Disclaimer: I don't own the characters, they belong to L.J. Smith and the CW and whoever else but not me.

Damon laid on the hard flat mattress and glanced around the stark 8 by 8 room that he had called home, reflecting back on his life and what lead to his current predicament. He had spent the last two years and half years of his life in this hell hole missing out on his oldest child taking her first steps and the birth of his second child. All he had was pictures of them and their mother...their beautiful mother, the love of his life.

At first when he went in, he got regular updates of their well being from his younger brother but those stopped a few months ago. His brother had told him Bonnie cut Stefan and Caroline out of her and the children's lives when she found out that Damon was being paroled to them instead of a halfway house. She figured with him on his own he would be up to his old tricks selling drugs and committing robberies. Bonnie was adamant that the children would have a better father figure than hers so Damon was non persona grata.

Damon's mind then wandered to the first time he laid eyes on her after a year long stint in juvenile detention.


"Shit, I'm coming!" Damon yelled to the person banging on his front door. "Damn do you need to be banging like you're the fucking police." he said in way of greeting to boy wonder, Jeremy Gilbert.

"You didn't answer the first few times I knocked." Jeremy resorted.

Damon paid him no mind focusing on the caramel beauty next to him. Bonnie had done some major developing while he was away. Curves had now overtook her body.

"Little Bonnie B. It's been awhile. I see you've done some growing." Damon bluntly look her up and down, drinking in her curves.

She rewarded Damon with a mischievous smirk.

"Let's not check out my girlfriend in front of me. Stef said you're holding."

"Yeah come in. I'll hook you up." Damon stepped aside to let them enter. When Bonnie walked passed him, he lightly ran his fingertips down the center of her back.

"How long have you been out...a week. And already hopping back on the horse. You never gonna change Damon." Bonnie said looking over her shoulder to make eye contact with Damon.

Damon leaned into her back to whisper in her ear. "You know it B." Damon ushered them to the living room.

"Where's your dad, D?" she didn't want to be in the house if his dad was on the way. Giuseppe was a certifiable dick.

"At the factory. Sit and chill let me go bag it up for you. You got the money, Jer?" Damon said while holding Bonnie's gaze.

"Yeah." he simply answered not pick up the vibe between Bonnie and Damon.

Damon walked behind the couch to head to his room to get the weed. While walking past Bonnie, he once again ran his fingertips across her neck.

Bonnie bit her lip and kept her head forward trying not raise any suspensions from Jeremy. She always had the biggest crush on Damon but never went there with him cause he was the older brother to her best friend Stefan. If their fling or relationship didn't work she didn't want to strain her relationship with Stefan.

Damon tossed the baggie to Jeremy when he came back in the room.

"You like?" Damon asked him.

"Dude this is fire. Shit has been garbage while you were away. No one knew your contact." Jeremy inhaled the aroma coming from the herb.

Damon just nodded at him taking the money from Jeremy's outstretched hand. "You going to the back to school party, B?"

"Of course. Who am I to say no to free booze and drugs. You going? Are you even going back to school?"

Damon chuckled. "Like you, I'm poor can't say no to free stuff. And yeah I'm going back, it's my last year. Plus you're going to be there." Damon winked at her.

Bonnie smiled back and quickly glanced at Jeremy to see if he was paying attention. He wasn't, too busy gawking at his purchase.

Jeremy suddenly stood up pulling Bonnie up with him. "Thanks man. We got to get going. Come to the back to school party in the woods this weekend."

Bonnie bursted out laughing. "Yeah Damon come to the party." Bonnie winked at Damon making her way out the door behind Jeremy.

Kol plopped down on the dirty couch next the the bonfire. "Has B shown up yet?"

"No, she didn't come with Jeremy. She should be here soon." Elena replied from her seat.

"Good. She sent me a pic of her outfit. I had to jack my dick. Ah...I wanna fuck her so bad." Kol groaned.

"Who doesn't want to fuck her. She's probably the hottest girl at school. She's on my list this year." His older brother Klaus stated.

"Little B certainly grew up." Damon jump in the conversation.

"Not little anymore is she, mate?"

"Bonnie is not really shit. I don't understand why you guys have a hard on for her." Elena put her two sense into the boy's conversation. There was animosity and jealousy between the girls.

Bonnie happen to overhear Elena's comment has she made her way to the group.

"Hey everyone." Bonnie greeted the guys. She turned and looked Elena up and down with disgust. "Elena...Oh you have some white stuff on your chin."

Elena instantly flushed and whipped the substance off, garnering a laugh from everyone.

Bonnie looked at Damon with a questioning raised eyebrow.

He vigorously shook his head. "It's not mine."

"Didn't you visited her when you got out?" Bonnie question him.

"Yeah it had been a year. A blow job without putting in work, having to wine and dine. Can't say no."

Bonnie swung her eyes to Kol.

"No! She gave me the clap the last time I fucked with her." Kol replied. "Which is all clear by the way." he added not wanting to ruin his chance with her.

All eyes turned to Klaus. He kept his head down just shaking his head.

"Whatever. I busted a nut." he mumbled.

"Fuck you, Bonnie!" Elena screamed jumping up.

"You want to be us so bad. That you sucking these fool's dicks to fit in with outcast. We're poor, bitch. Fucking children of factory workers. Go run along to your doctor daddy."

"What about you?...dating Jeremy. Maybe you want to be me."

"I don't use Jeremy to get ahead. I know my place in this world. If I'm going to make it out of this slum it's going my own doing. My hard work."

A drunken Caroline interrupted the two's argument. "Fuck that bitch. Kat is always going to be my favorite twin. Let's go dance."

Bonnie allowed Care to drag her to the other side of the bonfire were other students were dancing their asses off. The two dance for what seemed like hours.

After working up a sweat Bonnie left Care dancing with Stefan and made her way to the refreshment table. While pouring beer into a red solo cup Bonnie's eyes caught sight of Damon.

He was leaned up against a tree, beer in hand surveying the crowd. He looked the epitome of cool and nonchalant. Bonnie cracked a smile.

When their eyes met, Damon winked at her and nodded towards the woods. He pushed off the tree and walked deeper in the woods. Confident that Bonnie would follow and she did.

Bonnie followed Damon deep into the woods away from prying eyes and ears. When she lost sight of him she spun around in different directions looking for him.

Damon wrapped an arm around her waist from behind and pulled her against his chest quickly.

Bonnie damn near jumped out of her skin. Her heart beat erratically.

Damon laughed in her ear. "Scared?"

Spinning around in his arms she pushed him off her. "Always an ass."

"You know me so well, B." Damon leaned against a nearby tree taken the joint he placed on his ear earlier and lit it. Pulling a few drags, he out stretched his hand for Bonnie to take the joint.

Bonnie watched him curiously before taken the joint.

"So what have you been up to the past year beside developing?" Damon watched her as she wrapped her plump lips on the joint and inhaled the smoke.

"You're stupid." Bonnie slowly blew out the smoke. "The same thing I was doing when you were here. Focusing on school and keeping your brother out of trouble."

"Yeah where would my little brother be without you? Did you miss me?"

Bonnie only reply was a roll of her eyes.

"I missed you." Damon continued. He graced her with his infamous smoldering eyes.

"You missed all the arguments or the time my fist connected with your face?"

Damon laughed out loud at that. Bonnie did knock the fuck out of him for fighting with Stefan over a girl, Kat to be precise.

"Those arguments was just us releasing the sexual tension between us. You knew I liked you but you were too young. But you're sixteen now."

"D, I'm with Jeremy now." Bonnie lowered her eyes for a brief moment before looking back at him.

"True but if it really means something you wouldn't be out with me now." Damon pushed away from the tree and grabbed Bonnie's hand pulling her to him.

She didn't even bother to argue. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. She deepened the kiss when she felt his hands go to her hips drawing her closer to him.

Their tongues battled for dominance before Bonnie pulled back. She touched her lips still feeling the tingle from their kiss.

Damon stared at her swollen lips before leaning in and nipping her bottom lip. He placed soft pecks along her jawline all the way to her neck. When he got to a sensitive spot on her neck below her ear he sucked the skin. The sound emitted from Bonnie cause his rod to harden dangerously in his black jeans.

Bonnie gripped his hair pulling Damon face back to her's to kiss him again. Damon hand squeezed her hips tight.

"Fuck Bonnie. I want you so bad." he ran his hands up to cup both of her breast. He began to lightly massage than.

Moans escaped her lips feeling his strong hands on her.

"You sound so sexy. I can't wait to hear the screams you make when I drill into you." He grinded on her to insinuate his point.

At his words Bonnie came to her senses. She jumped back with a startled look on her face.

"I got to go... Jeremy." Bonnie turned around and ran back to the party leaving a flustered Damon in her wake.

When he reached the door, he could hear music blaring inside. Seemed like his little brother was having a little get together. He hoped his brother's bestfriend was here. After their little make out session, she had been avoiding him like the plague. He tried to gain her attention at school but she was having none of that.

He slowly opened the door to the sight of Bonnie and Caroline dancing around the living room passing a bottle of tequila between the two. He loved seeing a carefree Bonnie.

"Brother join me and watch the show." Stefan waved Damon over to the couch.

Damon sat next to Stefan and took the joint he was passed. "This is what you been doing all night"

"Yup, drinking and getting high with my two best girls."

"Damon!" Caroline called out when she saw the eldest Salvatore brother. She ran to him and hug him quickly before plumping herself on Stefan's lap and kissing Stefan deeply.

Bonnie giggled at her drunk rumbustious friend. She twirled to the music trying not to focus on the new arrival. It was hard to do when he looked edible in his all black attire.

Damon paid Caroline no mind as he kept his eyes focused on Bonnie getting lost in the music.

"No need to make out next to me. Take that shit somewhere else." Damon told the couple.

Bonnie watched them leave the room unsure what she should do. She doesn't think it was to safe to be alone with Damon given the events of last weekend.

"What you gonna do? Follow them to watch...or maybe join in?" Damon called out to her seeing her flight response about to kick in.

She flickered her eyes to him before lowering them to the ground.

"Don't be shy now, B. Come here."

Bonnie met his gazed and shook her head.

"Aw come on now. Aren't you done avoiding me?"

"I don't need to be in that situation again. What I did was fucked up. I'm with Jer."

"Ok? Does it really matter? You like me and I like you and we have for a minute now. So come here."

Bonnie slowly made her way to Damon to stand in front of him. He cupped the back of her thighs looking up to her green eyes. The eyes that held a mysterious story. Bonnie lowered herself to straddle him.

"Ever since we were kids, you've always gotten me to break my rules. You can't be trusted." Bonnie smirked at him feeling his hands rubbing up and down her thighs.

"There is no fun in following the rules. Do a shot gun with me." He inhaled the smoke holding it in his mouth until he felt the seal of Bonnie's lips on his. He slowly pushed the smoke into Bonnie's mouth twirling his tongue around her before releasing her lips to watch her inhale and exhale.

They locked eyes intensely. Both chest rising and falling rapidly. Their blood surged through their veins with passion.

Their lips crashed together in a heady sloppy kiss. Heads tilted side to side, as the owners battled for dominance.

When breath became necessary they reluctantly pulled away.

"Shit." Damon moaned breathless. He leaned his forehead against hers.

"I want you, Damon." Bonnie grinded on his lap feeling his bulge on her center.

Damon leaned back against the couch to look in Bonnie's eyes. The look of lust in her eyes had him cupping himself.

"Ride me than baby." Damon lightly demanded.

Bonnie rose from off of his lap and slowly began to undress. She slipped off her top then bra all the while keeping her eyes on Damon.

Damon pulled off his shirt and pulled down his pants and boxer briefs in record time. Before tossing his pants to the side, he snatched out a condom from his wallet. He sat back down and stroke his dick while watching Bonnie slide her short shorts down her soft slender thighs. Once they were down, Damon slipped the condom on and prepared for Bonnie to give him the fuck of his life.

Stepping forward and slowly straddling his legs, Bonnie inched herself slowly onto Damon's hot rod. She felt herself stretch painfully at his girth as she swallowed all eight and half inches of him. She took a slow deep breath allowing herself to adjust to him. Once the pain subsided, she began to move her hips.

She slowly rounded her hips on him in a figure eight pattern moaning when he began to suck on her nipples. He laved one nipple while pinching and pulling the other and switched sides. A loud moan escaped his lips when Bonnie arched her back bouncing her fat ass on his cock.

Hearing his moans spurred her on and she began to bounce faster and harder on him trying to milk him dry.

Damon's hands flew to her hips to still her movements when his balls began to tighten. He did not want to cum before she got hers.

"Woah...give me a minute. It's been awhile since I had some pussy. I'm not going to last much longer if you keep doing that." Damon breath heavily. His chest rising and falling rapidly.

"You feel so good in me" Bonnie moaned in his ear, biting his earlobe.

"Let me show you what I got now." Damon picked Bonnie up and laid her down on the floor. He lifted her legs up to toss over his shoulders. He slowly penetrated her tight wet heat only giving her a minute to readjust before he pulled out and thrusted hard into her.

He kiss her neck deeply, feeling tempted to suck on the offending skin to leave his mark for Jeremy to see. He wanted everyone to see that he claimed her as his.

Tilting his hips up he began to drill into her g-spot causing her to gasp and struggle to draw breath. Feel his and her end approaching, he dropped his right hand to her center had circled his thumb on her clit. Her cunt pulsated on his cock as she screamed out her orgasm drawing out his own.

He immediately collapsed on her as he finished shooting off his load.

"That was...that was…" Bonnie stammered.

"Fucking amazing!" Damon finished for her. He rolled off her and pulled her in his arms.

"For it being a year...you have a nice stroke." Bonnie giggled burying further against his chest.

"Stay the night with me, B?" Damon asked. He didn't want to lose this feeling. Bonnie was the only girl ever that he actually care about. He wanted to feel her in his arm all night.

She peeked up looking in his eyes and saw the seriousness in them. She couldn't say no. She nodded her head. She'll worry about the consequences in the morning. Right now this moment...these feelings swirling between them was all that mattered.

End flashback

That was the beginning. The beginning of a romance that would forever change his life, that'll be the greatest regardless if they were together or not. That blessed him with the most precious gifts anyone can give, two little humans of his flesh and of her flesh. A romance that he would do anything to gain back.