This is a fan made parody, Twilight, Harry Potter and Dragonball Z are owned by

Akira Toriyama, J.K Rowling and Stephanie Meyer respectively please support the original releases.




A strong life force can be seen in physical vitality, courage, competent judgment, self-mastery, sexual vigor, and the realization of each person's unique talents and purpose in life. To maintain a powerful life force, forget yourself, forget about living and dying, and bring your full attention into this moment."
H.E. Davey, Japanese Yoga: The Way of Dynamic Meditation

I arrived in forks exactly 2 weeks after we kicked Vegeta's ass I'm not entirely sure why I'm here it just feels I dunno destined, I already have a house here as I inherited it and I ordered a car online, an Aston Martin DB9 colored black which arrived within a week. The first thing I did was enroll in forks high school (in British no idea how American school works this is all guesswork) I'm a senior.

Beranabus Pov

3 months it took for the Cullens to approach me and when they did nothing was ever the same again within a week me, Alice and Jasper were in the start up of a relationship of course I knew they were vampires as they told me and I never cared, I never told them about my abilities and was going to the night everything went to shit. We had been dating for about a year when Bella cut her finger, Jasper went into a blood rage but me and Alice were able to hold him off but not half an hour later the cullens left me and Bella behind one of us depressed and heartbroken the other 100% pissed off.


As he layed Bella down on her bed to sleep he thought about what he was to do next he was fully aware that most of his friends were on namek searching for their dragon balls, he could always join them he guessed but that meant leaving Bella and he had a feeling she'd probably jump off a cliff or something if he left. He failed to notice Charlie Swan enter the house. "what happened" he asked. Beranabus turned "the fucking Cullen's happened" he snarled.

-End of flashback-

Charlie looked taken aback by Beranabus reaction but nodded as if he expected it. Beranabus looked thoughtful for a while before looking at Charlie "Charlie can I take Bella with me to Britain she needs to get outta here or she'll fall into depression, I promise we'll call once a week to stop you from worrying" Beranabus asked, Charlie looked a bit surprised at the question "It could be good for her" he replied "but she can only go if she wants to". Beranabus only nodded in confirmation as they both watched the brunette teen shift as she regained consciousness.