AN: So I am trying this new story I thought up when I started watching one piece. I don't know if I will finish it and my Chapter's are sparactic but I will try to think up some more chapters in the future so far I written three, and I kinda like them. Let me know if yall like them to.

and if I should continue


Chapter 1

When a loved one dies you're asked how, quiet often. Oh, he was shot, she got hit by a car, Plane crash, heart attack, disease, killed themselves, and lots of more other non-stupid ways to die. For me though…I think I won the-stupidest-way-to-die-unintentionally award. I mean how many people die from their own shower…really.

It was like any other normal day. I got up early before work, watched some one piece reruns while I made breakfast, fed my dog, ate an apple, and went upstairs to get ready for work. I checked my dark blonde hair out in the mirror like normal, trying to decide if it needed washing again or not. I had washed it yesterday so it should be alright, maybe? I thought, rubbing my tired blue eyes from underneath my glasses. Ugg work, don't want to go but got to make money…life so unfair. I grumbled internally as I sat my glasses on the counter and shucked my clothes into the laundry basket.

I turned on my shower water to warm and got in. Just like any other day I washed my skin until it shown a rosy pink, then my hair since I had changed my mind again about washing it. Letting my now silky hair settle back down to my back I turned off the water and went to grab my towel off the rack.

Just as my hand touched the towels white folds I heard the strangest warbling sound. I turned around only to see my shower head seeping water still. That was what was strange. I thought I turned the water off? Shrugging I bent down to turn the nob again. It wouldn't go any further so I looked back up to the shower head only to scream. The little seeping water had turned into a full-fledged upside down whirlpool! And it was sucking me in! I screamed as I turned to run, but something grabbed my ankle and pulled me back. I grabbed the curtain at last minute struggling to keep myself out of the whirling water vortex. The thing holding my ankle pulled harder making the rings of my fishy shower curtain pop off.

The light of my bathroom was the last thing I saw before the whirlpool swallowed me up.

That was how I died. Not by old age, not by getting shot, not by an accident no. I died because my shower ate me.

The fates must fucking hate me.

If the fact that I died by getting eaten by my shower didn't surprise me, then the guy standing in front of me sure did when I came too.

A tall dark haired bearded man stood in front of me. His clothes suggested he just stepped off the set of Pirates of the Caribbean, wearing a long dark red cloak, a white pheasant shirt, dark black pants and string tied boots. He had a gun strapped next to a long saber at his sided, both looked equally menacing weapons of choice.

The man grinned cheekily as he took a drag of his cigar. "SHiishiishii, well hello their poppet." He said crackling before suddenly it turned into a coughing fit. After he calmed himself down he took a look at his burning cigar and growled. "Damn things never did like them." He grumbled, tossing the cigar behind his back.

He turned back to me, his brown eyes roaming over my figure leisurely. "Well know, aren't you a little delectable tart." His grinned widen perversely as his eyes met my chest. "A delicious slice of tart indeed."

He did not just compare me to food. I glowered at the man taking a step back, my arms clutching the only form of clothes I had to cover myself with. Which just happened to be my shower curtain.

My creeper senses where going haywire, they were saying get the fudge away from this guy before something bad happens.

He grinned more and started drooling at the mouth. "Come now, Daddy Gold won't bite you, shishishi, much."

My eye twitched, he was coming closer, fucking god he was coming closer! Oh Fuck no. Got to get away now! Creeper Danger!

Backing away I swiftly ducked out of his reach as he tried to jump towards me. I took several steps back as I looked around for something anything I could use to beat away this creep. But for miles all I could see where clouds and sky. Where was I?!

The man grunted as he hit the clouded ground hard alerting me that he was still near. I trailed my eyes back to him watching him like a hawk. Like hell I was going to get raped in some heavenly limbo after just dying, nu-uh not going to let that happen.

He brought his hand up to rub his head. "That wasn't very nice, All I wanted was to cuddle your soft delectable breasts~" He wined giving me the kicked puppy look.

Like I was going to fall for that.

"No way Creep!" I growled at him. "I don't even know you! Where am I! Why am I here! Who are you! AND STOP TRYING TO TOUCH ME!" I screamed kicking his head away as he tried to wiggle closer. Literally Wiggle! GROSS!

Suddenly his hand shot up and grabbed my ankle stopping my foot from leaving his head.

"Shiishiishii… You know I can see your lady parts perfectly from here." He said drooling at the mouth again.


H-h-he can s-s-see…

I screamed, and punched him right into his creepy little eye. He let go of my ankle immediately as he was propelled backwards into the clouds.

I shivered stepping backwards that was way to close. I need to get out of here, where ever here was didn't matter anymore, all that mattered is that I'm halfway naked and this creep kept trying to touch me. No way am I staying here a second longer. I decided and turned to run in the other direction.

"Wait! I just wanted a hug! I still got to tell you something!" The creep yelled from behind me but I ignored him and ran straight into a large cloud in front of me.

It wasn't long till I ran right over some type of edge thing and then I was falling. Why do the fates hate me!

"AAAAHHHHHH!" I screamed as I passed cloud after cloud at high speeds. If I didn't die in my shower I was going to die now! I kept falling going faster and faster as gravity propelled me down.

Holy crap! Bird, don't hit the bird! I thought as I ran into some type of bird monster that tried to claw my face to death. I pushed it off me, screaming I was still falling!

A vast ocean came into view, my curtain barely staying on with all the wind whipping around me. The sun gleamed in my eyes blinding me for a brief second before I found my self-landing hard on something.

Ugg, really why do the fates hate me! I thought before I found myself blacking out.

It was a nice day on the Merry Go. The waves were as calm as they could get on the Grand line, and the sun was shining. The Straw hats had defiantly entered Alabasta's weather climates. Soon they would get Vivi home and save her country.

Everything was going according to their semi half patched plan, Nami thought watching the crew. So why did she have the feeling that something was about to happen soon? Worried the navigator narrowed her eyes and decided to do a head count.

Usopp was patching the ship where it was still partly damaged from when Wopol took a bite off it, Zoro was napping again by the mast, Chopper was running around the ship with Cauru playing a game, Vivi was sitting at the outdoor table drinking one of Sanji's sweet juices watching the two and Sanji was in the kitchen getting lunch ready.

That only leaves our captain. Nami thought looking around the deck trying to locate him. Luffy couldn't had run off far, they were on a ship out at sea after all, now where was he.

Just as she thought that Luffy came flying down from the crow's nest and slammed hard into the deck.

"Luffy!" Nami exclaimed. Startled Nami rushed down the stairs, Vivi, Usopp, Chopper and Cauru not far behind her.

Luffy was squashed to the deck by a mass of some sort of cloth covered in fishes and white feathers. He groaned. What hit him? Luffy thought.

The last thing he saw before he was hit was a bright light and then….a bird? Did a bird hit him?

Opening his eyes Luffy saw skin. Pink Skin, did birds have pink skin. Leaning back he found the skin was attached to the biggest pair of knocker's he'd ever seen, at least up close that is. Fallowing the breast up towards their owner he saw a mass of blonde hair and the passed out face of a young girl.

A bright light shown. A girl fell on top of him from the sky. And said girl is very much naked. Feathers are all around them under a blue fabric with fishes on it.

Then…This would mean…

A candle lit in Luffy's head. An Angel had fallen on him, from heaven. Everything made sense now.

"Luffy!" He heard his nakama say worriedly. The blue mass of fishes was pulled off his and the Angel's head making Luffy look up at them.

Usopp, Vivi, Chopper, Nami and Cauru all gawked at him mouths hanging down. "Oh hay guys," Luffy said sitting up making the naked girl's body slide down his, "What's up?" He asked wondering what was making his nakama react like that.

Both Nami and Vivi screamed. "What's Up?!" Nami yelled. "Is that all you can say! There's a naked woman on you Luffy and all you can say is WHAT'S UP!"

"Well, yea…" Luffy shrugged, "Oh by the way I think an Angel fell from heaven and landed on me, Nami do you know if all Angel's go around naked?" Their captain asked rubbing his head.

Nami promptly punched her idiot captain in the face. "OW! NAMI! What was that for!" Luffy exclaimed rubbing his head.

"That's for you being an IDIOT! How would I know if Angel's go around naked! And HOW ARE YOU NOT FAZED IN THE SLIGHTEST. SOMETHING IS SERIOUSLY WRONG WITH YOU!" She yelled growling at him angrily.

Vivi sweat dropped, "Um...-Nami san I don't think that now's the best time for you to be giving Luffy a lecture of the birds and the bees-"She trailed off.

"I wasn't!" Nami snapped, scaring Vivi, Usopp, Chopper and Cauru into quietness. "And what are all you just standing around for! Hurry up and help the girl off Luffy! Vivi go get her some clothes!"

"On it!" Vivi replied and rushed to the girl's bedroom.

"Usopp Go wake Zoro!"

"Right! The Great Captain Us-!"

"Now!" Nami yelled.

"YES! NAMI!" Usopp yelled tears coming to his eyes, Nami was really scary when she was angrily.

"Luffy, Stop sitting there with her on you! Rapp her up in the fabric till Vivi Gets back!" Nami yelled at him. "Do I have to?" Luffy asked looking away boardly. He kind of didn't want to move the angel, he didn't really mind the feeling of her on top of him.

"YES YOU HAVE TO! THAT'S INDECENT! LUFFY!" Nami screamed snakes coming from her mouth.

"Oi! What's with all the yelling I was sleeping, why did Usopp have to wake me up?" The swordsman grumbled scratching his head. He took in the scene in front of him. "Why is there a naked lady on top of Luffy, We starting a harem on the ship or something?" Zoro asked.

Nami's face went absolutely livid. "SHUT UP AND HELP YOU CREEP!"

"Nami-swan! Your Prince has made the most delectable lunch won't you come join me for-"Sanji paused his heart eyes turning back to normal, Nami was attempting to choke Zoro, Luffy was peering at the naked woman on his lab, Chopper was hiding behind some crates with Usopp, and Vivi just came bursting through the door with a bunch of clothes in her grip.

Sanji's vison grew dark. "Anyone want to tell me why Luffy has a prone-able innocent young woman on his lap." He growled, "And why isn't anyone beating to shit out of him for it!"


It's safe to say when Nami's world turns upside, run in the other direction no one is safe from her.

After everyone had calmed down the Straw hats were able to get the girl clothed they congregated in Chopper's make shift infirmary, which used to be one of the storage rooms.

"Well how is she Chopper?" Nami asked wondering how the girl ended up falling from the sky to on top of their Captain.

"She's okay, but she's got three bruised ribs, a fever, a slight concussion, and two swelling disks on her shoulder blades." The reindeer doctor replied. "But otherwise she'll be alright."

"That's good. So anyone find anything else that could have fallen with her?" Vivi asked wondering if there was a way to identify the mystery woman.

"Not that we know of other than the fabric she came with, Zoro's checking the deck as we speak though." Nami replied.

"Well then we'll just have to wait till she wakes up then." Chopper said deforming from heavy point.

"And when she does we can ask her to be our angel!" Luffy grinned from the door way.

"LUFFY!" Nami yelled.

Try to channel the Straw Hats Try to channel The straw hats...


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