Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight.

~Phone Conversations~


Ch. 1

I was waiting in Carlisle's office for Alice to come and get me and Edward for my unwanted birthday party. Edward was telling me about a painting in the office, it depicted 4 men on a balcony overlooking a crowd. One was obviously Carlisle, but the other three apparently were the Kings of Vampires, the Voltorri. "They are the closest thing my kind have to royalty. Their names are Aro, Caius, and Marcus." He informed me, pointing to each in turn so I would know who was who. "They enforce our laws." He added in a defensive tone.

"Vampires have laws?" I asked wanting to know more about his world.

"Only one that is enforced regularly." He responded. "To keep our existance a secret from humans." He pointed out when I shot him a curious look.

"Oh." I say quietly. Alice chose that momment to pop into the room.

"We're ready for you now." She said before leading us down to the party.

"We tried to reign Alice in, but it didn't work." Carlisle spoke as I took in all the crystal-were covering the room. I smile at his attempt of humor as Alice shot her 'father' a glare.

"Present time." She announced in her peppy tone. "Jasper and my gift was your dress for tonight." She told me, much to my relief. "This is from Emmitt and Rosalie." She said handing me an empty box. I raise an eyebrow at them as they laugh lightly when I realize it was empty.

"A new sterio system for your truck, already installed." Emmitt answers my look, grinning at me. "Finally a decent sound system for that piece-" He begins to add, but I interruped him.

"Hey, don't diss the truck." I shoot at him playfully as a retort. Alice hands me an envelope.

"From Esme and Carlisle." She states simply.

"Plane tickets to see your mom." Esme explains brightly to me as I slip a finger under the seal and wince as I get a papercut.

"Ouch, papercut." I say looking down at the small cut as a single drop of blood wells up. My head snaps up just in time to see Jasper lunge at me, as Edward shoves me back into a table covered in crystal. Pain shot up my arm as both the table and crystals shattered from the impact and shards of both pierced my arm. Everyone froze turning towards me, Carlisle flashed to my side, ordering everyone else out of the house before whisking me up to his office to fix me up. Once he was done stitching my arm up, Edward drove me home in complete silence. He refused to speak to me for a week before he led me into the forest behind my father's house and dumped me. He ran off like a coward after informing me that I was a distraction, he had never actually loved me, and the famiy didn't want to see or hear from me ever again. He left me, running off at vampire speed, and I stupidly tried to follow him, getting lost in the process. I tripped on a raised root, and colapsed, passing out as a deep depression overcame me. The next thing I knew I was beieng carried out of the woods and handed over to Charlie by one of the Quilletts.

Many weeks passed before I knew it and one morning Charlie sat me down, wanting to tell me something. "Bella there is something your mother and I should have told you a long time ago." Charlie began, gaining my attention for the first time since they left.

"What is it?" I ask, my tone dead.

"I'm not your real dad." He says gently. "When Renee and I were dating she was attacked one night by a group of thugs. They surrounded her." He told me bluntly. "A random man, a good samaritian if you will, heard her screams of fear and came to her aid. He saved her from the thugs, and seeing as she was drunk and scared, she decided the best way to thank him was to sleep with him." Charlie stops, taking in my expression. "From what she told me, he used a condom and she was on the pill but somehow, despite the measures they took, she still ended up pregnant. She told me everything and I decided to marry her and help her raise you." He reached beside his coffee cup for a large envelope. "I have a picture of him, along with DNA results, and a letter he wrote your mother." He showed me the picture and I swallowed hard before taking it from him and looking at it. Shock covered my face as I recognized the man captured on the photograph.

"Thank you for telling me, Dad. I will make this a side project." I say politely, eyes alive for the first time in a long while.

"Just remember, no matter what, I will always love you." He tells me, pulling me into a hug. He then heads off to work and I go upstairs and turn on my laptop. I pull up Google search and typed in Voltorri. No results. Vampire Royalty. Dracula pages filled the screen. Italian Vampires. and finally I recongnized a few words. I click on the Legends of Voltarra link and find the St. Marcus legend. I open the link and a picture pops up along with the article. Even though it is black and white the man was identicle to the copy in my hand.

"King Marcus is my father." I murmur to myself. I look over at my clock and grin at the time, 10:30 am, a perfect time to drive over to the reservation to see Billy Black. I pick up my cell phone and call to make sure he would be there.

~Ring, ring, ring. "Hello?" My father's best friend answered the phone.

"Hey Billy, this is Bella." I say knowing it would shock him.

"Bella, how are you doing?" Billy asked, confusion evident in his tone.

"I need to talk to you in person." I say quietly. "About the C-c-cullens." I add when he didn't answer me.

"Come on over then." He invites me, and I can almost hear the smile in his voice.

"Kay, I should get there in 30 minutes at the latest." I say saving the page on the internet and packing my laptop to go with me.

"See you soon, then." Billy answered before hanging up.~

I grab my keys, laptop, and the envelope; after returning the photo to it; before rushing down and outside to my truck. I drove to LaPush and pulled into the Black's driveway. I killed the engine, grabbed my stuff, and hopped out, slamming the door and just as I reached the door Billy opened it for me to enter his home. "What's up?" He asked me, looking at my armfull of stuff.

"Did either of my parents tell you about me?" I asked him quickly.

"What exactly about you, Charlie has told me alot about you over the years." Billy asked for conformation.

"Charlie isn't my biological father." I answered bluntly.

"That I did know about, what about it?" He asked me, curious.

This is a picture of my biological father." I say handing over the picture from the envelope. Billy paled when he looked it over.

"I would suggest you stay far away from him." Billy warns me, fear in his eyes and unwilling to tell a human about vampires.

"Is that because he is a Vampire, or because he is a Human-drinker Vampire?" I asked him bluntly, chuckling when he looked up at me in shock.

"How do you know about them?" He demanded sharply. I pull up the sleeve on my left arm, showing him the scar from James. "When did this happen?" He added gruffly.

"Last April." I said softly. "They kept me from turning." I informed him, knowing his next question.

"What do you know about him?" Billy asked, motioning to the picture.

"His name is Marcus, he is one of the Three Kings, and his coven is based in Voltarra, Italy." I rattle off quickly. "And if they ever find out I know about vampires, according to their laws, I must either be turned or killed." Billy's eyes widened in shock at the news. "They would also go after the ones who exposed me to their world, with every intention of ending the coven responsible." I add, pain filling me as my mind said their name, even though I didn't speak it aloud.


"Is it wrong of me to want to get to know him?" I asked, torn by my desire to meet Marcus and knowing the reprecusions of actually doing so.

"It would be dangerous." Billy answered diplomatically.

"Maybe a letter?" I shoot out the idea. "They might have left something usefull behind in the house." I absentmindedly spoke my thoughts to the Native. I stand, my mind screaming at me to find out. "I will call you before actually attempting to contact him." I assured the man as I left his house, driving to the white mansion.

One I arrived at the house, I found the front door unlocked and entered easily. I went room by room, searching for any possible way to contact the Vampire Community. When I entered what was Carlisle's office, I found a letter addressed to me. I sat in the computer chair and read it.

*Bella, I know that our leaving you will hurt you badly, but please know most of us are completely against it. It came down to a very close vote, and no small amount of threats for us who opposed the decision to actually leave you here. Please know that if you ever need a vampire's aid, use the number below. It is an old friend of mine, from before I joined the Cullens. Tell whoever answers that the Major gave you the number. They will do anything you ask them in my name. Forgive us for abandoning you, Major Jasper Whitlock (Hale) 512-355-6787*

I sigh and leave the house, heading back to Billy's to get his opinion before acting on the note. I noticed 3 cars already there when I pulled back into the driveway. I once more walk up to the door and it is opened for me without having to knock. "Come in, Bella, Billy was just speaking about you." Harry Clearwater, another good friend of Charlie's told me with tight smile.

"Thank you, I take it you know the truth." I say vaguely. He nodded and led me into the living room.

"All of us know the truth about Them and their kind." The youngest native growled angrily at me.

"Sam, don't blame her for this situation." Billy advised the young male.

"How much do you know?" I asked looking at the 4 men.

"You dated a vampire." The oldest one answered, his eyes and tone filled with disapproval.

"May I ask you name, Sir?" I requested, not wishing to offend the Elder.

"I am called Old Quil." He responded, his tone lightening at my show of respect.

"Right, well, where to begin." I said quietly, looking over at Billy for help.

"Start with the Cullens." Sam snapped, not noticing my flinch at the name.

"E-e-e-edward told me about the enforcers of their world. A coven of red-eyes that rule over all Vampires." I begin studdering over the painful name. "They have very few laws, only one that is non-negotiable, no human exposure." I inform them. "For a human to know of them is the absolute no-no. Humans who find out must either be changed, or killed." I explained to them.

"What of this ruling Coven?" Harry asked me, confused that I would bring them up.

"It is lead by the Three Kings; Marcus, Aro, and Caius. They are based in Italy, and only leave if a large Coven is risking exposure to humans. When they left me as a human, they broke the law." I say in a dead tone.

"How does this affect us?" Old Quil asked me, worried about his tribe.

"Apparently, Charlie isn't my biological father." I admit, shocking everyone but Billy. "My mother was nearly raped by thugs and was saved by a vampire. She, being drunk at the time, then decided to show her gratitude for his aid by allowing him to have sex with her." I inform them grimly. I pulled out my laptop, boot it up, and opened the Internet to the saved page. "This is a picture of King Marcus." I say, showing them the screen. Charlie gave me this picture of my father this morning." I add, pulling out the photo from the envelope.

"They are one and the same." Old Quil said, shock covering everyone's faces, baring Billy's and mine. After the shocking revelation Sam ran out of the house shaking violently.

"Will he be okay?" I asked in concern for the young native.

"He went to calm down." Harry answered me. I nodded and offered the Elders the note from Jasper.

"Why would one of them leave you a note?" Old Quil wondered aloud.

"His mate is a Seer. She probably 'Saw' something in my future that I would need to summon vampire aid and told him to leave a contact number to help me." I answered bluntly.

"Do we need to be on guard fro more leaches arriving in the area?" Sam demanded as he re-entered the room, not looking any calmer then when he left it.

"What do you mean, more vampires? None of them remained in the area." I asked confused by his words.

"There are two that keep showing up, before we run them off again." Sam answered with another growl. I blink a few times before realizing that if vampires are real, then the tribal protectors are as well.

"By your tribal spirit-warriors/wolf shape-shifters." I state my realization aloud, shocking the natives. "What do they look like?" I asked, my mind returning to the vampires.

"Sam is one of the next generation." Billy answered, thinking I was asking about the Pack.

"The Vampires, not your warriors." I deadpaned at him, amused at his response.

"The male is black, with dreadlocks and the female is white with bright red, curly hair." Sam discribed briefly. "Red- eyes." He added as an afterthought.

"Their names are Luraunt and Victoria. They are probably after me for what happened back in April." I admitted, looking down and rubbing my scar.

"Why you?" Billy inquired, shocked at my response.

"Because They killed her mate when he attacked me. She is trying to avenge her mate's death by killing me." I explained shortly. Worry covered their faces at the infromation I provided.

"Would your 'father's' Coven help if they learned of all this?" Harry asked me, trying to make a plan.

"No clue, all I know is that as a human, I would most likely be killed or turned if they find out about me." I answered bluntly.

"What did you mean when you called one of them a Seer?" Old Quil asked, unaware of the special talents that some vampires have.

"Some vampires have special abilities. I know that 3 of them do." I answered, closing my eyes at the pulse of pain that flooded my chest from speaking about them. "Jasper is an empath, he can feel and manipulate any emotions near him. His mate, Alice, can 'See' the future based on the decisions made." I swallow hard before continuing. "E-e-edward has the ablility to read surface thoughts from every mind in a 2 mile radius surounding his body. I am the only exception to his ablilities." I finished my sentance before I was completely overwhelmed by my emotional pain, tears flowing from my eyes unstoppable as the hole in my chest made itself obvious to me once more.

"Bella, what is wrong?" Billy asked as I drop to the floor, trying not to scream from the raw pain that comes from anything relating to the Cullens.

"It hurts to think, or speak about them. I feel like a huge hole has been ripped open near my heart." I whisper, whimpering in agony and clenching my teeth to keep from screaming. I look up in shock when warm arms suddenly wrap around me, comfortingly holding me. "Thank you." I gasp out in a whisper, my words carrying through the nearly silent room.

"How should we deal with the two hunting you?" Sam huffed from across the room. "The male is easier to get alone, but the female always evades us somehow." He growled in frustration.

"If by Christmas break both haven't been handled, I will go seek out the Kings. Even if they kill me, my report should force them into action against the two rogues. They are making headlines in Seattle and here." I told the people surrounding me. "I will also contact the vampire or vampires that the note speakes of. I will do that within the next few days, hopefully they will help so I don't have to risk my life before graduation." I decided, my tone showing my stress. "Once I have spoken to them I will call Billy with their answer." I added, looking at Sam directly.

"Very good idea, Bella. Let us pray that everything works out accordingly." Old Quil approves of my plan.

"I should be getting home so Charlie doesn't start to worry." I say, standing to leave for the 30 minute drive back to my house. The men all called out their good byes and good nights as I exit the house of the Tribal Chieftain.