Rise of the Prophet
Chapter 15

By: Thowell3

Disclaimer: Don't own anything unless stated otherwise


Gar crossed another Hero off the list, which was ever dwindling

Gar trying his best "Come on Jack" he said into his head set "Batman Needs your Help"

Gar was currently trying to get Jack Knight the current Starman to come and help

"I can't leave right now Crow, Opal City needs me" he said into his cell Phone, "Have you Tried the JSA? I mean Jay Could probably make it there in time"

Gar sighed "Haven't been able to get a hold of them," he rubbed his eyes " do you think you could get a hold of them? We need all we can get"

"I'll see what I can do, I got your number, I'll give you a call if I find anything out"

"Thanks Jack, I owe you one"

He heard Jack Laugh "Don't say that, I might take you up on that"

Gar laughed as he hung Up

"Great" he said as he crossed another name off the list he turned to Barbra "How goes your list"

Barbra sighed "Not great, either they are Retired, Not close enough, or they have problems of their own"

Gar sighed "Yeah, I know. Having the same amount of luck" he looked at the pictures of all the heroes that were not available with a big Red X's through their pictures "Any luck contacting the Question and Huntress?"

Barbra shook her head "Huntress was kicked out of the JLU and Question doesn't have his comm device active all the time"

Gar perked up "But he does have it right?"

Barbra looked confused "Yeah, but I don't see how that helps us right now."

Gar smiled "I can hack into the system and trigger an emergency Broadcast that will send a wave that will activate his comm device and be able to get in contact with him"
Gar started hammering on the key board in front of him carving the code in front of him to get to where he needed to be to do just so

After a few minutes he hit the last key and pulled the microphone on his headset closer to his mouth

===Random alley way in Gotham====

Question and huntress were fighting there way though a group of thugs that were trying to rob an old woman.

Huntress just threw another Thug into the wall and blew some hair out of her face "After this you and I are going to see a Movie right?" she said in a board tone "I mean I like beating up Thugs as much as the next super heroin but I really want to go on a proper date Q"

The Question just hit thug in the face with the Lid of a garbage can

"Well I didn't plan for this, Not my fault that my lead on the newest thread of my investigation brought us here" His smooth face had sweat running down it "It's not all bad you know," he said with an almost smile before he dropped to one knew in pain "AHHHG"

Huntress Knocked out the last Thug and ran over to him "Q! Whats wrong"

"Come in Question, Question this Is Crow Please come in it is Urgent, I repeat this is Urgent"

Huntress grabbed The Questions arm "What's wrong"

Question turned to her "I'm Alright, just an emergency signal on my League communicator"

"Question here, you better have a good reason to use the League Emergency channel"

"Thank God, Sorry I had to get in contact with you, Joker is raising an army to fight the League of assassins, Batman is trying to get as many heroes to stop this from getting worse, You and Huntress are in town so we thought you could help."

Question looked over to Huntress "you Interested in helping Batman stop a war between The Joker and the League of Assassins?"

Huntress Smiled "Now that Sounds better than a movie"

The question touched his comm device that was in his ear "Were in Where do you you need us?"

====Elsewhere in Gotham=====

Joker was still waiting to hear from the Calculator so he figured he would look up one of the smartest Rouges that could give even the Calculator a run for his money.

He got to the hidden entrance of his fellow Rouges hideout, he had already been to a few, all abandons or used a decoys he was getting tired of looking

He climbed down the Ladder and he saw a hallway with very little light, when it got very bright and heard "I am flora, not fauna. I am foliage, not trees. What am I? Come on, you can get this! I am shrubbery, not grass. What am I?"
Joker Raised his hands "I am bush"

Turrets came out of the wall and floor all aimed at the Joker

a screen came down from the ceiling and Riddler's face appeared on the screen "What do you want Joker?"

Joker Smiled "Eddie, It's so good to See you, It's been so long, How are you?"

"Not great." He said simply "I don't have a lot of time to waste, what do you want"

"I need some help" He said simply

"If you are seeking mental Help, I can't help you there" Riddler said simply

"Funny guy" Joker Said sarcastically "No, The League of assassins want me, I have something they want"

Riddler looked bored "And what's that?"

"The Location of a Lazarus pit" he said simply

Riddler thought for moment "I think we can make a Deal, come into my sitting room, said the spider to the fly"

as the turrets deactivated The Joker walked forward into the main room of the lair and saw the Riddler sitting at a chair with his back to him, as he turned around he saw Riddler's face, it didn't look the same he saw on the screen a few moments ago

"Eddie you look horrible, what happened to you" Joker asked

"I have billions of eyes, yet I live in darkness. I have millions of ears, yet only four lobes. I have no muscle, yet I rule two hemispheres. What am I?" He replied

"enough with the Riddles Eddie, Really we are on a bit of a short time line here"

"Not till you try and answer it" He said simply

Joker groaned after thinking for a moment "A Liver?"

Riddler "Not even close" he said with a frown "Very Disappointing Joker, The answer was The Human Brain, Or my Brian for that matter, I have Brian Cancer."

"Malignant?" Joker asked Simply

"Down Right maleficent, I have 6 month, a Year maybe" he said bringing his tented fingers up resting under his mouth and chin "Do you really have access to a Pit or is this just another of your sick jokes because if it's not true, the league will never get a piece of you."

Joker looked slightly disturbed by this "Well if you assist me, I can let you take a nice long dip in the pit and poof. No more Cancer, How does that sound Eddie my boy"

Riddler thought about it for a moment "I think we can make a Deal, but if this falls through, Trust me, they won't find anything left of you Joker."

Joker looked at Riddler in the eye, He could tell that he wasn't joking. He meant it.

Joker Smiled "Deal" he walked over and shook The Riddler's Hand

"Now, What do you need?"

=====Gotham Cathedral =============

Raven wasn't a fan of this church, looked more like a Gothic house of evil than a House of the Lord, but it still was a good focal point of the City, Easy to find and not to difficult to get to, The roof was also very High, and hard to see from the ground, good place to meet up and make a plan.

It was also a favourite rally point for the Bat-Family

as Raven sat there she decided to mediate while waiting for Nightwing and Starfire to come

she levitated a bit off the roof and brought her legs into the lotus position and began to chant "Azarath Metrion Zinthos"

as she started chanting her mind became clearer and she went inside her mind. When she appeared inside her mind space she noticed she was in the Emotions Counsel room.

She looked around and noticed it was mostly empty except for a few emotions, Mostly Brave siting her chair with her hand playing the knife game going faster and faster as she went back and forth just narrowly missing her fingers, Knowledge who was sitting reading a pile of books, Currently flipping through Sun Tuz's 'Art of War' the low light glancing off her glasses as she moved her head back and forth as she read. Then there was Love, she was sitting there sewing a little doll which looked a lot like Garfield, this would be the 100th that Raven had seen her make, she had no idea why Love kept making them but she did, Then Finally there was Rage, Sitting in a corner eyes glowing Red, looking sinister just watching the other emotions, muttering insults about all of them .

Raven Cleared he throat, all the Emotions in the room turned to look at her,

"Why am I here " Raven asked looking around the room.

Knowledge put down her book "We wish to talk with you before things get started."

Raven looked at Knowledge "Okay, but why just you 4?"

"Because we need to be like a Soldier today" Brave announced as she jumped out of her chair and threw her Knife
It Flew past Rage getting very close and hit the Target that was on the wall next to her .

Rages eyes Light up with a fiery look "HEY! Watch were your throwing that or I'll come over there and Raven will have to create a new Bravery "

Brave flipped her the middle finger "Screw you Rage, Like to see you try"

Raven could see this was going poorly so she felt she had to step in "Stop it Both of you!" she shouted "Brave" She said pointing at her green cloaked emotion clone "You don't provoke Rage"

"But she..." Raven Glared at her which stopped her "And you" Raven Said Turing to Rage "You know you can't be hurt, nor really feel pain that I don't feel myself so nothing would have happened, It was nothing so leave it or I'll Chain you up again."

Rage grumbled while her eyes dimmed a little bit.

"now that's better so you were saying?" Raven Said putting her attention back to the emotions at the table.

Brave cleared her throat "Right, we need to put our game face on during this battle, More so that usual

Raven looked slightly confused "Game face? What Game Face?"

Knowlage spoke up "We need to Compartmentalize." She said simply "We need to make sure we are all on the same page, We can't let some of the other emotions into this one, Mostly The ones who aren't in this room.

Raven was slightly confused "Would it not make more sense to All come together for this fight to make us a perfect Version of myself?"

"I wont allow that." Rage said from her spot " I want to enjoy my revenge on that Clown"

Raven Rolled her eyes "Okay then why is Love still here?"

Love Smiled widely "I am here to be the voice of reason if I feel we are going to far agents what Gar would want us to do" she said as she cuddled the plushy she had been working on

"Okay, I understand why, but I still don't understand this fully" Raven said bringing her hand to her face to rub her eyes "I mean Garfield will be fine, we don't need to seek revenge" She said looking at Rage.

Knowledge shook her head "That's not the point" She said as she got up from the table "We are dealing with not only the Joker and what ever he has up his sleeve, we also have to deal with the League of Assassins to deal with, We need to take a page out of Batman and Nightwing's book and be more organized this time, We can't let this go the wrong way."

Love Came over and put her hand on Raven's Shoulder "It won't be easy, but we must by mentally prepared for this, so please...Help us be ready."
Love heald out the finished stuffed animal of Garfield to Raven to take

Raven took it in her hand and looked at it, It was very cute,

Love Smiled at raven after she took it and took her hand off her sounder and leaned in to wisper "It even smells like him" she winked as she pulled back

Raven was about to ask how it smells like him when she felt a pull in her mind, Some one was approtcing her

"Look like our time is up" Knowlage said grabbing another book from her pile "Juse remember what We said, Compartmentaliz."

As the room begane to fade she heard Love Shout "GIVE GAR A KISS FOR ME!"

as she came out of her mindscape she opend her eyes to see Nightwing and Starfire just ariving from over one of the pillars of the Church

"Raven" Nightwing Called out "Sorry to keep you waiting, Have you heard from anyone yet?"

Raven Shook her head "not as of yet"

"I Called Gar, he told me any one he could get a hold of would get in contact with us, or if they were local they would show up at this Rally point" Nightwing said checking his communicator

"You and your Batfamily really like this Rally point don't you?" she looked around "I kind of get it I mean That Gargoyles remindes me of Batman" She said as she pointed to one of the Gargoyles with a seriouls look on his face

Nightwing laughed "Yeah, Gar Said the same thing the first time he saw it too, He points it out to every new Bat-Family member. He even does an impresion of Batman's voice too."

Raven Rolled her eyes with a smile "sounds like Gar"

"So this is all we have, An Alien, Former Boy Wonder, and a Half Demon" Said a Voice from the shadows

The Titans all readied battle stances

Star's hands and eyes Glowed a Bright Green, Likewise Ravens eyes Glowed and Hands Glowed Black

Nightwing crouched down and had a batterang in his hands ready to throw.

"Show your selves" Nightwing called out.

Just then The Question and and Huntress came out of the shadows

"Calm down, Crow sent us here" Huntress said looking at the group "Where is he anyways, you'd think he would have met us here as well, wanted to give him a piece of my mind for interrupting Date night."

AN: I've had this one mostly done for a while, but I figured I'd finish it. I plan to have chapter 16 done asap, Just started on it, Might make some longer chapters in the next few chapters, this one is 6 Pages, but I want to get into more of the story so I can try and finish this one, then get on to the connected one shots in this AU and start writing the next story while I write those. Hopefully write out enough of the next story that I can do a mass Dump and that way get the story finished sooner.

Thanks for Reading ^_^