Arceus looked on with disgust at the horrible scene in front of her. The goddess Pokémon herself had even approved of Ash's friends. What a great decision that was.

Arceus called on all of the legendary Pokémon from Mew to Lunaala. As soon as everone arrived, Arceus stated the problem at large.

Mew and Latias, knowing what was next, both begged Arceus to let them come.

"Oh please,' Darkrai scoffed,'Mew wants a playmate and Latias wants a lover."

While the normally happy Mew looked like she was going to ripped the lord of nigthmares apart, Latias somehow flushed deep scarlet. Every legendary knew of her crush on Ash. Strange, right?

"Shut up for once, Darkrai" Reshiram said. Darkrai and Reshiram had a worse rivalry than him and Zecrom, his electric counterpart.

"Hoopa wants to come, too. Hoopa wants to come, too! HOOPA WANT TO COME, TOO!" Hoopa screamed, banging her ghost like fists on the table.

"I shall assemble a team of legendary Pokémon to go with Ash" Arceus said.

"Mew, Latias, Volcanion, Hoopa, Manaphy, Dialga."



A small group sat outside of Prof. Oak's laboratory. This group consisted of Charizard, Greninja, Sceptile, and Noivern. They did not agree with the traitors' ideas, and too were shunned.

Sceptile held a sack with their pokéballs, so they would not be activated. They gave one last look to Pallet Town, and began the search for their trainer.


Ash ran and ran, hoping to ease the pain of the nightmarish day, but it was of no avail as he ran closer and closer into the center of the forest. He ran until he collapsed. He had his back against a certain tree. An ash tree.

Ash bawled his eyes out, letting all of his emotions run down his face and onto his blue sweatshirt. He didn't ever see who was behind him...

CUT! Cliffhanger. What will become of Ash and his Pokémon? Stay tuned.

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