a/n: Hello. I present a play in seven acts. Please enjoy.


"I never thought I would see it all come to an end."

"You didn't? That's hopelessly grim, and not like you at all."

"It sounds like that, doesn't it?"

Amy realized she was developing a taste for lattes.

But then, today was the first day of the rest of her life. She sipped from her paper cup through the small opening on the plastic lid.

"I'm gonna need a good job after this. No use maxing out credit cards if I can't pay 'em off," she said as she wiped her glossy lips.

"You can work with me."

She shot the white bat a look. "Legally?"

"Whatever turns you on," Rouge said with a toothy grin.

"Should have known."

"Relax, you can get in as a secretary. Maybe...my personal assistant?"

Amy gave it serious consideration.

After all, today was the day that Eggman couldn't escape. It looked to be the end of everything. Maybe he would get out of prison somehow, some day...she doubted it. G.U.N was too proud to be sloppy, at least this time. Rouge had said as much, with that all-knowing curl of her lips.

"Fetching you coffee for the rest of my life? Could be worse."

"We wouldn't be working for the military forever, you know."


"Yeah. Hey, I make a fair bit of cash on the side. I know what I'm doing," Rouge said with a satisfied smile.

"Bermuda with a jewel thief. Fun."


"Wouldn't dream of it."

Rouge smiled again and sipped her latte. "And the hubby?"

"What about him?"

"You're still interested, right?"

"Of course I am. But I guess you're thinking...with more time on my hands, I could persuade him."

"I said nothing of the sort."

"You were thinking it."

A shrug. Amy rolled her eyes at Rouge.

"You're too much sometimes, bat-girl."

"Am I?"

"You are." A pause. "This feels right, for once. Like it's really all over."

They looked out over Station Square. Damaged, but nowhere near helpless. The shell of Eggman's flag ship lay in the middle of the downtown core, a trench carved out behind it. Smouldering fires still burned in the distance. Power was slowly being restored to customers across town.

Amy had earned one light cut on her cheek for her troubles. Rouge was happy to note that she was as spotless as when she arrived on the scene hours earlier. The men, hyped up and prideful as usual, had taken on the brunt of the work. Sonic especially, who seemed like he was gliding on air rather than just bouncing as was typical.

"I think it really is over this time," Rouge said in agreement.

They were silent for a few moments more, fingers drumming on their coffee cups. Amy shifted the paper sleeve a few times, lost in her thoughts.

She turned her head towards Rouge.

"I...got to thinking."


"Do you have time to listen?"

"Not doing much else, so sure. Go ahead, Rosie."

Amy played a bit with the warm lid. "Sometimes I find myself wondering if I'm...underdeveloped."

"You're still young, hon."

"Not that. I should have been clearer. I mean..."

"Same answer. You're still young, it'll take some time."

"I don't know." Amy sighed and tapped her finger on the side of her cup. "I just feel like I'm missing something. Like I should be further along than I am."

"You mean with him?"

"In general. As a girl. Or...a woman, preferably."

Rouge took another sip from her cup. "He's an odd one, that Blue."

"He is."

"Don't measure yourself based on that. The whole process is meant to take some time."

"Did you feel the same?"

"Nah. I grew up pretty quick...circumstances, you know?"

"I see. I was thinking that I should have grown up faster."

"The orphanage?"


Rouge looked out over the city. "You're a good kid. A little sugary at times, but still. Don't go ahead and force the issue. Trust me; you'll be a miserable little flower if you do. I'm speaking from observation, of course."

"Oh." Amy took another sip of her latte, feeling the cup lighten. "I think I get it."

"Do you?"

"Yeah, a little. I just want to grow a bit. For me first, and a little bit for him. And then a little bit for everyone else."

"Why's that? For everyone else, I mean."

She shrugged. "It feels good being able to help with problems. A little maturity would make that easier, wouldn't it? Being more...um. Mother-like? Like, not totally like Vanilla or something, but...I guess closer to you. Discerning and stuff."

"Am I a role model now?"

"You might be. If only for a few reasons."

"Twist the knife in, why don't you."

"I could just pull it out and stab you again."

Rouge chuckled at that.

"I feel a bit lighter now. Thank you, Rouge."

Rouge glanced over at the smiling girl. "Sure, hon. Glad I could help."

"Any ideas on what's gonna happen next?"


"...that job offer still open?"

"Maybe..." Rouge gave Amy a sly smile, making the younger girl flinch. "You're good with nails, right?"

"You know-"

"I find myself writing off certain excursions as business related. There are ways of...getting under the radar."


"I like to investigate certain malls for suspicious activity."

"You're horrible."

"I know."

Amy finished off her cup and played with the paper sleeve again. Her eyes met Rouge's, a playful sparkle in them.

"Well, when can I start?"

"This time next week. Let me run the paperwork past Shadow."

"He'll probably say no."

"Probably." Rouge took the cup from her and tossed it into a warped trashcan along with her own.

"You really are terrible. You know that?"

"But you're working for me."

"Besides the point."

Rouge put a friendly arm around Amy's shoulders, earning a grumble. She waved to Tails with her other hand as he approached with Sonic in tow.

"Looks like the boys are back. Might as well check on them."


"You okay?"

"I will be. I guess another part of maturity is patience."

"That's true."

"I'll need a lot of it, dealing with you."

Rouge gave her another mischievous grin. "See, what'd I tell you? You're growing up just fine, Rosie."

"Go figure." She gave Rouge a knowing smile of her own before running towards her blue hero.