Olivia, Charles and Moira ran out of the ship as they saw Shaw's body floating out of the submarine, the rest of the x-men and Shaw's people stopped as they saw the floating body and saw Erik floating as well as he closed his hand and dropped the body as Olivia covered her mouth in horror as the body dropped as Erik spoke loudly "Today our fighting stops!"

He landed on the floor as he looked at the X-Men and Shaw's people as he looked at the ocean and pointed to the boats as he addressed the two teams

"Take off your blinders, brothers and sisters. The real enemy is out there. I feel their guns moving in the water. Their metal, targeting us. Americans, Soviets, humans. United in their fear of the unknown. The Neanderthal is running scared, my fellow mutants!" Erik started barking as he turned towards Charles and Olivia and Moira

"Charles. Olivia. Tell me I'm wrong." Erik said almost as Olivia followed by Charles tapped into the minds of the heads of the Americans and Russians as they heard the commands as Charles looked at Moira who nodded and ran into the plane to try to stop.

Olivia was almost tearing up as Moira's pleas for help weren't working as Charles looked upset as they heard the next few words.. Fire.

Olivia shook her head as she watched the missiles flying and couldn't help but think: These humans.. After all they've done for them and they're about to be killed now? The humans are so ungrateful.

Olivia was thinking quickly, maybe she could create a huge ice wall but it would take too much of her energy and the ice wall could break easily, she didn't know how to create a huge wall with rocks just yet.. She felt helpless.

She watched in awe as she saw Erik going to the edge of the beach and raised his hand stopping the missiles in mid-air as he looked back at Charles and looked back at Olivia, his eyes soften once he looked at her as he turned the missiles the opposite way towards the boats.

" Erik, you said yourself, we're the better men. This is the time to prove it. There are thousands of men on those ships. Good, honest, innocent men! They're just following orders." Charles pleaded at Erik who was looking at Olivia but his expression was cold as he looked at Charles and the other teams.. He looked at Olivia.. He just made a new vow.. He would protect his team, he would protect Olivia from these humans who would dare to harm her.

"I've been at the mercy of men just following orders. Never again" He said as he released the missiles and directed the missiles towards the ships as Charles shouted as he tackled Erik to the ground and the two teams watched the missiles were no longer flying as Olivia watched in horror as the two most important men in her life were fighting in front of her.. She literally was frozen in her spot and her breathing was quicken as she felt like she was having a panic attack as she saw Erik punching Charles in the face as the two were punching each other as Erik was somewhat controlling the missiles but was stopped by Charles.

The X-men saw Erik was winning so the men were rushing towards Erik as Raven and Olivia followed but once Erik saw that he was livid

"Stand back!" He shouted as he raised his hand and threw the men back, leaving Olivia and Raven standing there as she watched Charles trying to get the helmet off as he shouted "Erik stop!" He said as Erik straight on punched him in the face as Erik was trying to control the missiles once again as Olivia shouted

"Stop it! Both of you!"

As Erik got up once he punched Charles once again he raised his hand as the missiles were once again going to the boats as Raven and Olivia watched in horror as Moira took out her gun

"Moira no!" Olivia said as Moira started shooting at Erik, she tried running towards the two men to blow away the bullets from both men but it was too late as Erik was moving the bullets away from him and Olivia stopped in horror as a bullet hit Charles in the back.

It felt like time stopped, like her heart stopped as she watched her best friend was shot in the back.

Olivia had Charles in her mind, their minds connecting as Olivia dropped to her knees as she screamed once she saw her best friend falling in pain.

"Charles!" Olivia said as she got up and saw Erik running towards him as well as she was in tears, her best friend in the whole entire world.. Someone who was best friends with her since she was four.. Someone who she dearly loved and someone who was important to her was hurt.

Erik touched Charles back for a moment before using his powers to take out the bullet, Olivia had tears in her eyes as she hugged her best friend close to her as she was crying, Erik placed a hand on her shoulder and squeezed it as soon Olivia felt rage when she saw Moira running towards them


"You.. Did this to him" Olivia said as she raised her hand and all of a sudden it was like the air was knocked out of Moira as she couldn't breathe, she was holding her throat as she couldn't breathe.

"What is she doing?!" Alex said as Raven watched in horror as she knew what her best friend was doing

"When I was bullied as a child, a boy pushed me down and went to hit me but Olivia was full of rage and she literally cut his oxygen.. She's doing the same right now, She's literally taking the air out of her body right now" Raven whispered in horror remembering what had happen to her in a child.. She was never afraid of Olivia until that time, she knew Olivia was gentle and soft-spoken but knew Olivia could literally suck the air out of her foes.

"No.. Olivia stop.. She didn't do it.. He did" Charles whispered as he looked at Erik who frowned as Olivia felt Charles' hand on top of hers as she released her hand and Moira's breathing went back to normal as she collapsed on her knees trying to gain her breath as Erik frowned at Charles

"Us turning on each other. It's what they want. I tried to warn you, Charles. I want you by my side. We're brothers, you and I. All of us, together. Protecting each other. We want the same thing." Erik said as he looked down at Charles who simply smiled and shook his head as he whined in pain

"My friend, I'm sorry. But we do not" He whispered as Olivia was crying but Erik looked at Moira and signaled her to come towards them as the human ran towards the group on the floor as Olivia looked at Moira and frowned as she wanted to move away from the girl but she couldn't since she was holding Charles's head up as Erik spoke again

"The society won't accept us. We form our own. The humans have played their hand. Now we get ready to play ours. Who's with me?" Erik said as he held out his hand to Raven "No more hiding" He whispered as Raven looked conflicted as she started walking, despite the looks from Cassidy, Alex and Beast as she was walking towards Erik but instead stopped towards Charles as she bent down to be with her best friends as she touched Charles and Olivia's hands.

"You...you should go with him. It's what you want." Charles said weakly towards her as Raven looked conflicted and she smiled softly at her best friend

"You promised me you would never read my mind." She whispered to Charles and Olivia was holding back more tears as she held her best friends' hands as Charles chuckled softly and shook his head at Raven

"I know. I promised you a great many things, I'm afraid. I'm sorry." He said as he kissed her hand and she bend down to kiss his forehead as she got up and joined Erik and the other group. Charles turned to Olivia and smiled softly at his best friend

"Olivia you should go too.." He whispered as Olivia shook her head as she tighten her grip on Charles's hand "I'm not leaving you Charles, not like this.. You were there for me, you don't know it but you mean so much to me" She whispered as Charles smiled and shook his head at her

"I know where your heart lies Olivia, it's with him.. I'm not going to let you stay with me and be miserable when your heart belongs to him.. I won't allow it" Charles whispered as Erik saw the look at conflict on Olivia.. She had to make a choice now, it was either Charles or Erik.

"I don't wanna leave you alone" Olivia said as Charles shook his head "Nonsense, I won't ever be alone.. Go with him, I know you'll be happy with him" He said as Olivia leaned down and kissed his cheek, Charles felt the tears on his cheek as well and saw Olivia crying herself.. He was going to lose the woman he loved, to another man.

"Take care of him" Olivia said looking at Moira as she gently lifted Charles's head and Moira nodded as she was now resting his head on her lap as Erik went towards Olivia and helped her up and their fingers intertwined with each other as everyone was going towards Azazel and Raven looked at Beast

"Beast? Never forget, mutant and proud!" Raven smiled softly at Beast as Erik kissed Olivia's head trying to stop her from tearing up as she looked back at Charles

'Goodbye for now Charlie' She whispered before Erik looked at Azazel and nodded before the mutant teleported the group away.

"So what happened Next?" Logan asked as he was cuddled up to Charlotte, listening to the story of how her mother and father met.. How they fell in love and her friendship with the professor

"My mother and father stayed with each other for a while, he controlled the Brotherhood of course and they had done things.. My mom and Aunt Raven of course did the things too along with my father.. This was the time my mom and Aunt Raven grew closer before things went to shit" Charlotte whispered as she was tracing circles on Logan's chest and Logan frowned

"Like what?"

"My father or Uncle Charles never said, but something happened that ended their relationship and the brotherhood broke up.. Uncle Charles won't tell me the whole story so I just wonder" She said as she nuzzled his neck as he chuckled and held her close as they were in the tent in the woods, Charlotte had recently gone into his tent when he was looking at his dog-tags and some things led to another as they were now laying in the sleepingbags naked as Logan had confessed his attraction towards Charlotte and she had done the same

"Would love to see his reaction once he sees me coming out of her tent in the morning, he'll probably kill you" Charlotte said thinking about her father as Logan shrugged "I would love to see him try, I don't care what he thinks or anyone else thinks.. The fact that you have feelings for me and I have feelings for you.. I haven't been this happy in a while" Logan admitted as Charlotte smiled and buried her face into his neck as she breathed in his scent of cigars and a bit of after-shave.

"Looks like it's me and you against the world then Logan"

Charlotte Jones will Appear in..

The Life of Charlotte Jones.

Author's Note:

This is the end!

So we learn that Olivia and Erik are happy together for a while until something breaks them up, we don't know what but we'll see in Days of Future Past.

I won't be writing Olivia until My AOU and Ant-Man Story has ended which will take maybe a good month, but good news is that now you'll be getting Charlotte's story now. It will be oneshots of certain things in her life from the first X-Men to the 3rd X-Men (I don't want to write about the third one because it's horrible but it's a movie so I must do it.. Sadly) Then Days of Future Past will happen and Young Charles, Erik and Olivia are back!

Olivia will be a huge game changer once Days of Future Past happening, she won't be with Charles or Erik once it starts.. So what will happen? Does she end up like Raven wanting to kill someone to help The Mutants? Or Will Olivia want to have a normal life but the past comes back to haunt her? Or will she be in the war?

Olivia will be one of the glues that holds Erik and Charles together but their conflict will include their feelings for her, so she will be the glue and conflict of Charles and Erik.

Logan and Olivia will meet and let's say that Logan will have a soft spot for her, it will be like Olivia is meeting her daughter's boyfriend despite her actual daughter not being born yet and plus Charlotte can't make the trip over there since she would be killed.

Leave Reviews! Your thoughts on Olivia wanting to stay with Charles despite him knowing where her heart lies? The ending? Olivia almost killing Moira out of pure rage?

Until The Next Story!