plz dont judge my writing i actually do not write fanfiction (or creative writing in general) at all. i only uploaded this because there is absolutely no shiokuro fanfiction out there

ALSO i drew the cover image myself

When Shion invited his teammates to one of the Kiba family's balls, Chrono thought he had a fairly good idea of what was in store. He expected having to wear an itchy suit. He expected old people who were probably richer than he'd ever be asking him questions. He wasn't even surprised that Shion's mom looked exactly him (it was a little freaky, though.)

He did not, however, find himself prepared for a question that his friend asked him.

"Chrono." Shion gracefully extended his hand, smiling winningly. "May I have this dance?"


"A dance. I'm asking you to dance with me, Chrono."


Shion seemed unperturbed by Chrono's reaction. "Oh, don't make such a big deal out of it. It's a Kiba family tradition to ask a close friend to dance at an event. It signifies your closeness, regardless of relationship."

Chrono stared at him doubtfully. "I've never heard of such a thing."

"Well, that's because it's specific to my family. Now, will you dance or won't you?" Shion cocked his head expectantly. His expression hadn't changed, but his hand shook slightly.

Chrono took it.

"You're stepping on my feet," Shion hissed.

"Not my fault you decided to dance with someone who's never done it before," Chrono shot back.

"You could at least try- OW!"

Chrono shrugged ruefully. One of his hands clasped Shion's, and the other rested on his shoulder. They were shuffling together with little success, which was not helped by other guests watching them with expressions ranging from confusion to amusement. Seriously, what was Shion thinking?

"This is... kind of gay."

"It's not 'gay,' Chrono, it's a Kiba family tradition."

"Your family traditions are gay."

Shion huffed. "Well, if you hate it so much, then we can just stop." He made motions to step away from Chrono.

"Wait-" Without thinking, Chrono pulled Shion closer to him and found himself inches from the other's face.


Chrono was very aware that he needed to explain why he had essentially just pulled Shion into a hug, but his brain seemed to have ceased function. "Um." Shion's breath tickled his face. He blushed.

"I'm losing my mind," Tokoha muttered to herself. She and Shion's mother were sitting on the sidelines, watching the duo's theatrics.

Mrs. Kiba smiled sympathetically. "Are they... usually like this?"

"No, they're worse." Tokoha took a swig of her drink. "I hope you're prepared to wait, like, ten more years for your son to get a boyfriend, because with the way they act neither will ever confess."


She shrugged. "Honestly? I need to apologize on their behalf. I don't know what it is with my friends and unresolved romantic tension. When I realized I had a crush on Kumi, I told her within a few days. Easy as that. They're as bad as Am and Luna, and that's saying something. Or my brother and that Ibuki guy!"

"I... see..." Mrs. Kiba had no idea who Tokoha was referring to.

Meanwhile, Chrono and Shion appeared to be in an argument. Both their faces were scarlet. Everyone in their vicinity looked very uncomfortable.

"God help me." Tokoha put her face in her hands.