"Hey, sorry, I apologize for interrupting but this is kind of... one of those... spur of the moment things. Ok. Hermione, um, bloody hell I'm shaking. Seeing you today, in that dress, getting married to that man, everything just suddenly became clear. Ha, Ha, Haha, I'm in love with you! Please, you gotta let me finish. From the moment I saw you, I wanted you but I buried it and I can't anymore. Life is just too short so take a chance... take a chance and run away with me. Let's apparate away. Just follow your heart. Hermione Jean Granger, I can tell that you feel the same way. What do you say?"

"Umm" Hermione sat her mouth opening and closing like a fish. Trying to find words to say. Draco stands beside her holding her hand, glaring at him. "Harry..."



"Harry!" He snaps out of it. He looks over to his left to see his wife Ginny with a worried face. "Are you alright dear? You've been staring into space for awhile now. Hermione's about to walk down the aisle."

"Oh" He shakes his head and looks at the back. He can see Hermione's silhouette, softly chatting with her father. He looks at front and sees Malfoy nervously waiting for his future wife to walk down the aisle. "I must have been daydreaming."

"Tell me about it. This wedding has been delayed for too long! I should've taken a book or a newspaper or something." Ginny remarked, crossing her legs. "I'm just glad it's almost over."

Harry scratches his eyes. He just imagined it but it felt so real. He looks at Malfoy. He can't believe that this bloke is marrying Hermione. As if he deserves her. Malfoy glances at him and gives him a smirk, a knowing smirk. As if he's telling him that he won. He got her.

Music starts and she starts walking. Everyone stands up to look at her. She's a vision in her wedding dress. It's simple yet elegant. She had a smile on her face, her eyes never leaving her groom. For once, Harry just wanted her to look at him. Maybe he can say the spiel he had imagined when she does? There's still time to run away.

When she passes his row she spares him a glance and a sweet smile. His mouth opened but he shut it immediately. It took everything in him and his wife's hold on his arm to stop from professing his love for her.

"Earth to Harry Potter!" Hermione waves her hand in front of his face. He snaps out of his gaze and looks at her.


"What were you thinking of? I thought I lost you there for a second. I said we should start shopping for your furniture tomorrow afternoon. I don't think I have anything planned anyway. It'll make you feel more at home in your new apartment." She suggests taking a sip.

"I guess so."

"So what were you thinking of? Is it about her? She-who-must-not-be-named" She giggles at her own joke. He stares at her as he comes back to his senses. "Harry, are you even having fun tonight?"

"What? Of course I am Hermione."

"You're not drunk yet"

"Being drunk does not mean having a great time."

"I'm sorry you also lost Ron in the divorce." She says placing one of her hands on top of his, giving it a light squeeze. "Sometimes I think you'd be much happier if he was on your side rather than me."

"What are you talking about Hermione, stop it."

"No, I'm serious." She squeezes his hand tighter. "If you were with Ron you two would probably be of doing Merlin knows what, incredibly happy. Meanwhile you're stuck here with me, you're the one with heartbreak but I'm the one who's drunk."

"Hermione, I don't wish I was with Ron right now. You're right, we're probably playing Quidditch or something but it's just running away from my problem. I get solve my problems when I'm with you. I would prefer that over anything." He gives her a smile which she reciprocates.

"I'm glad you feel that way." She was lightly blushing. Harry wasn't sure if it was from what he said or from the drinks she's being chugging all day.

"I think it's time I bring you home, Mione."

Draco hears the fireplace and looks at the clock. It was only half past seven but she's already home. What miracle was that? Draco stands from where he was sitting in the library and walks over to the waiting room.

"Draco!" Hermione yelps and lunges for him.

"Love" He calls out as he catches her. "Potter."


"How are you?" He asks.

"Never been better, Malfoy." He smiles. Draco offers him a smile as well. Ever since he got married to Hermione his relationship with Harry has been cordial. They would even go out for drinks every now and then. "She's a little bit drunk but this isn't her worst form yet."

"I told him that it's too early but he won't listen. Draco, you should help Harry find some hobby you know. To keep him occupied." She said her head burying on his neck.

"Noted. Potter, Blaise and I will be playing next weekend. Would you care to join?"

"Oh! That's a great idea, love! Harry you should accept." She turns facing him again. Draco's arm on her waist supporting her. Draco looks at Harry after making sure Hermione's balance was okay to find the man's eyes on his hand on his wife's waist.

"Sure, sounds fun." He looked indifferent but finally tore his eyes to look at Draco.

"Great. Now, if you'll excuse me I have to put this lady into bed." Draco says. Giving Harry an exit point.

"Of course. Hermione, I'll be going now." She stumbles to him and gives him one last hug. Harry couldn't help the smile forming on his lips. "Thanks for today."

"It was my pleasure, Harry." She replied. Draco watched the entire interaction. His suspicions growing every minute.


I hope I can finish this fanfic before the quarantine period ends. Stay safe everyone!