Disclaim : I own nothing of Charmed

Chapter 8

Somewhere in San Fransisco

Currently there was a huge storm raging not just San Fransisco but was currently raging over all of America and was spreading to every other part of the world.

On the highest point in San Francisco were the storm had started there was a women- or rather a Goddess-standing, her powers combined with her rage, sadness and desperation was the cause behind the huge storm ravaging the country and spreading further as her emotions became more and more out of control.

She then raised her arms out each side of herself causing the storm to spread even more and increase in intensity as the storm caused more and more damage to buildings, cars, walls and anything else in the storms destructive path.

Behind her appeared two sets of orbs as her sisters appeared to try and calm their raging sister, both were dressed in thick hooded coats with thick gloves and boots and both holding umbrellas to try and keep warm in the storm.

"Piper!" shouted Paige and Phoebe causing her sister to lower her arms and tilt her head to them

"What?" barked Piper in anger though her sisters could hear the undercurrents of saddness

"Piper you need to stop" yelled Paige needing to shout to be heard over the rain

"Why...Leo is leaving me, so why should I stop" her voice filled with rae power

"Beacause...Wyatt needs you" said Phoebe struggling to stay standing as she spoke, causing Piper to freeze at her son's name

"If you don't stop you will be consumed by the powers" added Paige

"Piper...do not let the powers take Wyatt's mother from him" shouted Phoebe, her voice filled with emotion

After a moment of silence Piper raised her hands causing the storm to calm, still raging but nowhere near as much as before.

She flicked her wrist at her sisters shielding them from the storm and freezing her sisters in place-though her ability to freeze didn't work on her sisters usually-with her godly enhanced witch powers she could freeze anyone no matter who they were.

At the Manor

The manor was completely quiet until whirls appeared as Piper teleported into her room, she quickly checked Wyatt who was sleeping peacefully, seeing he was fine she entered her room closing the door on her way out. She waved her hand over the door stopping people and sounds from entering his room.

"Leo!" she bellowed as soon as she re-entered her room

After a moment of silence she realised the other elders were stopping him, annoyed she waved her hand pulling Leo out of the heavens.

"Piper-what..." Leo trailed after Piper raised her hand for silence, she waved her hand again creating a shield completely blocking anyone from entering or looking into the room including the nosy elders

"Why Leo" said Piper with tears down her cheeks as she finally allowed herself to cry

"I don't have a choice, you know what I would choose if I did" Leo replied now crying himself

"Piper...I am officially an elder now... this maybe the last time we will see each" cried Leo as both their faces were covered in tears

She responded by hugging him tightly, he hugged her back just as tightly as the sadness fully hit them. They pulled back slightly to embrace in a kiss filled with passion, desperation and love.

They fell onto the bed together as they began to undress each other, they forgot about eveyrthing-the past, the future, the entire world-everything forgotten. All they remembered was each other and the fact that this maybe the last time they would ever make love again.

The Next Morning

They woke together the next morning and once they were dressed they stood in front of each other.

"I may have to leave but know not matter how much time passes and no matter what happens I will always love you" said Leo hugging her once last time

She buried her face in his neck and cried and as her goddess powers and that of her sisters finally and completely returned where they came from and freeing her sisters from their frozen state

"Goodbye" They said before Leo orbed away to the elders who were calling him

As soon as Leo entered the heavens he told the other elders he wanted to spend one last night on Earth which they were not happy about but understood and accepted for saving them.

They began to decide who would replace Leo as the charmed one's whitelighter and what to do with the boy from future Chris, but before they could decide they were all frozen in place, as were all beings in Heaven, the Underworld and everyone in the universe was frozen.

All frozen except for two beings, one the being that had frozen everything and the other being a Halliwell.


After finally recovering Christopher Perry Halliwell awoke and the first thing he did was sense the others, after that he knew that they had returned his mother to a mortal witch once more.

He stood up with a smile which vanished as he began to glow with a blindingly bright light, once the light died down he felt different, he felt that a part of him that always felt empty was finally whole.

Along with he felt power in himself, power that went far beyond his original powers and he was scared when he could not find its limit. He was about to find out that he was now the most powerful being in all the Omniverse.

The only physical sign of his new power was that his eyes that had been a deep green colour changed to a slightly-dark gold colour, though he would later realise they would become brighten when he used his power

"What just-" he stopped speaking when he noticed golden lights appear in front of his eyes,

"You're an Angel of Destiny" he said to the man who appeared who shook his head with a smile

"No Christopher I am not an Angel of Destiny" he said with emphasis

"I am Destiny"

The End

A/N : I may do a season 6 sequel but not for a while and only if I get enough responses asking for a sequel