W.D Serif

I...Couldn't explain what just happened. For one, Sora had managed to contain what is essentially a burst of volatile aura with his own, causing the Aura within PENNY to spring into life; at least, as much life as a robot that achieved sentience should have. The bright white light consumed the entire laboratory, some of it must've even seeped into the academy proper. As the light dimmed out and the rest of us gathered our bearings, us scientists along with the general was greeted with the android girl on her knees, supporting an unconscious Sora in front of his, holding him in her arms as she seemingly tilts her head in confusion as to what is going on.

"Sora!" I instinctively yelled, quickly head over to the testing chamber where PENNY was once bound onto, rushing over to my currently unconscious son-It's faint, but I can feel his Aura still there...Thank the Gods. PENNY seemed to take notice, staring at me as I run at her with, judging by her currently frightened expression, a seriously worried frown. She stumbled backwards, still clinging onto my son as if he was her teddy bear-perhaps it was instinct? "Sora..." I stopped running at her, currently, we are at least 5 feet apart. I tried to loosen my expression, trying not to aggravate the newly born PENNY any further. Somehow, even after this, her expression didn't change. It's still filled with fear, clutching Sora tightly.

"S...S..." PENNY moved her lips, mimicking the sound I made to say Sora's name. "S-S...S-S-Stay!" She softly barked, quite fearfully. "S-stay!..Stay! Stay b-b-bak!" Based on her tone, she was pleading to leave them be.

"Incredible..." Is all I could mutter. Not even a minute after she had achieved full sentience, and she had already grasped on the concept of language! But...Why does she see me as a threat? If anything, Sora and I should share the similar Aura frequencies; she should see me as his friend. She continued to struggle saying the words 'Stay Back!' as I pondered on why it would have an attachment to Sora until it managed to speak in a full sentence.

"Stay back f-fwom Sans, s-s-s-s-scawy hand man!" PENNY fumbled her words in a slur, infant-like speech as her back compartment opened up. It shot out sharp, folded blades that bounced off the walls and all over the chamber, one of them piercing the observation glass of the other side when the blades folded, causing one to stick on the ground and the others on the walls, scratching my side in the process. While everyone had their eyes set on her weapons, I've been pondering on what she said-The name she called Sora and what she called him...'Sans' and 'Scary Hand Man'...

Does she already have memories? Specifically, Sora's?

No, that couldn't be. After all, Sora only gave PENNY's aura a headstart in circulation by supplying his own. But the thing is, we haven't exactly studied the implications of using Aura to kickstart another person's Aura like that of a defibrillator as of yet...Could this be the result? Memory sharing?

"Professor!" Just like that, General Ironwood bursts through the door, crying out in worry as he reached for his gun.

"Stay right where you are, General!" I flung my arm at him with an open palm, signaling him to stop whatever it is he's plotting to do. "The child is just in a state of confusion, that's all."

"Child? Have you already forgotten she's a robot?" General Ironwood snarled, displeased at my demand for him to stand down. Honestly, it wasn't my place to tell him what to do, but considering we have effectively created life...

"I have not." I shook my head, "But we must not forget, PENNY's consciousness was born today. We can assume that she is, indeed, a child." I explained, turning to PENNY once again. "We must treat her with extreme delicacy until she develops into maturity." I said, as the girl, in the verge of tears, still clutched Sora, soon had her back against the wall. It appears she is no longer able to scuttle any further than this. It's about time I make my move. "Penny..." I spoke, taking a single step towards her. She flinches, as if I was a monster walking towards her. I tense up, letting out a gulp of nervousness as I continued to make my way towards her, slowly but surely. "It's alright now...You don't have to worry." I said as I slowly reached my towards right above her messy, orange hair. She visibly tensed up, clutching Sora even tighter before my land touched down-landing on top of her head. This caused her to loosen her hold on Sora and look a me, this time, her pupils adjusting like camera lenses-in which, they are. "No one's going to hurt you..." I said with the warmest smile I could muster. While I had her attention on me, I summoned one of my skeletal hands and pulled Sora out of her sight, swiftly and quietly dragging Sora along the ground, tossing it right at Ironwood which caused him to fall through the door where he came through, which now closed on cue.

It was around that time when PENNY noticed Sora's absence, her eyes welling up like a child, finding out her favorite toy going missing, or like a child with a candy bar taken from her, or perhaps, a child that-Nevermind that. Point is, she's about to cry again.

"S...Sans..." PENNY spoke softly, stretching her arm towards the observation room in front of her. She probably sees one of the Atlesian Soldiers taking Sora away, hopefully. "Sans...!" She tried to drag her body forth, which only ended up with her landing onto me. Looks like it's my turn to give her a hug.

"Don't worry, he'll be fine." I told her softly, carressing the back of her head, "S...Sans just needs to sleep."

"Sleep...?" PENNY repeated what I said, like a child learning to say a word, this time, exponentially quicker. "Sans...Sleep...Good?" She asked, tilting her head in curiosity.

"Yes, PENNY." I simply nodded, "Sleep is good." I then propped her off of me, my semblance skeletal hand dragging along the only article of clothing he had dropped; the blue hoodie-fur jacket. I never get his obsession with the fur specifically on his hood, considering he could just get by with a turtleneck or two. Regardless, I covered her up with the jacket. Let's just say it's my creed to never let a lady remain nude. Recently born Android Girls are no exceptions. I stood up and brushed my pants, soon telling her. "He'll visit soon, so behave yourself, okay?" I told her, turning around as I made my way towards the door, taking my time to grab one of the swords she had in her body, raising up to the sky to admire it's blade. Whoever designed this blade had a theme in mind, considering the power symbol on the hilts along with its sleek and foldable design.

"U-um..." PENNY called out to me for probably the last time, "I'm...Sorry..." She apologized, "Hand Man...Not Bad." She said, hoping to reconcile what she said to me before. I simply smile and walked out with the sword in hand, hoping to study it. Although, that encounter gave me quite a bit to think about.

Sora...No, Sans. Regardless if my theory is correct or not, I have several questions on what you did, and what you really are.

Sora Sans Serif

I let out a groan as I opened my eyes, the bright light of the infirmary shining down upon me as I rubbed my head, wincing in pain. Imagine having a hangover-yep. That's straight up how my entire body feels right now. Does it hurt? Kinda. Will it be a pain in the ass? Literally, to be fair, butt I'll manage.

"what time is it, doc?" I let out a yawn as I sat upright, stretching my arms upwards. I then hear a startled squeak from the local nurse, who turned around and looked at me with widened eyes. "am i late for my funeral?" I turned to her and asked with a wry grin, messing with her.

"Please, sir, don't say things like that!" The nurse let out an exasperated sigh, her hand on her chest.

"just messing with ya, kid." I said, getting off the bed with a hop. This caused the nurse to panic a bit. She was obviously instructed to keep me in bed until my old man tells her so.

"Um, sir, I don't think-!"

"i'll be fine~!" I shooed the nurse's concern away from me with a shrug, "i just took a power nap, that's all."

"For...5 days?"

"wow." I chuckled with a grin, "that's a new record." I said, soon looking around for my premium fur blue jacket, but to no avail, it's not there. "hey, have you seen my jacket? i kinda wear it all the time." I asked the nurse, who simply shook her head.

W...Was I taken here without it? God, I feel naked. Jokes aside, I pondered if my old man could still be here. If he would, where should he be...Oh, perhaps he and Ironwood kicked off a party or something for what I did? Or maybe they're having a serious discussion about it. Or maybe I'm just paranoid and both of them are just chilling in PENNY's lab. The last one sounds like the most legit scenario, so I went with it.

I walked all the way from the school's infirmary down to the basement-4th level. Did I say walk all the way? I meant took a shortcut, and that does NOT mean hopping down the entire stairwell like some lunatic...I might be lazy, but I have standards, you know. Anyway, walking along through the lab, I noticed a distinct lack of the lab assistants running around to get their shit together with their bosses. The only peeps I've seen so far are the guards and some of the veteran scientists my old man knows, even a literal old man with a scruffy ass beard. Kinda looks like Santa, if he wasn't the King pretending to be him.

Eventually, I found the lab and casually entered without a word. There are two guards guarding PENNY, both of them sitting by the consoles and staring at the window to observe the totally naked teenage chick in front of them. At least, I thought she was, anyway. Those two didn't even hear me come in.

"wow, nice security we got here." I said outloud in a sarcastic tone, surprising the two guards, jolting awake.

"I'm awake! I'm totally NOT sleeping!" One of them said, posing in a fighting stance. Well shit dawg, sleeping on the job? That's a grave offense round here, I tell you.

"sure you are." I shrugged, getting the pair of guards' attention. "anyway, hiya, sora sans serif, son of w.d serif? nice to meet'ya." I casually introduced myself, "i think i have enough clearance to go and meet the subject whenever I want? thanks." I said before casually walking up to the door and pressed my hand against the pad, scanning my palm. In a few seconds, the door did open. "whaddya no, i do have enough clearance." Somehow. I shrugged, not even thinking about the semantics of it as I walked onto the testing chamber, seeing PENNY sitting on the corner, wearing an oddly familiar blue furred jacket and fiddling with a closed Scroll..."is it me, or did the guys here give you some balling threads?" I asked, making my presence known as I walked towards her, both hands in my pockets. Apparently, she just had my jacket and nothing else. Kinda reminds me of Sally Acorn from Sonic's Archie Comics...Those exist, Alphys gave em' to me...Speaking of Sally, why does she only wear a jacket and nothing else? I get that the humans are trying to imitate monster fashion even though they haven't seen any of us in the past few centuries, yeah, sure, I can look past that. But at least Amy wore a dress,

Anyway, going off topic here.

Penny seemed ecstatic to see me, her eyes widened, beamimg with pure joy as she dropped the closed Scroll she's been trying to force open for what I can assume is the past 2 days.

"...! Sans!" She gasped in shock at first before running at me. I prepared myself for the worse as she got near, thinking that I would somehow get knocked down into the ground, however, to my surprise, she simply picked me up and raised me into the air, with me wrapped in what I can say is the most uncomfortablly comfortable hug I had ever received. It only dawned on me that I am quite short-around 5 flat, to be exact. "Sans came back!"

"yep, i'm right here, kid. all fine and dandy, hehe..." I chuckled in a strained voice, "think you could let me go?" I asked, feeling the lingering and almost nullified pain in my entire body spring back to life in almost an instant.

"Oh, Penny's sorry!" PENNY apologized, letting go of me all of a sudden, causing me to be dropped onto the ground, complete with the roblox OOF sound. It's strange how she speaks in a 3rd person perspective, but it might be because of the fact that she was born 5 days ago. Still, that's a new record in terms of learning how to talk coherently.

"ouch..." I rubbed my buttocks as I stood up, letting out groans of pain. PENNY showed me a concerned expression in which I negated with a raised finger. "i'm fine." I calmly said, stating that I don't need help. "so, how have you been?" I asked, placing my hands back at my pockets, "i see they've only given you a jacket and nothing else."

"Ah, yes, Professor Hand Man handed this to Penny 5 days ago." PENNY told me, "Hand Man said that Penny should keep it until Sans wakes up." She explained. "It quite comfortable, Penny must say. Penny probably wouldn't want to part with it unless she has to!" She giggled innocently in her child like, 3rd Person speech. It's kinda cute, I'll give them that, but no one talks like that out there. We need to fix that. So somehow, the old man gave her my jacket...Something must've happened that made her attached to me.

"pfft, professor hand man..." I giggled, trying to hold down a burst of laughter when I heard that name. It's hilarious, what can I say?! I took a deep breath before sighing, trying to get it out of my system. I soon took notice of the Scroll on the floor on the corner she was sitting on before. If I recall, there shouldn't be one inside the testing chamber with her. So logically speaking...That should be my Scroll.

"i'll take this, thank you very much." I walked over to the Scroll and picked it up, expanding it by pressing the yellow button. Luckily, she didn't manage to break it, thank god, but she did give the metal bits a good scratching. I took a good look at the time; it's currently 3 AM on the dot. Which means I woke up at two.

Well, I sleep a lot, so this is normal.

"so...penny." I turned to PENNY, pocketing my Scroll. "what did you learn in the past couple o' days?" I asked, wanting to know the progress into letting her integrate into society.

"Hmm...They taught Penny how to talk, and use her weapons...So far." PENNY answered, causing me to sigh.

Not a whole lot of progress there, bud.

"it's a start." I crossed my arms. "i'm sure formal speaking lessons(or tweaks, whatever) will be held later, so let's do something active." I said, a few bones rising from the ground, floating behind me like wings. Seeing the blueprints for PENNY, I imagine this is gonna be how she fights. "let's practice your swordplay. i'm sure you'll get something right." I said, as my bones floated idly around me, waiting for commands.

And finally, I had updated. Told you I'll take awhile.

I lied about Ruby interacting with her mother this chapter, but in exchange, I grant thee Penny.

As always, please take the time Review!

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