It's been almost a year since the end of the giant war and the subsequent defeat of Gaea. The camps payed their respects for the hunters and amazons that passed during the fight with Orion and the gods made sure each of them would live on in the stars and in memorials on Olympus. The camps went through a rough time making sure that they each returned to their former glory and assisted each other in the renovations and the defense of each camp. Leo and Calypso returned during the renovations of both camps and became a huge asset in creating weapons and tools for the campers. Grover became the god of the wild and commanded the satyrs and fauns which helped to bring in more and more demigods to both camps. The Olympians saw that both camps were becoming crowded and passed a motion to create a brand new camp in the heart of the United States. The camp was to recruit only new demigods from both pantheons and to accept any of the less experienced campers from either camp. The new camp would be called Camp Demigod and would be led by two seasoned leaders. The first was Reyna Avila Ramirez Arellano, daughter of Bellona and praetor of the twelfth legion. The ones who took her place were Frank Zhang and Hazel Levesque the new Praetors of the legion. Reyna is the embodiment of the might of Rome, a natural born leader, and arguably the greatest female warrior of all time so it was no surprise when they raised her as leader of Camp Demigod. The second leader was one that everyone deemed worthy to have the rank of god though he has denied it on multiple occasions. The demigod is the hero of Olympus, leader of camp half blood, praetor of the twelfth legion, bane of Kronos, slayer of titans, bane of Gaea, slayer of giants, and the most powerful demigod to ever live. Perseus Poseidon Jackson.