Disclaimer: I own neither Naruto nor the Legend of Korra. This is strictly a work of fanfiction that's being written and published without any intention of making a profit.

Author's Notes

Warnings: AU, Older (19), Bender, OOC-ish Naruto. Slightly altered history of the bending world. Potential rule-breaking regarding the methodology behind the four bending styles, the applications of the bending styles, and the functionality of anything related to the spiritual side of the Avatar universe.

A handful of other Naruto characters will make appearances throughout this story and just like Naruto himself, they will be AU versions of their canon equivalents. Chakra, for all intents and purposes, will not exist.

Naruto's heritage and personal history are not canon. While I'll be trying to keep his personality mostly in-line with his canon counterpart, expect some noteworthy differences here and there due to differences in their upbringing.

Naruto will be rather powerful throughout this story in comparison to the average individual in the bending world. While I don't think I'm turning him into a complete Gary Stu this go around, if you typically don't enjoy stories with main characters that are at least a touch on the overpowered side, this isn't likely to be something you'll find enjoyment in reading.

Pairings: Naruto/Korra. Asami, Bolin, Mako and a few others will all end up in a pairing of some sort eventually as well, but I'll be keeping them under wraps as most of them impact the plot in one way or another.

Credit where it's due: Several other fanfics that I have read have given me ideas or otherwise inspired me to write this. Foremost among them and the one story that I would feel downright sleazy about failing to credit in at least some manner is Engineer4Ever's "The Tides Change Once More." Not only did it suck me into the Naruto/LoK crossover universe, but it was also the first story I had read that portrayed Naruto as both an Earthbender and a member of the Beifong family. If that story didn't exist, then this one wouldn't either.

You are not alone.

Chapter 1


"You can explain yourself all you like down at headquarters, but you're still under arrest."

Standing before the aged Metalbending officer and two of his underlings while the others rounded up the gangsters within the recently destroyed shop next to her, Korra quickly released the grip she had on the metal cables that ran back to a sleek arm-guard on the officer's uniform as he retracted a portion of them. Whipping his arm, he made an attempt to quickly wrap them around her torso, but she quickly fell backwards into a smooth roll to dodge. Nimbly rolling up to her feet, her gaze shot up just in time to spot her trusty Polar Bear Dog slamming into the man's back and sending him sprawling down to the ground.

'Good girl, Naga.'

"What are you idiots doing?! Grab her!"

Seeing the officer push himself back up to his feet with two subordinates now rushing in to assist him, Korra quickly turned and hopped onto the saddle strapped to Naga's back. "Go girl, run," she cried, grabbing the reigns and tugging them off to the side. Obeying without hesitation, the large beast quickly turned and started to run away, quickly picking up speed.

"Pursue the suspect!"

Arcing her head over the back of her shoulder, Korra quickly spotted the three of the uniformed men chasing after her on foot.

'Gotta get back onto the main road, there's too many turns here to outrun them.'

Tugging on Naga's reigns again, her companion slowed down and made a sharp turn. Turning her gaze to the side, Korra spotted the officer who had started this entire situation in mid-air and closing in on her. Raising up a leg, she let him slam face-first into her boot before pushing him away as Naga started to regain her previous momentum, quickly putting some distance between them. Keeping herself low on the saddle, the duo quickly progressed down the long street towards a small stone bridge that arced over a stream.

"C'mon girl, faster! We need to get to Tenzin before theEEEEEEEEAAAH!" Korra screamed, feeling something suddenly wrap around her ponytail, snap her head back sharply and attempt to pull her off of the saddle. Straining to keep her eyes open because of the sharp pain in her scalp and neck, she barely managed to notice the glimmer of the sun's rays reflecting off of the water beneath the bridge she was now crossing. Raising both of her arms, she swirled her palms around and brought up a large amount of the liquid behind her. Clenching her fists, the sizable barrier that it had formed quickly transformed into a wall of solid ice.


Glancing back over her shoulder as the force trying to pull her backwards vanished, Korra spotted one of the Metalbenders who had been chasing her embedded in the far side of the ice wall. 'Asshole must have caught my hair with one of his cables. Spirits that hurt.'

Turning her gaze back to her front, Korra's eyes went wide at the sight of a man with spiky blond hair standing on the other side of the bridge in an odd stance that she couldn't immediately identify: both of his forearms bent up at a sharp angle with his palms turned up and fingers slightly curled. Standing his ground even as Naga continued rushing towards him at her full speed, his fingered curled inwards further and he stomped on the ground – an action that opened a large hole on the road Naga was just about to step onto.

"Naga stoAAAAAAH!" Shouting as she and her companion tumbled over the edge of the hole, Korra heard Naga release a panicked bark. Their shared fear was quickly brought to an end, however, when they both quickly slammed into the bottom of the pit with a muffled thud, sending thousands of sand particles into the air.

'Sand? How did he…?'

A loud smacking noise redirected her attention to Naga, the Polar Bear Dog's floppy ears slapping against herself as she shook her head and rose back up to her feet.

"You okay girl?"

A happy sounding bark was an affirmative enough answer for Korra's liking. Letting out a relieved sigh, she glanced upwards and quickly noted that the pit was only somewhere around fifteen feet deep. A moment later, her eyes honed in on the blond standing up at the lip of the pit. Clad in an orange, long-sleeved tunic, a thick band of metal wrapped over his left bicep, loose black pants and a pair of black, open-toed boots, he struck quite the figure. Three black, whisker-like markings ran along either of his cheeks and his cerulean blue eyes were peering down at her.

"You both alright down there?!"

"Yeah, we're fine!" A beat passed, clarity returning to her as the adrenaline began to wear off. Brow beginning to tick, Korra felt anger well up in her belly. "What the Hell were you thinking?! You could have really hurt Naga!"

"Oh keep your pants on, the sand was there so you two wouldn't get hurt!"

Opening her mouth to retort, Korra promptly snapped it shut as she heard a series of thumps followed by the sounds of footsteps and clinking metal. Another moment passed before the Metalbending officer she had kicked moved into view, standing atop the edge of the pit to glare down at her. Raising an arm, he quickly beckoned over the two other officers that had been pursuing her – one looking to be in pristine shape while the other's nose was bent sharply to the side and blood ran liberally down his nostrils.

"Restrain her."

Before she could do little more than slightly raise her arms, Korra found herself bound tightly by four separate metal cables – one shooting out from each gauntlet that the two men wore. Wriggling within them to try and free herself, she couldn't so much as raise a finger.

"Beifong…why am I not surprised to see you here?"

All struggling stopped as the familiar name reached her ears. Keeping her gaze upwards, her eyes quickly locked onto the blond that the question had obviously been directed at.

"Geez, the way you say that makes it sound like you didn't want my help."

"I didn't. You know the law; you shouldn't have interfered in our pursuit."

"Pursuit, huh? Is that what you guys are calling it nowadays? If I hadn't seen the trick little Miss Waterbender here had pulled on one of your men at the bridge, I wouldn't have even known she was being chased. Maybe lay off the doughnuts at the station a little? You guys are getting kinda slow."

"Always the funny man, aren't you?" The irritation in the officer's tone was obvious even from Korra's perspective.

"I sure like to think so." The blond chuckled. "Anyway, can you guys take it from here? I nee-"

"You won't be going anywhere. This road was Republic City property and we have standing orders from the chief to bring you in if you damaged any form of public property again. You'll be coming into the station with us."

"…Say what now?"


"Hands behind your back."

"…Really Chouji?" Naruto deadpanned, staring blankly at the young Metalbending officer who had given him the command. He had a headful of spiky light-brown hair and, though his face held a bit of fat on his cheeks, he looked to be quite fit while clad in his uniform. "Platinum cuffs are bad enough as is, but behind the back too?"

"Sorry," he smiled sheepishly, glancing to the police-brand Satomobile that his commanding officer – the man who had ordered Naruto's detainment – had been seated within ever since it had arrived several minutes ago. "I've got orders, nothing personal."

Sighing, the blond turned around and pulled his arms backwards, placing his hands next to one another at the small of his back. "Get on with it then."

"Thanks for doing this without a fight." Chouji chuckled even as he slapped a pair of cuffs around Naruto's wrists. "I didn't exactly look forward to trying to forcefully restrain you. Looks bad enough when you hit people with Pro-Bending discs, I don't even wanna imagine what you can do with a real chunk of stone."

"…Y'know, I think I'd normally be flattered by that, but something about being arrested by the guy who says it kind of spoils the compliment a little."

"I figured, but what can you do?" Grabbing his shoulder, Chouji turned him around and nudged him in the direction of the sole ground vehicle in the area.

"You guys are putting me in the same Satomobile as the person I helped you catch? There's no way that's standard procedure."

"Heh, it isn't, but the girl you helped us catch isn't exactly what I would call standard. Besides, you'll both be cuffed."

"Isn't what you would call standard? What do you mean by that?"

"Well we haven't confirmed it yet, but the reason we were pursuing her in the first place was because she got in a tussle with the Triple Threats. They apparently duked it out and, at least according to witnesses, she used Water, Earth and Firebending against 'em."

Pausing mid-step, Naruto slowly turned himself partially around and looked the man in the eye. "Are you telling me that I met the freaking Avatar and the first thing I did was help get her arrested?"

Choji blinked a few times before smiling. "You said it, not me."

"…Touché." Chortling, Naruto let himself be gently pushed towards the back of the Satomobile and waited as Chouji stepped around him to open up the door and reveal the small interior. Seated on one of the built-in benches that lined both inner-walls was none other than the dark-skinned brunette he had helped capture. There were no longer cables wrapped around her body to restrain her, but her hands were locked in front of her with a pair of handcuffs. She turned towards him as the door was opened, her blue eyes locking with his own for a moment before she promptly snorted and turned her head away.

'So that's the Avatar, huh?'

"Hop up and mind your head."

Doing as ordered, Naruto crouched down slightly and hopped into the vehicle, taking a seat both across and slightly to the side of his fellow detainee so their knees wouldn't be poking into one another.

"You two play nice now, you hear? Don't go trying to hurt each other or the Sergeant will pull over and call us down to restrain you further." Slamming the door shut before either of the teens could retort, Chouji slammed two meaty smacks upon it and walked off. As if the smacks were a signal of some sort, the engine of the Satomobile quickly roared to life and the vehicle began to move.

'Tch, as if I'd start something in here. Aunt Lin's probably going to crucify me as is, I don't need to add more fuel to that fire.'

Shaking his head in an attempt to ward of thoughts of the unpleasant conversation that was likely going to be had far too soon for his liking, Naruto let his eyes wander back to the teenage girl across from him. Even with her face turned mostly away from him, he could still easily see that she was quite attractive. Her wavy brunette hair was tied up into a ponytail with another handful of it funneled through blue bands that that rested upon either side of her face. The way her sleeveless, light-blue tunic clung to her torso highlighted not only the curves of her breasts, but also the toned abdominal muscles she possessed. The style of the aforementioned tunic along with the various wraps she had on her arms, the leather tunic tied around her waist, the dark-blue coloration of her pants and the leather boots upon her feet made it quite obvious to anyone who would spared her even a passing glance that she was likely born in one of the Water Tribes.

Naruto leaned forward, the vibrating walls of the Satomobile growing too uncomfortable for both his head and his back. Turning his head to keep looking in his fellow teen's direction, he smiled softly. "So, word on the street is you're the Avatar?"

The girl's head snapped over to look at him, her eyes boring into his own once again, though this time surprise was written across her features more so than disdain.

"How did you…?"

"The cop who chucked me in here is a friend of mine. He gave me a basic rundown of what happened. Scuffle with the Triple Threats, right?"

"Triple Threats?"

"Yeah. You know, the Triple Threat Triad? One of the biggest gangs in the city? Ringing any bells?"

"Nope. I haven't been here that long, so I don't really know much about things like that." The girl's shoulders suddenly slumped and her head dipped down slightly. "Not even in the city for an entire day and I already got myself in trouble," she muttered under her breath.

"Heh, well I probably didn't help things by trapping you in a pit. Sorry about that by the way." Naruto offered her a sheepish grin.

"…It didn't end up hurting me or Naga, so I guess it's alright." The brunette's head suddenly perked up, suddenly looking a lot more interested in speaking to him. "How'd you make that sand at the bottom of the hole so fast? It takes me freaking forever to grind up Earth enough to make it."

'…Right, all four elements, not just the one. I really need to stop thinking she's a Waterbender just because of her clothes.'

"I guess being an awesome Earthbender just runs in my family."

"That's right, you're a Beifong!" Eyes wide and a smile pulling at her lips, the brunette suddenly looked as if she was about to start bouncing off of the walls.

"Sure am. Naruto Beifong at your service," the blond bowed his head slightly. "I'd offer to shake your hand but…" Shifting his hands around behind his back, he made his cuffs clink off of one another to make his point.

"Korra," the girl introduced herself in return. "So you're Toph's…grandson?"

"One of 'em, yep."

"One of them? There's more than just you?"

"Mhmm. I've got four brothers and a sister. …Well, technically half-brothers and a half-sister, but it's the same thing for all I care."

"Wow, I had no idea!" Korra leaned towards him slightly. "I'd only ever heard of her daughter that became the Chief of Police, but I don't even know her name."

"Uuuugh!" Naruto let his body and head lull back until the back of his skull was pressed up against the inner-wall of the Satomobile. "Don't remind me! She's gonna tear me a new one when we get to the station."

"Err, why would she do that? Isn't it your job to stop the bad guys?"

'My job?' Naruto pondered, leveling his head to gaze at his counterpart again.

"Not that I'm a bad guy or anything," Korra insisted, raising up her hands and waving them with her palms facing out. "But I can kinda see why you and the other Metalbenders thought I was."

'Oh,' Naruto had to resist the urge to smack his head against the wall when realization dawned upon him. 'I get it now.' "I don't work for the police."

"But I thought…"

"That I worked for the police because I'm a Beifong?"

"Yeah, I guess I did," Korra admitted with a rueful smile. "Sorry, I just kind of assumed..."

"I've gotten used to it, so no worries. People always seem to assume one thing or another about me because of my family," Naruto shrugged. "I have a standing offer to join the police if I ever really want to, but Pro-Bending is more fun and pays a lot better."

"Wait, what? You're a Pro-Bender?!"

"Mhmm. You're a fan?"

"Sort of?" Korra said, the inflection in her voice making it seem like a question more so than a statement. "I've heard about it and it sounds fun, but I've never seen a match or anything. Kinda hard to do that in the South Pole."

"Fair point," Naruto chortled. "Even if you had the benders for it, I can't imagine many people would be willing to freeze their asses off just to go down there and watch the matches. I take it you just heard about it through word of mouth or something then?"

Korra nodded after thinking for a moment. "Pretty much. I overheard a few members of the White Lotus talking about it every once in a while. They always talked about the teams they liked more than anything else, but they made it sound like the bending going on was amazing anytime it got brought up."

"The bending skill in most matches is definitely up there, but it isn't anything super impressive, so don't get your hopes too high. I could fill you in on the basics of everything about it if you want? We should have some time to kill until we get to the station anyway."

"Sure, that sounds good."

"Alright then." Spotting the small smile that stretched across Korra's lips made his own curl slightly upwards. "Well then, I guess the rules are as good a place to start as any…"

"Seriously? They just let that kinda thing happen?"

"Unfortunately," Naruto chuckled upon seeing Korra's incredulous expression. "I've heard that they don't get paid particularly well, so it isn't too much of a stretch to think they'd take a bribe to look the other way when the Wolfbats start cheating. The whole thing still left my team and a bunch of other people pissed off though."

"Well yeah! I mean, it sounds like you guys would've won otherwise, right?"


"Then I'd be pissed off too! The whole thing sounds so…so…" the brunette trailed off as she searched for the right word.


"That," Korra snapped her fingers and nodded. "I bet the crowd wasn't very happy either if the cheating was as obvious as you said."

"Heh, no they were not. You should've heard how loud nearly everyone in the stadium was booing, it was crazy."

"I can imagine," the brunette closed her eyes for a moment and let a thin smile cross her face.

"Still looking forward to seeing a match sometime?"

Korra's eyes snapped back open, but her smile remained in place. "Yep. The rules with the zones and the discs sound kind of silly, but it still sounds like it'd be amazing to watch. The way you talked about the crowd really makes me wanna be there to see what it's like myself."

"Well, if we get out of this whole situation without being sent to jail, I might be able to help with that." Naruto grinned. "How would you like to see a match from the best seats in the stadium?"

"You can do that?"

"Oh yeah, me and Sakura bring in kids all the time to watch the matches from the locker room, so I could get you in without a problem. It's the least I could do after what happened earlier."

Suddenly, the Satomobile drastically slowed and made a sharp turn. Though both teens held their positions on the bench well enough, they both tensed slightly as the vehicle came to a complete stop and the engine was cut. The loud clinking of metal armor moving about followed shortly thereafter along with the driver's side door of the vehicle being opened and then slammed shut.

"Sergeant," a masculine-sounding voice greeted tersely. "Beifong and the Avatar?"

'Aw crap, I was hoping it'd be a day or two before I got grief from him about this too.'

"Yes, Sir."

"I have orders from the chief to escort them both to the interrogation rooms. Are they both still restrained?"

"Yes Sir, standard cuffs for the Avatar and platinum cuffs for Beifong. All by the book."

"Good," the all-too-familiar voice claimed before one of the men snapped their fingers. Promptly afterwards, the clinking of metal armor began again and approached the back of the Satomobile. Moments later, the door was pulled open to reveal five Metalbending Police Officers standing close by. The Sergeant who had arrested both of the teens was lurking behind them all and standing next to a familiar black-haired, onyx-eyed teen.

"Hey guys." Naruto stood up and smiled in the face of the nearby Metalbenders. "I appreciate the gesture, but the welcome party isn't really necessary." The group of men smiled back, one even breaking into soft chuckles, but they didn't move from their positions.

"Not this time. The chief wants a word with you."

"Aww c'mon Sasuke!" Hopping down from the Satomobile, Naruto skirted through the Metalbenders and moved towards the two other men until they were within arm's reach. "You're supposed to have my back here!"

"I have your back in the arena, not when you go and get yourself arrested." Though his face was mostly stoic, the corners of his lips curved just slightly upwards.

"Oh come on, it's practically the same thing!"

"No, it really isn't."

"Is too!"

"…I'm not arguing over this."

"What's the matter? Too scared you'll lose?"

Sasuke's lips curved upwards another inch even as he closed his eyes, chuckled and shook his head. "You are such an idiot."

"What was that? You wanna go buddy?!" Pulling his hands out from behind his back, Naruto squared up his fists in a comical manner, the cuffs that had been restraining his arms dangling loosely around his left wrist. He pointedly ignored how the nearby Sergeant tensed up and the gob smacked look that crossed his face. "Put 'em up, loser! Let's do this!"

Sasuke opened his eyes and sighed wearily. "Let's just go inside and get this over with. I've got a mountain of paperwork to do and I don't feel like staying late just because I have to deal with your nonsense."

"Take all the fun out of it, why don't ya'?" Naruto sighed and let his arms drop to his sides. "Fine, I guess we'll do it your way. Should I put my hands behind my back and pretend I'm still cuffed or…?"

"That depends. Does the chief know you can get out of those?"

"She should. I had to show her the same bending shtick I showed you and Sakura – she wouldn't believe me otherwise."

"Nor should she." Sasuke paused and seemed to ponder for a moment before giving a curt nod. "If she knows then feel free to keep them off. So long as I don't get my ass chewed out over it, I don't really care."

Reaching over with his freed right hand, Naruto grabbed part of the cuff and pulled, the muscles in his right bicep straining as the metal slowly bent just enough to slip his wrist through. Once his hand was freed, he let the metal device unceremoniously fall to the floor. "Thanks man, this is so much better. Those things make my wrists sweat like you wouldn't believe."

"H-he…Y-you…" Turning, the blond's eyes fell upon the Sergeant once again. The man had his index finger held out towards him in an accusatory manner while his face had paled and his eyes had gone wide.


"Impossible," the man finally managed to say. "That's impossible."

"What is?" Naruto asked and followed the man's eyes as they flickered down towards the floor. "Oh, getting out of the cuffs? Nah, nothin' to it."

"They're made of pure platinum! It's impossible to bend a metal that's so pure!"

"Just like it was impossible to bend metal at all until my grandma figured out how to do it. We figure out how to do impossible things with bending all the time, it isn't that big of a deal." Naruto redirected his gaze to Sasuke. "Can you believe this guy? Impossible he says. Hah!"

"I can't exactly fault him. No one else has done it before and it isn't as if you've made a big deal about being able to do it."

"…Fair enough, I guess."

Hearing the clinking of metal armor suddenly approach him from behind, Naruto turned his head over his shoulder to see the Metalbenders he had passed before standing in a u-shaped formation with Korra standing in the middle of them.

"Orders, Sir?"

"Throw them both in interrogation room three," Sasuke commanded, his voice growing authoritative.

"Are you sure that's wise, Lieutenant?" The Sergeant next to him asked, still looking as if he had recently seen a ghost, though he had obviously recovered from his shock to a certain degree. "Standard procedure says t—"

"Are you questioning my orders?" Though Sasuke didn't sound angry as he turned his head towards the man, but there was a certain hardness in his eyes that demanded obedience.

"N-no, Sir."

"Interrogation room three," the Lieutenant repeated as he turned back to regard the other officers. "The chief can separate them herself if she feels the need to whenever the time comes. Understood?"

"Yes, Sir!"

"Thanks for this, my son's a huge fan."

"No problem at all," Naruto chuckled as he finished signing a small black-and-white poster that displayed an image of himself, Sasuke and Sakura posing for a picture in their Pro-Bending uniforms. Capping the marker he had been given, he handed both it and the poster back to the portly middle-aged Metalbender who had lingered in the interrogation room after the others had stayed. "Who's his favorite?"

"Ah, Sakura," the man admitted sheepish smile as he pocketed both of the items. "We recently found out he's a Waterbender so…"

"I gotcha. Can't really fault him even if he was some other kind of bender, she is pretty amazing."

"Heh, yeah. Well, I should go before I get dinged for this. Thanks again man!"

Without glancing back, the man walked through the open door before it promptly slammed shut. Barring a large, treated glass window that stretched across one wall, the room was composed entirely of metal – even the table and chairs were made of the sturdy material.

"That kinda thing happen a lot?"

"Mhmm." Chuckling, Naruto turned to lock gazes with Korra. Sitting across from him, the brunette had her cuffed hands on the table and was fidgeting with her fingers. 'Probably nervous about what's going to happen.' Memories of his Aunt directing her ire towards him ran through his mind and he shivered.

"Heh, I guess you were telling the truth about being one of the top teams then."

Naruto snapped out of his thoughts and arced a brow. "Did you think I was lying or something?"

"Well not really, but I mean come on…" Korra trailed off with a nervous laugh. "I just met you and you claim to be this super well-known Pro-Bender that I had never heard of before. I'd be stupid to not be at least a little suspicious."

"Fair point," Naruto conceded after a brief pause. "That's probably a good mentality to have if you're planning on staying in the city."

"What do you mean?"

Sighing, the blond reclined back against the chair. "I think I heard you say in the Satomobile earlier that you've only been in the city for a day now, right?"

"Yeah." Korra suddenly looked sheepish. "Just since this afternoon, actually."

"Right. Well, since you haven't been here long enough to see it, you should know that Republic City isn't exactly the friendliest of places. If you meet four people on the street, odds are that at least one of them belongs to a gang. Seeing as you went and pissed off the biggest gang in the city already…"

"They'll probably be out to get me." Korra finished before snorting in amusement. "Let them try then. If they're anything like those other chumps, I probably won't even break a sweat."

"If you say so." Naruto shook his head and laughed softly. "I'm curious though, what made you get into a scuffle with them in the first place?"

The sound of movement to his left drew the blond's attention away as Korra made to respond. Slowly, part of the metal wall slid open to reveal the familiar figure of his Aunt clad in her uniform.

"I'd like to know that as well." Lin stepped into the room, clipboard in hand and a scowl etched onto her face. "Multiple counts of destruction of city property, evading arrest, not to mention assault of a police officer." Stopping as she reached the metal table, she slammed her clipboard down harshly as she turned and glared at Korra. "You're in a heap of trouble, young lady."

"It's not my fault! Those thugs were threatening a shopkeeper, I couldn't jus—"

"Can it! If that's your excuse, you should have just called the police and minded your own business. Protecting citizens of Republic City is our job, not yours."

"Actually it kinda is he—"

"And you!" Lin turned towards Naruto, her eyes narrowing dangerously. "This is the fifth time you've been seen destroying city property in the past two months! Not only that, but you've gone and interfered with a police pursuit! So please, what's your excuse this time? I'm just thrilled to hear what it is."

"…Seriously? That Sergeant is trying to pin me with interfering with a pursuit? The other officers weren't even remotely nearby when I made the hole for her to fall in!"

"So you don't even deny destroying the road?"

"I mean, it was a stone road and all I did was lower it down a little and grind some of the Earth beneath it into sand." Meeting his Aunt's gaze, Naruto grinned. "I'd say it's more modifying than destroying." The glare he received in response made it clear that the jest was not welcome.

"Admission to one count of destruction of city property." Lin trailed off for a moment as she slipped a pen out of the clipboard and marked something down on the paper pinned to the top. "You are denying the interference charge, I presume?"

"Aw c'mon Aunty, ca—" Naruto cut himself off as the woman slammed her clipboard on the table and glared harshly at him once again.

"Within these walls, I am not your Aunt and you will get no special treatment from me! Is that understood?"

Sighing in frustration, Naruto turned his gaze across the table to see Korra glancing from him to Lin and back again. She sent him a small, uneasy smile that he was grateful for despite the fact he knew his expression didn't show it at that moment.

"Is that understood?!"

"I heard you the first time," the blond grumbled in irritation, keeping his gaze straight ahead. "Yes, I understand. Sorry, won't happen again."

A few moments of tense silence passed before Lin picked up the clipboard from the table again. "Do you deny the charge of interfering in a police pursuit?"

"Yes. I didn't impede your Metalbenders in any way."

"Was anyone in the area who would be able to corroborate your claim?"

"I'm not sure," Naruto sighed, closing his eyes and trying to envision the scene again. "One of the other officers might, bu—"

"I can." Both of the Beifongs' gazes quickly turned towards Korra.

"You?" Lin's voice sounded as if she were about to scoff. "You're in even more trouble than he is. Why should I believe a single word that comes out of your mouth?"

The brunette looked a bit insulted. "Because I'm the Avatar, it's my duty to h—"

"Help people, save the world, blah, blah, blah. Save the shtick for someone else, I'm well aware of who you are and what your job is supposed to be. Your little title might impress some people and get you out of trouble in other places, but in my eyes, you're nothing more than a bender who decided to try to dish out vigilante justice. So again, why should I believe anything you have to say?"

'Someone definitely woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. I wonder what has her even more crabby than usual?'

The sound of metal shifting drew Naruto's gaze towards the wall. Only a small portion of the wall had opened to reveal an officer's face.

"Chief, Councilman Tenzin is here and wants a word."

"Tsk, of course he does." Lin sighed after a moment and set her clipboard on the table before turning around to face the wall. "Send him in."

Nodding, the officer closed the window before an unseen door slid open. Clad in traditional Airbender attire with a red cape draped over his back and shoulders, Tenzin strode calmly into the room. He stopped at arm's length away from Lin, taking a moment to observe the room's occupants.

"Tenzin…" Korra began, looking incredibly sheepish once again. "Sorry, I got a little side-tracked on my way to see you."

'Well he's definitely pissed.' Naruto watched the man's brow twitch slightly despite the deep, calming breath he was taking. 'Then again, I guess I can see why considering the circumstances.'

"Lin," Tenzin stated with a smile that was obviously plastered on. "You're looking as radiant as ever.

"Cut the crap, Tenzin." Lin's voice gave away nothing but her irritation. "Why is the Avatar in Republic City? I was told you were intending to move to the South Pole to train her."

"Given the current state of the city, I have delayed my relocation. The Avatar was meant to remain in the South Pole until such a time that I would be able to fully commit to her Airbending training. I intend to send her back immediately."

"But I –"

"If you would be so kind as to drop the charges," Tenzin raised his voice slightly, blatantly ignoring Korra's attempt to interrupt him. "I will take full responsibility for the events leading up to her arrest and personally cover all of the damages that were caused."

'Oh, I guess she isn't supposed to actually be here. That…explains a lot, actually.'

A few long and tense moments passed in silence. Eventually, Lin glanced over her shoulder for a moment before sighing. "Fine," she stated with a wave of her hand that unlocked Korra's cuffs. "Get her out of my city. I'll have a list of the damage she caused sent to Air Temple Island."

"A pleasure as always, Lin. Korra, come with me."

"Uh, should I come too?"

"No, you stay." Lin's head snapped towards him. "Tenzin may have inadvertently taken responsibility for the damages you caused to the road, but that doesn't mean you're completely off the hook. Your claim about the pursuit still needs to be corroborated by my Metalbenders."

"Oh come on! We both know I wouldn't actually get in their way!"

Lin looked angered, but she restrained herself momentarily and looked towards Korra who was lingering at the table. "Leave. This is no longer any of your concern."


"She's right," Tenzin called from the door. "What Naruto has or has not done is no business of ours. Let's go."

'Abandoning me to my doom, huh?' Glancing over and catching the older man's gaze, Naruto narrowed his eyes slightly. 'Alright, fine. We'll see how you like it when I teach Meelo a new trick or two.' Korra shot him a sympathetic look as she walked out that he was once again found himself thankful for. This time he was in the right state of mind to at least grace her with a small smile in return.

After the duo walked out of the room, the door slid shut once again. Lin took that opportunity to move to the seat the brunette had left vacant and ease herself down onto it.

'That isn't a good sign.' Noting that his aunt still looked angry, he closed his eyes and sighed. 'I have a feeling this is gonna take a while.'

"Thanks again for running the boat this late."

"Not a problem kid." The old, spectacled sailor laughed. Even under the darkness of night, Naruto could see the muscles that rested just beneath his tanned skin. "Besides, I'm pretty sure my grandson would never let me hear the end of it if I didn't help you out."

"Oh yeah? It's Inari, right?"

"Sure is. He practically worships the ground you walk on ever since you took him backstage to watch one of your matches." The man's expression slowly sobered. "I don't think me or my daughter could ever thank you enough for doing that, by the way. I think that was the first time he ever smiled after his dad died."

"Ah, it was no big deal." Naruto waved the man's words off, turning and staring off at the distant mass that was Air Temple Island. "Nothing to thank me for, really. I was always taught to help people whenever I could. Has he been doing alright?"

"Yeah, he's nearly back to his old self nowadays."

"Good." Naruto turned to face the man, a bittersweet smile on his lips. "My grandfather passed around two years ago and we were really close, so I know how hard it can be to bounce back from something like that. The kid must be made of tough stuff if he pulled himself together already."

"He is," the old man said with a smile. "Still, I wouldn't feel right just leaving it like that. I'm a man who pays his debts and my family owes you a big one."

"I really don't need anything." Meeting the man's gaze, Naruto sighed. It was obvious that the issue wasn't going to be dropped. "I'll make you a deal though, what's your name?"


"Well then Tazuna, how about we just say you owe me a favor in the future and call it square?"

"…Seems fair enough," the man relented after pondering the idea for a moment. Moving away from the wheel afterwards, he moved towards a nearby rucksack and pulled it open. Standing up after finding what he was looking for, he returned to the wheel holding a large, corked bottle at the neck. "Have a drink with me to seal the deal?"

Still hearing distant echoes of his aunt screaming at him for his previous actions, Naruto smiled. "That sounds perfect right about now."

"…That's one big ship." Having grown close to the dock that jutted off of the eastern end of Air Temple Island, Naruto eyed the large metal ship that was anchored alongside it.

"It is. Belongs to the White Lotus if memory serves," Tazuna noted as he steered his small sail boat towards the opposite end of the dock. "They dock around once a month or so at the harbor to resupply and trade. Not sure why they're still here though, they usually leave the same afternoon they dock."

'Ah, damn. I was hoping I'd at least get to show her a Pro-Bending match before she was shipped off. Maybe I can sweet talk Tenzin into letting her stay long enough to see one or something.'

"They're here to take Korra back to the South Pole, I think."

"Korra? …That name supposed to ring a bell for me or somethin'?"

"She's the Avatar."

"Oh. Hadn't heard about that yet."

"You wouldn't have." Naruto chuckled. "She only got here earlier today, apparently."

"Ah, gotcha. Well, none of my business anyway." Seemingly happy that they had gotten close enough for his liking, Tazuna walked to the side of the boat and picked up a rope. Tying it into a loose noose, he threw it out at the dock until he hooked one of the posts and pulled them in closer.

Once they were close enough, Naruto walked over to the side of the boat and pulled himself up onto the dock, the wooden boards creaking softly beneath him. "Thanks again for the ride."

Tazuna merely waved off his thanks. "You need me to wait here in case you need a ride back?"

"Nah, I'll probably just bunk here for the night. Besides, if I went back with you, I'd probably be too drunk to get myself home by the time we hit the shore." Though he knew he wasn't drunk just yet, Naruto could feel some heat in his cheeks and was aware enough to know that one or two more drinks would probably push him over the edge.

"You make that sound like a bad thing." Laughing, Tazuna reached up and unhooked the rope before pushing off of the dock with his hands had enough to send his boat away from it. "Take care of yourself, kid."

"You too, old man."

Turning to face the island, Naruto's eyes widened slightly upon spotting a familiar bald figure already approaching him. Behind the man, he could see Korra standing alongside her large Polar Bear Dog.

"Naruto," Tenzin greeted dully as he approached.

"Tenzin." The blond bowed his head slightly as he replied in-kind.

"You're drunk."

"No, I've been drinking. Big difference."

Tenzin let out a harsh-sounding breath through his nose – a sound that betrayed his annoyance. "What are you doing here?"

"Would you believe me if I said meditation practice?"


"Well that's a little hurtful." Naruto chortled. "How about if I said I was here to make your life miserable for a few days since you abandoned me with my aunt earlier?"

"That...is far more believable, unfortunately." The Airbending master reached up and pinched the bridge of his nose. "I apologize if I made you feel as if you were abandoned, but ensuring that Korra was sent back to the South Pole as soon as possible took precedence over saving you from Lin."

"Ah, I actually wanted to speak to you about that."

"What about it?"

"Did she tell you about how we both ended up in jail?"

"I was told why she was initially pursued by the police, but I didn't particularly care to hear much more than that."

"Ah. Well then, long story short, I trapped her and her pet in a hole while they were running away from the officers. She got arrested for whatever she did and I got dinged on interfering with a police pursuit. We talked on our way to Police Headquarters. She seems pretty nice."

"I still haven't heard a specific point you wanted to talk about."

"I was wondering if you could let her stay in the city long enough to watch a Pro-Bending match. She apparently really wants to see one first-hand and I figure I owe her that much for thinking she was just some sort of everyday crook."

"Absolutely not. She is going back to the South Pole immediately."

"Yeah, about that…" Naruto was undaunted by the previous rejection. "Why are you sending her back, exactly? Having the Avatar in the city could probably help with the whole Equalist problem even more so than the bills you try to get passed through the city council, don't you think?"

"That's exactly why I'm sending her back! The city is on the brink of an uprising as is. Not only could her presence here could make things escalate even further, but it could also put her at serious risk of being hurt!"

"She'll always be at risk of getting hurt here for one reason or another, you know that as well as I do." Naruto sighed. "I honestly think just her being here would help things. Even non-benders typically romanticize the Avatar, so having a face for a bender they don't hate could help calm things down. Besides, if there's one person that can bridge the gap and make peace here, it's probably going to be the Avatar."

Tenzin's brow furrowed deeply in thought as he raised a hand and stroked his goatee.

"Korra!" Simultaneous shouts from overhead drew both Naruto and Tenzin's eyes to the sky. Three young children clad in attire almost identical to Tenzin's own swooped down on gliders towards the teenager in question. Landing, they quickly rushed over and embraced her.

"Seems like her being here could help keep your kids out of your hair for a while too." After a moment, Naruto chuckle and corrected himself. "Well, facial hair in your case, I guess."

"You make some valid points, some of which I had already been considering myself for the past few hours." Tenzin conceded after a moment, his mouth curving upwards at the edges. "I assume you are intending to stay for supper?"

"And to bunk here for the night if it wouldn't be too much trouble."

"Come along then." Turning around, the Airbending master began quickly striding down the dock towards the others. Naruto quickly followed.


Hearing the Airbender kids groan in unison, Naruto saw Korra suddenly stand up and move to her Polar Bear Dog before the two of them began moving forward to meet them on the dock. Head and shoulders slumped down, she seemed to radiate sadness as she grew near.

"Hold on for a moment, Korra." At the sound of Tenzin's voice, the teen's head snapped up. Her eyes darted over to the blond for a moment, but mostly remained fixed on her would-be Airbending master. "I have done my best in my father's stead to guide Republic City towards the dream he and the other founders had for it. However, what you said earlier on our way here was right: it has fallen out of balance since his passing."

Korra's entire posture promptly perked up, her eyes widening slightly.

"I believed that I should put off your Airbending training until a later date so that I could continue to uphold his legacy. That is where I was wrong. What we spoke of earlier and what Naruto and I just spoke of a moment ago made me realize that Republic City is not my father's legacy." Reaching forward, he laid a hand on the girl's shoulder. "You are his legacy. So, if you would like to, you may live on Air Temple Island with me and begin your Airbending training."

"Yes! Yes, yes, yes! Thank you! You're the best!"


'…I didn't even notice them there,' Naruto thought, shooting his gaze down at Jinora, Ikki and Meelo who had all been lurking nearby. 'Those three are surprisingly sneaky when they're quiet.'

Grinning toothily, Korra swooped down and pulled the kids into an embrace before quickly pulling Tenzin into it as well. Despite the height difference, she managed to easily lift the tall man off of his feet.

"What, no hug for me?" Naruto smirked. "And I came out all the way out here just to talk Tenzin into letting you stay here at least long enough to see a Pro-Bending match. Way to make a guy feel left out."

Letting the others back down to their feet, the brunette turned towards Naruto with her grin still in place and embraced him as well. Feeling her hands hook behind the small of his back, he was lifted off of his feet a moment later.

"Alright Muscles, I officially feel all warm and fuzzy inside." Laughing, Naruto looked down and patted her on the back of the shoulder. "You can put me down now."

"I could do that." Korra's grin turned mischievous as she took a few steps to the side. "Then again, I could get payback for making me and Naga fall earlier."

"…You wouldn't dare."

"Oh yeah? Hope you can swim, city boy." Twisting herself around, she used her momentum to toss Naruto off of the dock.

'So that's how it's gonna be, huh?' Letting himself fall beneath the surface of the cold water, the blond's lips curved up into a mischievous grin that would have put Korra's to shame. 'Alright then, let the prank war begin.'


I've been working on something like twelve different variations of this story over the past year or so. I'm not satisfied with everything in it, but I think it's about as good as it's going to get until I get some feedback.

To those of you who might be concerned about the idea of bending platinum being too strong for various reasons, I intend to address that matter in some dialogue that will happen eventually. For the time being, I'll simply say that it won't be as big of a game changer as you think it might be.