Twin Sisters Moments

"Family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten."

- Lilo

Two emerald eyes blinked open in a bleary state from sleep. Her eyes cleared after a few blinks and focused on what looked like a wooden ceiling. An old looking designed wooden ceiling that is unfamiliar to her because Sakura doesn't own any traditional things. Sakura blinks her eyes again in exhaustion, she feels so tired. So very, very tired. Like she'd gone through a war...

Wait! She did go through a war!

'Oh my god the war! Where am I! Where's Naruto?!'

Sakura thought in a panicky state, she didn't remembered how she got here! Suddenly, Sakura doesn't feel so tired anymore as she straightened in a sitting position she thought.

'Where am I? How the hell did I get here? For a moment there I thought I was at Hinata-chan's place...'

Yes, that was what the Haruno thought. Because the Hyuuga Heiress' traditional sleeping quarters were slightly like the room Sakura resides in, dressed in a white sleeping yukata that has a pond intricately embedded at the lower part of her feet with a light pink obi that has a large and unforgettable clan marking at the right part of the waist, that thing Sakura couldn't miss.

"The swirl of the Uzumaki Clan..."

Sakura whispered in confusion and dread.


In that moment, Sakura thought of all the possibilities ranging from being trapped in a Genjutsu, to which she muttered the dispel technique a few time effortlessly but sadly to no prevail, to being kidnapped and left somewhere. But each possibility were took down with each fact that Sakura observes in the quite large and well decorated room she is currently in.

Being kidnapped was a possibility and the Uzumaki clan symbol she understands, with her pink hair sometimes people thought of her as a relative to the long lost clan.

Sakura saw another futon that was so near her own that Sakura immediately commends herself at being so unobservant and stupid at not noticing it first. There was someone sleeping on the futon and with the somewhat small body Sakura deduced that it might be a child. Sakura moved her hand to remove the blanket that was covering the sleeping person when she froze in place.

Her hands were so tiny and scar free!

This made Sakura return to panic mode.

'Relax. Stay calm, Sakura. Everything's fine. You're just small again.'

This almost made Sakura cry. All her hard work and training, all of them were gone. Her friends and family... Sakura blinks away the tears. It's fine, she'll find a solution for this. She's not one of the geniuses in Konoha for nothing. Sakura felt as though her heart was permanently lodged in her throat.

Suddenly being aware of the somewhat heavy weight of her back she grabbed her hair that was longer than it has ever been before. While taking note of her small and somewhat weak yet sturdy body, she almost forgot of the sleeping person next to her until a hand touched her shoulder.

Sakura quickly tensed at the physical contact and almost broke the other person's fingers if not for the soft voice that spoke.

"Sakura-chan? Are you okay? Did you get another bad premonition again?"

Sakura, sitting still like a statue covered in her white blanket with her pond designed yukata pooling around her, turned her head to see the pupiless blue eyes of the great fuuinjutsu mistress, Uzumaki Mito in all of her child clad in sleeping yukata glory.

Still half sleepy, Mito asks her dear sister again in what is wrong but Sakura doesn't hear anything.

Uzumaki Mito.

First Jinchuuriki of the Nine-tailed fox, the Kyuubi.

Wife of the First Hokage, the Shodaime.

Fuuinjutsu Mistress during the Sengoku Jidai period.

Heiress to the Uzumaki Clan.

Sakura couldn't think of anything else right now. All information and facts she knows about this child in front of her surfaced into her head, and one thought led to another.

'Uzumaki Mito. Uzumaki Mito. Fuuinjutus Mistress during the Sengoku Jidai Period! Why the hell is she a kid!'

Sakura's thoughts were nothing more than whispers and junk to Sakura herself. She can't understand the situation she's in and therefore her mind is only giving her facts and related stuff about the Uzumaki Clan and Sengoku Period.

Outwardly, Mito looks at the frozen look of confusion and shock in her sister's face. Mito begins to get worry again, her sister must've had a bad dream again. Mito deduced this because it wasn't the first time this happened. Mito, the ever loving sister she is, reached her hand out to touch her sister's forehead.

The incoming hand, Sakura did not sense to busy in being frozen shock, but the contact jolted Sakura back to the reality she is currently stuck in.

This doesn't make sense.

This doesn't make sense.

This doesn't make sense.

Sakura repeats over and over in her head while looking at Mito with wide scared eyes.

Mito blinks in worry for her sister at the reaction she gained when she moved the bangs from Sakura's forehead. She just suddenly whipped her head in Mito's direction that Mito was kinda worried if her sister broke her neck or something but what bothers Mito more was the look Sakura was giving her.

The look portrays a question that made Mito's heart beat faster with a little fear that something more might have happened to her sister without her notice.

The look Sakura gave her hurts because it was asking as if why was she still here or alive for that matter.

"Sakura-chan? Are you okay? Say something please..."

Mito pleaded, Sakura was starting to hyperventilate.

This is real.

It isn't a dream.

And it proves true as Mito reaches her hand out again to touch Sakura's hair gently.

Sakura flinched, her mind coming up to one conclusion. She was in the warring period in a child's body.

Primal instinct kicked in Sakura's head as she stood up abruptly and turned to the rice-paper doors that Sakura knows subconsciously leads outside. Ignoring the soon-to-be fuuinjutsu mistress' surprised face, Sakura opened the traditional door loudly and ran.

Ran she did, she ran through the forest outside the garden she first saw.

What's going on?!

Is what Sakura thinks. There were tears in her eyes as she ran, her friends, her family! Were they gone!?

Sakura doesn't know.

She cried out painfully all of the sudden because her long pink hair managed to get caught in a few low branches.

Sakura didn't do anything. She just sat there in a exhausted pile and cried to her heart's content. It feels as though her lungs were being squeezed painfully and she can't feel anything with her fingers and hands.

Vaguely, Sakura took note of the river she is nearby. The clear pristine waters and nice flow of the natural sounds made Sakura slightly calm.

She doesn't understand, how did she get here...

Sakura in her tired state suddenly became alert. She felt a near by chakra signature coming her way and she is now, somewhat reluctantly accepting her awful reality, in the warring period. There were enemies everywhere.

Sakura stood up quickly and tugged harshly at her pink locks, successfully freeing them and turned to the river. She immediately walk on top of the water, subconsciously placing chakra to the soles of her feet. But alas, she knows her movement were so slowly and the chakra signature was coming in fast, it probably sensed her moving again.

"Sakura-chan! Are you okay?"

The person asked her, belatedly Sakura realized Mito has been asking her that for a lot of times. The person in front of her has bright red flaming hair with pupiless green eyes that reminds Sakura of her own. Timidly Sakura looked down at her feet to see her childish face looking back at her with pupiless eyes. This no longer surprises Sakura.

She already has a resolve, finding a solution to fix this. All she has to do was find away to somehow get back to her own warring time, easy peasy right?

'Yeah right.'

Sakura thought as the somewhat familiar red haired man walked onto the surface of the water near her in the middle of the large river.

"Hey, kiddo, are you there?"

Sakura blink slowly as she lately noticed that the man was carrying her and that they were already at the edge of the river. Sakura nodded shyly, her old timid and shy child personality came back to her. Sakura turns her face towards the man's clothes, which was nothing more than a wide opened white sleeping yukata with red linings. Belatedly Sakura noticed it was still night, she berated herself for being so unobservant but she reasoned that the forest canopies were so thick that it can cover the forest ground from the sun's rays. But she should've noticed that it was still dark when she saw the river. Sakura moved her head to look at the opposite direction they were going to, she can still see the river. And it was beautiful with fireflies all around and about.

The man holding her cleared his throat expectantly and that made Sakura turn her head to the familiar stranger's face, which was looking back at her in an amused way.

Sakura blinked childishly.

"I'm sorry. But who are you?"

The man seemed surprised for a moment before he grinned. It made Sakura see the eye-bags on the man's face.

"It's me, Sakura-chan. Otou-san. Uzumaki Asa, remember?"

At the unsure nod he received, the man sighed while shaking his head in understanding.

"It's fine. At least you didn't wonder so far."

The man grinned suddenly.

"Where did you learn to walk on water, Sakura-chan? As far as I remember I haven't taught you that yet. But well that is expected of my amazing daughter! By the way, you should apologize to your sister, Mito-chan, she was worried about you when I intercepted her on her way to my bedroom. Okay? Apologize to the guards as well. How did you even got pass them? As far as I kno-"

Sakura nodded at the man absentmindedly. So this is her father and her sister is Mito. Now that Sakura think of it, she kinda resembles Mito. Maybe they were twins, Sakura mused.

She turns her eyes away from the forest to the man carrying her's face, she smiled. He was like Naruto but in a more reserved way. Sakura guessed that maybe being talkative was in the family.

Sakura yawned which did not went unnoticed by her father.

"Sleepy, kiddo?"

Sakura bobbed her head tiredly. The red haired man chuckled in response.

"Just go to sleep, my child. We are near home."

Sakura blinks then closed her eyes as she pressed her face to her father's chest.


Sakura thinks.

'Do I still have one?'


A twitch.

"I said, Sakura-chan! Wake up, you sleeping cat!"

A few more twitch, then a groan of refusal came from the cocoon of sheets with pink strands around.

Uzumaki Mito was not amused.

"Sakura! Damn it, wake up already!" Mito said as she pulled and successfully woke up her sleeping sister, who is now sleepily glaring at her. Mito grinned back.

"C'mon, c'mon! It's time for breakfast!"

Mito pulled her startled sister to her feet, away from the futon and covers, and dragged her towards the bathing room. Sakura grumbled all the way to the bathroom, she's dead tired. Not only did she took a nice and relaxing marathon through a forest followed by walking on water with the emotional baggage she still has, Sakura could say she wants to be dead to the world for a few more hours. But still, Sakura smiled at her twin sister's antics. Sakura has gotten over her suddenly-stuck-in-the-past-literally problem by meticulously thinking things through and found the solution that is just finding away to somehow go back to her own time.

When Sakura and her father got back, her father immediately made a bee line for her, she guessed, room. To which they got jump on by Mito who ranted on and on about how 'stupid you are, Sakura-chan!' and to 'never ever do that to me again.', after that their father asked if Sakura wants him to stay with them for the night. Sakura declined the offer by the shake of her head, after their father left the vicinity, Mito quickly took the chance of dragging Sakura to her futon and proceeded to ask in what did she do and what did she see. Both girls stayed up all night telling stories.

While sleeping, Sakura saw a blur a memories but they weren't memories of her time, they were memories of this time. Like her mind suddenly supplied her with data she knew but did not actually notice.

"Do I have to do everything for you?"

That voice made Sakura stiffen for a moment before relaxing, it was just Mito. They were at the indoor hot spring of their part of the compound. Mito was already in the waters swimming around.


"Mito. You're so dead, Shannaro! I'm still in my yukata!"

Sakura screamed in frustration but still smiled nonetheless, enjoying the peaceful and childish moment. Deep in Sakura's mind there was a tiny part of saying that this was so wrong but overall Sakura's mind thought and felt as if this moment and time is where she belonged.

"Sho, Sachuwa-chan." Gulp. "Can you teach me how to water walk today?"

Mito asked her twin sister while eating her food. Which earned a chuckle from their happy-go-lucky father.

"Eww. Don't talk while you eat, pig."

This made Sakura remember some memories from her own time with her own friend, Ino.

"Damn it, Sakura! If I'm a pig, then I'm the most sexiest pig in the world!"

"Damn it, Sakura! I'm not a pig!"

Sakura blinked, she forgot that this wasn't Ino.

Mito saw the sad gaze her sister directed her and for a moment Mito was confused and worried before Sakura's face was back to being normal and happy again.

"Yeah, right. You're eating habits clearly say so."

Mito growled, forgetting Sakura's sad face for a moment, before their father coughed in his hands. Clearly satisfied in gaining their attention, their father smiled.

"So, what are my twin daughters going to do today?"

Asa asked his children, even without their mother Sakura and Mito turned out fine. Mito looks at Sakura and Sakura turned her head to face Mito who was in front of her in their old traditional low dining table. Sakura raised an eyebrow at Mito.


Sakura finally asked. Mito rolled her eyes in exasperation at her sisters short memory.

"Well? Are you gonna teach me with that water walking stuff or not? I'll teach you a little bit about fuuinjutsu if you do! Then it'll be even!"

Sakura nodded in agreement. They were only five, it's still a long way to go. Sakura learned that she can still do and keep her old jutsu since she still has her perfect chakra control. Besides, Sakura thinks, she always wanted to try fuuinjutsu.

Sakura stopped thinking for a moment because it seems her sister is trying to tell her something. Guess, she's been tuning her sister's rants again. After all, Sakura got quite used to Naruto.


Thinking of the blonde still sent a tiny jolt of pain in Sakura's heart. Like knives.

Mito rolled her eyes,again, at her twin's wondering thoughts.

"Geeze, what's up with you lately, Sakura-chan? Stop zoning out on me."

Sakura grinned sheepishly.

"Sorry, Mito-chan. Sure, I'll train with you. I wouldn't have it any other way."

Mito beamed at her declaration. Both girls turned to their father for his approval.

"So, can we train Otou-san? It's only inside the compound and at the training grounds here at the main house or maybe the library!"

Mito asked excitedly. Sure, Mito read a lot about fuuinjutsu but she never actually got to try them often. Only practicing the easier ones like the Camouflage Seal, a seal that can make a certain radius of an area become invisible but the strength depends on the user because it can be disrupted by chakra, the Storage Seal, the ones used for storage scrolls, and two level one barrier seals.

Beside book smarts, the girls never got any actual practice in the ways of fighting or healing for that matter. Even being heirs to a great prominent clan, women in this time still weren't allowed freedom that much but Mito and Sakura were both persuasive and stubborn.

So imagine, Asa's surprise when he sees his five year old daughter standing above the strong currents of a large river using chakra. Asa always knew that one of their children would inherit their mother's near perfect chakra control, he just didn't know who but her prays that both of them would inherit it.

Asa pretends for awhile in looking like he's going to refuse their agreement but then he grinned at them with arms crossed against the low table they were at, sitting on traditional tatami mats.

"Sure, I don't see why not. Have fun, sadly girls, I will not be able to train you because I still am busy with clan meetings and other business in Uzushiogakure."

This dampened the both of the girls a little, both were hoping to have quality time with their father.


Mito hitched her breath while Sakura stiffened in anticipation.

"Keep it only inside the compound where the guards can watch over you and protect you, am I clear?"

Their father's baritone voice held no room for argument. Both girls dutifully nodded their heads.

"We will go now, Otou-san! Have a nice day with the meetings!"

Mito said in a rush as she quickly grabbed her sisters hand and dragged her towards the training grounds that were near to their room and library.

Asa chuckled and shook his head at her daughters' behavior.

Asa sipped his tea, it's going to be a long day.

"So, before I walk on water I have to climb a tree first? How the hell would climbing a tree help me walk on water?"

Mito asked her sister dubiously, with disbelief written all over her face. While Sakura forced herself to not smile and rolled her eyes at her sister. Man, if they keep rolling their eyes like that it might get stuck that way forever.

"I think you misheard me, Mito-chan. I dind't say 'climb' a tree, I clear said to walk on a tree first."

Sakura slowly explained to her sister the mechanics of using chakra at the sole of her feet, it was like teaching Naruto all over again in Wave. Both people have such short attention spans.

"Do you get it now, Mito-chan?"

Said girl nodded excitedly, thrilled in to trying on how to walk on trees vertically.

"Cha! I'll get this on my first try!"

Mito exclaimed proudly while placing her foot vertically at the base of the tree. Sakura refrained from rolling her eyes again at her sister and continued to read the scrolls her sister retrieved from their bedroom.

Both girls were now dress in unisex shorts that fit them perfectly and Sakura has a white sleeveless shirt for kids that has a built in mask while Mito chose a red sleeveless shirt with a hoodie. Sakura never expected Uzushiogakure to be this advance, she had seen a lot of tall buildings nearby last night and their clothings were somewhat her time's clothing.

Like Mito's sleeveless hoodie for example. When Sakura directed a questioning look at it Mito raised an eyebrow.

"What's wrong? We designed this remember! We just cut off the excess of our old cloaks and sewed a few parts since you were complaining of it being hot and sunny, so it has a hoodie but it's sleeveless!"



Sakura heard her sister fall and scream for the third time and she turned away from the scroll she was reading and looked at her sister in amusement.

"Here, let me show you Mito-chan."

That was how Sakura's first day as Uzumaki Mito's twin sister.

The End~

By the way, name meanings,

Asa = Morning

That's all! Wait for my next Chapter!

I've been inspired to write this story from the story, Delirium's Dream, written by the amazing and very talented, Hecatoncheir.

Read her story! Not finish yet but amazing nonetheless!

Leave a review!

- Torikki J. ~