Chapter 10: Hell itself

If Issei could have a definition for hell it would seem he believed he found it now.

'Damn it why me?!' Issei though to himself as he jumped behind a tree for cover from the debris. Grimmjow and Rias agreed he needed help with his endurance and stamina and what better way was it for Bambietta to blow up all the surrounding on him.

"Shouldn't we help him?" Asia asked in a nervous tone as she watched Issei go flying in the air only for another bomb to be thrown at him.

"You ain't going to last a second if you can't live my bombs!" Bambietta yelled with a sadistic smile etch on her face as she had and endless supplies of bombs being hurled at his direction.

"I don't believe he needs help, besides if he can't handle this he isn't going to get stronger." Road said as she watched his movement. Issei cursed his luck as his master is a demon literally and figuratively. Landing on his back he skidded on the floor backwards as a bomb approached towards him only for it to be swatted away into the sky by Grimmjow.

"That enough for today. Oi! Nun get over here and heal the kid up." Grimmjow said as he stuffed his hand in his pockets and walked away from them. Asia scramble to her feet and ran towards Issei and slowly began to heal his wounds.

"Grimmjow and Bambi sure are scary with their training methods." Asia said quietly as she began to heal his burns and injuries.

"Pretty sure if I wasn't a devil I would of died a thousand times over. I'm useless…" Issei said with a sad look on his face as he grasped the dirt beneath his hand. "I have no talent for swords, magic or hand to hand all I can do is peel vegetables."

"Issei-San…. You aren't useless, you saved me and became my friend! You aren't useless at all!" Asia exclaimed as she stood up tears forming at the corner of her eyes.

"Sorry to intrude, but we are going hard on you guys from the start." Rossweise stated as she lowered an unconscious Kiba to the floor, both of them look at her with wide eyes.

"Kiba!" They both yelled in unison.

"I'm still getting use to the rook strength and I guess it mattered in our sword match. Anyhow, back to the training reason." She knelt down to their eye level. "The reason we are going so hard on all of you is because our lives are on the line, as well as Rias freedom." She said with a small smile as they both began to both sport a smile for themselves each for enter my different reason. When Rossweise realize the reason for Issei smile as he had almost a full view of the top portion of her cleavage, she cocked back her fist and sent him flying across the landscape.


"Issei-San!" Asia yelled as she ran over to him after she tended to Kiba wounds.

(Hours later)

"How do you see the kid progress?" Grimmjow asked with a bored look on his face as he laid his head on his hand.

"Besides him not having much strength but a crap ton of endurance at the moment, he is fucked in that fight." Bambietta said as she dropped herself onto the couch sighing in relief that they actually had a room for a bit.

"Well he is still keeping his antic up…" Rossweise said with her face slightly pink.

"Don't tell me the kid actually manage to get you." Grimmjow said with a smirk thrown in her direction causing her to glare at his direction before turning her head to the side.

"Easy there now, no need to get mad at the poor little kitty there." Bambietta said while holding back her smile.

"If I wasn't fucking helping the sister of lucifer I would fucking kill you." Grimmjow said while looking at Bambietta who simply stuck her tongue out at him. They seem to enjoy the quiet that settle in the room, considering this was the first time in a couple of days they could sit down relaxed without the thought of being discovered but seeing as they already were and not much is at stake, 'Well our lives are on the line but this isn't the time for that.' Rossweise thought to herself before an idea popped into her head.

"Grimm, do you know how to use magic?"

"Magic? The hell? Do I look like a magician?" He said in an annoyed tone looking at her direction.

"Well, do you want to learn? And how about you Bambi?" Rossweise asked as she clasped her hands I front of her with a smile forming on her face.

"If magic is the same as reishi it should be easy." Bambietta said with confidence as she moved closer to them along with a reluctant Grimmjow.

"This is not going to help me at all." Grimmjow stated.

"You never know Grimm! Could save you from one of my bombs."

"As if, last time you got hit by a single bala and almost blew yourself up."

"Touché… So where do we begin?" Bambietta asked.

"Well try to form your energy into your hand." Rossweise said as she began to see both of them form a large blue sphere of energy in their hand, Grimmjow yawned to himself fanning his mouth, causing Rossweise to pout and Bambietta to smack him.

"Don't you yawn at this."

"I'm going to shove this down your throat!" Grimmjow turned his hand holding his sphere of reishi in his hand closer to her face only for her to turn her sphere into a explosive and punch him in the gut sending him flying out the window.

"That's payback Grimm!" Bambietta yelled as she rushed towards the broken window with Rossweise in tow.

"Grimm are you alright?!" Rossweise asked looking for his body from her position while she smacked Bambietta behind her head, hard.

"Ow! Why you hit me for?!"

"For blowing him up!"

"He tried to shove a sphere down my throat!"

"It was going to disappears anyway!"

"Doesn't matter, he des-" Bambietta words were cut off as she felt a pressure forming around the building, in the meantime Akeno and Rias bursts through the door.

"What's going on? We heard a explosion." Rias said in a worries tone looking about the room quickly.

"More importantly what is that pressure? It's feels destructive." Akeno asked as small heads of sweat began to form on herself, Rias and Rossweise.

"Bambi?" Rosswiese asked.

"Well… That's Grimm." She said as she placed herself over the window forming an invisible floor beneath her feet. "Stay in the building, we both have some venting to do." She disappeared from their view causing them to raise their brow.

"What do they mean by vent? Rias asked. "Is there some form of rivalry between them?"

"Not exactly, more like they can't help it." Rossweise said with a sigh easing her hand to her forehead.

( With Bambietta and Grimmjow)

"Well shit, Grimm… If you don't come out I'm turning this place into ground zero!" Bambietta said as she formed her new wings, spreading them out. Grimmjow on the other hand pulled himself out of the rubble he landed in and felt Bambietta's spiritual pressure rising along his and smirked before forming his own set of wings and blasting off, shattering the ground.

"You're dead Bambietta!" He roared as he pulled Pantera out of his sheathe giving Bambietta a short time to form her own short ornamental sword, locking blades with him.

"Hey there kitty, had fun napping there?" She teased pulling a snarl out of him as he pushed her backwards with sheer force.

"Fuck you!" His response elicited a smile from her.

"Nope! Because you are fucked!" She pointed her sword at him causing his eyes to widen as the ground beneath him exploded, she knew this wasn't going to be enough to stop him. Her thoughts were cut off by a red bolt of energy flying into her gut sending her sliding across the floor.

"Crap… Forgot about your bala…" She said with a groan as she placed her hand on her stomach as the dust settle down revealing Grimmjow with tattered clothing, scratches and slight burn marks on his body.

"I should of fired a cero and wiped you off the map you whore." He replied as his grip on Pantera tighten as he lunge himself forward with his sword slashing downward to parry against her blade.

"Whore? I'm hurt, I haven't slept with any man in my life!" Bambietta replied with a growl forming in her throat as she used her wings to push back against his force, only for a shockwave to be made from their blades connecting.

"Fuck sake your little friends told me you slept with your soldats and then killed them!" Both of them skidded across the clearing opposite side of one another.

"Well want to know something Grimm? Fuck you, do you think I wanna be stuck with your ass around!?"

"Then let me fucking kill you!" He slashed his finger with Pantera drawing out blood from his own fingertip, forming a electric blue orb in his hand.

"You can kiss your ass if you are killing me!" She spreader out her wings and began concentrating on forming multiple sphere of reishi taking apart of the land to form them. A moment of silence fell upon them before they aimed their hands at one another.

"Gran Ray Cero!"


They both thought their attacks would hit dead on but were shocked as the explosion happened but their targets were still their expect their was a giant purple magic circle on both sides with a panting Rossweise in between them.

"That is enough out of you two….." Rossweise said before she feel to her knees causing both of them to put their anger aside and fly towards her.

"Rossweise, why the fuck you get in our way?" Grimmjow asked as he caught her laying her down on the ground.

"You dummy, we're finally going to settle our battle… You didn't have to stop us." Bambietta said as she knelt down next to her, brushing the strand of hair out of her hair.

"Friends don't fight each other… If your story is true then shouldn't you live your life for your former comrades rather th-" Her sentence never finished as she went unconscious, causing both of them to pale and relax once they realize she was still breathing and had a pulse.

"Live for our comrades, huh." Bambietta said as she looked up to the moon.

"Why should I live for them, most would of killed if we weren't strong."

"Grimm… Then how about we don't live for our former comrades, but for her now? She did save our lives not once but twice." Bambietta said with a sad smile forming on her face, causing Grimmjow to sigh as he looked down to the silver haired beauty beneath him.

"Fine…" was all he said before he lifted Rossweise off the ground carrying her bridal style back to the Gremory vacation home, with Bambietta in tow.

"You do know you are almost naked."

"Shut it."

A/N: So sorry for the delay I had so a rough time during this chapter because of the many, many issue I had in my life during this time. I came down with a bad case of the flue that I ended up in hospitalized and I had to attended a funeral to a very close former teacher of mine, in between that time I couldn't write anything till now, so I will do my best to keep updating the story.