She didn't know how long she had been sitting there. Motionless. Just staring at the note. He had left, he was gone. Her head was spinning with all the possible places he could have gone to. He wasn't with his mother. Could he have gone to Elizabeth? No, she would have text her by now. Where else would he go?

Sophia only noticed the tears streaming down her face when one landed on the backside of her hand. Not bothering to wipe them away she pushed herself off the ground. If that idiot really thought he could just go and not have her looking for him he was more of an ass than she thought.

With determination she strolled to where she had placed her jacked. The little note was now crumbled in her hand as she slid the fake leather over her arms. She grabbed her keys, clenching her fist tight enough for her knuckles to appear white. Slamming the door shut tightly, she didn't care she was still in her sleepwear as she marched down the stairs.

Shock and sadness were now taken over my frustration and anger. How dare that little shit think he was not hers anymore. He wasn't the boy she fell for no, but he was the boy she loved. With or without memory, she wasn't going to give up on him. He hadn't given up on her once, so neither was she.

The first place she headed to was Ingrid. She knew him better then anyone else. Ingrid had raised him to the beautiful man he'd become before the amnesia, meaning she'd helped him through this stage. Felix probably wasn't a stranger to running away, and if anyone would know where he would run off to it was his mother.

Sophia didn't care how cold it was, neither how late. With every step she took more certainty filled her. She would look for him, and won't stop looking until she found him.

"Come on, come on," she whispered to herself, ringing the bell before knocking once again. Finally the door opened, revealing a very tired Ingrid.

"Sophia, is everything alright?" Ingrid immediately asked, a lot more awake now.

"It's Felix," she followed Ingrid as she motioned her to come inside, "he left."

Ingrid sat down on the couch, raising her brow in confusion. "Left? What do you mean he left?"

Sophia sat down on the other side of the couch, her hands fiddling with the sleeves of her oversized hoodie. "He left a note saying he won't be coming back and that I couldn't come looking for him."

"Oh honey," she reached forward, placing her warm hand over the freezing ones of Sophia, "he'll come back, don't worry. I still remember when he used to leave and we would worry us sick, only to have him return in about a day." Ingrid laughed to herself. "It was nice that he started leaving notes after a while, then we at least knew we wouldn't expect him home for a while."

"But… what if he doesn't come back, or gets lost?" Her nails dug into the palm of her hand as she thought of the things that could happen to him. It made her eyes burn just thinking about it. "What if he gets into another accident and-and isn't as lucky this time?"

Ingrid moved closer to her, keeping her hands on Sophia's. "It's going to be alright, Felix just needs a little time to put everything back together and find himself."

The first tear fell from the corner of her eye. "What if it isn't? What if he's alone, scared, what if he needs me and I just sit here and do nothing? I need to find him!"

Finally, Ingrid pulled her into a hug, trying to calm her as she burst out in tears she had been holding back. Sophia wrapped her arms around Ingrid, but it wasn't right. It didn't feel right. Ingrid's body was too small, her scent was not right, her arms too slim. It just wasn't right.

Sophia drew back, wiping away her tears a she stood. "I'm going to look for him, you can help me or you can stay here, I don't care, but I won't give up on him."

Ingrid smiled up at her, taking her hands for the last time. "He's lucky to have you."

Sophia pushed her lips into a thin line, trying to smile but just couldn't. Perhaps all of this wouldn't have happened if she never got involved with him. Somehow it was all her fault, she knew that from the start. Bad luck had always followed her after that day. How naïve of her to believe she got another chance at happiness.

"Where could I look?"

Her hands fell to her side as Ingrid released them, waiting for her answer. Ingrid seemed to hesitate before saying, "He likes hiding out in the woods when he wants to be alone."

With a stiff nod, Sophia turned and headed for the door. "Sorry for barging in on you so late."

"It's alright dear," Ingrid said with her sweet voice right before the door closed behind Sophia.

Outside, she let out a long sigh. Woods. Where the hell would she find him in dark, cold woods without getting lost herself?

Felix smiled as he watched the soft waves of the lake. The moonlight enchanted the water, making it glitter in its soft, illuminating light. Leaning back against the bark of the tree, Felix could finally admit he was content. Sitting there, up high in a tree, watching the calming waters as a soft breeze passed him. It was a whole new calm he had been searching for.

It gave him the room to forget.

The sad part though, was that it didn't last long. The moment he closed his eyes he saw green, and when he opened them again he thought of black. For just a brief second did he let himself entertain the thought of bringing Sophia out here. Would she love it as much as he did? Would she think of the breeze as refreshing, or would she shiver from the cold? Would her eyes watch the water, or would she close them to listen?

Shaking his head, Felix pushed those maddening thoughts away. He couldn't care less about what her. What did it matter what she did? Right now, Felix wanted to enjoy the moments that she wasn't here. Though, it wasn't like he would return to her after all. He would figure something out in the morning, perhaps crash by his mother for a while, he didn't know. But that was the problem of tomorrow. Tonight, he would sleep peacefully, surrounded by nothing but nature.

There goes nothing. With a dee breath, Felix squared his shoulder, and entered the café. He relaxed when he was met with warmth and coziness. Soft chattering was all around him, and the sweet smell that filled his nostrils sold him completely.

"Welcome to Storybrooke Cos-" a soft, welcome voice said before stopping. Felix looked down, his eyes meeting the ones of the person he had been hoping to meet here. His breath hitched in his throat as he took her in. Her dark locks framing her face. Rosy lips parted as she stood speechless. And those eyes, he could recognize them anywhere. She was as gorgeous as ever, especially with those adorable cat ears.

"Welcome to Storybrooke Cosplay Café, where would you like to sit?" an smaller woman asked, snapping him out of his trance. He blinked, only just catching a glimpse of black that disappeared behind the backdoor.

"Uhm… anywhere is fine," he said finally, combing a hand through his hair to simultaneously remove the hood from his head. He followed the brunette to a table, sitting down as she took out her notepad.

"Can I get you something to drink?" she asked sweetly.

He shook my head. "If you don't mind, I'd like for the other waitress who greeted me to take my order."

"Of course!" he quickly turned on her heels, heading for the back. Felix smiled to himself, but quickly hid it behind his usual expression when he saw his classmate reappear from the back. She was glancing around, hoping to catch any of the other customers eyes. Lucky for him, and unlucky for her, no one needed her at the moment.

She pulled the notepad from her pocket, forcing the smile on her face. "What can I get you, Sir?" Felix couldn't help but finally let a soft chuckle pass his lips. The irony was just to big. The scariest, strongest, most feared boy of school, was actually a lovely young lady wearing cat ears. "Is something funny?"

"Not at all," he said, sitting back in his chair, "what's your name?"

"Sophia," she said it so fast he barely caught it, "now, may I take your order?"

"Sophia," the name was so right as it felt from his lips, as if belonging on his tongue. He looked her up and down, his eyes taking in every little detail about her. He was completely hooked. "Water is fine for now."

"Water, I'll be right back." She scribbled it down on her pad, shot him one last fake smile, and turned to get his order. This changed everything. Of course, he had noticed his attracting towards Sander, which he just didn't understand. Beside never having found any girl in any way interesting, it wasn't like he did with boys. For some reason he really did want to be with Sander, and just felt happy whenever he was around him-or rather, her. At first he believed he was asexual, then started to accept homosexual, but right now it was all just confusing.

Well, one thing Felix was sure of was that he wanted to know more about Sophia. He wanted to know everything about her. Why she dressed up as a boy for school, why she worked here, but also what else she did in her free time, what her favorite food was. Did she like reading, or was she more of a movie girl? Or both?

When Sophia wasn't the one bringing him his water he had to admit he hadn't been this disappointed in years.

When he woke he didn't know how many hours had passed. He only knew that a soft voice calling his name had brought him back to the real world. Lazily, he rubbed her eye, trying to get the last bit of sleep out. After blinking a few times his eyes had finally adjusted to his dark surroundings. It was still night, meaning he hadn't slept for too long.

Sitting upright, Felix stretched his stiff limps, barely catching himself when he got started by someone calling his name. He looked down, ready to curse whoever scared him, when he saw Sophia. He swallowed hard as he watched her closely, unable to move.

"Felix!" she called before stopping right under his tree. "Felix… please."

Moonlight lit up her face, the tears visible on her cheeks glistering. She wrapped her arms around herself, shivering from the cold. He wanted to go down, hug her tightly until she was warm again, until she calmed down, but he didn't. He couldn't.

The memory was still fresh in his mind, and so where the feelings. But he didn't want them. They couldn't be his. He would never admit he was hooked on anyone, neither would he fall for anyone. It would only leave him hurt and broken. It wasn't worth it, neither did he deserve it.

He was snapped from his thoughts when Sophia sat down under his tree. She had her knees tucked up to her chest, her arms wrapped around them. Her face was hidden by her hair like a curtain. The longer she sat there the more she began to shiver. Why would she just sit there? Shouldn't she go home if she's cold?

As if she heard his thoughts, she responded, "I'm not leaving without you, Felix."

He'd almost fallen for a second time when she suddenly looked up, meeting his eyes. "How- what?"

"You heard me," her voice was as unsteady as she looked, but she really did try to stand her ground. "Did you really think you'd get rid of me so easily?"

"Well, I-" he shook his head, trying to get the memory out of his head. "I told you to not look for me."

She stood, still looking up as she crossed her arms. "I was worried."

Felix scoffed, but it was a half-hearted one. "Why would you be worried, I can take care of myself."

"I was worried that you'd feel abandoned." Sophia bit her lip, finally looking away. "It's how I would feel if no one came looking for me."

Felix tried to swallow the lump that started to form in his throat. Perhaps he wasn't feeling abandoned yet, but it started to get lonely. It had been lonely whenever he was alone, whenever Sophia wasn't with him. He just didn't want to admit it, because if he did, he would admit he liked her company, and that he liked her. He was far from ready for that.

"I'm coming down," Felix finally said. He didn't know why but he wanted to talk to her face to face. Being so far from her just wasn't right, but he told himself it was because he couldn't have her leave unless he came down.

Carefully, he started to climb his way to the ground. He'd done this many times before, and hadn't fallen in years. However, because of the dark he couldn't see the branches, and had o reach for them aimlessly. A crack, followed by a snap, and before he knew it he was falling.

He could barely register the pain as his vision went completely back as soon as he hit the ground.

A/N: I'm a terrible person I know... *hides in corner* I do have a good reason, I think? I've been working on this story, the one I mentioned in the last chapter that I uploaded at the April... so yeah! I've been working on that, and I'm really liking it! if anyone is curious you can find it on ficfun . com, it's called 'A Mistake to the World' and this story had weekly updates! I'll put the summery under the Authors Note ;)

Anyways, I wrote this chapter because I needed a little break, and I'd forgotten how much I loved writing about my little angels. I can't promise another update soon, but I can promise I'll try?

A Mistake to the World


I've been locked up my entire life, or that's what I believed for many years at least. I've been told that I was a mistake, though I learned later that I wasn't their mistake at all. I've been locked away for a reason and with every passing day outside my cell I feared the return of what I've lost.

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