the queen was met with rejection. In fact, every day the maid would come and report her queen's desire for him to leave.

He was really starting to hate that maid.

There were various ways he could torture and kill that maid (Gods know he thought about it) but he didn't want to betray her queen's hospitality. And despite his unwelcomed stay, no drastic measures were taken against him… yet.

Sometime he would see her, going about in her castle, flipping her hair and swaying those delicious hips of hers, but he wanted her to come to him, he wanted to prove his benevolence. He didn't want to prove her right.

"Milady requests that you kindly leave." There goes that maid again barging in on him without a mind for privacy.

"I told you, I'm not leaving until I paid your lady back."

Her face twists into a resentful scowl, her small hands turn into small fists. "If you really want to pay her back for her kindness, then just leave!"

Once the maid slams the door shut, Kakarot lies back down. What that maid doesn't know is that he'll have to leave eventually. Soon he'll need to report back to base and be appointed with a new mission.

He doesn't have forever to waste here… unfortunately.

That same night, there was a knock on his door.

"Come in," he says and wasn't sure who to expect, no one ever came to see him after dark, so when the door opens and the one he's been wanting to see comes into view, he jumps, sitting upright on the bed.

The empress doesn't step further inside, instead, she stands to fidget and look everywhere but at him and he foolishly can't stare away from her body. She adorned a long, white, sort of silver nightgown, its V-shaped neck showing a mouth-watering amount of her taut breasts and the delicious space between them, and a thick looking, black rob with interesting designs laid upon her back where it fell loosely off of one smooth shoulder.

"You haven't slept yet," she states, asks, he isn't certain, a slight tremor in her voice.

Kakarot swallows the saliva that had accumulated in his mouth from just looking at her and answers, "It's only ten."

She nods and walks into the room, slowly closing the door. He hears the door's faint click but her majesty stays still, her hand clutching the door handle, giving him her back as the silence stretches between them for too long, it makes him feel uncomfortable that he had to break it. "So you guys are used to sleeping early, huh?"

She nods again and still doesn't move, even when she replies to him, "There's not much to do here after dark."

"I see," he says, watching the light from the bedside lamb reflect off her hair. Kakarot clutches the edge of his bed when neither of them speaks again.

She sighs and lifts her head up as she says in a quiet, almost inaudible sound, "Why haven't you left yet?"

"I told you, I have a debt to pay and I'm not leaving until I pay it back."

She finally turns at him, an anxious shimmer in her eyes. "That's ridiculous, I've told you that you're relieved of that obligation."

"I don't care, It wouldn't feel right for me...I don't like being indebted to anyone so, just let me pay you back and I'll be out of your way."

she was speechless, and even withing the dim lightening of the room he can see her cheeks reddening and her hands resuming its timorous fumbling on her nightgown. "You said you-you'd do anything I ask, right?"

"Yes, anything."

"E-even if it's bizarre and ab-absurd?" She brings her hands to her heart and he pays careful attention to her body language.

"As long as it's something I can do, then I'll definitely do it."

She relaxes a bit and turns her eyes away as her feet, she begins to move gradually. "Do you have someone?" she asks all of a sudden as her robe falls to the floor.

"Someone?" Kakarot is confused, he's not sure what she means by that, but his heartbeat quickens.

"Someone close," she murmurs, and he sits, anticipating, his body is in an excited rush, but his mind is numb watching her making her way towards him, slender necked, cascading hair and all.

She stands in front of him, her hands on his shoulders and he brings his hands on the dips of her small waist, feeling her skin across the silk of her gown and trail down to her hips to the back of her toned thighs through the slips of her gown. Kakarot gropes, he never felt a skin as smooth before.

He looks up into her eyes. "I don't know what you mean by that."

She brings her knees up on the bed and he assists in bringing their hips together, and she doesn't waste much time slowly grinding her hot, wet sex against his already hardened member and moans, "Som-someone you hold-ah- Dear, a lover."

Her movements grow faster and harsher as he slips his hand beneath her panties and sinks his fingers into the flesh of her cheek. She clutches his shoulders tightly her moans becoming louder, her breath becomes harsher and just like that she comes undone, throwing her head back and shouting to the heavens.

the view was hypnotizing.

When she comes down from her high, her face is flushed brightly, her lips parted. He whispers, "no, I don't have anyone."

"Good," she says, short-breathed. "Because I want you to fuck me-"

He doesn't wait a moment more before he crashes his lips onto her, ferociously sucking and biting, his hands squeezing her lithe body and trying to rip the skimpy fabric off her skin until she pushes against him and breaks apart, hardly taking a breath.

"Wait..." She inhales, "there're rules."

"What?!" he replies, anxious.

"No one can know about this."

"Ok." He tries to kiss her but she stops him.

"It ends when I say it does, and you will respect it."

"I promise." and he tries again, and again, she pulls away. "What else?!"

"It won't be anything more than sex."

he stares at her, furrowing his eyebrows. it doesn't dawn on him what she meant at first but when it does, his lips play a smirk. for him, a Saiyan, this was the easiest of her rules.

"No problem."

A/N: this is going to be 2 to 3 parts most, it takes place in an AU where earth is a neutral plant, sort of like Switzerland, the continental in the John Wick movie (I'm gonna go deeper on that within the story), drifting away from the whole Saiyans-invaded-earth AU (not that I have anything against that sort of AU but I wanted to try something new)I have another story which takes place within the same AU, so look forward to that, but for now i hope you guys enjoyed this one.