Thank you my lovely readers for the kind reviews! I love hearing from all of you. Enjoy and see you at the bottom.

Bella POV

Edward left Nessie and I at the front door after he gave her a kiss on the cheek and told us goodbye. Nessie went in, calling for Jacob to come pick her up and take her upstairs to her room. Jacob walked around the corner a moment later and his jaw fell open at the bandage around Nessie's leg.

I explained to him what happened before he took her upstairs and said anything that might upset her. He came back downstairs in a few minutes and pulled me into a hug, placing light kisses all over my face. I laughed softly and wrapped an arm around his neck. "What's this for?"

Jacob pulled me into a deep kiss before he answered me. "I'm just happy, Bells. You're great."

I blushed and smiled against his lips as he gave me another kiss. "You're pretty great, too, Jake."


After a few weeks, Jake had basically moved back into my house again. He spent most nights here, and stayed in the bedroom until I had taken Nessie to school. She loved Jacob, but I didn't want her knowing that he was staying here in my bedroom at night. I rolled over when my alarm clock went off and found Jacob already awake, watching me. I blushed and smiled at him, "What?"

Jacob moved closer to me and placed a quick kiss on my lips, "You're cute, Bells."

I laughed and nudged his shoulder, "Whatever, Jake. I'm half asleep. And getting huge." I added as I motioned to my ever-growing stomach.

Jacob gently placed his hand on my stomach, "You look great, Bells. You really aren't that big."

I smiled as I got out of bed to get ready for the day. I winked at Jacob as I walked around the corner to the bathroom, knowing that he would be right behind me to join me in the shower.

Jacob stayed upstairs in the bedroom while I got breakfast ready for Nessie. I smiled as my little girl came downstairs a few moments later. "Hello, pretty girl. Did you sleep well last night?"

Nessie hopped up on the bar stool and smiled, "I slept really well, mommy. Can we hurry up and get to school? We're making pottery in art class today, and I'm super excited."

I laughed as I set her breakfast in front of her. "Sure thing, Nessie. As soon as you eat and brush your teeth, we will be ready to go."

We ate our breakfast talking about how what kind of pottery she was planning to make. Her leg had healed up perfectly after a couple of days, but I still worry when she goes to Edward's house now. I don't want Victoria to blame my baby because she can't child-proof that house. Nessie finished eating and ran back upstairs to brush her teeth. I picked up her backpack as she walked back downstairs. "You ready now, baby?"

Nessie gave me a small smile once she got to the bottom, "Mommy? Could daddy take me to school today? Please? I really want to tell him about art class!"

I sighed and watched Nessie's face as she pleaded with me to let her dad take her to school. I went and got my phone to let her call him. "You're going to have to call and see if he's able to take you. I don't know if he's already gone to work or not."

"Could you call please? Please, mommy?"

I sighed and nodded as I dialed Edward's number. He answered on the third ring, sounding very sleepy. "Hello? Bella? Is everything okay?"

"Hey, Edward. Everything is fine. Sorry if I woke you. Nessie wanted to know if you would take her to school this morning?"

Edward yawned into the phone before he answered. "Uh…yeah. Of course. Let me just throw on some different clothes and I'll be right over to get her."

I hung up and told Nessie that he would be coming to get her. The smile that my daughter gave in response broke my heart a little. She missed seeing her dad all the time, but I didn't know of any way to help make that better.

Ten minutes later, the doorbell rang and Nessie rushed to get the door. I heard Jacob's footsteps coming down the stairs; it isn't often that someone would come to the door this early. I walked around the corner and saw the shock on Edward's face at Jacob standing on the stairs. Edward's eyes narrowed as he realized that Jacob was shirtless and had clearly stayed here overnight. I stepped in his vision and he glanced down to me, wearing Jacob's shirt. "Well that's just great, Bella."

I scoffed at him and crossed my arms, "You can't talk about it, Edward. You're no better than me. Don't start anything now. Our daughter is ready to go to school."

He glanced over at Nessie, ready to ride to school with her dad. "Come on, sweetheart. Let's get you to school."

Edward left and I closed the door behind him. He has no right to look at me like I'm less than him for Jacob staying here. A moment later, a pair of strong arms wrapped around me and I leaned back against Jake's strong chest. He lips descended onto my neck and he placed kisses along it. I smiled and closed my eyes. Maybe I can find happiness again.

Edward POV

I dropped Nessie off at school and then headed back toward the house. I couldn't believe that he had stayed there over night. I wonder how long this has been going on. I know I have no claim over Bella anymore, but it felt like someone stabbed me in the heart when I saw him standing on the stairs and she was wearing his missing shirt. That used to be me standing in his place.

My phone buzzed, pulling me out of my thoughts. I grimaced when I saw Victoria's name flashing on the screen. "What?" I snapped as I answered the phone.

"You know, Edward, you're the one that slept with me and got me pregnant. You could be a little nicer to me."

I rolled my eyes at her dramatics, "What do you want, Victoria?"

"I want to know what time you will be done at work today. I want us to go out tonight before I get too big to go anywhere at all."

"Fine. Where?"

She laughed into the phone and I recoiled from the sound, "I want to go eat at that super nice restaurant downtown. The new one that opened last month."

I sighed into the phone and agreed to take her there tonight. If I got home in time. I might make something come up so that I wouldn't need to take her anywhere. I couldn't believe the mess that I got my life in.


Victoria sent me a text right before I got done at the university and told me that she was out shopping, so she would just meet me at the restaurant when I got off. I told her that I needed to run by the house and change first, so I would meet her at 7. When I pulled into the driveway, I glanced toward Bella's house and noticed that her lights were all off, but her car was parked out front. There's no way that Nessie was already in bed, but maybe they were all out with Jacob.

I went inside and quickly changed into something that was more appropriate for one of the nicest restaurants in town. I ran my hand through my hair, and then decided I looked good enough. I walked back outside and glanced toward Bella's house again. Something just seemed off. I saw Jacob standing in front of the house, knocking on the door. If she wasn't with Jacob, then where was she at?

Jacob saw me outside and walked toward me. "Do you know where Bella is? She isn't answering her phone."

"No, Jacob, I have no idea. I assumed she was somewhere with you."

Jacob and I walked back over to the house and he slammed his fist against the door. "Bella! Open up!"

I walked over to her car parked in the driveway and looked in through the window. "Hey, Jacob. Her eyes are still in the ignition and Nessie's backpack is in the backseat. You really don't know what's going on?"

Jacob shook his head, looking at me with wide eyes.

I pulled out my phone and called Bella's number. It went straight to voicemail. My mind began running through all of the possibilities and I told Jacob to call the police and file a missing persons report on Bella and Nessie. My phone buzzed and I looked to see Aro's name. I walked away from Jacob and flipped open the phone. "What the hell did you do with them?"

Please review! Let me hear from you. Also, go check out my new story, Broken Pieces, if you get the chance.