disclaimer: I don't own Love Live, what a surprise

"What brought this on, Maki-chan?" Nico asks after swallowing a bite of the crepe Maki had just given her. Rich in cream and filled with ice cream and strawberries, Nico takes a moment to close her eyes and savour the flavour, happy that the craving for crepes she's been nursing for weeks has now been satisfied.

Harajuku on any day of the week is given to be a bustling mass of shoppers and quirky fashion. Whilst ordinarily Nico would be joining the majority in donning one of her cuter outfits to stroll down the famous shopping lane right outside the station, today she has to make do with the pink cardigan that is a staple of her uniform and the cute ribbons she had tied around her pigtails.

Maki had dragged the two of them off immediately afterschool with a quick wave goodbye to the rest of their members. Whilst Nico is inwardly squealing at her girlfriend being so cute as to take initiative to use their day off practice to spend some quality time as a couple, a large part of her is wondering why the sophisticated Maki had opted for the bright, fast-paced streets of Harajuku over something quieter.

Maki doesn't answer Nico at first, instead using her free hand to grasp Nico's wrist to tug her away from the crowd loitering near the crepe vendor. Sighing exasperatedly, Nico falls silent and lets Maki tug her further away, pulling at Maki's grip until they're walking hand-in-hand.

Maki keeps her eyes trained on the path before them, carefully not meeting Nico's eyes. "Well, you said you wanted to go on an afterschool date to Harajuku, right? I already told your family, and my parents will be back late, and I know you said you've finished all your tests, so—"

Nico abruptly pauses mid-stride, hand slipping from Maki's own.

"What, did you not want to go?" Maki is turning around to question Nico's odd behaviour when she is unceremoniously tackled around the waist.

"Oof!" Arms automatically reaching to encircle Nico's waist, Maki's face flushes as Nico buries her face into her shoulder. "What, what is it?"

Nico's voice is muffled, but Maki is able to catch it all the same. "Best. Girlfriend. Ever."

"What are you saying?" Face flushing red and studiously ignoring the looks of amusement they're getting from those around them, Maki lightly pushes Nico away. "C'mon, we've got things to do today. Let's go." She hurries off down the path, biting into her crepe and chewing furiously as if doing so will rid her cheeks of her blush.

Maki can practically feel Nico grinning, can picture her Cheshire smile clearly in her mind, can practically hear Nico sparkling in happiness as she hurries to catch up to her.

"Don't be shy, Maki-chan. I like the assertive side of you too!" Nico sings as she catches up.

Although she's still embarrassed, Maki lets Nico slip her arm around hers and lean in to take a bite of Maki's crepe. Maki privately thinks that she's undeserving of the title of best girlfriend – really, that's Nico.

a/n: I was going to do a massive date one-shot inspired by Nico's idea of an ideal date but decided that no, no I was not quite ready for that level of commitment... Maki and Nico are Best Girlfriends ok

as usual you can catch me on twitter 155q_ !