Welcome to the sequel of The NightStalker :) I hope everyone will enjoy this installment. I want to thank everyone for the love and support for the story. When I first started the story, it was originally going to be a 2 shot. Now I just couldn't stop writing chapter after chapter after seeing all of your reviews, private messages, and follows and favorites.

Rating/Warning; Graphic violence, sexual content, adult language, rape and suggestive themes that might not suit your needs.

So without further ado, enjoy the next one; It get even crazier than you think.


Chapter 1: Half Truths Exposed

Kitana was in the hospital room, pacing the floor over and over again, anxiously waiting for the update of her sister Lily as she was wheeled into surgery. She knew she shouldn't be giving herself any level amount of stress, due to the state of her pregnancy but she just couldn't help it. She was suppose to have the wedding of her dreams to the man she loved, the man who was the father of her child, but instead, her sisters life was on the line and she was connected to Roman and Dean from their past. She had no idea who this woman was or why the fuck she decided to show her face after all these years as of now. Why now all of a sudden? What was her motive and what the hell did she have to do with Dean and Roman anyway?

She knew they were hiding something. So to hell with everything else. She was determined to get the answers she needed one way or the other.

Her closest friend, AJ Lee came by as Kitana hugged her, her tears wetting her black tshirt as she sobbed her eyes out for the condition of her sister. She wasn't even sure if she would make it. Her status was very critical as well as the fact that Roman and the nurse told her that she was carrying an unborn baby. What made things worse, was that there was a 5% slim chance that the baby would even survive.

"Listen. It's going to be ok, I promise. Lily will survive this.." AJ consoled her hormonal emotional friend.

"We don't know that for sure." She wiped her eyes, already bloodshot from crying. "I don't even know that for sure..."

"I do." AJ tilted her chin up gently. "She's going to survive this and so will that baby..."

"Where's Dean? Where's Roman? Where is Kaitlyn?" She looked around, asking not her in general, but just for the sake of asking as she didn't know what to do with herself. She needed her friends. She needed her fiance' who was no where to be found and she was due to marry in those past 4 hours before everything started to fall apart.

"I don't know to be honest." AJ sighed, already exhausted herself. "I just know that him and Roman and stepped out to discuss a few things. That's pretty much what Corey has told me before he left himself."

"So you mean to tell me, that that dumbass Samoan just up and left, abandoning my sister in her time of need and is going to the ICU possibly, with her life and her baby on the line right now?!" She raised her voice, looking at AJ incredulously.

She was already upset, but now that quickly dissolved into anger and she was ready to explode more than once, if the police didn't show up first and give her a straight jacket.

"Ladies, if you could please lower your voice. We have other people here who are not to be disturbed."

"Why don't you take your scrawny blonde ass back to your damn seat and do your job or better yet why don't you bend over and my pregnant ass will give you a reason to be fucking-" AJ started off, ready to punch her right in her throat.

"AJ Lee, let's just go.." She glared at the nurse before she pulled them away, not wanting to be kicked out and arrested. They had other things to worry about then the nurses attitude. Now was the time to regroup and rethink. It was the time for them to figure out who this Bailey chick was and why she decided to come back after all these years and out herself to the world.

Then it would be a matter of time before Kitana plotted her revenge for what she had done to her sister.

"Corey would have a fit if he knew you were about to get in trouble again.." Kitana warned her.

AJ scoffed at the sound of her boyfriends name. "Corey can suck kiss my ass and blow me. We need to figure out where is this bitch and what the hell does she want with the guys."

"I couldn't agree more." They headed to the cafeteria down the hall to get themselves something to eat; AJ got herself a pizza while Kitana got herself a turkey pickle sandwich with fries and a apple juice.

"I know one thing; These guys better tell us what the hell is going on or we will find out either way. Because shit just got real." Kitana rubbed her belly as she was now 8 months pregnant, due by next month and she was already in danger.

Her whole family was in danger.

Something had to be done and it had to be done right now.


"How could you fuck this all up?!" Roman roared at his best friend, brother Dean Ambrose, as they had all gone back to his house. Corey and Sami Callihan were there at his house as well, called to an emergency meeting.

Roman was already angry, upset and stressed that his girlfriend was in the hospital, in critical condition and he knew damn well he should have been there for her right now instead of being here.

Of course, him and Dean were close to ripping each other apart with the fact that the bitch was back, and because of her, everything turned upside down and out.

"I fucked this up?! Have you lost your fucking mind?" He snarled at his 280 pound Samoan friend, who was this close to getting knocked out or getting his ass kicked by his friend. Either way, this was not going to go well. "You were the one that did this shit!"

"With your fucking help!" He growled. "You were suppose to have this under control and now look at what the fuck happened."

"You screwed this up, you piece of shit! You put Lily in the fucking hospital so don't even try this bullshit with me!" Dean stood face to face with Roman, both of them ready to throw blows at each other, the rage in their eyes.

"Hey Hey, shut the hell up! Listen alright!" Seth stepped in between them, forced to be the peacekeeper as things were already going straight for hell.

"We had no idea any of this would happen but it did. Now we gotta figure out what else is next and what else we have to do." Seth looked at both of them, glaring at them. "But you two need to cut this crap already. It doesn't matter whose fault it is. Bailey is back and none of us know why."

"Did you even bother to tell Kitana what happen? Or how about Lily?" Corey put in his two cents.

Dean sat down, trashing himself as he downed another cold beer he had set on the table. "I was hoping to keep that under control, but its hard to even do that. She's due to have our babies next month and she's already been through enough. I'm not going to let her get stressed out."

Roman sighed as he sat down on the sofa, his hands rubbing his face, the lines under his eyes stressed with worry and anger. "I'm sorry, alright Dean?"

"No need." He set his beer down. "Kitana won't stop digging, that I know for sure. I just know if we don't do something, then I don't know what else. I need to think."

"I think I might have a plan, but right now, we need to get to that hospital and-" Seth's phone rang as he saw it was a call from his client. Seth was a high powered attorney at a prestigious law firm and we worked his ass off to get to where he was to the top, given all the credit in the world for his work. Because of his skills and his personality and how he was able to take down all criminal cases, he was able to help all of his clients either have dropped charges against them or the charges would decrease, lessening down to a slap on the wrist so to speak.

He saw who the call was from and cursed to himself, knowing he had to see him once more as his trial was tomorrow morning. Of course, they had to go over some last minute criteria as he was due for sentencing.

"This is Seth Rollins, how can I assist you?" He spoke on the phone, away from everyone.

"Is the case wrapped up yet? I'm sick of being in this fucking cell." The man growled, pacing back and forth, already angry that he got caught in the first place.

"I'll take care of it, alright?" He assured him, keeping him under a calm order. "You have been doing your time for about three months now so everything should go into place and once the judge hears the statement, everything will fall into place."

"This better work. I'l see you in the morning."

The call ended with a soft click as Seth ran a hand through his dark hair. He had serious work to do.

But he had to get a grip on the situation at hand between Dean and Roman.


Kitana had no choice but to go home as she was resting in bed, after AJ had to mother her into getting her home. She made herself a filling sub sandwich and some pickles and was now waiting for Dean to get home.

She could feel the twins kicking and it developed a sharp pain in her side. In both of her sides.

"God...you boys have to calm down. Please sweetheart..." She groaned, sitting up holding her back.

It was going on almost midnight. Where the hell was Dean at?

She heard the door unlocking as he stepped in, setting his beer down.

She went downstairs, trying to ignore the pain as her boys kept moving inside of her. She walked down the steps carefully as she saw Dean on the couch.

"So..." She looked at him.

"Yeah?" He huffed.

"You wanna tell me what the hell is going on?"

"Kitana I'm not in the mood right now." he turned on the TV, to which she snatched the remote and turned it off.

"What the fuck did you do that shit for?" he growled at her.

"Are you serious right now?" She looked at him as if he had grown two heads. "My sister is in the fucking hospital and you just disappeared like fucking Houdini and some fucked up bitch from god knows where has my sister in the ICU and you want to just sit there like la dee da?"

"She's nothing." He stated rather calmly.

"If she's nothing, then why is she back? Who the hell is she?" She demanded, trying to ignore the way her twin unborn babies were moving inside of her.

"I told you, I will handle this." He got up and walked away from her, immediately shutting her off. But Kitana wasn't having it.

She wasn't going to end it like that.

"Damn it Dean, you don't decide to get up and walk away from me like that!" She started after him up the steps.

"I said I will fucking handle it! Fuck off with the situation!" He went to go find some clothes to take a shower.

"Oh so us trying to be together doesn't mean anything to you? Our children don't mean anything to you? I mean I thought you were telling me you loved me and that you wanted to be with me and look at how you're fucking acting!" She spat at him. "I have a right to know what the fuck is going on!"

"No the fuck you don't. It only has to deal with me, Roman, and Lily. We are going to find out what's going on and we'll get rid of Bailey but you need to butt out. You, Lily and AJ all need to butt out and mind your own business." He barked at her.

He started up the shower, trying to get away from Kitana so he could think clearly but that was getting worse by the minute.

"I want the truth, Dean. I'm not going to "butt out" just because you said so." She said mockingly. "Why don't you be a man and tell me what the hell is going on."

"I said mind your own fucking business." He stared at her, anger flashing in his blue green eyes. He knew deep down she had a right to know but he wasn't in the mood to talk about it. He was ready to go off on everyone and he was close to killing Roman tonight and the feelings were mutual with Roman as well.

"You know what? Fuck you and your whole fucking existence Dean." She stalked off.

He was blindsided with anger that his actions got the better of him as he slapped Kitana right across her face, her nose dripped with blood.

Dean realized within that second he fucked up. Big Time.

Most women would have cried and walked away.

But Dean created a monster within Kitana.

And that monster was about to kick the living well deserved shit out of him.

"Motherfucker!" She screamed as she picked up a knife, ready to stab him as he ducked.

"Wait, Kitana I'm sorry. I'm sorry sweetheart I-"

"Don't you ever put your hands on me again, you piece of shit!" She kept trying to stab him as he tried to fight her off, but the knife had cut his face as he grunted, to which he had to grab her wrists, even as the knife kept swinging at him.

She had stopped though, dropping the knife as Dean looked at her with concern.

She howled in pain as she held her stomach tightly, her contractions were getting worse by the second.

By then a gush of clear fluid had streamed out of her between her legs as she looked at Dean and he looked at her.

That only meant one thing and one thing only.

The boys were coming; Now.