Hello everyone! I wrote this story since I wanted to practice writing bl smut, something I have never done, so I hope it's decent enough. Since I want to learn and improve my writing I am open to constructive criticism, tips, advice or any other sort of comment to show me what you thought of it. I apologize for any errors, English sadly isn't my mother language.

This is basically a 'one-shot' that for some reason turned out to be lengthy, so I split it up in 2 chapters. It's a small story of my favorite ship: KagaAo, who have become neighbors. There honestly isn't really much plot in it, since that wasn't my goal to begin with. So, have some porn without plot!

Hope you guys enjoy it nonetheless and if you did, feel free to leave a like! I'd like to thank 2 special ladies who have helped me stay motivated and inspiring me while writing this fic that took me way too long. Thank you Pue and Cookie, you guys are awesome. 3

Aomine lived a quiet life. He had graduated from college a few years ago and had managed to land himself a job as a history teacher in a nearby high school. He was lucky when he found a house for rent in a nice neighborhood. Happy he didn't have to continue living in the too small apartment he had when he was in college. The rent was reasonably low for the small house so he wouldn't have to worry too much about paying bills either. Yes, Aomine was living a fairly normal life, one his old school friends would never have imagined it.

The neighborhood was a peaceful suburb on the outskirts of Tokyo making it a much desired location to live in. It was of no surprise to the man that the recently empty house next to him already had a 'Sold' sign in the front yard. It didn't matter who lived next to him however. Aomine didn't really care for his neighbors, being more of a solitary person. He figured that if he kept it like that, he would retain his peaceful life.

He was right. If he kept it like that..

It was weekend when Aomine was extracting wet clothes from his washing machine. Muttering curse words to himself when he noticed a red sock had managed to sneak its way into the white linen, staining some of the white shirts he owned with a pink hue.

"Bastard sock.." He glared daggers at the article, contemplating throwing the offender into the trash can. "She would just buy me new ones.." He clicked his tongue, knowing the woman who gave him those socks was a pain in the ass.

It's then that his doorbell chimed through the house, causing the man to sigh since he knew there would only be one person at his front door. He threw the sock not too gently into the dryer next to him before he made his way towards the door.

"Daaai-chan, hurry up already!" An impatient female voice called out from the other side of the door.

Aomine flung the door open, annoyed at the loud punches the woman was throwing against the wood. "Would you stop that already, you're noisy, Satsuki.."

"You're just too slow." The woman quipped, already heading inside the man's house.

"Doesn't mean you get to bang on my door like a damn lunatic. And I'm not slow, I was just busy with stuff." Aomine simply replied, not even bothered by how the woman was already making herself at home inside.

"I don't want to know what your 'stuff' was, Dai-chan. Anyway, I brought you some food. It's a new recipe I've been trying.." And with that Momoi was already busying herself in the man's kitchen as if she lived there herself.

Aomine would've been rolling his eyes at the first part if it weren't for the prospect of having to try something new of Momoi's horrible cooking.

"Oh that's right. It seems your new neighbor is moving in right now, have you seen him already?" She asked, cracking open a container releasing a foul smell in the kitchen.

Aomine couldn't help but grimace at the stench. "No, like I said, I've been busy. Not that I'd care whoever is going to live there anyway."

"Dai-chan! You should care, he'll be your neighbor for a long time most likely. It wouldn't hurt you to become a bit more friendlier with the residents here." Momoi chastised her friend until an idea popped in her bright head. "I know! Why don't you bring over this food, I'm sure he'd appreciate having something to eat after spending an entire day moving boxes inside."

"Satsu-" Wait, hang on. He interrupted himself at the mention of her food. "You know what, you're absolutely right. We should both head over to this.. new person and give him your food." He maintained a straight face, not wanting to miss the chance of dumping her concoction onto an unsuspecting victim.

Aomine figured that if he shared the food with his new neighbor, he'd have less to eat for himself, which in this case sounded really good to him. The fact that the bad food would probably scare the new guy off, resulting in maintaining his solitary life was a great bonus.

"Well, that's settled then!" She slapped the container shut again, giving the kitchen a breather from its bad odor. "Let's go Dai-chan, I bet you guys will get along really well."

When the two exited his house, they could see a truck parked right in front of the new guy's house. There was no sight however of the man, only an open front door which Momoi was already heading through.

"Oi Satsuki, you can't ju-"

"Hello? Pardon the intrusion but we're the neighbors and we'd like to welcome you in the neighborhood." The woman beamed, successfully ignoring Aomine's objections on trespassing.

He couldn't just stand by either, the woman was already going for it, no point in stopping her. He merely followed her, passing by some boxes on the ground. When they entered the living room they were both presented with a man on his haunches, rummaging one of the boxes.

"Hello?" Momoi tried again, realizing the man wouldn't be able to hear them when she noticed the headphones on his head. Deciding that a gentle pat on his shoulder would do the trick she approached the rather large man. "Excuse me.."

"Wah! Wh-What, who the hell are you guys and what are doing in my house!" The large man jumped up, startled by the sudden presence of the two strangers.

"Satsuki, I told you to not just enter someone's house.." Aomine sighed deeply at his friend's antics. He raised both hands in surrender to show the man they weren't just about to rob him.

"I'm so sorry, we didn't mean to scare you but your door was open, so.." She looked up at the man not as apologetic as she should have been. "Welcome to our neighborhood, I hope we can get along just fine!" And with that she shoved the plastic container towards Kagami.

While the tall man was still flabbergasted by the fact he was being jumped upon by two strangers and given what seemed to be food, Aomine couldn't help but take his new neighbor in. He was pretty much as tall as Aomine with dark red hair that matched his eyes. He couldn't help but admire the man's physique however! The man surely must work out a lot to maintain that body.

"Ehm.. thanks?" The new guy not so surely uttered, showing the two an amused smile.

Aomine had to refrain from scoffing as he knew the nasty stuff in the small box wasn't much to thank for.

"You're very welcome eh.." Momoi started and pointedly looked at the man.

"Kagami. My name is Kagami Taiga, yours?" He asked, a little crudely for Japanese standards.

"I'm Momoi Satsuki, and this one right here, is Aomine Daiki. He lives right next to you. Nice to meet you, Kagamin!" The woman chirped, feeling entirely in her element.

Kagami blinked a little in confusion at the name-calling and opted to look at the man who was standing right behind the woman. He seemed to be there against his will mostly, if the bored expression was any indication. Kagami also noticed how sexy the other man really looked, the tan skin, navy hair and matching dark blue eyes. He could definitely appreciate the lean muscled body, he guessed he must be doing some sort of sport for that. "Yeah, nice to meet you." Kagami absentmindedly answered Momoi, still looking at Aomine.

Aomine felt a bit awkward under the man's scrutiny. Was the man sizing him up or something? He felt the man's red hungry eyes roving over his body which made him shudder slightly. "Anyway.." He coughed a bit nervously. "Welcome and all that shit.." He added some weird hand gestures to hide his current awkwardness, ignoring Momoi's inquisitive glance.

Momoi had an inkling to what was going on. Call it woman's intuition or common sense, she was sure that at this rate even a blind man could see what was going on. She couldn't help but show an amused smile as she looked at the two men. "If there's ever anything you should need, Kagamin, I'm sure Dai-chan will be more than happy to help you."

Aomine didn't respond, giving the woman a confused stare at first before showing his new neighbor a look that almost screamed a 'I'd rather you didn't.' instead.

As if she had eyes on the back of her head, Momoi immediately continued. "Even if he doesn't show it, Dai-chan's a nice guy."

"I'm leaving..." Aomine abruptly spoke up, already heading out and definitely not waiting on his friend.

Aomine didn't really feel bad about his earlier behavior, he had no intention on pretending to be all friendly with anyone really. His main goal was to get rid of the foul cooking from Momoi and give the new guy the hint that he liked to be left alone.

It was when he was chewing on some burgers he got from Maji's around the corner that he found himself thinking of his neighbor once more. Those fiery red eyes with a familiar glint in them were so vivid when he thought of the man.

Aomine was happy Momoi finally had gotten the hint to leave after she kept scolding him. He was pretty sure that the woman must already suspect something. The woman had her ways of knowing certain things about him sooner than he realized those himself. He grumbled lightly as he bit another chunk of his burger, content that he didn't have to eat much of her food.

He looked in the bag and saw there were three more teriyaki burgers left and realized that he was already quite full on them. Before he realized it, he was scrunching the paper bag closed and heading out the door, ringing the doorbell that was ignored earlier that afternoon.

"Oh.. Aomine? Can I help you?" Kagami stood in the open doorway, surprised to see his neighbor standing in front of him.

Aomine could only blink a few times as he was taking in the sight presented to him. Kagami was only wearing the same jeans he was earlier. The man seemed to have decided to get rid of the rest of his clothes which left Aomine with enough proof that indeed, the man was built like a god.

"A-Aomine..?" Kagami tried again, smiling a little when he saw the man basically short-circuit in front of him.

"Food.." Aomine shoved the paper bag into the man's chest and, surprising both Kagami and himself, made his way inside the man's house.

"Make yourself at home.." Kagami followed the other inside, an intrigued smile curving his lips.

Aomine knew that he shouldn't be doing what he was right now, if he wanted to maintain that very same peace he'd vie for earlier. It was as if his body was on auto-pilot and the only thing he could do was enjoy the ride. And enjoy it, he did. Kagami had taken a seat on the smaller couch across from Aomine, happily munching on the burgers. Soft moans of approval the only sounds that were heard for a while as he licked the ketchup smudging his bottom lip.

Yes, Aomine was more than enjoying the ride alright. Who knew eating a burger could be so damn erotic? The scene made the man hungry once more and he was starting to wonder if it was his stomach or something else growling for something to feast upon.

"Ah man.. Maji burgers are the best after all." Kagami finished, licking every single finger clean from the grease. "So.. are you guys going to bring me food every hour? Because I could get used to this, although I prefer cheeseburgers..." He gave the man a cheeky grin when he noticed Aomine snap out of his daze.

"Hah? Don't get your hopes up, idiot. I had enough and thought to check up on you after eating Satsuki's food. That shit was just nasty.." Aomine gave the man a scowl, doing his best to hide that he was affected by the view of his bare chest in front of him.

"You know, that's not a really nice thing to say about your girlfriend, especially after she spent so much time making it." Kagami's grin didn't falter one moment. He had a suspicion the two weren't really a couple, but better be safe than sorry, he figured.

Aomine's face crumpled in slight disgust at the thought. "She's not my girlfriend.. that'd be.. wrong. She's more like a sister to me.. And if there's someone entitled to call her cooking bad, it would be me, who have been eating her cooking ever since we were little." A small shudder rolled through his shoulders when he remembered certain vile creations she made in the past.

Kagami couldn't help but chuckle, even though he still thought it was rather crude of him to talk so poorly about his friend, the food was indeed rather.. interesting. "Anyway, I appreciate the burgers, thanks man." Kagami smiled warmly at Aomine when he stood up, wanting to get rid of the now empty paper bag.

"Whatever.." Was the only thing Aomine could say, noticing the jeans of Kagami sagged a little downwards as he stood up, showing prominent hip bones jutting out.

"Ah, shit! I kinda forgot to offer you something to drink, should I make you some tea?" Kagami earnestly ruffled the red locks on the back of his head in apology as he realized his poor hosting. He was so absorbed by the burgers and the man that he forgot about showing some manners that were very important in Japan.

Aomine looked over his shoulder to find Kagami rummaging through some of the boxes on the ground. His bare broad shoulders and back on display making his throat even dryer than before. "N-No thanks, I'm going anyway.. I'll talk to you later."

Before Kagami could respond he already heard the front door slamming shut. Raising an eyebrow as he couldn't help but huff out a small amused laugh.

It had been a few days since Kagami moved in next to Aomine. And even when the man was the ideal neighbor so far by respecting his neighbors and keeping the noise down as much as he could while moving in, Aomine was very aware of the new occupant of the house next door.

It had first started when he went to give him the burgers, having felt bad for shoving Momoi's food in his hands before. The man was half naked and very comfortable with strutting around like that indoors, not all too bothered with Aomine's presence. Apparently the man had the habit to run around without wearing a shirt at home.

If that was only it, Aomine had no qualm with the man, but unfortunately Kagami had taken it upon himself to start working in the garden in that very same 'outfit'.

Aomine first realized this fact when he was changing his clothes in his bedroom, his window giving a view on both his and the other's garden. He almost tipped over and fell on his bed, having one foot still stuck in his pants when he saw Kagami dragging a heavy looking bag filled with cut off branches and leaves from the trees in his garden.

Aomine had cursed at the sight. Even from this distance between them he could see Kagami had worked up a sweat from working in his garden, accentuating the well defined muscles rippling from these actions under a pleasant tanned skin. He had cursed, and then cursed some more as it took a lot of effort to tear his eyes away from the man's body. Closing his eyes and brusquely stepping away from the window, refusing to acknowledge the tightness in his pants.

The day afterwards he was sitting at his desk inside his classroom, pretending to be correcting homework of his students. Images of the man wiping the sweat from his brow with his gardening gloves kept popping up in his mind. Even when he tried to focus on the assignments in front of him, his mind kept being plagued by Kagami.

His daydreaming continued, aggravating him more and more as he started to realize he had not just taken a glimpse through the window like he thought back then. He had been staring for a longer period of time, if the extensive library of mental images gave him a more realistic indication.

"Aomine-sensei?" A voice spoke up right next to him, startling him out of his daydream.

"What?" He eloquently answered, not all too bothered with hiding his annoyance towards his classroom. Actually rather pleased he didn't drop the F-bomb in front of his students again, not after the lecture the principal had given him on 'setting an example for the students'.

With that, the day continued having Aomine struggle to focus on teaching these brats Japanese history while his brain supplied him with the occasional sexy image of his sweaty neighbor.

Kagami wanted to take full advantage of the free time he currently had before he had to go back to work. Which meant he had been working his ass off for the past few days, getting everything both inside and outside his house the way he had wanted to. It was rough on him and he could feel his muscles were feeling sore due to the strain he had placed upon them.

Being a security guard had been pretty demanding of his body to begin with, you weren't going to intimidate anyone by looking scrawny nor take someone down by force if you didn't maintain a healthy body. Not that he actually had to force himself that much, seeing the man played basketball on the side giving him his daily dose of workout.

He did however own a punching bag which he installed earlier that day just outside in his garden. It was a great way to blow off some steam whenever basketball wasn't an option. He figured he'd get some practice in now, having 'slacked off' the last few days due to moving out.

Having exchanged his jeans for some sweatpants and wrapped both his hands thoroughly with protective bandages he made his way outside, enjoying the last rays of sunshine the evening provided when he started the usual routine of jabs and punches.

It wasn't until what must have been around ten minutes later, that he heard some noises coming from the house next door making him glance in that direction. Since his garden was pretty barren, he had an almost unobstructed view on his neighbor's garden due to the low wooden fence between them.

He noticed Aomine shuffling outside with a basket of laundry which he carelessly started to empty and throw the articles on the drying rack. Smiling a little to himself as he noticed the man in his own world, scowling when an article kept falling off repeatedly.

He decided to give the punching bag a small break from his assault and directed his attention towards his neighbor. "'Evening, Aomine. Having problems there?" Kagami wondered if the man realized that it wasn't such a great idea to hang up your wet laundry this late in the evening. But he decided not to mention any of that, since the man was so adamant on completing his task.

Thankfully due to his musings, Kagami didn't hear his neighbor mutter an 'Are you fucking kidding me?' when he received the man's attention. Kagami decided to step closer to the fence, in order to greet his neighbor properly. "You know.. there are these things called clothespin. They are actually very useful for hanging up your laundry, if you want I could lend you some?" Kagami leaned down on the low wooden fence dividing their properties. Trying to refrain from chuckling as a red sock kept dropping on the ground stubbornly.

"Perhaps I should lend you a shirt instead? Since it seems you don't own one of those yourself either." Aomine bit back almost immediately, scowl ever-present in place. Definitely not in the mood for sharing pleasantries with the man who had been haunting his mind all day. Him being half naked again, not helping his state of mind either.

Kagami was slightly taken aback by the unexpected response that he needed a small moment to figure out what the man just said to him. He had earnestly wanted to help the man, seeing him struggle so much with the mundane task that he didn't expect this sort of retort. "Only if it's black.." Showing a smug smile as he casually leaned his head on his perched hand. "Pink just doesn't match my skin.." His smug smile grew into a full-blown grin as he saw his neighbor's eyes widen in shock before casting an accusing glare towards the pink-hued shirt hanging on the clothes-rack.

"It's all this fucker's fault!" Aomine exclaimed, raising the red sock that had been falling on the ground over and over again, in the air. He was now glaring at Kagami, as if he was the culprit who had placed that particular sock with his whites last weekend.

Kagami blinked several times, watching a grown ass man swing a red sock in the air while glaring daggers at him. Ridiculousness aside, the man seemed pretty serious about it which evidently made it harder for him to refrain from laughing. Which he, in the end, naturally did.

"I should not have listened to Satsuki's whining.. meddlesome woman.." Aomine spoke up, more to himself, not wanting to continue this harrowing conversation. Wasn't it bad enough that he was being plagued by the very same man throughout his entire day already? Did he really need to be mocked by him over something as basic as laundry? While he was half naked, again! Aomine wouldn't have it, dragging the still half-full laundry basket along with him when he could only mutter to himself about how he was never going to listen to Momoi and use his dryer instead, electricity bills be damned.

Kagami merely watched the man disappear inside his house, still amused by the conversation that had just transpired.

Weekend had not come too soon for Aomine, who knew teenagers could be such a handful? He was so relieved it was finally Friday evening that he didn't mind eating Momoi's homemade adaptation of karaage. In her defense, it was pretty alright and it showed the man that the woman was miraculously improving.

He let out a content sigh while he rummaged through his wardrobe, a towel neatly wrapped around his waist. The shower was a very welcome treat on his body, relieving his muscles from sitting behind a desk an entire day. His body now relaxed and contemplating what clothes to wear for the evening. Something comfortable preferably since he had no intention whatsoever to go outside, no matter how much Momoi was going to nag him.

Movement outside his window gained his attention, directing his gaze immediately on his neighbor who was watering newly planted saplings along the line of their shared wooden fence. "Well, I'll be damned.. Is he finally wearing a shirt?" He noticed the man had indeed been wearing a black t-shirt, seemingly taking Aomine's hint earlier this week.

He smugly smiled at the thought of Kagami listening to him, feeling rather pleased at the feat. He kept staring at the man, watching as he gave each sapling the same amount of attention before moving on towards the next one. Why did it feel like he was waiting on something?

He frowned, confused at his own sudden unease before he pulled a dark grey t-shirt over his head. He went to take a seat on the edge of the bed, still granting him a view on the man outside, his eyes narrowing on him like a hawk. "What the hell is wrong with me?"

As if to answer himself, his brain abruptly unleashed a flurry of images of the usual bare-chested man. If that wasn't bad enough, his body suddenly twitched in response.

Without even thinking his hand slid over his groin, palming the quickly growing erection underneath the damp towel. The brief sensation rippled through his entire body so fast that he found himself hissing at the sudden pleasure. His eyes were still fixated on Kagami when he started to touch himself underneath the towel. He slowly stroked his length, encouraging more blood to run towards it when his fingers tantalizingly curved around the tip.

He could just imagine his neighbor sitting between his knees, his hands gingerly touching his body instead his own. Images of the man teasing him by slowing his strokes, the other hand cupping his balls gently and massage them. Aomine bit his bottom lip, his imagination instilling a deep hunger for the man.

He saw Kagami leaning forward in order to pick something up, making his grip tighten on his cock. He ran his thumb over his slit, smearing the amount of pre-cum over his tip resulting into smoother strokes over it. 'Not enough..' He thought, bringing his palm towards his mouth to lick it with a liberal amount of moisture.

The heat of his body started to rise as the strokes quickened, wet noises the only sounds filling his room. It's then that he saw Kagami look around him before pulling his black t-shirt over him. He dragged the shirt across his neck to dry up the sweat and decided to bend over and drink from the watering hose. A brief smile followed as he rubbed the back of his hand over his mouth to wipe away the water.

Aomine swallowed loudly. His throat had gone dry from the sight, his pupils dilating with pure arousal. He clenched his eyes shut, storing the image in his mind as he fell down on his mattress. Strangled noises fell from his lips while his hips started to buck inside his palm, his lust-addled mind providing him images of Kagami's lips over his throbbing length. 'Aah~.. fuck, K-Kaga..mi..' He moaned as he felt the telltale coil inside of him snap, the last images of Kagami's intense gaze looking up into his own as he violently came. Strings of cum spurting across his shirt as he rode out his orgasm that ended with a final thrust.

He remained like this on his bed for a while, slowly coming down from his high. It's when his mind slowly started to clear up again that he was simply staring at his ceiling.


Aomine had problems accepting these lustful feelings towards his neighbor the moment he had met him. He realized that now. Could you blame him though? The man had been constantly running around, showing him all that skin and well-defined muscles since day one.

He blamed both Momoi and himself for welcoming the man, introducing each other and sharing his burgers with him out of.. sympathy? Was that even sympathy he had felt back then? All he knew was that if he stuck with his rules, to keep his peaceful life, that none of this would've happened.

Who was he kidding.. That man was a walking sin he more than happily would commit if that meant he could slake those lustful feelings that had been overwhelming him ever since the man came into his life.

"Foul!" A voice yelled through the gym, resulting Aomine to lift his gaze towards his students.

"What did I tell you, Owara, lower those hips! Imamuro, if you keep that up you'll be on the bench in no time during tournaments. Don't be an idiot and keep your eyes on the enemy." Aomine yelled at the boys, his hands gesturing in the air.

"Yes, coach!" They both called out in unison. Despite having Aomine as coach, their history teacher known for his not so gentle ways of teaching his students, they always showed deep respect for him. They knew the man was a beast on the court and that had spurred the students to practice even harder.

"Alright, that's it for today.. Start stretching, first years clean this shit up blah blah, you know the drill. I'll see you for Monday's game, make sure you're in good condition." He droned out the usual before heading out the gym himself, relieved he could go home and enjoy the rest of his weekend.

When he neared his house he heard the front door of Kagami's opening. He quickened his steps towards his own door, hoping the man wouldn't see him. He didn't chance a glance himself, but that was for a whole other reason. The man did strange things to him and it had been messing with his head for a week now.

Sadly for Aomine it was still broad daylight and Kagami had noticed him immediately. "Oh, Aomine! I was just going for lunch, let me repay you for those burgers." Kagami's cheerful voice squashed down any hope of Aomine escaping unnoticed.

Aomine cursed internally before glancing towards the man, taking in how good Kagami looked in those jeans and cashmere sweater. He did his best to hide a groan while averting his gaze. "I'm not hungry." He pretty much rammed his key into the door, opening it quickly so he could disappear just as fast from the sight.

Kagami simply stood there, looking at the man's door with a smug smirk on his lips. "Not hungry, my ass."

No matter what his friends said about him, Kagami wasn't as oblivious as some of those thought. He had noticed how his new neighbor had taken an interest in him on their first meeting. At first he thought it was just the usual 'who's the biggest' attitude some men had, but during the next encounters he found out that was not exactly the case with Aomine. The man was quite built himself, where Kagami was buff, Aomine was lean, so there was no reason for envy.

It was the way Aomine acted and the things he sometimes said that gave Kagami clues on what was really going on between the two of them. Thing was, it was only a week and he wanted to put the man to the test before making a fool out of himself.

Aomine however, seemed to be doing everything in his power to avoid the man. But those hungry stares weren't lost on Kagami when they did encounter one another.