Author's Note:

Hello, I have to give a lot of credit to RomanogerLaucifer who was the mastermind behind this story!

Civil War Spoilers!

Steve's eyes widened when he saw her step onto the podium. He turned to Sam, who was sat beside him, to see him also with a slightly shocked expression. Neither of the men would have ever thought that the nurse from the other apartment, Agent 13, was related to the Peggy Carter. Even though her name was Sharon Carter, it never crossed their minds. Hearing her mention how she remembers his best girl, Steve couldn't help but feel proud of how Peggy had lived and enjoyed her life, even until the last second.

After the funeral, Steve chose to linger behind in the church to process everything that had happened and all of the dear memories he held of Peggy. He leaned against the mahogany pew and stared at the black and white picture of Peggy; it was taken during the forties, when he knew her. He indulged in the thought that if he hadn't crashed the plane into the ocean, or lost Bucky, or picked up the shield... or maybe even if he hadn't accept the serum, then he and Peggy might have had a chance…

Soft clicks of heels interrupted his fantasy, Steve removed his sight from Peggy's beautiful picture to look at who was walking up to him. The first thing Steve notice was the long black coat, covering her from neck to half way up her calves, revealing only her slim ankles. He moved up to find that he was correct when he saw those auburn wavy locks, softly draping over her shoulders, her emerald eyes blinked twice when their eyes met.

He wasn't sure if she were planning on saying anything and decided to start the conversation, his mind still focused on the funeral and Peggy.

"When I first came out of the ice, I thought that everybody I knew was gone. But not Peggy, now she's gone too." Steve paused, looking back at Natasha and forcing himself to move on topics. "Who else signed it?"

"Tony, Rhodey, Vision." Natasha answered simply as she came to a stop a few feet from him.


"Said he's retired," Natasha replied, a smile playing in the corners of her mouth.

"Wanda?" Steve asked, trying to gage who was for and against the accords and wanting to know where everybody stood.

"TBD." She answered, paused and then continued speaking. "I'm off to Vienna for the signing of the Accords. There's plenty of room on the jet." She paused and stepped closer, her voice remaining gentle. "Just because this is the path of least resistance, doesn't mean it's the wrong path. Staying together is more important than how we stay together."

"What are we giving up to do it?" Steve questioned slightly before shaking his head. Both of their minds were made up and they both knew that neither of them were going to change their opinion. But, Natasha had to try, and he wished they could agree. "Sorry, Nat. I can't sign it."

"I know." Natasha confessed.

Steve looked at her confused, if she wasn't here to convince him to sign the Accords, then why was she here? "Well, then… what are you doing here?"

Natasha looked at him, her expression soft. "I didn't want you to be alone." She admitted.

Her words touched him more than he could have imagined, the fact that she specifically went out of her way in order to check in on him was more than he would ever ask of anybody. He felt his eyes well up again, he had managed to keep his tear in for the most part during the ceremony, but now he knew he didn't have to.

"Come here." Natasha's voice was light and he almost didn't hear her until her hands pulled him slightly. He instantly sunk into her embrace, he could smell the unique yet familiar scent of her up his nostrils.

Steve truly missed this. Every word coming out of her plumped lips comforted, soothed, and helped to clear his mind; every gentle touch of hers inevitably made him relaxed; every moment where he felt he was left alone in this world, she would manage to take the spot beside him, making it a two person situation rather than an individual situation. She meant it when she said that it was up to her to back him up, she kept her words, until now.

"I should get going," Natasha whispered to his ear. Steve heard her swallowed hard before her next sentence. "Please, whatever you are going to do… just please remember that we will always be a team."

The sigh that she let out when she came down from her tiptoe, released her embrace around him yet her fingers still interlocked at the back of his neck, while his hands remained pressed to her sides. Steve saw those always playful green eyes, now filled with tears which threatened to roll down her rosy cheeks. He couldn't bear even the thought of Natasha shedding a tear, let along actually on the verge of tears. Leaning in, he began to close the distance between them and, for once, allowed his feelings to run free.

Steve pressed a firm kiss on her temple, and heard the quiet intake of breath from her. Pulling back, he noticed her eyes were shut firmly and a few tears had fallen down her cheeks. He dipped his head and pecked away the trail of tear, tasting the bitterness; he felt it, she is just as pained as him. Seeing the team being torn apart, helplessly standing to the side was difficult for both of them- it didn't help that he was part of the problem.

He was about to reach for her trembling lips but was stopped by a slight push by her petite hands on his chest.

"Steve, I have got to go." The corners of Natasha's eyes moved, and she flashed him a soft smile. She was trying to fool him. The curves of her eyes and lips weren't big enough compared to her genuine smile that he had seen in the past.

Steve retrieved his hands back into his pant pockets, and returned a similar expression to Natasha before she said goodbye and reluctantly disappeared out of his sight.

Both of their smiles never reached their eyes.

Both blues and greens are occupied by the storm, and they know they are about to be swept away and torn into pieces.

Thank you for reading!