A/N: Next chapter, its not too long but I hope you enjoy it.

Warning: None just yet!

Disclaimer: Don't own it.




Chapter Three

The steady drumming of rain was keeping them inside today. Zoro was thankful that Law had left to spend the day with Ace instead. The idea was to wait for Sanji to come out of the bedroom, but it hadn't worked so far. He knew he wasn't alone in the house but he wouldn't go pounding on any doors. He had thought about it all night long and he would do it. Law was right, it could be his chance. Wasn't being with Sanji what he wanted? This was a golden opportunity to show Sanji who he was, to express himself without putting himself out there. He would say it was for pretend but he would give himself as if the relationship were real. If Sanji walked away in the end, then he had his answer.

Getting his blonde out of the room finally to talk was fairly easy once he thought of how to do so. It was nearing lunch time and he was hungry. He made sure to set the temp too high on purpose and put his eggs into the pan to cook. His attempt at an omelet was disturbing in appearance. He forwent the oil on purpose, knowing it would cause the food to blacken sooner. Minutes after leaning against the counter the air began to fill with the aroma of burning egg. It popped sending particles into the air, killing his lunch. When it started to look like his attempt at cooking wouldn't be interrupted, he grabbed the utensil to try flipping it.

"What the hell are you doing? Are you trying to start a fire?" Sanji crinkled his nose and rushed over to turn on the vent. What the fuck was that? It looked like something a drunk would spew up. It flopped in the pan, showing off a tar colored bottom. "Why are you trying to work the stove?"

"I'm hungry, and I wanted an omelet." He had him, Zoro let the spatula be yanked from his fingers. His lunch was scraped out of the pan and onto a plate. "What are you doing, we don't waste food in this house."

"It won't be wasted, I'm going to feed it to Peaches, she won't mind if it tastes like shit." Sanji was glad the animal had no taste buds. All the booze it digested with her master insured that she had an iron stomach. Their neighbor was a freaky boozer that kept a hound in the backyard. After a few days he would always give her what was left in the fridge. It didn't go to waste, the dog ate it. "I'll make you something so you don't destroy my pots."

As he knew he would. Zoro shrugged like he didn't care either way and went back to leaning against the counter. It was rather pleasant to watch the cook work in the kitchen. A pink apron was slipped on, pink, maybe he could hope that was a clue. Skilled hands went to work blending eggs, cheese, ham, a touch of milk, and spices into the bowl. Gods, he loved those hands. He wanted to place one of those fingers into his mouth and suck on the digit until the blonde came in his pants from the anticipation. No, he wanted those hands to touch him, to stroke him, as he used his own fingers to prepare his love to take him. "I'll do it."

"What?" Sanji almost dropped the bowl hearing the words. What was he saying? Oh, the food. Zoro was saying he would cook it since he had it prepped. "Don't worry about it, I don't mind cooking it for you. You'll just end up burning it or you won't cook it all the way. I was getting hungry myself, so it really is no problem."

"I wasn't talking about lunch," Zoro was more than fine with Sanji being the one to make the meal. "I'm saying that if you still want me to, I'll help you."

Oh, that he hadn't been expecting. Sanji wasn't sure what to say now that it had been agreed to. He had sat up all night and most of the morning trying to figure out what to do. The more he thought about it, he wasn't sure if he could pull off being into someone he wasn't really into. Zoro however, he might be able to. He was comfortable with him and it might work. "Are you sure?"

"Yes, I thought about it and I'll do it. You have your reasons and I have mine," His definitely weren't what the blonde assumed and he would get Sanji to agree to his terms. "If we do this then I have a few demands that have to be met or I can't do it."

"Okay, what are they?" Sanji flipped the omelet and occupied himself with creating his own. He preferred vegetables over meat and cheese.

"One, you do not go out with anyone in the meantime. I won't have word getting back to him that my boyfriend is cheating. That will just reinstate that I can't make someone happy enough to remain faithful. No dating, at all."

"Done, then I will demand the same, just in case you get what you want before me. If he starts to notice you, you can't break things off with me until my parents are satisfied." That was if he could convince them that he was into other men.

"Done." Zoro was glad that had gone over smooth because he knew the next set of demands would be hard to get cleared. "Also, I'm doing this to show that I'm desirable and that I am a catch. Meaning that I know how to please who I'm with and that being with me could lead to happiness. I won't have the relationship of someone that has been married for thirty years. There will be affection, touching, kissing, and all that it implies."

"Is that necessary?" Sanji wasn't sure if he could do all that. Not that he wouldn't find it pleasant for Zoro to show him attention. The problem was that he might not have to pretend to like it. He didn't want to actually start like being with his friend when it was all pretend.

"Yes! If not then we don't need to discuss it any longer. I might not be lovey-dovey but we're supposed to be in love. Trust me when I say most will see something is off between us if we don't do it. If you plan to prove to your parents that you are into other males you better come off as having been thoroughly fucked by one."

Fuck, why did that make his stomach turn? Not in the bad way either. Sanji almost dropped the omelet onto the counter instead of the plate that had been put nearby. Thoroughly fucked by one, fucked by Zoro. Sex was being implied, he'd have to have sex with him. Was it needed? Maybe, because he could usually tell when a couple has or hasn't had sex yet. It was in their mannerism, especially the males. Males naturally got more territorial over someone they were being with sexually. Could he do it? A real relationship with Zoro, as real as it could be, without the agreement between them, and being a couple in front of everyone else to make this work. "But what about Law?"

"What about him?" Zoro didn't see what he had to do with this. Sanji couldn't know that he had confided in him or that he had helped him decide what to do. "He'll have to be made to believe it too, or word could get around. He's dating Ace, Ace comes here, and Ace has a big mouth."

"If we are going to do it, how do we explain us suddenly dating to him?" Sanji wasn't sure if the other male would buy it. Whether or not if said roomie was the unrequited love, how could they pull off having a relationship at all times? Right, if Law was the one, Zoro would need him to believe the farce to make it work.

"Lie, how else? We tell him that we hung out today when I asked you out to dinner, we went and had a great time. We came home, one thing led to another, and we ended up kissing. Just lie and say you're bi-curious, or was, and I asked you out again." Zoro didn't care how it was said, Law would play along with whatever explanation Sanji gave him.

"And sex? Is there a certain time you wish to have it done by?" Sanji really knew he'd lose it if tonight was the deadline. He wasn't ready for it just yet and he wanted to make sure he could not freak out whenever they did anything at all physical.

"When is that dinner with your parents?" Didn't matter, Zoro would have him soon.

"I am invited to dinner next weekend but I could hold it off for another few weeks. I can tell them you have to clear up a weekend at work or something, it will give us time to get used to each other." His mother would spot any discomfort immediately, which was why he had chosen Zoro. Sanji had never felt the need to pretend to be anyone but himself with him.

"Do that," the more time they had together the better. "But don't expect that it'll be that long before I'll want to become intimate. We are portraying to have a healthy relationship and that means sex, a lot of it."

"Right," was that his voice? He sounded like a mouse! "Do I need to ask which position I'll be taking in this relationship?"

"Let's see, you just made me lunch, and you're wearing pink." Zoro moved away from the counter to approach the turned back. He wanted to see Sanji's expression but he couldn't always have what he wanted. "You're going to be beneath me, taking my cock, trembling as I fuck you deep, and begging me to give you all of it."

Hard, yes he was getting hard. Sanji didn't care that it was pass time to turn his own food. His lungs weren't working, all blood flow had suddenly shot south, so it was hard to think with an incapacitated brain. Dammit, he was actually stiff from hearing those words. What was worse, the idea didn't bother him. "Are you trying to get me to change my mind by intimidating me?"

"No, if I wanted to intimidate you, I'd let you know that no one has ever been able to take it all." Zoro reached around to retrieve his plate and he noted the way Sanji's breath caught as he got close. "Thanks for cooking my lunch."

"Whatever," What an ass! To sound so casual after talking like that. Sanji turned his food over, not caring that one side was more brown than usual. Had Zoro done that on purpose? He was intimidated but not for the wrong reasons. He had his own stipulations if Zoro was going to be like that. With plate in hand, the good side of his omelet showing, he sat down at the table as well. "If we are going through with it then I see no reason with waiting too long. We already live together, so I say we go with the story of what to tell Law. Except, tonight when we get home after our date, you sleep in my room. In the morning, we'll just add in that we're messing around now."

"He will be home later and if you plan on telling him that, then you will not leave the room without it happening." Zoro wasn't sure if Law would make it home or not, but it was possible. If Sanji wanted to jump right into it then fine, he was all for it. "If I stay in your room, you won't have to inform him that I'm being with you, he's going to know it before you see him again."






"This sucks!" Luffy spoke to no one in particular, because no one was around to hear his complaint. Their mother was gone out for the night, his brother had company, and he was home early. A trip into town via a cab, he'd wasted several hours of his day. He'd grown bored of games, the movie had been horrible, and he was hungry. He'd been hoping to ask his brother to order something for the both of them, but that wouldn't be happening now. There was a second vehicle in the driveway, so someone was here. The rest of the house was empty, even the kitchen, and the only places left were the bedrooms. Did Ace have a girl in there with him?

Or was it the boyfriend he had been ditched for the other night? He had demanded to know why he had been left behind, his brother had laughed and said he went home to get some. Nothing more than to imply that getting sex was more important than Luffy's state. Hearing how his older brother had left him there to meet and make friends had only made him angrier. He could make friends on his own and didn't need to be put in a desperation situation to say hello. Luckily he had found a friend of Ace's to give him a place to crash. Zoro came off as a great guy, they liked the same movies and games.

No noise came from his brother's room and he wondered if they were already asleep. It would be odd for his brother to crash so early but it wouldn't be the first time that he knew of. They had often sat up late messaging each other online. Stepping inside the smallest bedroom, Luffy peeled off the sweater. He was going to take a shower then order something in for himself.

Walking towards the connecting bathroom, the knob turned beneath his hand, and he pushed his way inside. It wasn't until he noticed that he was inside that the light had been on for a reason. For a horrifying and startling reason, it was occupied. Ace was leaning against the counter, without a stitch of clothing on, and he wasn't alone. In front of his sibling, clad in nothing but a towel, was the stranger.

More ink marred the chest and arms, fuck why couldn't he focus on the designs? The towel hung loose and low on a narrow waist, tucked near a very distinct happy trail. The skin was almost bronze and was toned underneath, so perfect. Even the arms that were embracing Ace's waist were great. Two faces that had been locked together parted realizing that they were no longer alone.

Right, what were the odds? Wonderful with his luck! Luffy almost caved into the need to throw a fit. Figures, the one guy he had noticed at the party was taken by his brother of all people. He didn't give a damn that Ace had never mentioned being into other guys, because he had never came clean either. The lips that had briefly touched his own turned down into a frown as the seconds passed. "Sorry, Ace, I didn't realize you were in here."

"No problem, this is my boyfriend, Law." Ace was pleased that his brother seemed to be more embarrassed that he had walked in on them naked than upset over the fact that he was in here with another guy. He had held off mentioning that he was seeing another man because he wasn't sure if Luffy had picked up the old man's views when it came to sexuality. Luffy had been upset when he'd found out about his 'boyfriend' but he was sure it was more about not being told of having someone fixed in his personal life. "Babe, this is my little brother, Luffy."

Law heard the slight chuckle from his boyfriend as pink settled into the smooth cheeks and the boy turned and fled from the room. That was Ace's little brother? There was only a few similarities between them, he never would have made the connection. The cute, little gamer was related to his lover? How the fuck had that come about? Just hours ago he had allowed his mind to wonder if he would get a chance to run into him again.

Shit, it had happened and at the worst time. The kid was related to Ace, that made the situation that much more worse, and he frowned further. It was one thing to have lustful thoughts over a stranger but not about someone close to his boyfriend. Dammit, just his luck. Any hope of finding the boy had just got railroaded forever. No way he'd get a chance to get to know the kid better. "He doesn't look like you."

"Different fathers and I'm cuter," Ace turned his attention back to what they had been doing. There had been some heavy making out before the door had opened. He wanted to finish, "Let's go into the room."

The grip on Law's cock was unwelcome, he had gone flaccid from the interruption. He didn't want to be the one to break it to Ace, but his brother was more attractive. The cute, little angel that had just ran from the room was by far more fuckable. "I'm not doing anything, he's on the other side of the door."

"And I said lets go in the bedroom, he won't be able to hear anything." Ace yanked on the towel. "It's not like Luffy cares."

"But I do," Law slapped at the hand. He wasn't fucking right now, he wasn't in the mood. He definitely wasn't in the mood to mess around with his boyfriend. He still was in shock over who had stormed into the room. "Save it for later, I haven't eaten all day, and I don't want to wait until midnight."




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Next chapter: Some quality movie time and a night of playing...