A/N (1): Top o' the mornin' to ya, laddies! We did it! Our SepticeyeFamily is now 12 million subscribers strong! ALL THE WAY TO FUCKIN VICTORY TOWN! (I love that song!) My... How time flies doesn't? Seems just like yesterday, Jack had first dyed his hair green and had 7 million subs. *sigh* Memories...

Now, right back to the story...


Jack had finished his second and last video of the day ending with recording the last second mini clip that he always does at the end after he'd shouted his outro.

He got up and took a minute to stare at the whiteboard on the back of his recording room. The inspirational message that acquired to both him and his subscribers. He had changed it so many times.

Jack smiled to himself thinking of how he had done an Omegle meetup to personally meet n' greet with his fellow Bosses. A few of them told Jack how he had helped them through difficult times or how they randomly stumbled onto his channel one day. Whether they loved his gameplay commentary or his personality. It didn't matter to him. Jack was happy that by doing something so simple as playing video games, he gave people a voice of comfort. Including the fact he had gotten back from PAX Prime a few days ago. On the second day back, he immediately started recording videos again.

He stretched out his limbs and went across the hall from the recording room to his bedroom to change into his running gear. Trying to get back into exercising was something that hasn't really become part of his daily routine...yet. Sometimes exercise of his choice comes from trying to record VR videos or walking to and from the shop to buy food.

Jack slipped on his favorite light blue jacket with the many zippers and grab his hat with Septiceye Sam on it. Of course it was put on backwards. The last item he grabbed was his apartment keys. "Don't want to forget these." Jack said as he slipped them into his pocket.

Plugging in his earbuds, he selected his brand new song that was made for him by Schmoyoho.

'All The Way (I Believe in Steve)'

"Oh yeah!" Jack exclaimed as he began his usual trek around his apartment building and into a park that he ran around twice.

The upbeat of the music and the energizing sounds of his yells made him keep running.

"All the way! (Keep on dancin')

All the way! (Keep on flyin')

All the way! (Keep goin', You got this)

All the way!

Keep goin'

Keep goin'

Keep goin'


Jack had been listening the song on repeat throughout his run. It has never failed to make him more energized. By the time Jack reached back home, he was sweaty and tired. "Aughh.." He groaned as he sat on his bed to take off his shoes. Grabbing a fresh pair of clothes, Jack hopped into the shower.

After his shower, his phone had gone off. Mark had sent him a DM message on Twitter.

Mark: - "Sup, buddy? Wanna record a gameplay together sometime? Maybe Overwatch or perhaps more lessons in World of Warcraft?"

Jack chuckled and rolled his eyes. He had some catching up on Warcraft to do and he wanted to do that at his own pace. He did have interest in seeing the movie though so, he settled for the latter.

Jack: - "Sounds great. Send me the deets. Let's play Overwatch! You know I suck at Warcraft."

He laughed out loud when typing that last sentence. Heading back into his recording room, Jack had taken a look at his Septiceye Sam plushies on his shelf. Truly it had amazed him how at first Sam was just a logo for his channel but so many of his fans had began drawing and creating artwork that had the little guy floating around him and now Sam had grown as his own to be part of his community.

Blue eyes to blue, Jack stared at Sam and said, "You know Sam, I don't know why but everytime I look at you, I feel like I've seen you before. Before all this happened..."

He picked up a small Sam plush near his computer monitor and spun around in his chair. "Before YouTube." He set Sam back on his desk. Jack made a grab for his headphones. The wires were tangled.

"Aghh! Fuckin' headphones!" He shouted, trying to untangle them.

Jack's phone went off again. Another DM from Mark on Twitter.

Mark: - "O/W in an hour and half. Little trouble with my setup."

Since he had more time to spare, he decided to make another video. As Jack reached his phone to reply back, a swift movement in his peripheral vision caught his eye. A Sam plush had rolled off the desk. Even though his standing desk was perfectly laid across. Jack picked up Sam and moved him to the other side of the monitor which was backed into the corner so he wouldn't fall again.

Jack responded back to Mark.

Jack: - "Okay. Let me know when you're ready. Working on another video."

Placing his headphones over his head, setting up the recording programs, opening the game to play and turning on the mike, Jack spoke clear into the mike.



He began with shouting his intro that had became basically second nature to him.


"Top o' the mornin' to ya, laddies! My name is Jacksepticeye and welcome to a game called..."


Nearly one hour of shouting profanities, doing weird but funny dance moves, making obvious jokes, and spitting everywhere, Jack as always ended the video shouting loud enough for his neighbors to hear is outro catchphrase and the extra bonus clip.

He took a deep breath. This was the 4th video of the day. Now, he must begin the process of editing, rendering and uploading which he had to decided what 2 videos will be up tomorrow and the next day.

"Jaacckk..." A ghostly voice faintly whispered.

He took off his headphones and looked around his room. Jack thought he was hearing things so he put them back on without a second guess.

Again, the voice called out to him. "Jaaaccckkk..." It sounded familiar too.

Jack moved his gaze to the collection of Sam's surrounding his computer. What looked like a cloud of green mist was glowing over them. Jack furrowed his eyebrows and blinked a few times to make sure he was seeing what was in front of him.

The green haze grew thicker and thicker forming a large circle. There was blue in the middle and black taking it's place. The voice spoke. "My, my, my. Jacksepticeye. How you've grown. You're parents would be proud. Or should I call you, 'Seán'? "

Jack's eyes widened. He knew who he was talking to was Sam but he didn't know why Sam mentioned his parents. "Either name is fine. Uh..S-Sam, right? What do you mean by my parents? They already know what I do."

Sam's form was gigantic but he reshaped himself, growing smaller to the size of the Sam plushies. "Oh dear, I was afraid of this. You really don't remember, do you?"

Jack took a step backward. "What? What don't I remember?"

"I brought you here when you were young. You were a little septiceye. Try to remember." Sam rested on Jack's chair.

"Wait, wait. So it's true? My backstory I made up.. About me being the last Bossatronio. You mean to tell me that it's real?! That was just a story I made up one day!"

Jack stood motionless. He couldn't believe what he was hearing... or seeing. Surely, this had to be all in his imagination. He closed his eyes, counted to ten and opened them again, expecting the enormous Sam to be gone.

He wasn't. Jack was freaking out. "How did you...? Sam..I-? I don't know what to say."

"Hmm. Wait here." Sam vanished into thin air.

Jack took this opportunity to rush to his bathroom and splash cold water on to his face. He took more deep breaths and paced around back and forth in his room.

Sam appeared again, holding something in his grasp. "This." He said. "Hold it." He placed the Septictank in Jack's arms. "Do you know what this is?"

Jack stared at the foreign item given to him. The Septictank was cylinder in shape. It's cap and bottom were made of steel. The middle was see through. Inside was green goo.

"Yeah." Jack answered. He twisted the tank around and around, examining every fine detail his eyes would take in. "This is a septic tank. Kind of like the one people use for you when they draw you in some of my fanart."

"I noticed." Sam eyed the many portraits hanging in Jack's room.

"Yeah. You're kind of a thing now, Sam." Jack said, putting the tank on ground.

"Ahh, yes. Your Youtube gaming channel, was it?" Sam laughed. "How far you've come in just 3 years. I was happy when you announced you were making 'Sam's '. "

Jack raised an eyebrow. "Why? It was just something I wanted to give to my community. They wanted their own Sam's and I kinda did too so I asked if they could be made."

"Your backstory, Jack. Some of your.. uh... 'Fans',..."

Jack corrected him. "I prefer 'Community'. "

"Alright. Your community knows about the Septiceye's and the AntiSeptic's. They can help us."

"Sam, I don't want to disappoint you but.. could you explain more about that? I know quite the majority of it but not the entire scenario."

Sam pushed Jack towards his chair. "It's going to take a while to get it all out. You might want to get comfortable."

"Okay..." Jack's eyebrows furrowed, eyeing the green eyeball as he lazily walked to sit.

"You were born on the planet known as 'Bossatron'. " Sam began. "It was lush and green and blue like Ireland. I created the great Bossatronio tribe and believe it or not, we were all eyeballs. Until one day, our tribe split. We became divided. Rivals."

Jack's eyes lit up. "Septic and Anti's." He slowly said.

"Yes. For many years, our clans were at war. Us Septic's knew the Anti's were planning something worse and it would change our planet. My council, which your parents were part of, decided it would be best if I brought you to safety."

"Wait. My parents?" Jack questioned. "What have they got to do with this?"

"No, no. Not your adoptive earth parents. Your true parents. Green-Eye, who was your father and Septara, who was your mother."

"I have another Mom and Dad?" His voice quivered slightly. "What happened to them? Are they with you? Can I see them?"

"I'm afraid not... They.. are not with us...anymore." Sam closed his eye in respect.

He continued. "They wanted to ensure your survival and they both bravely made sure of that, even though it was hard for them."

"Wow." Jack muttered under his breath. "I must've been so young. What was I like in 'eyeball' form on Bossatron?"

"Just the same. You were so full of energy, happy to play and made friends with everyone in the whole Septiceye Clan. That's another thing. The alias name you use for your Youtube channel... is your REAL name."


"Jacksepticeye is your real name. Your earth name is your adoptive one. Green-Eye, Septara and I gave it to you. When you and I travelled here to Earth, I made you take the form of a human, er-... I actually trained you. But you couldn't remember me or any of what happened to us so I told your adoptive mother to call you 'Jack'. "

"So that's why I've been called Jack for almost half my life!" Jack got up to pace his room again. "The day my friends gave me that 'septic eye' nickname, did you tell them too?"

Sam shook his entire form implying a 'no'. "I didn't have to. Luckily, it all worked out."

"Bossatron. In my backstory, was it really destroyed?" Jack turned to face Sam.

He sighed heavily. "Yes. The AntiSeptic's caused the core of Bossatron to rupture. I, in my haste, quickly got you off the planet before it collapsed." Sam pointed his optic nerve toward the septic tank. "In that."

"Also, you're not the last Bossatronio, Jack."

"Some survived? Obviously, you count, right?" He asked. "Who are the others and where are they?"

"Our enemies." Sam gruffly said. "Only one has survived."

Jack rested his head in his arms. He was on the verge of a headache. "All this information is too much to take in!"

"I know it is. Perhaps I was eager to unravel all this onto you all in one day." Sam sadly bowed his form.

"I understand, Sam. But I'm glad you told me. I, too, am eager to know more about this. I just... can't believe you're real! Hey, how are you talking when you have no mouth? I'm able to hear you just fine."

"On Bossatron, we communicated telepathically. It was just our way of doing so."

"I remember saying something like that in one of my videos. Can you read my mind?" Jack said with a smirk.

Sam chuckled. "Not really. Nothing so complicated. There's so much that you told everyone of our culture. For one, when you said to your viewers 'You're all BOSSES'. "

"Yeah..." Jack elongated the 'y' for Sam to continue.

"I had a Council of BOSS. The word BOSS was an abbreviation." Sam turned around to write on Jack's whiteboard. "Sorry about this but may I write on this board?"

Jack nodded with a wave of his hand. "Yeah, sure. Go ahead."

Sam grabbed an eraser then a marker. He wrote the 4 letters under each one.





"This is what each letter stood for." Sam began to fill in the words.





"By telling them they're all BOSSES, you were, in fact, saying they were a part of my council." He tapped the board with the marker. "Well, it's falls to you now."

"Trippy." Jack thought for a brief moment. "Okay. What about 'Like A Boss'? I shout that a lot."

"You came up with that all on your own. I don't really know where you got that from however. But you did shout that phrase a lot on Bossatron when you played a new game."

Jack hesitated when he asked this question. "What is the name of our enemy?"

Sam was quick to answer back. "What do you think it is?"

"Billy?" He whispered. "The Billy I constantly shout 'Screw You' to?

"The very one."

"I only say that to him in videogames. He's real? I've never met him. How can I hate someone I've never met?"

"He is the son of the AntiSeptic leader, AntiSethi. I have no idea where he's disappeared off to."

Jack's phone went off. It was from Mark.

Mark: - "Overwatch is a go. Sorry it took longer than I expected. Let's record!"

He looked up from his phone. "Sam, I'm gonna need a day or two to process what you've told me."

"No problem. I think I've overstayed my welcome."

"You could stay here, if you want. You don't have to fully leave. Ireland is Bossatron." Jack said with a smile. "Home."

"Home." Sam repeated.


A/N (2): I'm gonna leave this chapter here. Things will start to heat up in the coming chapters, I promise. Thank you guys so much for reading this chapter! If you liked it, PUNCH that follow/fav button in the face LIKE A BOSS!...and High fives all around! Thank you guys and I will see all you dudes... IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!

...How many of you know Jack now has a tattoo? Can you believe it? Personally, I like it. His tattoo may be hard to see but it's on his right forearm. It's the Hunter's mark symbol from Bloodborne.