Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, or it's characters. Any unrecognized plot or characters are mine.

Summary: Lord Voldemort cast a mysterious curse with his dying breath. A curse of his own design that wiped out a large percentage of the Wizarding population. Desperate measures are taken, a Law is passed and the future is written and sealed in an innocent looking envelope.


The war was over and the buildings were being rebuilt, but the wounds were still fresh.

Hermione attended the mass funerals and the smaller funerals, crying more than she knew she was able to. Many lives had ended, both as a result of the war and as a result of the illness that killed almost 80% of the population.

Lord Voldemorts curse had struck hard and without mercy. Wizards, witches, and squibs from all walks of life had been killed by the illness.

The Weasley family had suffered even more loss as a result. Fred had fallen shortly after the battle was won, making the victory feel more like a failure. The taste of the celebration turned more bitter than sweet.

Once last of the dead had been buried and the majority of the buildings reconstructed, news was spread that Minister of Magic Kingsley Shacklebolt had passed a sort of marriage law.

Specifics were not released, only the reassurance that all would be explained later.

One week later, the Daily Prophet headline read Marriage Law Matches?

Hermione quickly flipped to the page number offered for more information.

Minister Shacklebolt confirms the rumours of the Marriage Law. An elaborate system of enchantments and current consensus profiles has been used to match one witch to the wizards that best suits her.

Witches and Wizards starting from the age of fifteen and ending at the age of seventy five are required by law to participate. Failure to comply will result in six years in Azkaban prison.

All marriages prior to the Marriage Law are now nullified and void.

The matches will be sent to each person in the form of a letter. The matches are to be wed no longer than three months from the date of receiving their letter and the Marriage is to consummated. No exceptions!

Two children are expected from each wizard the witch weds. Failure to comply will result in twelve years in Azkaban prison.

Keep your eyes and windows open, your future will soon arrive via owl.

Hermione felt the blood drain from her face. Witches and wizards were being forced into marriage and parenthood no matter their wishes.

This couldn't be happening.

The young witch promptly tossed up her lunch in the nearby garbage bin and sent Harry an urgent owl.

She couldn't do this alone.

They were going to push her into marriage and then into bed with people she probably didn't know. Oh, Merlin, what if they were on the tail end of the required age?

She couldn't do this.

She dry heaved over the garbage bin, her entire body trembling.

She couldn't do this.

Hermione paced the kitchen, waiting anxiously for Harry to come.

He should have been here by now.

He could be at work. If that's the case, she could have her letter in her hand by the time he arrives. She couldn't open the letter, read the names that sealed her fate, if he wasn't there with her.

He's her best friend.

She glanced at the clock for the fifth time, wringing her hands.

He should be off work soon.

Hermione walked to the living room, deciding to wait for Harry there.

She sat and stood, alternating the movements, growing more restless with each action.

The fire roared to life, the flames changing from a vibrant red to an eerie green, and a familiar soot covered figure stepped out. Harry quickly dusted the excess soot off his clothes and strode across the living space to stand in front of her.

"Has it come yet?" He asked, his green eyes studying her face.

She shook her head. "Not yet."

"Mine either." He sagged a bit, relief filling his features. "I'll wait here with you. We'll read our letters together when they come. It's going to be okay, Mione."

She smiled weakly at him.

She really wished she believed that.