Disclaimer: Aberrant, owned by White Wolf Games and Onyx Publishing. Justice League Unlimited, owned by DC. The Incredibles (though only one character will be showing up from that 'verse in the story until near the end) are owned by Pixar and Brad Bird.

Author's Note:

First off, yes, this is a re-write/repost of "War of Angels: Collision". Why? Because I took the time to go through the five previous "War of Angels" stories, did some revising/editing/typo-error correction and I figured I should do the same with this one. As I stated before and in the other fics, this fic is a spin-off from "War of Angels V: Defiance and Insurrection". For those of you just jumping on to this fic, you might want to read the other stories before reading this one (though I will be providing a recap here in these author notes). Originally, I was going to actually have this be part of the main fic, but I decided to break it up into a "spinoff" because I wanted to proceed with some other storylines and it was best to keep this one in it's own contained story. Eventually things will cross over between this fic and D&I because David and most of the others who are stuck in this 'verse do get back home. But, as of the posting (reposting) of this chapter...expect this fic to be it's own separate adventure from D&I (kind of like Legends of Tomorrow is to the Flash/Arrow 'verse).

For those of you who are JLU fans, this fic will take place right after the episode "Task Force X". If you want to figure out what's going on, you can read chapters 19 through 26 of "War of Angels V: Defiance and Insurrection" or you can just read the "quick and dirty" recap here.

And here's the quick and dirty recap as promised: Project CADMUS, desperate for technology that would allow them face the Justice League if they went rogue (like they did in the Justice Lords storyline) found a way to access alternate realities thanks to attempts to reverse engineer salvaged boom tube technology and Thanagarian technology from previous invasion attempts by those races (and others). They discovered another alternate Earth and decided on a plan to acquire technology this world had which could be used against super-powered beings. The plan was simple, hit multiple targets and cause massive collateral damage before hitting the true target and kidnapping the individual they wanted. Unfortunately, the early teams met with failure, and resulted with others from that world being dragged into this one.

That pretty much sums it up. For those of you familiar with my main story, you know who these characters are. Zoe, Bomber, Slapstick, Jack Parr, and David are the ones who get pulled in to the JLU world. Needless to say, I almost killed this idea...until I watched the episodes of Justice League "Legends Part 1 and 2". Though I'm not going to rip off that idea, it did give me some ideas and I do plan on referencing that episode in this fic.

Update: Going through the previous chapters to look for more typos and clean things up, will be doing this over the next few days. Also decided to move this into the "Justice League" section because there is no "Aberrant" section to cross it over with and people were confused as to why I had it listed as a White Wolf crossover (which, it technically is, but most people here don't seem to realize that Aberrant WAS a White Wolf property).

"This must be what a parallel universe is like', I thought. Everything looked the same, but I suddenly felt like it wasn't. Like everything had been taken apart, brick by brick, flower bed by flower bed, and put back together in the wrong order. Just like me."

-Jordanna Frabergberg

Centennial Park


Located in the borough of New Troy, Centennial Park was known worldwide for its appeal. Aside from being one of the largest public city parks in the world, it boasted many attractions that brought tourists from all over the globe. It had once been compared to New York's Central Park as "Central Park's twin brother, but not with as much garbage and less criminal scum". While some people found that comparison insulting, it was was pretty accurate. However, Metropolis still saw its share of crime despite the presence of its resident heroes. Granted, it wasn't as much as New York and Gotham City, but there were still some criminal elements.

For example, a gang of five teenagers had just mugged a couple of tourists and had vanished deeper into the park. For a bunch of punks, this group was fairly organized. One of them was constantly carrying a laptop and checking out the newsfeeds in regards to the Justice League, particularly members like Superman and Supergirl. Whenever the news reported some emergency involving the League, this crew of kids knew it was time to strike unsuspecting tourists in the park.

The leader of this gang was a seventeen year old Caucasian male who called himself "Iceman". Standing at six-foot four, weighing about two hundred pounds, and sporting a muscular build that suggested he was taking "special" supplements in addition to hitting the gym, "Iceman" was quite the imposing figure. Three of his four companions, Ace, Niko, and Blade were also teammates of his on his high school football team. Like Iceman, they were in good shape. And then there was Chance, the fifth member of Iceman's little squad and probably the most dangerous.

Unlike the others, Chance was not an athlete. He was a scrawny looking kid, wore goggles, and always had his laptop with him. He was their "eyes and ears", as Iceman once put it, "the guy who always has a plan". Niko once made the mistake of trying to bully Chance and ended up getting tazered for his trouble. When asked about where the "little freak" came from, Iceman merely replied that Chance was his neighbor and that Chance's father worked for LexCorp.

So, when the Justice League was called out on an emergency, Superman had taken off to help with the evacuation of some island out in the Pacific that was about to be destroyed by volcanic eruption. Chance did a little digging and discovered that Supergirl was somewhere in the state of Kansas (which seemed to be a place she went to regularly). Within a couple hours, Chance had disabled the security systems to a couple homes where the five youths helped themselves to some valuables before winding up their day in the park where they mugged some unsuspecting tourists from out of town.

And now, the five of them were smoking and drinking some beer in front of one of the statues of Superman in the park, celebrating their latest exploits. Chance was tapping away on his laptop, cruising through E-Bay as he put some items on line. "Hey, Niko," Chance called out.

"Yeah, shrimp," Niko replied, though there was no malice in his voice. "What's up?"

"You know that doll you lifted from the condo we hit earlier today? Where is it?"

"Stashed in the van, why?"

"You might wanna' sell it."

"No way, man, I'm giving it to my sister's kid as a present."

"What you got is one of the original 'Sally Sass' dolls that came out in the late 70s. The one you got might be worth nine grand."



"Then the hell with my sister's kid, I'll buy her some cheap doll from Wal-Mart."

Iceman chuckled and leaned back against the foot of Superman's statue. He kind of enjoyed these "after" sessions where they all got together and Chance would help them set up ways to sell off the stuff they stole for a good profit. "Hey, Chance, what about the diamonds we got?" he asked. "I know we'll take a hit because they could be tracked, but we can get something for them, right?"

"Ah, bossman, have some faith in me," Chance laughed. "Yeah, we will take a hit, but I linked up with a buyer from Little Byalia in Gotham. He's offering us twenty grand free and clear."

"Awesome." Iceman raised his beer. "Gentlemen, a toast to all of us and the fun times we've had these last couple years."

The others did the same, though Blade had a concerned look on his face. "Don't get me wrong, Ice, but you sound like things are coming to an end."

"Well, they are," Iceman said. "I mean, we're just kids...we'll be graduating in a few months, then we're going to be adults in the big bad world."

"So we're just going to call it quits?" Ace asked. "We have a good thing going."

"Yeah, but we're not gonna' be kids forever," Iceman replied. "Chance is going to college, I'll probably head there too, and I'm sure you guys got plans."

"True," Blade agreed. The Hispanic young man then shrugged. "But it doesn't mean we should stop. I mean, college doesn't come cheap and I have to admit this is one way to pay for it."

"Speak for yourselves," Niko said. "Unlike you guys, I don't have the money for a university, so I figure I'll take the other route."

"Seriously, Niko?" Chance asked. "No offense, but the Marines aren't your style."

"Hell no," Niko laughed. "I'm thinking the Army. Although I'm sure they'd reject me if they found out about our extra-curricular activities."

"Doesn't mean we should just quit now," Blade said.

"Who said anything about giving all this up?" Iceman shook his head. "I'm just saying that we won't be able to get away with this kind of stuff as we get older. Perhaps we should just use the next year or two to up our game and then move on to bigger things."

This time it was Chance who started laughing, getting a few glares from the rest of the crew.

"What's so funny?" Niko asked.

"I'm sorry, but what Ice says makes sense," Chance said. "It's just...look at us. We're a bunch of juvenile delinquents with criminal tendencies and here we are talking about carefully plotting our future and planning ahead. We definitely don't fit the 'gang' stereotype."

"Well, we are 'children' of the 21st century," Ace offered, making air-quote gestures with his hands. "I guess we're setting the new mold of the-"

A loud booming noise cut Ace off and all five young men were knocked to the ground by the small shock wave coming from the glowing portal that opened up about a hundred feet away from them.

"What the hell is that?" Niko yelled.

"Boom tube," Chance hollered back as he grabbed his laptop before the blast of wind coming from the portal could blow it away.

"Oh shit!" Blade screamed, his voice echoing the fear that the others were feeling. "Of all the times for Superman to be out of town...right when that Darkseid motherfucker decides to invade us-"

And then, just as suddenly as it appeared, the portal closed with a loud popping noise, leaving all five youths to look on in disbelief at what had come out of the portal.

"Aw shit...I think I'm gonna' throw up now," the lone invader said as she got up on her knees. "No...scratch that...not gonna' do that, wouldn't be cool."

Iceman, Chance, Niko, Blade, and Ace stayed where they were, not sure what to make of this invader as the pink haired girl staggered up on her feet,

"Whoa...dizzy now," she said as she stumbled a couple steps before recovering and looking down at herself. "Okay...still in one piece, not sucked into some hell dimension, not sucked into space." She looked up in the sky. "Okay, one sun...and I see clouds in a blue sky...okay, still on Earth...maybe."

Iceman studied the invader, looking her over. She appeared to be about seventeen or eighteen, was wearing blue jeans, a black t-shirt, neon pink high-tops, and had pink hair.

"Bossman," hissed Niko in the loudest whisper he could muster, "is she one of those Apokalips things?"

"Not sure, Nicky," Iceman replied shaking his head as he and the others slowly got up, not realizing he called Niko by his real name.

"Okay...time to look around," the pink-haired girl said. "Green grass, trees...okay, water fountains over there...confused batch of guys sitting over there...they don't look like aliens and they're wearing normal looking clothes." She then looked directly at them. "Yo!" she shouted. "Am I still on planet Earth?"

For a moment, no one answered.

"Hello?" she asked as she walked towards them, pausing for a moment to reach down and pick up some sort of device off the ground. She suddenly stopped halfway, a worried expression on her face. "Oh shit, I'm in another country, aren't I? Can any of you speak English?"

"Of course we can speak, English," Ace snapped. "We're in America, lady!"

"Easy Ace," Iceman said. "She's as confused as we are."

"Hey, ease off the 'tude, moron," the pink-haired girl fired back at Ace. "I just got sucked through a glowing portal thing," she held up the device she had picked up, "thanks to this piece of trash that is apparently not working, and I haven't had my morning mocha, dammit!"

"Um, Ice," Chance said, adjusting his goggles as he looked at the approaching girl.

"Yeah, Chance?"

"That device she has in her hand," Chance said. "That's what the Daily Planet called a 'Boom Tube' generator."

"What," the girl said, holding up the device, "this? You know what this is?"

Chance ignored her. "If we can get a hold of that, I can take it to my Dad and he can take it to work, and we could get a finder's fee for it."

"Finder's fee?" Pink Haired asked. "Hello? I'm right here, someone talk to me."

"Shut up, bitch," Ace said. "We'll get to you in a second." He then glanced over at Chance. "How much are we talking about here?"

Chance grinned. "Oh, about a million bucks."

Iceman looked over at the girl whose eyes widened a little in shock before narrowing as her lips suddenly formed into a smirk. "Don't think of running," he warned her. "There's five of us, and I think we can outrun you. Hand over the device and we'll let you go."

As they stepped towards her, the girl shook her head for a second and giggled softly. "Seriously," she said, "are you guys really that stupid?"

"Don't you mean to ask if you yourself are that stupid?" Niko asked. His question caused the others and paused to look at him for a moment. "Seriously...usually, in this kind of situation, the one being the target makes some comment like 'Do I look that stupid to you?' or something like that, because you know the target isn't going to believe anything the attacker says." Once again, everyone, including the pink haired girl looked at him. "Seriously, that's usually how it goes. I mean, she has something we want, we're going to take it from her, but what are we going to do with her after we get the item from her?"

"Oh, I know what I'd do to her," Ace sneered as he looked at her. "Bitch doesn't talk like that to me."

"Okay, 'Roid Boy, you better reel it in or I will make you a eunuch within the next thirty seconds."

"That's not going, to happen," Iceman said as he saw Chance already reaching into his coat for his customized 'stunner. "We're just going to knock you out, take the device, and leave."

"Wow," the girl said. "That almost sounds gentlemen-like of you." Then she smiled at him, a mischievous look in her eyes. "So I will give you a counter-offer; let me walk out of here, you go about your business, and your buddy over there gets to keep his balls."

Niko and Blade laughed and Iceman had to force himself from chuckling at that. He had to admit that he liked this girl, she had some spunk. It's too bad things aren't different, he thought, I actually might have been interested in you.

"Last chance," he said gesturing with his fingers for Chance to use the 'stunner.

Chance, on cue, suddenly pulled out his customized tazer and fired. Having seen him use it several times, Iceman knew his friend's aim was on target. A second later, the target would be down on the ground writhing for a few more seconds before going unconscious.

Or, she would have been, had she not disappeared in a blur and Ace suddenly keeled over, hands over his crotch and crying out in pain as he went down. There was a slight gust of wind before Niko and Blade went down a couple seconds later.

"Oh shit," Chance cried out, "she's a metahuman."

"Actually, the term is 'nova'." Both Chance and Iceman turned around to see the girl standing behind them, holding Chance's laptop. "Metahuman sounds so...comic-bookey."

"Is that even word?" Chance asked. "And hey, that's mine!"

"Actually, it's mine now...oh, and, before I forget," she raised her left hand and bolts of electricity shot out, shocking Chance and knocking him out. "That's for trying to tazer me."

"So," the girl said as she put the laptop under one arm. "Your name is Ice?"

"Nickname actually," Iceman replied. "They call me the Iceman on the football team because I'm cold, calculating, calm, and focused."

"And here I thought you were a little gang of high school thugs."

Iceman shrugged. "Well, we are, actually." He wasn't going to deny it, not when facing off against a meta-human who was super-fast, shot electricity, and took his crew down. He knew he was in a losing situation, but he was going to stay cool about it. "Yeah, we do some criminal things, but we try not to attract Superman's attention and only pull jobs when he is out of town on something major."

That was when the girl did something he wasn't expecting. First, her eyes blinked a couple times, then they widened, and then...she started laughing. "Seriously?" She almost dropped the laptop she was carrying as she fell to her knees, laughing loudly. "Oh my god! That was hilarious. I mean, the delivery was so calm and rehearsed...you almost sound convincing." She laughed for a few more seconds before catching her breath. "Okay," she said as she got back up on her feet. "That was good...seriously. You should be in a movie if they ever make those again. Superman out of town...funny line...you almost made it sound real."

Now it was Iceman's turn to be confused. "What do you mean?" he asked. "Of course he's real, look at the statues."

The girl giggled again. "Okay, this is kind of funny, but I think the joke's starting to wear out now. But seriously, 'Iceman', what's your real name? Oh, never mind." She blurred out for a moment and he felt a gust of wind brush by him before she reappeared now holding his driver's license. Theodore Edward Morrison the Third. Cool name, and it says you're from...no...fucking...way."

This time, the girl did drop the laptop, causing Iceman aka Theodore "I prefer being called Ted or Iceman" Morrison the Third to wince slightly, though he was certain it didn't suffer damage being dropped into the grass like that.

The girl was still looking at his driver's license, now holding it with both hands. "Metropolis, Delaware," she read. "But that's impossible, this can't be real."

Ted started to approach her, but stopped when she looked up and raised a hand crackling with electricity. "That's close enough," she said.

"Look," Ted said, raising his hands to indicate he meant no harm. "I'm not sure what's going on."

"Well, that makes two of us," she snapped.

"But I'm guessing you're not from around here," he continued. "After all, you did fall through a glowing portal thingy...but this is definitely real." He then gestured with a nod of his head. "Look behind you if you don't believe me."

The girl cautiously glanced over her shoulder. Then she dropped Ted's license on the ground. "No...way...that's not possible." She blurred out for a moment again before reappearing in front of one of the many statues of Superman that were in the park. She blurred out again, whizzing by Ted who didn't move for a whole minute.

He then waited another minute to make sure she was gone before he went to check on Chance and the others. He only got a few steps when the girl reappeared in front of him, shock and disbelief on her face. "This...this...really is Metropolis," she quietly stammered. "Home of Superman and the Daily Planet paper with it's spinning globe thing on top of the building."

"Um...yeah," Ted said, nodding in agreement. "It is and has been for as long as I can remember."

The girl shook her head again. "I'm in a comic book world that is actually real...that's seriously fucked up."

"Comic book?"

"Never mind," the girl said as she seemed to come back to reality. "Okay, Mr. Theodore Edward Morrison the Third-"

"Ted," he said, cutting her off.

"Excuse me."

"Just call me Ted," he said. "I really don't like the mouthful of names."

"Okay, fine, Ted it is then." The girl then handed him his driver's license which he took back. "Obviously, you and your little crew are criminals, but you seem like a decent guy for a self-admitted high school thug and jock. So, you collect your friends and go home." She then held up Chance's laptop. "This, however, is going to stay with me for a little bit. I'll give it back to you when I'm done with it."

"What are you going to do with it?"

The girl gave him an evil grin. "What I do best, Teddy, though I suspect it might take me a little time to figure out some of the differences of your world wide web and the one I grew up with. See ya around." And then she vanished again in blur followed by a gust of wind.

Only to come back a couple seconds later. "Oh, and one more thing," she said as she walked over to where Ace was lying on the ground. That was when Ted realized she no longer had the laptop, but was now holding a roll of duct-tape. "Tell your friend he brought this on himself." She blurred out again for few seconds. When she returned to normal, Ace's clothes were on the ground and Ace was wrapped up in duct tape except for his eyes ears and nose. Then she looked back at him and gave him wink and a smile before vanishing again in pink blur.

And, once again, he just stood there, mentally replaying everything that had happened in the last fifteen minutes He wasn't sure how or why, but he sensed...no, he knew...that something big was coming and his little crew was at ground zero. And for the first time in his life, Theodore "I really would like to be called Ted, dammit" Edward Morrison the Third was hit with a thought he never imagined himself thinking.

Okay, what the fuck just happened?