A/N: Spoiler alert: Contains text/references from Twist and Shout by gabriel and standbyme. I do not lay any claim to this masterpiece of a story; it is completely owned by the authors. I do, however, own this one. Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural nor Twist and Shout.

"I have to what?"

Dean stared at Sam with a look of absolute disbelief. It was about nine in the morning and Sam had woken Dean up out of his slumber practically scolding him to admit his feelings for Cas. Sam, sitting on the edge of Dean's bed, was staring back at the other hunter with a firm glare. "Admit that you have feelings for Cas," he repeated.

Dean opened and closed his mouth in a state of utter bewilderment. "What so-called feelings do I have to admit here, Sammy?" he asked, a small hint of his usual snarky, sarcastic self breaking through his confusion. Sam raised an eyebrow and leaned in closer, slightly amused. "You are in love with the angel, Dean," he stated smugly.

Dean huffed a laugh, looking at Sam like he had lost his mind. He pulled away the covers and stepped over Sam's long legs. "I'm not gay, dude," he said as he made his way towards the bathroom. Sam huffed out what sounded like a mixture of frustration and exasperation. To Dean, he sounded like an angry moose. "I never said that you were gay, Dean, I just said that you have to admit that you are in love with Cas. It's going to eat you up inside if you don't," Sam said, getting up to follow Dean to the bathroom.

The door quickly shut in Sam's face, the wood almost hitting his nose. He frowned and leaned against the wall, his head angled toward the door. "I've seen the way you two look at each other. I've seen the way you two interact: the touching, the innuendos that Cas probably doesn't understand, the fact that you need him. You want me to keep going? I got more," Sam said. Dean was silent in the bathroom and Sam tilted his head a little, listening.

Abruptly, the door opened and Sam was faced with an annoyed, red-faced Dean Winchester. He glared hotly at his younger brother, who was watching him with a smug smile, and stalked past him. "So if what your saying is true- which it is not-, then why don't I ever think that way about Cas, hmm? I mean, I know my own thoughts and they certainly haven't involved that angel in anyway other than family and I am not into incest," Dean said, sitting on his bed.

Sam listened to his brother blabber with a silent bemused look. 'You're panicking because you think I've figured you out and you're scared of what I might think,' Sam thought. 'Maybe he just needs an initiative?' Sam suddenly snapped his fingers as an idea came to mind. He crossed the small motel room in a few strides and grabbed his laptop from the table. "What are you doing?" Sam ignored Dean's question and concentrated on the screen.

"Here. Read this and then tell me that you don't have feelings for Castiel. I'm going to be at the library doing research for the case and won't be back until tomorrow morning. When I get back, you had better have read the whole thing, beginning to end," Sam instructed. He placed the laptop on Dean's bed. His older brother frowned at the computer. "What is this crap? Is this some of that fiction that fans write? It's like thirteen chapters! Come on, Sam, I don't want to go through that," Dean complained.

Sam straightened and crossed his arms over his chest. "No reading, no pie for a month," he said. Dean's eyes widened and his mouth dropped a little. "What, a month?! Sammy, you can't do that to me. Pie and me..we have a connection. She'll think I've forgotten her if I don't have any for a whole month," he said. Sam rolled his eyes and scooped up his bag from the chair. Dean continued to protest even as Sam gathered his things for the library.

"Dean!" Sam interrupted, "I'm sick of watching the attraction between you two spark every time you're near each other. Read the damn story and then try to tell me that you feel absolutely nothing towards Cas. You do that, I'll drop the subject, capiche?" Dean's shoulders slumped and he grumbled his reluctant agreement. He watched as Sam opened the door to the motel room then pause to look back at Dean. "Read it. I mean it, Dean," he said.



A small smile quirked up the corners of Dean's mouth as Sam shut the door behind him. He listened as the roar and humming of the Impala's engine coming to life then fading as Sam drove away. He ran his fingers through his hair frustratingly and blew out a sharp exhale of breath. "No pie for a month, huh? Well, I can just buy my own pie. I've got cards," Dean said. He rummaged through his things, searching for the illegal credit cards he and Sam used to live.

"Son of a bitch. He took them," he said in annoyance. With an almost pained expression, Dean glanced over at the laptop that was still sitting quietly on his bed. Mumbling curses under his breath, Dean made his way over to his bed and sat down cross-legged, pulling the laptop closer. 'Cas held his drink high as he navigated the crowd...,' Dean read. He leaned forward a little, his eyes scanning the words as they traveled down the page.

"Cas...wears glasses and sweaters? There's a mental image," he mumbled. His lips moved as he read, speaking the words silently. "A motorcycle? This guy has style," Dean mumbled, "It's MY motorcycle. Hah, that's even better." As he continued to read, his eyebrows flew up to his hairline and he choked out a surprised laugh. "A racer? I'm a motorcycle racer in this thing? That's...really awesome, actually," he said. After he realized that he was talking to himself, Dean quieted, keeping his commentary within his mind.

'Dean Winchester held his stare and wouldn't let it go.' Dean flicked his eyebrows up in a quick motion of interest then made a small hum of curiosity in the back of his throat. "Maybe this won't be so bad, after all," he muttered. Oh, if only he knew what lay ahead. 'He shoved his hands in his pockets and tried to think of something other than Dean's eyes, or the sharp curve of his jaw, or the way his shoulders were set when he was at ease, or how he had never felt the bolt of lightning shooting down his spine..' Dean felt a small twisting feeling in his stomach as he read the words.

It was an odd feeling, one that was not uncomfortable, but rather held a sort of warmth to it that made heat spread through his abdomen. Reading the words, Dean suddenly wondered if this was how Cas actually felt about him. He shook his head fiercely; there was no way in hell. "This story is getting to me," he grumbled. Dean kept reading, though, his interest 100% piqued- not that he would admit that out loud.

Sam was sitting at a table by the large windows of the library when he phone started buzzing wildly. 'It's only been an hour, Dean,' Sam thought as he clicked the answer call button. "What the hell is this, damn it? What do you have me reading here, Sam?" Dean asked gruffly from the other line. Sam grinned, twirling his pen around in his fingers; he had already read Twist and Shout and he had gone through the emotional turmoil it caused.

"What part are you on?" he asked calmly. He heard Dean curse and held the phone away from his ear a little. "What kinda sappy crap is this? I took Cas out for a milkshake and fries as our first date? Come on, man!" Sam had to refrain from laughing out loud at Dean's intense exasperation. It seemed like everything was going according to plan. "Well, I don't see why it would be a problem, bro. If I recall, Cas seemed to enjoy it," Sam mused, watching his pen twirl with detached fascination. Dean went silent and Sam could hear him mumbling as he read on.

Sam listened to Dean's mumbling for a moment then sighed. "Is that all? I'm a little busy here," he said. There was silence for a moment then a crackling noise from Dean shifting the phone against his ear. "What? Oh yeah, sorry," was all he said before Sam heard the dial tone. Sam chuckled a little and shook his head. "He's in for a rude awakening," he said to himself. Sam felt his heart clench in remembrance and he bit the inside of his cheek. He quickly focused again on his research, leaving the memoirs suppressed once again.

Dean nearly spit out the beer he had been drinking as he read the next line of the story. "What the hell...?" he mumbled. His eyes scanned the screen, heat warming his cheeks and ears. His heart thudded faster in his chest, his mouth went dry, and his breathing became harsher. Dean suddenly clamped his hand over his eyes and took a deep breath.

Sam jumped, startled, as his phone began buzzing against his thigh again. With a small frown, Sam answered.


"You didn't tell me there was porn, Sam,"

Sam accidentally let out a loud bark of a laugh that earned him several glares and shushes. Sam tried to stifle his laughter with the back of his hand. "This is probably the most intense kiss scene I've ever read. Seriously, in an alleyway?" Dean continued, oblivious to his younger brother's amusement. Sam snickered a little bit more and felt a stab of sympathy for Dean; his older brother had no idea. "You'll be fine. It's not like you haven't dealt with porn before," Sam said quietly.

"No, Sam, this is different! I've never READ porn before, especially not gay porn. I can picture it in my head and it's like I'm actually there and-,"

"Goodbye, Dean,"

"Sammy, wait-!"

Sam hung up without another word. If Dean couldn't handle a little explicit content, then that was too damn bad. Sam had work to do and, without another thought, he returned to the book he had been studying. Dean, on the other hand, was now utterly engrossed in the story. He had his blanket wrapped around his shoulders and a beer in his hand. His green eyes flicked across the screen, taking in every word. "Oh, Hester, you bitch," Dean growled in anger.

Hours passed, but Dean didn't seem to notice. One hand balanced on the edge of the laptop with one finger clicking the down arrow while Dean gnawed at the thumbnail of his other hand. Chapter by chapter he read, his heart clenching at some moments and his emotions scrambled every which where. "The beach...I've always wanted to go to the beach," Dean said. He made a mental note to ask Sam to go with him. He might even bring Cas along, just for the hell of it.

The hours ticked away. "Come on, Cas, don't cry," he mumbled sadly, "I'll be fine. If I get back from that damn war, anyway." His heart nearly broke as he read poor Cas and Dean's emotional breakdown in their kitchen. He would never see milk the same way again. Part of him longed to reach into the screen and take away the hurt, but he knew that he couldn't. Dean shook his head; he was getting way too into this. Yet, he couldn't bring himself to turn away.

Even though Dean knew that it wasn't really him, he could almost feel what the other Dean was going through. Tears pricked at the corners of his eyes and he sniffled, wiping them away with the back of his hand. Part of him wanted to call Sammy, but he didn't want his little brother to know that he was crying. Dean read on, biting his lower lip in concentration. "Damn that's rough. Why do I have to go through this?" he muttered as he read the other Dean's time during the war.

A little voice in the back of his mind spoke up suddenly. 'What do you think Cas is going through during all this?' it said. Dean felt an abrupt sense of guilt, which he found silly; he was getting all worked up over a fictional story. But damn, it was really gripping. Dean was drawn yet again into the world of Twist and Shout. '"Come on. Say you love me, too.."' Dean gulped and he had to take a moment, staring up at the ceiling, his throat tight.

He continued reading, but he was trying not to cry at this point. "No! No, man, you can't do that to Cas. Get back in there and tell him what's going on with you!" Dean yelled at his story self. His cellphone buzzed against his leg and he glanced down at it in annoyance. He flipped the phone open and slammed his finger on the answer button without taking his eyes from the screen.

"Hey, Dean, I was just calling to-,"

"Can't talk right now. I'm getting to a good part,"

Sam pulled the phone away from his ear and looked at it in shock as the dial tone droned. A smirk tugged at the corner of his mouth and he nodded, satisfied. "I knew it," he whispered smugly. He had been calling to inform Dean that he had finished his research and was going to get back early, but things had changed. It was now time to follow through with the second part of the plan.

A/N: I just want you all to know that it about killed me to go back to that story and reread it for references. If you haven't read it, go check it out. I wanted to include more of it in here, but 1) I didn't want to seriously spoil anything and 2) I don't think poor Dean could handle it. I'm currently working on part 2, but I'm not sure how you will take this. Let me know if you liked it.