So I've wanted to do another multichapter Au fic. I love the idea of Coffee Shop Clintasha, so here it is!

Chapter summery: Clint Barton is a barrista at Starbucks who has fallen head over heels in love with a regular that always gets black coffee. He doesn't know who she is, but he knows he's in love, so this time he's going to take the chance.

Characters: Clint, Natasha, Steve, Tony, Pepper, Bobbi ECT

Pairings: Clintasha, Pepperoni, past ClintBobbi, PepperTashaBobbi friendship

Chapter Warnings: Coffee Puns, that's going to be a running theme though. No warnings for this chapter.

The Starbucks stuff is real stuff. My boyfriend works at Starbucks and I usually listen when he rants so I use what I know.

Slight OOC. Clint is a love sick dork and Natasha is flirty.

In this chapter: coffee shop puns. Be prepared.

I do not own the characters used,


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He didn't even know her name. He knew her last name because that was what he was given to write on her coffee cup every single day when she came in to get her daily dose of black coffee but he didn't know her first name.

But he knew he was in love.

The way she walked was with power, the way she spoke when she gave him her order, though he knew it by heart, made him shiver. She was the embodiment of power and perfection.

He was in love.

– –

Clint Barton was washing one of the glass cups, humming along with the soft music playing from their 'Coffee Shop Mix' on Spotify. His coworkers were helping everyone else while he worked as shift, cleaning and making sure everyone had what they needed. He knew that it was during the slowest hours that she came in.

The manager turned to look at him, Tony Stark smirking happily. "Hey lover boy!" He called over across the room. He was restocking shelves. Clint glanced up, he had a bit of foam on his upper lip and was a little sweaty. It was the middle of summer and he had to wear all black as long with the central Starbucks controlling their air flow meant it was hotter than hell behind the counter. They had all the doors open to try to let some air in the building.

He saw the fiery red bouncy curls of her hair and none of that mattered anymore. He put the cup he was cleaning down and pushed the girl that was on the register away. "I got this one." He winked at her. Playful flirting that meant nothing to him, in his mind he was a taken man. Taken by this beautiful red head in front of him.

She didn't notice the change in register workers as she typed with lightning speed on her cell phone. That thing was always attached to her hand and he always wondered who she could be texting. Probably a boyfriend, a woman that perfect had to have men drooling over her for miles. He sighed happily as she walked forward to the counter, not even glancing up. "Black coffee and a scone." She said.

He sheepishly smiled, she was so beautiful. He wanted to replace that phone with his hand and the coffee with his lips.

That didn't make any sense but he didn't care.

He sighed happily. "I know." He said, handing her a blueberry scone, her favorite kind... at least he assumed as much. She ordered it every day.

She stopped texting, slowly looking up. "You... know?" She asked, watching him carefully. "That sounds creepier than you think."

He blushed a little bit more, that did sound pretty creepy that he had her order memorized but she got it every day and it wasn't like it was difficult. Black coffee. Blueberry scone.

Clint shrugged. "Well sugar it's not like you get the most complicated of orders." He pointed out, his country slang coming out. He hoped she liked guys with accents though when she spoke he directed something other than American.

Clint cleaned over the counter, looking at those huge emerald eyes. God he wanted to just melt into those eyes and never leave. He smirked. "A to-go cup then?" He asked. She nodded as she slid her cell phone into her pocket and gave him her credit card. She looked up at the menu, perhaps one of these days she could change her order up... throw the man a curve ball.

He slid it for her and watched her carefully. He wanted to make a move, he wanted to show this woman that he could be the one for her.

"What name on the cup?" He asked, grabbing his Sharpie that was almost out. He grumbled and fully blamed Tony for that one. Tony always was stealing his Sharpie.

"Romanova." She said, he should have known it by now. He smirked.

"Sorry again sugar... I need a first name, thousands of Romanova's come in here every day, how will I know which one is yours?" Of course Romanova was a name never really heard in America, it was Russian.

She sighed, shaking her head. "It's just Romanova, I'm pretty sure you'll be able to figure out which coffee goes to me." She said, smiling a bit. "After all you have my order and probably my face memorized." He faked shock.
"What?! No! I don't know who you are! Stranger danger! I need an adult!" He laughed.

She began to laugh, his heart missed a beat. She had the most beautiful laugh he had ever heard, like bells and angels singing and whatever else that Nickolas Sparks would say about his heroines.

He nodded, biting his lip. "So sweetheart, what's the real name? Unless you're in like... witness protection and that's why you're telling me Romanova. If that was the case, I'd totally be your body guard." He had his foot in his mouth and couldn't stop talking. They normally didn't have so much conversation when she came in but now that they were talking, he couldn't seem to shut up.

But she was laughing. She tilted her head back, laughing at him. His heard stopped and he was sure he had died and gone to heaven. She was laughing at his jokes... was this a dream? It had to be a dream.

He scribbled something else on her cup before sliding it to Tony to fill. He grumbled a bit and rolled his eyes before pouring the black coffee in it and putting a lid on it. "Order up, lover boy." He laughed.

The red head smiled as she was handed her coffee. He watched every inch of body language, wanting to know her, wanting to be hers and only hers. He smiled when she looked up, putting on a charming country boy's smile. He hopped she could see what he was feeling.

The red head bit on her lower lip, opening the lid to her coffee for just a moment to watch the steam fog up the air between her and him. She shook her head and smiled.

"So yeah, I guess I'll be seeing you tomorrow, believe me it's the highlight of my day, my lady." Clint smirked, hoping his boyish charm would get him some leverage in the woman's heart.

She rolled her eyes before nodding. "I'll see you tomorrow... Clint." She eyed his name tag, offering a smile to him. He nodded, like a puppy in love.

She walked to the bar to get some vanilla powder, her hair falling over her face in a curtain of fire. Clint watched her as if she was the world, to him she was.

She stopped and looked up. "Hey Clint?" She asked, he nodded quickly, standing at attention when she spoke. She laughed at his position, making a shiver run up his spine. He was fairly sure her laugh would be the death of him. "My name is Natasha."

She walked out of Starbucks, taking his breath with her.


He felt like he had died and gone to heaven, she laughed at his joke! She smiled at him! And she even told him her name! He laughed and jumped up and down, he was like a damn child! Tony and some of the costumers stopped to look at the dirty blonde. "What the hell man?" Tony asked curiously.

Clint leaned his hand on the counter, staring at her as she got in her car and drove off. "Natasha... her name is Natasha..." He whispered dreamily. Tony snapped his fingers in front of his face, laughing a bit.

"Dude are you high or something?" He asked, he only ever acted like this when the mysterious Natasha came in. Of course Tony had been worried the first few times Clint got like this, thinking maybe the man was insane but he was slowly learning that this was the effect that Natasha Romanova had on him.

"Step off of it Tony." He smiled, sighing happily. "She's perfection." Oh he had it bad...

What could he say? He was a man in love. Love made him do weird things.

– –

Natasha walked into work, humming softly as she put her headphones in. She was a secretary at a law firm which took up most her time. She had no interest going in, they had run late the past four nights and she had barely gotten any sleep. Her morning coffee was the highlight of her day.

She pulled her seat belt off, fixing her hair and applying another layer of lipstick on to her plump lips. She was an attractive woman and knew it well. She used that to her advantage. Her boss was a flirty man and she got what she wanted from him with her body. She never slept with him but she knew her boss stared.

She fixed her pencil skirt, picking her coffee and purse up before stopping. It had something written on it.

She stopped trying to get out of the car and turned her coffee cup around.

Written in the same messy scrawl that usually wrote her last name on her cup was one little sentence.

'I've been thinking about you a latte.' with a messy little heart on it.

She stopped and laughed, was that suppose to be a coffee pun? A pick up line Natasha shook her head. "Clint huh... aren't you full of surprises?" She asked herself. Maybe she could be a little more talkative on her morning run for coffee.

– –

She didn't throw the cup away. She actually enjoyed corny pick up lines. It made the person who wrote them seem... funny, playful and enjoyable. During her break she washed out the cup, curious as to why for the past year and a half she had been going to the same Starbucks and only now he wanted to flirt?

She cut it out of the cup, humming softly and tossing the discarded cup away. She stuck the cute little pick up line in her purse. She could put it in her dresser by her bed.

Yes she had men from all over crawling to get her attention... but it didn't mean anything. It was always the same, hey sexy, you're amazing, you're beautiful, I love you, want to sleep together? She didn't find it romantic...

The barista giving her cute little coffee shop pick up lines? That was actually a first.

She sighed. It was actually kind of nice to have someone try to woo her instead of just trying to get into her pants on the first date.

She went home that night, looking at the note. She passed the Starbucks she frequented, she saw Clint cleaning the counters and smiled a bit. Perhaps she could give that one a shot.

– –

Clint felt like he was walking on air the entire day, even when Tony skipped out on his break to go see his girlfriend when she came in. Pepper was a sweetheart but she always seemed to make Tony a bit of a clutz when it came to work.

They weren't really dating. Sleeping together was more like it but Tony had a bit of a crush on her. Of course Pepper wanted a real relationship. Tony wasn't so good at those.

He watched them, Pepper kissing him slowly as Clint watched longingly. He did want a girlfriend... he wanted Natasha.

He looked at his sharpie, hoping his little message wasn't taken weirdly. It was random and from somewhat of a stranger but he hoped that maybe it caught her attention.

He cleaned up his area, watching the world outside. He didn't want to disrespect Tony and Pepper's kiss. He sighed softly.

Clint saw her every single day. She ordered the same thing every single day. He knew her order by heart and for the better part of a year and a half he had tried to find every single way to talk to her.

Now he finally was... he was finally talking to her, he knew her name... and what a beautiful name it was...

He bit his lip and took a long sip of water. He supposed for now this was good enough.

– –

Yes, I know this is fairly short. This is just one chapter but I am fully planning on this being a multichapter fic with longer chapters. I really just wanted to get an establishing relationship.

They started out with him being in love with her. I actually have a lot of plans and this entire fanfic planned out.

If you all want more chapters, please review and sign up for notifications!

Until next time
