S this is an idea I've had in my head for a while and yesterday I decided to start writing it. One think that the Holby fanfiction section needs more of in my opinion is AU's. I've read lots for other tv programmes and my favourite is the School AU so I decided to write one. This will be an introduction so sorry if it's a bit boring. All the characters mentioned in this will be the main characters in the story, if you want anyone else added let me know. I'm going on holiday next week so this may not be updated in a while. Anyway enjoy, Kat xx

Holby Secondary is a fairly large secondary school in the south west of England. It consists of one big, old building surrounded by four smaller, newer ones. It is currently 8am on the first Monday back to school after half term. With it still being an hour until school starts, the school is completely empty of students. Just the way the teachers like it. The staffroom however, is full to the brim. The teachers are having a welcome back party of sorts with cake and coffee. Although it was the head teacher, Mr Henrick Hanssen, who sent out the email inviting them, everyone knows his deputy, Ms Serena Campbell must have put him up to it. This is confirmed by the fact that the tall Swedish man is sat on his own in the corner of the staff room, hiding behind his large cup of coffee. Henrick, known as Mr Hanssen even to his staff, was a very strange man. He kept to himself and no one really understood him. The only staff member brave enough to make conversation with him unless completely necessary was the earlier mention deputy, Serena. Serena was sat right in the middle of the rest of the staff. She was a friendly woman unless you got on the wrong side of her. Either way she was determined and strong-willed. In just a few years she'd been through a lot with her mother dying, her ex-husband remarrying then most recently finding out that she'd had a sister and meeting her nephew, Jason. Even that wasn't plain sailing as Jason has Aspergers Syndrome. Even through all this she was an amazing teacher. She was firm when needed but the students loved her and certainly learnt a lot. As well as being deputy head she was the head of the Maths department. Sat closely by her side in the staffroom was fellow maths teacher and ex-army soldier, Bernie Wolfe. The women were very close and their colleagues often wondered if there was something more than friendship between them. They never said anything and no one was brave enough to ask. Bernie and Serena had bonded over their love for Maths and their divorce experiences. They'd often be found in Serena's office planning lessons or marking work before moving to the pub to share a bottle of Shiraz. Moving round the circle of gossiping teachers, next to Bernie was Professor Elliot Hope. He was the head of the science department and had been at the school the longest of all the teachers. He started there as soon as he qualified and hadn't left since. He was kind and clever beyond belief. Along side his teaching he had various research projects on the go. He was the teacher that everyone wanted but that could be down to his reputation for being soft. However he was a great teacher, and loved nothing more than passing his knowledge onto his students. He sat back in the staffroom chair, letting the conversation wash over him whilst he ate doughnut after doughnut, leaving evidence in the form of jam trailing down his white and blue checked shirt. Sat next to Elliot was his best friend and second longest serving teacher, Ric Griffin. He was head of English. Ric was very set in his ways and therefore didn't get along with a lot of the younger teachers. This also meant that his teaching styles didn't always suit all the students. He had a well known reputation that was backed up by a long line of ex wives and children with various different women. His youngest daughter Jess was his only child left at the school and was in year 11. Apart from at school, Ric and Jess didn't see each other much. Slightly out of the main circle was Guy Self, head of geography. He'd previously been the head teacher until the school started to go down hill and Hanssen , who had previously done the job, had to return to take over. It was fair to say Guy was not popular with the staff or students. He was known for being strict in his lessons. During his time as head he resorted to under-hand techniques and often stabbed his staff in the back. This understandably left him disliked by his colleagues. Although he has had his fair share of problems. His wife had died nearly three years ago which left him to look after their daughter Zosia, who was fighting through mental health disorders. She was just starting her last year at sixth form at the same school and he was trying his best to help her prepare for her A levels. Lurking in the corner was student teacher Jacqueline, or Jac Naylor. She was in her final year at university doing her teaching degree. She wouldn't call herself shy but she wasn't good with people so she was finding it difficult to make herself known and join in with the teachers. Teaching she was good at, she knew that as this was her final placement and she'd be here for most of the year. But talking to people outside of lessons wasn't so much her thing. Her mother had abandoned her as a child and she had isolated herself, making friends wasn't something she was used to.

And so the list of teachers goes on.

It was now 8:30am and the students were now starting to arrive. A car pulled up outside the school gates and out got three girls. The youngest of the three was rushing ahead excitedly, looking back at her sisters as she rambled away at them. This was Adele Effanga and today was her first day in year 7. You'd think it being her first day she'd keep her head down and keep to the rules but oh no not Adele. She wore a tight short skirt that just covered her bum along with her tight fitting blouse with the top two buttons undone. Her black frizzy hair was pulled back into a ponytail, the ends dyed bright pink. The middle sister, Cecelia Effanga, was finding her little sister beyond embarrassing. She was just going into year 9 and did all she could to appear "cool" and having an excitable 12 year old bouncing around you most certainly wasn't cool. She rolled her eyes and threw a quick "Seeya" at her older sister before walking away. The older Effanga was Maureen, but everyone except her mother called her Mo. She certainly didn't care about being cool and was dressed completely differently to her youngest sister. She had a long, loose fitting blouse tucked into wide legged trousers. Her hair was almost shaved on one side, the other side longer with a sweeping fringe. She pulled out her phone before walking over to lean on a tree and wait for her friend Sacha and his girlfriend Essie to arrive.

Waiting just along from Mo, was Zosia March. Daughter of Mr Guy Self. She had got a lift in with her dad and had been hanging around ever since. She sat on the grass, her music blaring through her headphones, enjoying the summer sun.

"Oi selfie junior." At the familiar sound of her best friend Dom's voice, she sprung up and launched herself at him and their other friend Arthur Digby. The three of them were very close and had been since year 7. They were often referred to as the three musketeers. They were a very odd bunch and you'd never expect them to be friends, but it worked. Behind the boys were Morven Shreve and her best friend Cara Martinez. The girls were year 11 and two years younger than the three in front. Arthur and Morven were getting close and both had huge crushes on each other but were too shy to say anything. The group walked towards the main school building together. "So you guys ready for our final year in this hell hole?" Dom asked his friends as he wrapped an arm around each of their shoulders.

"Bring it on" Zosia spoke with a determined nod. The group went their separate ways with the older three headed to the sixth form block and the younger two off to their tutor room in the main building.

Before they could get there they found two boys waiting for them outside the room. The boys were fellow year 11's Raf Dilucca and Adrian 'Fletch' Fletcher. The boys were known as the class clowns and were often making jokes, pulling pranks and taking bets. Fletch was the original cockney cheeky chappy and dragged his friend along with him. As the girls approached, Fletch nudged his friend and pointed at Cara. "Oi Oi, girlfriend approaching" he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

"Oh shut up she is not my girlfriend." The other boy spoke in his think Scottish accent.

"Yeah but you like her right?" The Cockney lad probed but didn't get an answer as the girls soon reached them. Not that he needed an answer it was obvious every time the two spoke.