Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the authors. The authors are in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Author's Note: This story is a result of the reworking by myself and my beta of a challenge issued to me by Gaara King of the Sand. The name of the Challenge is "Chaos of the Potter Family." Several things in this story will be different to how they were initially proposed in the challenge, but I have attempted to stay as faithful to the initial challenge as I possibly can while still being able to write the story the way I like.

I should also warn people ahead of time, that there will be several character portrayals that will be starkly different to the way that they are conventionally portrayed. That is all the warning you are getting that certain characters will be OOC from the way they are normally portrayed.

I will not be explaining the nature of the challenge, as the story will do that itself relatively quickly.

xXx The Chaos of the Potters xXx
xXx Arc 00: Prologue / Ch. 01: Nature vs. Nurture xXx

xXx Saturday, May 29th, 1993 xXx
xXx 2458 Local Time xXx

Ginevra Weasley, felt trapped. This was only natural due to the fact that she could currently be found laying on the floor of an incredibly damp chamber countless meters beneath Hogwarts Castle and the Black Lake under the effects of a curse that made it completely impossible for her to move. To the outside world it appeared almost as if she were already dead, however despite the fact that her eyes were closed she was fully cognizant of everything else happening inside of the chamber.

This meant that she was aware of the fact that her beloved had come to rescue her. She was aware of the fact that the accursed spirit of the Diary had forced Harry to fight that monstrous serpent. And she felt the moment when the link between her and the diary was well and truly severed… though it seemed as though she had retained a fragment of the powers granted to her by the diary, she was no longer cursed by it.

With her eyes fluttering open, Ginevra took in the sight of her beloved suffering under the venom from the Basilisk. That suffering was short lived however, as the Headmaster's phoenix leaned over Harry's wound and cried into it, causing the venom to lose its toxicity, while at the same time granting Harry an immunity to toxins that is truly beyond mortal comprehension.

Once Harry's vision cleared enough for him to recognize that Ginevra was looking at him, she cleared her throat and said, "Hello brother."

"Um… what?" Harry asked confusedly.

"I think… that we should stay in the chamber for a little while. I need to explain a few things to you. I also don't know how you are going to react to them, and it will be better for you to have a fit of accidental magic down here, rather than up in the Castle. Plus with us down here, we only have to worry about the fried chicken and the hat blabbing on us," Ginevra directed two very pointed glares at the Phoenix and hat.

The Phoenix took the hint and promptly tucked its head under its wing, choosing to ignore all further proceedings. The hat on the other hand laughed saying, "What could you possibly have to say that I don't already know, Miss Potter?"

Ginevra huffed saying, "Fair point."

"Could someone please tell me what is going on?" Harry asked.

"Okay, Harry… it is like this. I am your biological little sister. I was born about a year or so after you were. However in the aftermath of everything that happened that Halloween night, well… it seems that someone decided to mess our family up," Ginevra explained.

"I… I have a sister?" Harry said in shock.

"Yep, and I have loved you as my brother, not the boy-who-lived, pretty much since my Godmother explained the situation to me, may she rest in peace," Ginny explained.

Faster than Ginny could even blink, Harry had pulled her into him so that he could give her a hug. This was the hug of someone who had missed out on having family who only just now found a member of said family. "H-harry?"

"Don't ever leave me!" Harry said to the younger girl.

"I doubt that will happen, you see, due to the manipulations of that same individual who messed our family up, I am also your betrothed," Ginny explained.

Harry pulled away from Ginny and gave her a look, "How can I marry my sister?"

"Honestly, weirder things have happened in this society," Ginny said with a pout, she then developed a frown, "Oh, by the way, my name is actually Guinevere Lily Potter. Ginevra is just what the Weasley's have decided to call me, not sure why though, but I let them. It is actually somewhat easier and less blatant to go by Ginevra rather than Guinevere in this day and age, so that is what I generally go by."

"Well, it is nice to officially meet you, Guinevere," Harry said as he ruffled her hair, earning another pout from the girl.

"I am not afraid to hit you with my Bat-Bogey Hex, Harry!" Ginevra said as she tried to set her hair straight.

Harry frowned, "I don't want to know..."

"Anyways, I really need to warn you about a few things. First off, aside from myself, and possibly Fred and George, the Weasley family are not as benevolent as you have been led to believe," Ginny explained.

"Huh?" Harry asked.

"Harry think this through. I am your only sister. I was supposed to grow up alongside of you, yet I didn't. Where was I while you were with the Dursley's? I don't know exactly what Auntie Petunia and her husband put you through, but I have heard about them from Auntie Pandora. And what I heard doesn't paint them in a good light." Ginevra explained.

Harry developed yet another frown, "If your Auntie Pandora knew where I was, why didn't she do anything about it?"

"Well actually, I don't think she did know where you were. She had only really mentioned the Dursley family in reference to the fact that Auntie Petunia is our Mum's sister. There was never any indication that she knew you were housed with the Dursley's. Then again, she was the Matriarch of the Lovegood Clan, and with that family, who really knows what they do or don't know," Ginny explained, "I've given up trying to interpret what Luna is saying half the time as it is actually possible to get hungover without drinking a single drop of alcohol when you do try."

"What the heck could they talk about that induces hangovers?" Harry asked incredulously.

"I haven't quite figured that out, and when I went to a Muggle Bookstore to find the book that Auntie Pandora suggested as a means of explaining the whole thing… I discovered that the Muggles actually ban children under a certain age from reading said book," Ginny stated in a disgruntled manner.

"What was the title of the book in question?" Harry asked.

"The Necronomic…" Ginevra started saying, that was as far as she got before Harry burst out laughing his arse off.

"Your Godmother suggested the one book of magic that has absolutely no magic in it, huh?" Harry guffawed.

Suddenly there was a flash of light off to the side of Harry and Ginny which caused the two of them to look in that direction. Standing right in front of them was a rather scantily clad eight or nine year old girl with long lavender hair and turquoise eyes. "I would like to lodge a formal complaint with the two of you. The magic in the Necronomicon is most assuredly real… the problem is that the books that are on sale in Muggle Bookstores are the Necronomicon in name only."

"Who are you?" Ginevra asked.

The sorting hat started laughing, "Allow me to introduce you two the Lady of Hogwarts, Al Azif, otherwise known as the Necronomicon."

Harry nodded sagely, "Yes, it all makes sense now. That is the only other possible way I could come up with for explaining why Hogwarts Castle looks like it hired Maurits Cornelis Escher as its chief architect."

"Who?" Ginevra asked confusedly.

"I like you!" Al Azif cooed at Harry.

"Who is Maurts Cornelius Eschr?" Ginevra asked.

"I am going to chalk that up to the fact that you were raised by Pure-Bloods, Ginny. That said, M.C. Escher is one of the leading edge artists in a genre of art that uses geometric perspective to express the image. By and large his most famous work is a lithograph that he made which is titled "Relativity" and the reason I mentioned him is because that particular Lithograph…" Harry started to say.

"Was inspired by the Hogwarts staircases!" Al Azif crowed out overly proud of herself.

"Of course it was," Harry muttered.

"In any case, I showed up here because I also felt the need to mention something away from prying ears. Flopsy, I am classifying what I am about to tell these two under the 'affairs of the founders' act of the Hogwarts Charter," Al Azif stated.

"Which means that I cannot inform the Headmaster or any other member of the School's administration about it. As you wish milady," the hat stated, "Though I wish you wouldn't call me that."

"Azathoth will awaken before I call you anything else," Al Azif muttered. She then turned to look at Harry and said, "You have as of today, killed Tom Marvolo Riddle a grand total of three times. Now can you, or your sister tell me the significance of that?"

Harry frowned, he had no idea. Ginevra put on a look of intense concentration as she thought it over. "Are you sure he killed Tom three times?"

"Positive," Al Azif stated.

"Well… there is a law on the books, but that law is SUPPOSED to be impossible due to the fact that most people stay dead when you kill them the first time…" Ginny stated.

Al Azif nodded, "And those who don't generally fail to survive the second time you kill them."

Ginevra's eyes widened, "Harry! I… I think you just inherited all of Tom Riddle's titles, his family name and all of his Wizarding assets!"

"Huh?" Harry asked dumbfounded.

"Indeed, that is exactly what just happened. What this means is that you are now one-fourth owner of Hogwarts Castle, and by extension, my new Master," Al Azif stated, "Well at least until the other three owners decide to make their presence known to me in a manner similar to what you are doing now."

"What is it I am doing now?" Harry asked.

"Occupying the inner sanctum to the Founder who you are the heir to. I can only manifest visibly in the four sanctums. Unfortunately none of the other Founder's heirs have found the other sanctums in centuries," Al Azif explained.

"Well… actually, several people have found Rowena's… they just don't realize what they found," The hat countered.

"Yes, well be that as it may, Rowena's line is extinct thanks to Helena being pissy about who she was betrothed to," Al Azif stated menacingly.

"You are just annoyed because she purposefully decided to haunt Hogwarts just to spite you and her mother," the hat stated amusedly.

Al Azif huffed and disappeared in a flash of purple light, causing the hat to laugh as it shouted out, "I win again!"

Harry and Ginevra shared a look, and Ginevra hummed out, "I think I should continue my explanation."

"Yeah… that was beyond bizarre… so let's go with your idea…" Harry readily agreed.

"As I was saying, while you were at the Dursley's suffering only God and you know what… and I don't want to know until you are ready to tell me… I was living with the Weasley family. Until my seventh birthday, when Auntie Pandora began explaining who I really am to me, I believed I was really a member of the Weasley family. They never mistreated me… well not really anyways. And while finances had always been tight there was always enough food on the table for everyone. Harry, how do you think I feel knowing that I grew up in what was practically the lap of luxury compared to what you probably went through?" Ginevra asked her brother through her tears.

"You know, Ron always seems to be jealous of me because of my fame or my money or any other number of reasons on any given day… but you know what? I was always jealous of him over the fact that he grew up with his family… but now I have part of my family back!" Harry proclaimed as he put a protective arm around his sister's shoulder.

"Harry, it's not going to be that easy. They aren't going to simply let us be brother and sister after all of this, you know that, right?" Ginevra protested.

Harry sighed, "Yeah, yeah I had pretty much figured that out. However, you said that they had arranged a betrothal contract between the two of us, right?"


"How about the two of us play their game," Harry said as he removed his arm from his sister and knelt in front of her, "Ginevra Weasley, I would be honored if you would consent to being my girlfriend."

Ginny snorted, "Yeah, alright, I agree! You realize that Ron is going to pitch a fit when I start hanging out with you more often, right?"

"What do I care?" Harry said with a shrug, "That said, we are going to need to explain this to Hermione."

"You trust her?" Ginny asked.

"With my life," Harry responded.

"Well okay then," Ginny agreed.

"Oh, by the way, I have to explain something of my own," Harry stated.

"Oh? And what would that be, brother dearest?" Ginny asked.

Harry gulped, and said, "Well… you see… the thing is... ImightasortabefriendswithPansyParkinson…"

Ginny scowled at Harry before saying, "enunciate and breath between words, Harry."

Harry grimaced as he forcibly slowed his breathing and tried again, "I mighta sorta be friends with Pansy Parkinson…"

Ginevra gave Harry an odd look, "Okay, you're going to need to explain that one for me Harry, I thought she hated your guts."

"It's a mask that she wears when the two of us aren't alone or when she is forced to deal with other Slytherins. The thing is… the Parkinson family… well apparently Pansy's mother wanted her to have a bit more thorough an understanding of Muggle society than is normally provided in the Muggle Studies program. As it turns out, Pansy and I attended our Muggle Primary Education in the same school, and she was the only girl who our dear cousin's gang was never able to intimidate away from me," Harry explained.

"Does… does that make you her childhood sweetheart?" Ginny asked in a confused voice.

Harry snorted in amusement, "You know what… it very well might."

"Do I need to be afraid of a jealous Slytherin?" Ginny asked in a cautious voice.

"Nah, I will explain it to her before it becomes an issue," Harry answered.

"Oh… by the way. You are also betrothed to my godmother's daughter, Luna Lovegood," Ginny stated with a smirk.

"Two? I'm going to have two wives?" Harry asked in shock.

"Possibly three, if what Al Azif said bears any fruit," Ginny said mysteriously.

"Oh lord!" Harry groaned out.

"Harry, just curious here… has anyone given you 'the talk'?" Ginny asked.

"Unfortunately yes. When Pansy found out that Uncle Vernon wasn't going to do the job, she hijacked me and shoved me into Professor Snape's office while commenting to her Head of House that I needed Sexual Education," Harry grimaced.

"Oh… and Professor Snape just…" Ginny started to say.

"He did not question it at all. However that was an hour of my life that I would give anything for a vat of brain bleach. And no, the obliviate charm is not good enough," Harry muttered in a completely mortified tone of voice.

"Okay… I may be willing to forgive most of the stuff Pansy pulls… but she is getting pranked for subjecting you to that," Ginny stated, "Oh and while I am on the subject, we need to start training you as a prankster. You are woefully behind on your training as the son of a Marauder. Oh and never mention your relation to that group to Fred or George unless you want them to start worshiping the ground you walk on, and I mean that literally… they will grovel."

"Hey, sis? Why do the Weasley's and whoever placed you with them want you to marry me?" Harry asked.

"I honestly don't know. When Auntie Pandora took me to Gringotts so I could access my Trust Vault, she also had one of the clerk's fetch the contract in question. From what I managed to decipher and had explained to me, it is a pretty standard betrothal contract… I mean aside from the fact that siblings aren't supposed to get married," Ginny explained.

"So the contract didn't provide a motive?" Harry questioned.

"About the best that I could possibly come up with is something that paints my adoptive family in a rather nefarious light," Ginny stated.

"Tell me what you think," Harry asked.

"Well… it is possible, given how many times you have had to kill a dead man so far, that someone out there thinks you will not survive a true final confrontation with Tom. My thought is that my family wants me to become pregnant with your child prior to your death. Even if we have not married, if I am both your betrothed and pregnant with your child, with no other possible heirs, then I inherit everything, even if you had other betrothed…" Ginny explained.

Harry groaned. "And since it is clearly not common knowledge that you were born a Potter, they could force you to hand your inheritance over to the Patriarch of the House of Weasley under those blasted antiquated coverture laws this society still upholds… especially if you are still a minor at the time."

"I'm impressed you knew that without me needing to explain it for you," Ginny stated in awe.

"Childhood friends with a Pure-Blood Princess, remember?" Harry asked.

"Right…" Ginny said with a shiver, "I was actually trying to repress that fact."

"She's not nearly as bad as she pretends," Harry said with a grin,

"Yeah… still doesn't change the fact that I grew up trying to avoid her at all costs," Ginevra admitted.

"Right… anyways we had best get going. I didn't come down here alone. Ron is back towards the entrance trying to dig us an exit because Flophart dropped the ceiling down on us," Harry commented as he scooped up the hat and grabbed the hilt of the sword with the same hand, while holding an arm out for Fawkes to fly to.

Once the group was situated they made their way back towards where Ron was. Once they arrived and alerted Ron to their presence, the ginger cried out, "About ruddy time, what the bloody hell kept you!?"

"Oh… well first Harry had to fight valiantly to save my life from a cursed artefact and defeat a dangerous fifty foot one thousand year old basilisk with nothing but a sword. Then we got talking, and Harry began professing his undying love for me…" Ginny cooed at her adoptive brother.

Harry snorted at that explanation and how it left out exactly why his love for her was undying.

"Oh nattering hell. You couldn't stop at being famous and rich, you also have to go after my sister too?" Ron said in irate jealousy.

Ginny for her part actually had to blink at the seething jealous ginger, "Are… are you actually crushing on me? EEEEWWWW! Not in a million eons, Ron!"

Harry looked askance of his sister, and said, "You know what an eon is, but not who Escher is?"

Ginny's response was to simply stick her tongue out at Harry in a rather childish display. However the siblings didn't fail to pick up on the fact that Ron had gone silent and turned his head away as a massive blush appeared on his face confirming the fact that he was indeed crushing on Ginny. That just caused Ginny to shudder in revulsion.

Eventually the group, plus Lockhart, managed to return up the shaft and back into the school proper thanks to Fawkes' assistance.

xXx Chapter End xXx

Author's Note 1: There will from now on be a link to a forum post on my author's profile page that lists the character profiles of all the prominent characters that appear in this story. Feel free to review it at your leisure.

Author's Note: I owe everyone an apology in regards to my other stories. I have been having a considerably difficult time just picking a story to focus on. However Gaara King of the Sand has been very patiently waiting for me to conclude the story Tywysoges o tŷ o Gigfran, which I won't have updated for a year as of tomorrow. Since I do not feel very comfortable writing a story about a protagonist that I cannot truly get into the mindset of without there being a corresponding male protagonist to go alongside of her, I offered to fulfill one of his challenges, and this story is what came from that offer. I am hoping to be able to finish this one. As always, please read and review, but please don't leave nasty reviews.